Chapter Three


Imogen woke early the next morning and slid quietly out of bed. She had a quick shower, braided her hair, then dressed in swimwear with a sundress over it. She collected a towel and her room keycard, then silently let herself out of the cabin.

First the labyrinth, I think, then I’ll do some laps in the oblong pool. I think the labyrinth looks interesting even if they think it is stupid.

According to the sign, the labyrinth was fifty feet long and thirty feet wide, but once inside it could have been ten times that size. The garden had been planted so cleverly all Imogen could see were beautiful flowers and shrubs at the lower level and tall waving palms at the higher level with every space filled with a plant of some description. All were green and lush, with the flowers brightly colored and ever-changing, refreshing the mind and heart as she walked.

The path was narrow but not claustrophobic, the pavement varying from stone to brick to gravel to tile, and the sun shone brightly overhead, but inside the winding trail all was totally silent and beautiful.

Imogen stepped softly, gazing all around her, enjoying the experience immensely. Arriving at the center she found a fountain with a stone bench, and she sat and meditated for a long time, her eyes resting on one perfect flower after another. Even the fountain and bench were intricately carved with leaf and flower designs. Feeling completely refreshed, she made her way back out again and walked toward the oblong pool.

This pool was indeed designed for people who liked to swim laps. It was an even depth throughout, ideal for swimming, was tiled in shades of deepest blue highlighted with a greenish aqua color, and had ladders at each corner for easy access.

Happily, Imogen swam laps of breaststroke then freestyle, alternating her way up and down the pool. She concluded with a few laps of backstroke, enjoying the fresh, clean morning air and comparative silence of the area.


“Where have you been? I’ve been dressed and waiting for you to get here for hours,” Gage almost yelled at Imogen as she opened the cabin door.

“He means approximately fifteen minutes,” Liam’s calm voice explained.

“Why didn’t you tell me where you were going and how long you’d be? Besides, I was expecting to have sex this morning before we went out and you weren’t here.”

“Now that bit is true.”

“Shut up. She has no right to run off without telling me where she’s going,” Gage snapped at Liam.

Imogen just stared at the men. Liam might think it was funny, but she certainly didn’t. “Point one. When I woke up you were both so deeply asleep you didn’t notice me get out of bed or have a shower. I figured you wouldn’t appreciate being woken up so early on your vacation.

“Point two. We talked about what we would do today and at no time was leaving early this morning mentioned. Nor was morning sex.

“And point three. I am neither your child nor your employee. I don’t have to tell you where I am going or what I am doing. If you are not prepared to grant me adult status, I can move into another cabin by myself at any time.”

While she spoke, Liam’s jaw dropped and the laughter left his face. He watched Gage closely.

Imogen wondered if she had said too much, but she refused to enter the kind of controlling relationship she’d experienced with her father. The cold steel in her quiet voice had been the only method that had ever worked with her father. Not that he’d ever changed his mind about anything. He was too sure of always being right. But at least he would let her finish when she spoke in that tone. Now, was Gage going to be another controlling man? Or would he listen? And dammit, I’m not going to be a sex toy either!

“He was worried about you,” Liam interjected.

“What could happen to me here on the resort?”

Both men were silent for long moments until Liam said, “Gage, this is where you apologize.”

There was another long pause and finally Gage said, “Yes, Liam’s right. I had no excuse to speak to you like that. I apologize.”

Imogen nodded but she noticed that Gage, just like her father, had not taken back what he had said. Nor had he said he was sorry. Well, hell. It looks like this relationship isn’t going to work. He’s much too bossy and controlling. Oh well, at least I’ll get a week of good sex out of it. But I must be very careful to guard my heart.


While Imogen showered and got dressed again, they decided to go to the restaurant and have a big cooked breakfast.

“Then we can have a really good look around the recreation rooms, book some time in the gym, maybe arrange a round of golf or some tennis. That sound like a plan?”

Imogen and Liam nodded.

The breakfast was huge with enough courses to last her all day, Imogen thought. Cereals and fruit and yoghurt, followed by a range of sausages, chipolatas, bacon, baked beans, grilled tomatoes, baby spinach, mushrooms, hash browns, eggs scrambled, boiled or fried, then toast with different spreads.

Imogen leaned back and held her tummy. “I can’t move. I’ll need to spend an hour in the gym before I can even walk back to the cabin.”

“Nonsense. You only had one sausage and one egg. I had four of each and I can still move.”

“I can hear your arteries clogging up from here. We definitely need to exercise. Let’s go find out about booking the tennis courts,” Gage suggested.

