shrivel—they should remain plump. Add two-thirds pint of milk, let all scald through, remove from fire, and season to taste. Never boil oysters in milk.

Oysters, Fried. —Drain the oysters, and dry them on a soft cloth (then they will not absorb grease). Have some desiccated egg prepared, or beat light the yolks of two or three eggs. Have enough smoking hot grease in the pan to cover all the oysters. Dip an oyster into the egg, then into rolled cracker or dry crumbs, and repeat this. Lay oysters in the pan one at a time, so as not to check the heat. When one side is brown, turn, and brown the other side. Serve piping hot.

Oysters, Scalloped. —Cover bottom of greased bake-pan with a layer of drained oysters, dot thickly over with small bits of butter, then cover with finely crumbled stale bread, and sprinkle with pepper and salt. Repeat these layers until the pan is full, with bread and butter for top layer. The bread crumbs miist be in very thin layers. Bake in reflector or oven until nicely browned.

Oysters, Saute. —Drain the oysters. Melt a little butter in the frying-pan, and cook the oysters in it. Salt when removed from pan.

Oysters, Roasted. —Put oysters unopened on broiler, and hold over the coals. When they open, put a little melted butter and some white pepper on each oyster, and they are ready.

Clams, Baked. —Lay down a bed of stones in disk shape, and build a low wall almost around it, forming a rock oven open at the to^. Build a big fire in it and keep it going until the wood has burned down to embers and the stones are very hot. Rake out all smoking chunks. Throw a layer of sea-weed over the embers, and lay the clams

on this. Roasting ears in the husks, or sweet potatoes, are a desirable addition. Cover all with another layer of sea-weed, and let steam about forty minutes, or until clams will slip in the shell. Uncover and serve with melted butter, pepper, salt, and perhaps lemon or vinegar.

Clam Chowder. —Wash the clams, put them in a kettle, and pour over them just enough boiling water to cover them. When the shells open, pour off the liquor, saving it, cool the clams, and shell them. Fry two or three slices of pork in bottom of kettle. When it is done, pour over it two quarts of boiling clam liquor. Add six large potatoes, sliced thin, and cook until nearly done. Turn in the clams, and a quart of hot milk. Season with salt and pepper. When this boils up, add crackers or stale bread, as in fish chowder. Remove from fire and let crackers steam in the covered pot until soft.

Fried sliced onion and a can of tomatoes will Improve this chowder. Cloves, allspice, red pepper, Worcestershire sauce, and other condiments, may be added according to taste.

Shellfish, Steamed. —See page 60.


BACON, Fried. —Slice quite thin. Remove the rind, as it not only is unsightly but makes the slices curl up in the pan. Put pan half full of water on fire; when water is warm, drop the bacon in, and stir around until water begins to simmer. Then remove bacon, throw out water, fry over very few coals, and turn often. Remove slices while still translucent, and season with pepper. They will turn crisp on cooling. Some prefer not to parboil.

Bacon, Broiled. —Slice as above. Turn broiler repeatedly until bacon is of a light brown color. Time, three to four minutes.

Bacon, Boiled, —Put in enough cold water to just cover. Bring to a boil very gradually. Remove all scum as it arises. Simmer gently until thoroughly done. Two pounds take 1^ hours; each additional pound, % hour.

Bacon, Toasted. —Cut cold boiled bacon into thin slices. Sprinkle each with fine bread crumbs peppered with Cayenne. Toast quickly in wire broiler.

Bacon and Eggs. —Poach or fry the eggs and lay them on fried bacon.

Bacon Omelet. —See Ham Omelet, near end of chapter.

Bacon and Liver. —Fry bacon as above, and re-

move to a hot plate. Slice the liver (that of any large game animal) thin. Flour and pepper it and place it in the pan. Turn frequently until done; then place a slice of bacon on each slice of liver and pour over it a gravy made as follows:

Bacon Gravy, Thin. —Pour off the fat and save it for future use. Pour in enough water to supply the quantity of gravy desired. Add the juice of a lemon. Boil and pour upon the bacon. If a richer gravy is desired, follow recipe given below.

Pork Gravy, Thickened. —This can be made with ham or salt pork, as well as with bacon. To make gravy that is a good substitute for butter, rub into the hot grease that is left in the pan a tablespoonful of flour, keep on rubbing until smooth and brown; then add two cups boiling water and a dash of pepper. A tablespoonful of catchup may be added for v^ariety. If you have milk, use it instead of water (a pint to the heaping tablespoonful of flour), and do not let the flour brown; this makes a delicious white gravy.

