Iceland Scholar and University Librarian [Heinrich Erkes], circa 1914

Iceland Scholar and University Librarian

When even minds are mobilized,

The chemist who taught crops to grow

Must wreck the fields he fertilized

With clouds of chlorine gas that mow

Down men like stalks of rotten corn,

Whose offspring the demographer

Now calculates will not be born,

Costing the government its share

Of future population growth

Which the joint chiefs of staff require

To feed them new supplies of youth

To throw into the line of fire,

Where the historian has taught

Them they’ll fulfill the destiny

The poets now go on about

In lines of morbid majesty.

Doomed to be useful, all of these

Are racing to subordinate

Their various forms of expertise

To the imperatives of state.

Prudent or pure enough to know

Not one thing that could be of use,

Only the scholar dares to show

Himself to time without excuse,

Having done nothing but to gaze

Into the northern distance where

The skald recites his song of praise

Guiltlessly to the frozen air.