On the way back to the cabin to change into exercise clothes, they followed a different path and came to the bridge over the double lagoon swimming pool they’d seen the day they arrived.

“Oh isn’t this lovely!” exclaimed Imogen, running ahead to stand on the tiny bridge and look both ways across the lagoon.

Laughing, Gage swept her into his arms and held her out over the water. “One, two, three,” he teased, swinging her in and out over the lagoon.

Liam grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket and snapped a picture of them, then said, “Okay, I’m ready to take another photo if you drop her.”

“Probably not a good idea,” Gage replied, giving Imogen a hug then setting her on her feet again. But the ice had been broken and they joked around like teenagers, the men walking along the edge of the lagoon and pretending to be about to fall in, and all of them ducking in and out of the trees and chasing each other with branches and leaves.

By the time they got back to their cabin, they were all relaxed and happy from the laughter and ready to enjoy their day.

The morning was spent in the gym exercising, then by the double lagoon pool, relaxing under big, shady trees and swimming.

At one stage, after a break in the conversation, Gage looked seriously at Imogen. “I don’t want you wandering off early in the morning again. I need you to stay with us. If you really want to go swimming, wake us up and we’ll all go. Okay?” asked Gage.

“I hear you,” replied Imogen. I do hear him. I hear him all too well. I’ll try not to upset him but I’m not promising anything. This is my vacation too and there are things I want to do that don’t interest him. I refuse to have my life dictated to by another person. I had twenty years of every breath I took being structured to someone else’s wishes, and I’ll never let that happen again. Ever. Not even for excellent sex.


But over the next few mornings Imogen either didn’t wake up early enough to walk the labyrinth or swim laps, or was woken and made love to. And the men did make the most excellent love, morning, noon or night. Their aim was always to please her and they very quickly learned the places to touch her and bring her to spectacular orgasms. She was assured of an orgasm, usually received two, and on one blissful occasion three.

“As a sex team you two are unbeatable,” she murmured, cuddled in four strong arms.

“Nah, it’s you. You turn us on all the time. I’ve been walking around with a hard-on all week, just from being close to you,” said Liam.

“I don’t do mushy, girly stuff, but you must have noticed how much we care for you,” added Gage.

“I do feel protected and cared for. I’m having an excellent vacation,” she added with just the slightest snore as she dozed off.

An hour later they were at the gym exercising, then in the sauna, and back to the double lagoon pool, which was fast becoming their favorite. It was more or less in the shape of a figure eight with the path and bridge over the narrow middle point, and the rounded edges spreading out on either side. Imogen loved to swim under the bridge, where the water was only about four foot deep with the bridge another couple of feet over it so a not-too-tall person, such as herself, could actually stand under the bridge and look up at the smooth sweep of it overhead. Although she preferred to float past, letting the water drift her where it would.

This pool had the added advantage of a poolside bar with drinks and light snacks readily available. Since Liam was always hungry, under the bar’s shade sails with a drink in his hand and a plate of munchies on his lap fast become one of his favorite places.

After a sandwich for lunch at the snack bar, they went to the cinema. Each day it showed two different movies, alternating them through the day starting from 10 a.m. and the final session finishing around 10 p.m. Although their tastes in movies were quite different, and the men had refused point-blank to consider anything they termed a chick-flick, the three had agreed on a science fiction, futuristic, action movie as a compromise.

The movie wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t particularly good either. However, they stayed when the other half dozen patrons left and laughed at the more absurd features of it.

As the lights came up when the credits rolled across the screen they realized they were alone in the theater. Gage looked at his watch then turned his heated gaze on the other two. “The next show doesn’t start for half an hour. Do you realize we’re all alone here for twenty minutes, probably longer?”

“So what?”

“So I’ve always wanted to fuck in a movie theater.”

“I don’t think so,” said Imogen.

“What an excellent idea.” Liam’s voice overrode Imogen’s. “So how are we going to do it?”

“I think standing up against the wall. These seats are too close together to do it sitting here.”

“No way. Not in a public theater where anyone could come in and see me!”

“Aw, don’t be a spoil sport.”

“Which part of the word ‘No’ don’t you understand?”

Liam jumped out of his seat and walked down to the front of the theater to the big curtain over the screen. He pushed it aside at one end and disappeared from view. “Hey, this is perfect. Room for three easily and no one can interrupt us. Imogen, Gage, come here.”