Salt Pork, Fried. —Same as fried bacon, above. Pork should be firm and dry. Clammy pork is stale.

Salt Pork, Broiled. —Same as bacon; but it is usually so salty that it should be parboiled first, or soaked at least an hour in cold water.

Salt Pork, Boiled. —Nearly always cooked with vegetables or greens; hence need not be soaked or parboiled. See page 58.

Pork Fritters. —Make a thick batter of corn meal one-third and flour two-thirds, or of flour alone. Fry a few slices of pork until the fat is tried out. Then cut a few more slices, dip them in the batter, drop them in the bubbling fat, season with salt and pepper, fry to a light brown.

and eat while hot. It takes the stomach of a lumberjack to digest this, but it is a favorite variant in frontier diet.

Pork and Hardtack. —Soak hardtack in water until it is partly softened. Drop it into hot pork fat, and cook. A soldier's resource.

Ham, Fried. —Same as bacon. Parboil, first, for eight or ten minutes, if hard and salty.

Ham and Eggs. —Same as bacon and eggs.

Ham, Broiled. —If salty, parboil first. Cut rather thick slices, pepper them, and broil five minutes. Ham that has been boiled is best for broiling. A little mustard may be spread on the slices when served.

Ham, Boiled. —Wash the ham, and let it soak over night in cold water. In the morning, cover it well with fresh water, bring to a boil, and hang the kettle high over the fire where it will boil gently until dinner time. When the bone on the under side leaves the meat readily, the ham is done. If you have eggs, the nicest way to serve a boiled ham is to remove the skin, brush over the top of ham with yolk of egg, sprinkle thickly with finely grated crumbs or cracker-dust, and brown in an oven.

Pork Sausages. —Cut links apart, prick each with a fork so it will not burst in cooking, lay in cold frying-pan, and fry fifteen to twenty minutes over a slow fire, moving them about so they will brown evenly all over. Serve with mashed potatoes, over which pour the fat from the pan. Apples fried to a light brown in the sausage grease are a pleasant accompaniment.

Corned Beef, Boiled. —Put the ham into enough cold water to cover it. Let it come slowly to a boil, and then merely simmer until done. Time,

about one-half hour to each pound. Vegetables may be added toward the end^ as directed on page 58. If not to be used until the next day, leave the meat in its liquor, weighted down under the surface by a clean rock.

Corned Beef Hash. —Chop some canned corned beef fine with sliced onions. Mash up with freshly boiled potatoes, two parts potatoes to one of meat. Season highly with pepper (no salt) and dry mustard if liked. Put a little pork fat in a frying-pan, melt, add hash, and cook until nearly dry and a brown crust has formed. Evaporated potatoes and onions can be used according to directions on packages.

Stew with Canned Meat. —Peel and slice some onions. If the meat has much fat, melt it; if not, melt a little pork fat. Add onions, and fry until brown. Mix some flour into a smooth batter with cold water, season with pepper and salt, and pour into the camp kettle. Stir the whole well together. Cut meat into slices, put into the kettle, and heat through.

Lohscouse. —Boil corned beef as above (if very salty, parboil first, and then change the water). About thirty minutes before it is done add sliced potatoes and hardtack.

Slumgullion. —When the commissariat is reduced to bacon, corned beef, and hardtack, try this sailor's dish, described by Jack London: Fry half a dozen slices of bacon, add fragments of hardtack, then two cups of water, and stir briskly over the fire; in a few minutes mix in with it slices of canned corned beef; season well with pepper and salt.

Dried Beef, Creamed. —Slice 3 oz. of dried beef into thin shavings. Pour over it a pint of boil-

ing water, and let it stand two minutes. Turn off water, and drain beef dry. Heat a heaped tablespoonful of butter in the frying-pan; then add the beef. Cook three minutes, stirring all the time. Then pour on 14 pi^* ^^^^ milk. Mix 4 tablespoonfuls milk with 1 teaspoonful flour, and stir into the beef in the pan. Cook two minutes longer and serve at once.

Canned Meats. —Never eat any that has been left standing open in the can. It is dangerous. If any has been left over, remove it to a clean vessel and keep in a cool place.


Salt Fish requires from twelve to thirty-six hours' soaking, flesh downward, in cold water before -cooking, depending on the hardness and dryness of the fish. Change the water two or three times to remove surplus salt. Start in cold water, then, and boil until the flesh parts from the bones. When done, cover with bits of butter, or serve with one of the sauces given in the chapter on Fish.

