Jump Off the Roof

Ali, the prophet's son-in-law and most trusted companion, was having a heated conversation with a Jewish man who did not believe in the Moslem God. Standing on a high rooftop overlooking the city, the Jew turned to face Ali and asked him: “Are you one hundred percent certain that your Allah irrevocably protects you at all times?”

“I've no doubt. In fact, I believe that I've been under His protection from the moment I was conceived in the womb!”

“If you want to prove to me that you have absolute faith in your God, then demonstrate that by jumping off this roof!”

“Be quiet,” snapped Ali. “Before you choke on your words, you'd better stop! It's not for you or me to test God! We have no right to do so; it is only God who can test His servants, at any moment He chooses. Indeed, He tests us regularly to show us the extent of our devotion and faith.”

The Jewish man had nothing more to say; he quietly left Ali's side and climbed down from the roof, pondering his own faith.