Feeling a bit better about the idea if she was behind a curtain, Imogen allowed Gage to grab her hand and hustle her to the front of the theater. Liam held the curtain open, revealing a small space between it and the screen. As he’d said, enough room for three.

“We’ve only got about twenty minutes, so it’ll have to be a quickie, but doesn’t the thought of being in a public place turn you on, Imogen? Make you hot and wet?”

Gage’s hand ran up her leg, under her sundress, skimming higher and higher, to rest on her hip.

Suddenly she didn’t care that they were in a public theater. Imogen could feel her juices dampening her panties at the thought of sex with these two men. They turned her on in a moment, with just a glance or a touch. She was already aching for them to fill her. They did care for her and appreciate her and treat her well. Oh, it was just sex, not love, she wasn’t going to pretend it was more than that, but God, right now she did want them, cinema or no cinema. People or no people.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, I do want you, here and now.”

“Thank God, because I don’t think I could wait long enough to get back to our cabin.” Gage slid his hand across her hip, over her belly and down inside her panties. A long finger rubbed lazy circles over her clit and her breath hitched.

Unconsciously she widened her stance and gripped Liam’s arms. Liam leaned over and pressed his mouth to hers, running his tongue along the seam of her mouth until she opened, then thrusting it inside. His tongue tangled with hers, twisting and dancing, then he ran it along the insides of her cheeks and behind her teeth.

Imogen’s knees began to wobble, and she held on to Liam harder as Gage stopped playing with her clit and slid two fingers deep inside her cunt.

“Damn, you’re wet.” Gage pulled his fingers out and sucked them into his mouth, his eyes on the other two.

Imogen broke the kiss, panting hard, her chest heaving with the effort to draw breath into her lungs.

Liam kneeled and dragged her panties down. She stepped out of them. Gage fumbled in his wallet for a condom, unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock, and rolled the rubber down.

Liam stood behind Imogen, his hands resting on her hips. At Gage’s nod, he lifted her up so Gage could slide his cock deep into her welcoming pussy. Without further thought, Imogen wrapped her legs around Gage’s hips, and Liam moved hard behind her, so her back was resting on the solid wall of his chest. His hands left her hips and he worked them up inside her sundress to grasp her breasts.

While Liam played with her breasts, Gage thrust deep inside her, plunging hard and plundering her depths, his urgency cranking up the need and desire inside her. With every powerful thrust of his cock he pulled her closer and closer to climax.

Liam’s busy fingers rolled her nipples, twisting and tweaking them, pinching them, smoothing them, then rubbing them. His mouth was on her neck, sucking and kissing, nipping and licking.

Gage’s hands on her hips were like iron, his cock filling and stretching her in the most delicious way imaginable. He swiveled his hips, scraping his cock along her walls then over her G-spot. He leaned his head over and kissed her hard and lingeringly.

Liam pinched her nipples and Imogen came mid-kiss. All the breath seemed to be sucked out of her as her pussy spasmed and gripped Gage’s cock, milking it. She felt the heat of his release inside her as she shook with her climax.

The three stayed pressed tightly together as Imogen and Gage rode out their releases. Suddenly Imogen noticed the huge cock pressing into her ass. She untangled her legs from Gage and slid to the ground.

“Let me help you with that,” she whispered, turning and pulling Liam’s board shorts down.

“It’s—” Liam began, but then Imogen was kneeling, his cock in her mouth, and she was sucking it deep, tilting her head and relaxing the back of her throat to accept as much as possible of his engorged shaft.

“Shit!” He thrust his hips up into her mouth as she clenched her cheeks and sucked hard, then gradually released him, running her tongue along his length as she let him slide out.

When just the head was in her mouth she gripped his shaft with one hand and rolled his balls with the other as her teeth scraped gently over his head and her tongue flicked inside the slit.

“Oh my God!”

Imogen concentrated on teasing his balls as she fed his penis back into her mouth, her tongue never still as it licked and flicked the length of him. Once again she tipped her head back and relaxed the back of her throat, humming to add vibration to the sensations she was giving him.

As she gradually released him she ran her tongue under the ridge where the cap and shaft joined. Then she licked and nibbled on his head.

She could feel his cock start to throb and the taste of his pre-cum was getting stronger, so Imogen sucked hard and that was all it took. Liam exploded in her mouth, streams of hot cum jetting to the back of her throat. Holding on to him she sucked and swallowed, sucked and swallowed, then licked him clean.

