1. Noël Coward to Robert Vansittart, 21 August 1940, in Sunday Telegraph, 4 November 2007
2. Warwick, p.157
3. Ibid.
4. Watson, p.169
5. Alec Hardinge to Jack Lowther, 14 March 1941, Royal Archives, RA GDKH/ENGT/A40
6. Duke of Kent to Betty Lawson-Johnston, 9 September 1941, in Cadbury, p.238
7. Larman, p.27
8. Duke of Kent to Betty-Lawson Johnston, 22 September 1939, in Cadbury, p.107
9. Aronson, p.54
10. Warwick, p.116
11. Archibald Sinclair to House of Commons, 7 October 1942, Hansard
12. Halifax to Mary Wood, 17 September 1942, Halifax Archives, HALIFAX A2/278/26
13. Halifax to Mary Wood, 27 August 1942, Halifax Archives, HALIFAX A2/278/14
14. ‘Scandal of a royal death’, Daily Post, 22 December 2003
15. George VI to Helen Hardinge, 4 September 1942, Hardinge Papers, U2117 (Acc 2349/81)
16. Watson, p.180
17. Queen Elizabeth to Osbert Sitwell, 14 September 1942, in Shawcross, Counting One’s Blessings, p.324
18. Channon, 6 September 1942
19. Lascelles, 25 August 1942
20. Duke of Windsor to George VI, 15 September 1942, Royal Archives, RA/GVI/PRIV/01/02/16
21. Lascelles, 29 August 1942
22. 29 August 1942, in Payn and Morley
23. Channon, 29 August 1942
24. George VI diary, 29 August 1942, Royal Archives
25. Wallis Windsor to Bessie Merriman, 29 August 1942, in Bloch, The Reign & Abdication of Edward VIII, p.273
26. Duke of Windsor to Sibyl Colefax, 1 October 1942, Bodleian Archives, Ms Eng c5272
27. George VI to Queen Mary, 22 October 1942, Royal Archives, RA/QM/ PRIV/CC13/27
28. George VI diary, 14 September 1942, Royal Archives
29. George VI to Duke of Windsor, 30 October 1942, Royal Archives, RA/ C042A/17