1. MEPO 38/155, National Archives
2. Duke of Windsor to Queen Mary, 2 June 1937, Royal Archives, RA/GV/EE/13/14
3. Harold Nicolson diary, 14 July 1937, Balliol College Archives
4. Duke of Windsor to Sibyl Colefax, 6 June 1937, Bodleian Library, ms Eng c5272
5. Dep Monckton Trustees 15
6. Wallis Windsor to Sibyl Colefax, April 1937, Bodleian Library, ms Eng c5272
7. Wallis Windsor to Sibyl Colefax, 21 April 1937
8. George VI to Duke of Windsor, 30 June 1937, Royal Archives, RA/ C042A/11
9. Duke of Windsor to George VI, 13 July 1937, Royal Archives, RA/GVI/ PRIV/01/02/08
10. Monckton to George VI, 11 August 1937, Royal Archives, RA/C042A/ 041
11. Duke of Windsor to Monckton, 16 July 1937, Dep Monckton Trustees 15. The letter was sent exactly a year to the day after a failed assassination attempt on Edward (see The Crown in Crisis, Chapter Three, for details), and he subsequently referred to his decision to ignore a public proclamation from ‘my “would-be” assassin of last year George McMahon’ in a letter to Monckton of 17 August.
12. Duke of Windsor to Monckton, 17 August 1937
13. Duke of Kent to George VI, 13 August 1937, Royal Archives, GVI/ PRIV/RF/01/08/01
14. Dep Monckton Trustees 15
15. Sir Robert Vansittart to Hardinge, 4 May 1937, National Archives, FO 954/33
16. George VI to Duke of Windsor, 3 June 1937, Dep Monckton Trustees 15
17. Monckton to A. G. Allen, 9 June 1937, Dep Monckton Trustees 15
18. Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p.388
19. Dep Monckton Trustees 15
20. Bloch, Wallis and Edward, Letters, 1931–1937, p.143
21. Bradford, p.335
22. Shawcross, Queen Elizabeth, p.425
23. Phipps telegram to Foreign Office, 5 October 1937, FO 1093
24. George Ogilvie-Forbes to Sir Robert Vansittart, 17 October 1937, National Archives, FO 954/33A
25. Vincent, p.582
26. Ibid., pp.616–21
27. Ibid.
28. Larman, p.280
29. Ullrich, p.689
30. Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p.389
31. Foreign Office memorandum to Ogilvie-Forbes, 6 October 1937, National Archives, FO 1093
32. Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p.390
33. Bloch, Wallis and Edward, Letters, 1931–1937, p.145
34. Valentine Low, ‘Duke’s Nazi salute pictures for sale’, The Times, 22 July 2015
35. Bloch, The Reign & Abdication of Edward VIII, pp.144–5
36. Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p.392
37. Churchill to the Duke of Windsor, 28 October 1937, in Cadbury, p.68
38. Ibid.
39. Foreign Office memorandum to Chamberlain, 22 October 1937, National Archives, FO 1093
40. The New York Times, 23 October 1937
41. Bloch, The Reign & Abdication of Edward VIII, pp.150–1
42. Ibid.