Gage pulled her to her feet and the three leaned close together, the men’s arms around each other with Imogen sandwiched in between them. Gage and Liam kissed in a harsh, passionate clashing of teeth and knocking of noses, then they pulled Imogen’s mouth to theirs in a messy, sloppy, three-way kiss.

“I can taste you on Imogen. Damn, that’s hot,” said Gage.

They kissed again and again, sharing all their flavors.

Suddenly there was a rush a feet and a piping voice calling, “Mommy, Mommy, I want to sit right down here.”

“No, I want to sit at the back. Real people sit at the back.”

“Mommy, say we can sit at the front. Mommy—”

“Bloody hell, we’re going to be arrested for corrupting children.” Imogen scrabbled around on the floor grabbing her panties and stepping into them.

Liam was busy pulling his board shorts up and Gage was tying off his condom and wrapping it in a tissue.

“The curtains will open in a minute and then we’ll be in real trouble.”

“No, we’re all dressed again, we’ll be fine. Just walk out like you own the place and should have been behind the curtain all along,” advised Gage.

Imogen patted her hair, checked her dress was down properly then cast her eyes over her men. Both were fully dressed and although she felt hot and sweaty she knew no one—other than her father, of course—would notice anything wrong with her appearance.

Gage led the way up through the cinema with Imogen immediately behind him and Liam following closely. The family was still squabbling about where to sit and didn’t even notice them, to Imogen’s eternal relief.

Imogen insisted her heart simply could not take any more excitement that day, so they spent the rest of the afternoon lying on the beach, sitting under a beach umbrella and swimming lazily around under the waterfall.


Gage had booked them in for eighteen holes of golf the next morning with a 7 a.m. start. “Everyone who plays early in the morning takes it seriously. If you play later in the day you get stuck behind holiday golfers who spend hours just choosing which club to use.”

“And then they take a dozen practice swings and still miss the ball,” added Liam.

Imogen pulled the bedcovers up to her ears. “Go. Enjoy yourselves. Hit the ball. Whatever.”

“It would be more fun with you there,” Liam begged.

Imogen sat up. “No, actually it wouldn’t. I’m not a very good player, and I don’t really care about the game at all. I’d rather just walk. Or in this case, sleep.” She lay down again and pulled the bedding over her head.

“Well, sleep then, honey. Or you could go look at the labyrinth. I know you wanted to go there, and we haven’t been yet.”

Imogen forbore to admit she had been there, simply saying, “I’ll probably do a load of laundry. I’m running out of clean underwear, thanks to you two.”

The men laughed and left the cabin.


The sun was shining brightly, but it wasn’t too hot so early in the morning. Nonetheless Gage glanced over at Liam to check he was sheltered from the sun by the little canvas hood of their golf buggy.

“Do you want me to put more sunblock on you? You probably shouldn’t have worn a short-sleeved shirt knowing we would be outside so long this morning.”

“Great minds think alike! I was just deciding whether or not to ask you to pull up under those trees over there to give myself another coating of cream. I feel like a roast in the oven, constantly having to be basted,” joked Liam.

“Surely you aren’t thinking about food already? In ten years’ time you’re going to be as fat as a pig.”

“That’s why I learned to cook. Otherwise you’d let me starve to death.”

Gage pulled the buggy to a stop under the trees then looked up at the flowers towering high overhead as Liam rummaged in his golf bag for the sunblock. “Flowering Dogwood. I didn’t realize it grew so far south but it makes a nice little secluded area here. It’s hard to believe we’re in the middle of a resort golf course.”

Liam handed the bottle of sunblock to Gage then shrugged out of his T-shirt and turned his back to his friend. “The landscape gardeners or whoever designed this place did a brilliant job. Everything is beautiful to look at with so many different plants all in flower at once. It’s mighty easy on the eye.”

Gage pressed a gentle kiss to the back of Liam’s neck as he smoothed the cream on Liam’s fair skin. “You’re mighty easy on the eye too. If Imogen were here I’d have the two of you pushed up against the nearest tree and be fucking your ass right now. Or maybe you’d be in her cunt and I’d be in her ass. Whatever. I wouldn’t just be putting oil on this delicate white skin of yours.”

He slapped Liam’s thigh. “Turn round and give me your shoulders.”

Liam squeezed sunblock onto his right hand and rubbed it into the front of his neck as Gage did his left arm. “We have changed, haven’t we? Before Imogen we’d definitely be fucking like bunnies behind a tree here. Yet now it doesn’t seem right to fuck unless she’s with us. She’s part of us. She completes us.”

“That’s true. As a twosome, we were good. But as a threesome, we’re better.”