Broiled Salt Fish. —Freshen the flakes of fish by soaking in cold water. Broil over the coals, and serve with potatoes.

Stewed Codfish. —Soak over night in plenty of cold water. Put in pot of fresh, cold water, and heat gradually until soft. Do not boil the fish or it will get hard. Serve with boiled potatoes, and with white sauce made as directed under Fish.

Codfish Hash. —Prepare salt codfish as above. When soft, mash with potatoes and onions, season with pepper, and fry like corned beef hash.

Codfish Balls. —Shred the fish into small pieces. Peel some potatoes. Use one pint of fish to one quart of raw potatoes. Put them in a pot, cover

with boiling water^ cook till potatoes are soft, drain water off, mash fish and potatoes together, and beat light with a fork. Add a tablespoonful of butter and season with pepper. Shape into flattened balls, and fry in very hot fat deep enough to cover.

Smoked Herrings. — (1) Clean, and remove the skin. Toast on a stick over the coals.

(2) Scald in boiling water till the skin curls up, then remove head, tail, and skin. Clean well. Put into frying-pan with a little buttef or lard. Fry gently a few minutes, dropping in a little vinegar.

Smoked Sprats. —Lay them on a slightly greased plate and set them in an oven until heated through.

Canned Salmon, Creamed. —Cut into dice. Heat about a pint of them in one-half ^pint milk. Season with salt and Cayenne pepper. Cold cooked fish of any kind can be served in this way.

Canned Salmon, Scalloped. —Rub two teaspoon-fuls of butter and a tablespoonful of flour together. Stir this into boiling milk. Cut two pounds of canned salmon into dice. Put a layer of the sauce in bottom of a dish, then a layer of salmon. Sprinkle with salt, Cayenne pepper, and grated bread crumbs. Repeat alternate layers until dish is full, having the last layer sauce, which is sprinkled with crumbs and bits of butter. Bake in very hot oven until browned (about ten minutes).

Canned Salmon on Toast. —Dip slices of stale bread in smoking-hot lard. They will brown at once. Drain them. Heat a j^int of salmon, picked into flakes, season with salt and Cayenne, and turn into a cupful of melted butter. Heat in pan. Stir in one egg, beaten light, with three table-

spoonfuls evaporated milk not thinned. Pour the mixture on the fried bread.

Sardines, Fried. —Fry them and give them a dash of red pepper. They are better if wiped free of oil, dipped into whipped egg, sprinkled thickly with cracker crumbs, fried, and served on buttered toast.


Desiccated Egg. —The baker's egg mentioned in my first chapter is in granules about the size of coarse sand. It is prepared for use by first soaking about two hours in cold or one hour in lukewarm water. Hot water must not be used. Solution can be quickened by occasional stirring. The proportion is one tablespoonful of egg to two of water, which is about the equivalent of one fresh egg. Use just like fresh eggs in baking, etc., and for scrambled eggs or omelets. Of course, the desiccated powder cannot be fried, boiled, or poached.

Fried Eggs. —Have the frying-pan scrupulously clean. Put in it just enough butter, dripping, or other fat, to prevent the eggs sticking. Break eggs separately in a cup, and drop them, one at a time, into the pan when it is hot. The fire should be moderate. As the eggs fry, raise their edges and ladle a little of the grease over the yolk. In two or three minutes they will be done. Eggs fried longer than this, or on both sides, are leathery and unwholesome.

Scrambled Eggs. —Put into a well-greased pan as many eggs as it will hold separately, each yolk being whole. When the whites have begun to set, stir from bottom of pan until done (buttery, not leathery). Add a piece of butter, pepper, and

salt. Another way is to beat the eggs with a spoon. To eight eggs add one-third teaspoonful salt. Heat two tablespoonfuls butter in the frying-pan. Stir in the eggs, and continue stirring until eggs set. Before they toughen_, turn them out promptly into a warm dish.

Plain Omelet. —It is better to make two or three small omelets than to attempt one large one. Scrape the pan and wipe it dry after each omelet is made. Use little salt: it keeps the eggs from rising. Heat the fat in the pan very gradually, but get it hot almost to the browning point.

Beat four eggs just enough to break them well. Add one-half teaspoonful of salt. Put two heaped teaspoonfuls of butter in the pan and heat as above. Pour egg into pan, and tilt the pan forward so that the egg flows to the far side. As soon as the egg begins to set, draw it up to the raised side of the pan with a knife. Beginning then at the left hand, turn the egg over in small folds until the lower part of the pan is reached, and the omelet has been rolled into a complete fold. Let the omelet rest a few seconds, and then turn out into a hot dish. Work rapidly throughout, so that the omelet is creamy instead of tough. It should be of a rich yellow color.

Ham Omelet. —Cut raw ham into dice. Fry. Turn the beaten eggs over it and cook as above. Bacon can be used instead of ham.

Fancy Omelets. —Take tender meat, game, fish, or vegetable, hash it fine, heat it in white sauce (see page 87), and spread this over the omelet before you begin to fold it; or they can be put in with the eggs. Jam, jelly, or preserved fruit may be used in a similar way.

Rum Omelet. —Beat three eggs, add a very


small pinch of salt^ a teaspoonful of powdered sugar, a slice of butter, and a tablespoonful of rum. Fry as described above. Lay the omelet on a hot dish, pour around it one-half tumblerful of rum that has been warmed in a pan, light it, and serve with its blue flame rising round it.

Poached Eggs. —Put a pint of water in the frying pan, with one-half teaspoonful of salt. If you have vinegar, add two teaspoonfuls to the water: it keeps the whites from running too much. Bring the water to a gentle boil. Break the eggs separately into a saucer and slide them into the water. Let the water simmer not longer than three minutes, meantime ladling spoonfuls of it over the yolks. Have toast already buttered on a very hot plate. Lay eggs carefully on it. Eat at once. This may be varied by moistening the toast with hot milk.

Eggs, Boiled. —Eggs are boiled soft in two and one-half to three minutes, depending upon size and freshness. If wanted hard boiled, put them in cold water, bring to a boil, and keep it up for twenty minutes. The yolk will then be mealy and wholesome. Eggs boiled between these extremes are either clammy or tough, and indigestible.


WHEN men must bake for themselves they generally make biscuit, biscuit-loaf, flapjacks, or corn bread. Bread leavened with yeast is either beyond their skill or too troublesome to make out of doors; so baking powder is the mainstay of the camp. Generally the batch is a failure. To paraphrase Tom Hood,

Who has not met with camp-made bread. Rolled out of putty and weighted with lead?

It need not be so. Just as good biscuit or johnny cake can be baked before a log fire in the woods as in a kitchen range. Bread making is a chemical process. Follow directions; pay close attention to details, as a chemist does, from building the fire to testing the loaf with a sliver. It does require experience or a special knack to guess quantities accurately, but none at all to measure them.

In general, biscuit or other small cakes should be baked quickly by ardent heat; large loaves require a slow, even heat, so that the outside will not harden until the inside is nearly done.

The way to bake in a reflector or in a "baker'* has been shown in the chapter on Meats. If you have neither of these utensils, there are other ways.


Baking in a Frying-pan. —Grease or flour a frying-pan and put a loaf in it. Rake some embers out in front of the fire and put pan on them just long enough to form a little crust on bottom of loaf. Then remove from embers, and, with a short forked stick, the stub of which will enter hole in end of handle, prop pan up before fire at such angle that top of loaf will be exposed to heat. Turn loaf now and then, both sidewise and upside down. When firm enough to keep its shape, remove it, prop it by itself before the fire to finish baking, and go on with a fresh loaf. A tin plate may be used in place of the frying-pan.

Bahing on a Slab. —Heat a thick slab of non-resinous green wood until the sap simmers. Then proceed as with a frying-pan.

Baking on a Stick. —Work dough into a ribbon two inches wide. Get a club of sweet green wood (birch, sassafras, maple), about two feet long and three inches thick, peel large end, sharpen the other and stick it. into ground, leaning toward fire. When sap simmers wind dough spirally around peeled end. Turn occasionally. Several sticks can be baking at once. Bread for one man's meal can be quickly baked on a peeled stick as thick as a broomstick^ holding over fire and turning.

Baking in the Ashes. —Build a good fire on a level bit of ground. When it has burned to coals and the ground has thoroughly heated, rake away the embers, lightly drop the loaf on the hot earth, pat it smooth, rake the embers back over the loaf, and let it bake until no dough will adhere to a sliver thrust to the center of the loaf. This is the Australian damper. Ash cakes are

similarly baked (see under Corn Bread). Nasty? No, it isn't; try it.

Baking in a Hole. —Every fixed camp should have a bake-hole, if for nothing else than baking beans. The hole can be dug anywhere, but it is best in the side of a bank or knoll, so that an opening can be left in front to rake out of, and for drainage in case of rain. Line it with stones, if there are any. In any case, have the completed hole a little larger than your baking kettle.