Thoughtfully Gage replaced the sunblock in Liam’s golf bag as the other man pulled his T-shirt back on. “Let’s go. I’m gonna whip your ass on the golf course instead of in bed.”

“You wish. I’m a better player than you and you know it.”


Imogen was wide-awake by the time the men left the cabin. Dammit. I could’ve had a nice long sleep-in and now I’m awake. What a bore! Guess that means I really ought to do my laundry as I said. God, my panties are damp all the time around them. I’ve never had to change my underwear so often in my life before!

Should I do their laundry? After all, it’s no more effort to do a big load than a small one. No, I don’t think so. This is just a sexy vacation, not a statement. I don’t want them to get ideas. Or to build up my own hopes. I like them, I like them a lot, but this relationship is not going anywhere. In fact, it’s not even a real relationship. The words were firm in her mind, but her heart was still ambivalent. Isn’t it a relationship? Honestly, do I still believe I’m not in a relationship with these men? It no longer feels like they’re just casual fuck buddies. They’ve become friends. Very close friends.

Shut up and get with the program, her mind ordered her heart.

Carefully Imogen sorted her laundry into whites and colors, shaking each item thoroughly before placing it in a machine. After she’d loaded two machines in the large, empty laundry room, Imogen decided she would go back to the labyrinth while she waited for her clothes to wash. Once again she loved the beauty and silence of the garden, but this time thoughts of Liam and Gage kept imposing themselves on her mind.

Why are you so sure it won’t work?

Because Gage is too bossy.

But he’s not self-serving the way my father is. Father wants everything done his way. Gage is happy for Liam and me to do our own thing. He made no attempt to force me to play golf. Father would have insisted I play if he wanted me there.

Yes, that’s true but…

I don’t think I could live with a person who is so sure he knows what is right for me all the time. There needs to be genuine consideration for my thoughts and feelings. Gage is caring. But in a quite different way from Liam. Liam has little-boy selfish moments but he’s a much lighter-hearted person. He laughs more easily and comes out of his sulks very fast. Liam makes no secret of the fact he wants me to be happy. He puts me ahead of himself, like in the cinema.

Imogen shivered and her panties dampened as she remembered those hot and heavy twenty minutes behind the curtain in the movie theater. God, I must have been out of my mind to do that!

She sat by the fountain in the center of the labyrinth and let the peaceful surroundings flow over her, stilling her thoughts and heart.

This is just for a week. Gage seems caring and he’s definitely a considerate lover—hell, a red-hot, considerate lover. I’ve never had so many orgasms in my life before as I’ve had this week! But he’s still arrogant. And I won’t live with an arrogant man ever again. Case closed.

Determined, she stood up and headed back along the pathway to collect her laundry.

Her machine had finished its cycle, so she busied herself taking out each item, shaking it carefully, turning it neatly inside out, then placing it in the dryer. She pushed the buttons for medium heat, inserted her coins and pressed start.

I’m surprised there are no benches to sit on in here, Imogen said to herself, bending her knees then springing up to sit on a closed washing machine. As she did she remembered a work colleague who said she’d had sex on her washing machine during the spin cycle. She’d said it was pretty awesome too. I’m becoming a nymphomaniac. Sex behind the curtains in the cinema, sex on a washing machine. But how could it be done, I wonder. One man sitting with the woman on his lap. That’d work easily enough. But with two men… Hmm…Gage on the machine. Liam on Gage. Me on Liam. Although on top I would have to actually sit between their two bodies… Shit! What am I doing? I’m planning an orgy on top of a washing machine in a public laundry room. I must be going insane. Too much sex doesn’t send you blind, it scrambles your brains totally!

Imogen remained lost in thought for some time, thinking through everything that had happened on this vacation and where she wanted her life to go. She was roused from her reverie by her dryer beeping, so she collected her laundry, folding and stacking all the items neatly and cleaning the lint filter on the machine before leaving the laundry room.


Imogen was just hanging the last of her freshly ironed clothes in the closet when Gage and Liam returned full of stories of lost balls, sand traps and neat putts.

“Have we got time for a shower before lunch?” asked Gage.

“Of course, it’s not even noon yet.”

“But we didn’t have breakfast and we’ve walked a million miles so we’re starving,” added Liam.

“You’re always starving,” she teased, “and I haven’t had breakfast either. I forgot all about it.”

“Well let’s get cleaned up and we’ll have a big lunch then.” Gage swung her into his arms for a kiss and before she knew what was happening, he and Liam were tugging her T-shirt and shorts off, pulling down her panties and collecting condoms and lube.

“I thought you were having a shower?”

“Oh we are, we are. But it’s always more fun to shower with a friend. Or two.”


God, they were yummy. She’d seen them naked so many times this week she’d lost count. But every time they stripped off it was as if she saw them for the first time. Gage so dark against Liam’s fair skin. Liam so light-hearted and filled with joie de vivre—well, mostly. Except when he was hungry or worried about getting sunburned! Gage more serious and bossy, but always considering Liam and herself in his decrees and statements and always willing to listen.

Suddenly Imogen felt herself have one of those light bulb moments. He listened. When she explained something to him, he listened to her and assessed her needs and wants. Her father never listened. Once he’d made his mind up it was like talking to a brick wall.

Before Imogen could think through this revelation four strong hands were guiding her under the warm water, two mouths were licking and sucking and nibbling at her skin, a muscular thigh was edging her legs apart and her brain was frying with the instant need to come, to be fucked, to feel a hot, hard cock deep inside her, filling her, stretching her, bringing her to completion.

“Face the wall and brace yourself, sweetie,” said Gage.

Imogen folded her arms on the shower wall and leaned her forehead on them, her legs apart and her honey already flowing from her eager pussy.

“You’re so beautiful. I just have to touch and taste you all the time,” whispered Liam, running his hands down her sides and pressing kisses in a line across her shoulders.

Imogen gathered her hair in its long plait and dropped it down between her and the wall so Liam could have unrestricted access to her back. She turned her head and looked over her shoulder to see Liam burying his face in her neck as he spread his legs wide and Gage started lubing his ass.

“Watching you two fuck makes me burn. To be part of your fucking is so erotic, so unbelievably carnal.”

“Feeling a little needy, are we?” Liam dropped his hands to her cunt and slid two fingers inside. “So hot, so tight, so very wet. You’re ready and waiting for me, aren’t you, honey?”

“Fuck me, fill me. Don’t make me wait anymore.” These men only had to look at her to light her fire. A single touch from either of them and she burst into flames.

Liam fumbled a condom off the shelf where Gage had put them and quickly rolled it on over his cock. He gripped her hips, bent his knees, and thrust deep and hard inside her.

“Shit, you’re tight. If you grab me any harder my dick will break.”

Gage already had a condom on. He squeezed some lube on it then held Liam’s ass cheeks apart and pressed into his dark channel. “Thank God this brand is waterproof.”

“Fuck, yeah,” gasped Liam.

Imogen could feel everything. Liam was pressed so hard against her she sensed every inch of Gage sliding into Liam while Liam stayed perfectly still inside her. Finally Gage was balls-deep in Liam, and all three breathed a deep sigh. Imogen braced herself against the wall once more, Liam held her hips, and Gage held Liam’s. The men were both so eager it took them a few strokes to synchronize their movements, but soon they had a rhythm going, moving together, Gage into Liam and Liam into Imogen.

Almost immediately Imogen began to pant from the tension of their slow thrusts. She tried to move her hips but Liam held them too tightly. Experimentally she clenched her inner muscles and Liam gasped.

“Shit, honey, do that again and I’ll come for sure. My cock may be made of steel, but my self-control isn’t.”

“Don’t want the party to end when it’s hardly begun,” added Gage.

Imogen was almost sobbing with need. Her belly was a coil of intense desire. She wanted these men more than she’d ever wanted them before. Wanted them to fuck her and fuck her and fuck her again until she was mindless with passion and beyond satiation. Wanted to kiss and caress and care for them. Wanted them to know she was falling in love with them. Love? Where did that come from?

Liam seemed to sense how needy she was as he slipped his hand between her body and the wall, his middle finger unerringly reaching her clit and teasing it. As the two men still pumped in unison, Liam’s finger stroked her clit, teasing and soothing, nipping then smoothing, cranking up the heat inside her until she was sure she would combust. Every nerve ending was on fire. She was so close, so close. If only she could have reached their balls—

Desperately she clenched her inner muscles with all her strength. Liam gave a shout, pinched her clit and with a keening wail she came, the climax exploding out of her like a cannon ball. Liam had wrapped his arm around her waist and she could feel his body shaking hard against hers. Then Gage’s arms came around Liam, his hands resting on her shoulders, and she sensed him shaking in release as well.

She leaned back into the men, grateful for their strength to support her as her whole body felt like a limp noodle from the power of her release. It was only then she noticed that the water splashing in the shower was icy cold.