Build a hardwood fire in and above the hole and keep it going until the stones or earth are very hot (not less than half an hour). Rake out most of the coals and ashes, put in the bake-pot, which must have a tight-fitting lid, cover with ashes and then with live coals; and, if a long heating is needed, keep a small fire going on top. Close the mouth of the oven with a fiat rock. This is the way for beans or for braising meat.

Bread is not easily baked in a straight-sided pot (rather it is hard to get out when baked). A pan with flaring sides, well covered, is better. Two pudding pans that nest, the larger inverted over the smaller, do very well. Have some ashes between them and the coals, to prevent burning the loaf.

A shifty camper can bake bread in almost anything. I have baked beans in a thin, soldered, lard-pail, by first encasing it in clay.

Baking in a Dutch Oven. —This is a cast-iron pot with flaring sides and short legs, fitted with a thick iron cover, the rim of which is turned up to hold a layer of coals on top. If it were not for its weight it would be the best oven for outdoor use, since it not only bakes but cooks the meat or pone in its own steam. The pots


made for fireless cookers can be used in a similar way. ,

Place the Dutch oven and its lid separately on the fire. Get the bottom moderately hot, and the lid very hot (but not red, lest it warp). Grease the bottom and sprinkle flour over it, put in the bread or biscuits, set cover on, rake a thin layer of coals out in front of the fire, stand oven on them, and cover lid thickly with more live coals. Replenish occasionally. Have a stout pot-hook to lift lid with, so you can inspect progress of baking, once or twice.


When baking powder is used, the secret of good bread is to handle the dough as little as possible. After adding the water, mix as rapidly as you can, not with the warm hands, but with a big spoon or a wooden paddle. To knead such bread, or roll it much, or even to mould biscuits by hand instead of cutting them out, would surely make your baking "sad." As soon as water touches the flour, the baking powder begins to give off gas. It is this gas, imprisoned in the dough, that makes bread light. Squeezing or moulding presses, this gas out. The heat of the hands turns such dough into Tom Hood's "putty."

Biscuit Loaf. —This is a standard camp bread, because it bakes quickly. It is good so long as it is hot, but it dries out soon and will not keep. For four men:

3 pints flour,

3 heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder,

1 heaping teaspoonful salt,

2 heaping tablespoonfuls cold grease, 1 scant pint cold water.

Amount of water varies according to quality of

flour. Baking powders vary in strength; follow directions on can.

Mix thoroughly, with big spoon or wooden paddle, first the baking powder with the flour, and then the salt. Rub into this the cold grease (which may be lard, cold pork fat, drippings, or bear's grease), until there are no lumps left and no grease adhering to bottom of pan. This is a little tedious, but don't shirk it. Then stir in the water and work it with spoon until you have a rather stiff dough. Have the pan greased. Turn the loaf into it, and bake. Test center of loaf with a sliver when you think it probably done. When no dough adheres, remove bread. All hot breads should be broken with the hands, never cut.

To freshen any that is left over and dried out, sprinkle a little water over it and heat through. This can be done but once.

Biscuit. —These are baked in a reflector (12-inch holds I dozen, 18-inch holds 1^2 dozen), unless a camp stove is carried or an oven is dug. Build the fire high. Make dough as in the preceding recipe, which is enough for two dozen biscuits. Flop the mass of dough to one side of pan, dust flour on bottom of pan, flop dough back over it, dust flour on top of loaf. Now rub some flour over the bread board, flour your hands, and gently lift loaf on board. Flour the bottle or bit of peeled sapling that you use as rolling-pin, also the edges of can or can cover used as biscuit cutter. Gently roll loaf to three-quarter-inch thickness. Stamp out the biscuit and lay them in pan. Roll out the culls and make biscuit of them, too. Bake until edge of front row turns brown; reverse pan and continue until rear row is simi-


larly done. Time, twenty to twenty-five minutes in a reflector, ten to fifteen minutes in a closed oven.

Dropped Biscuit. —These do away with breadboard, rolling-pin, and most of the work, yet are about as good as stamped biscuit. Use same projDortions as above, excejDt turn in enough water to make a thick hatter —one that will drop lazily from a spoon. In mixing, do not stir the batter more than necessary to smooth out all lumps. Drop from a big spoon into the greased bake-pan.

Army Bread. —This is easier to make than biscuit dough, since there is no grease to rub in, but it takes longer to bake. It keeps fresh longer than yeast bread, does not dry up in a week, nor mould, and is more wholesome than biscuit. It is the only baking-powder bread I know of that is good to eat cold—in fact, it is best that way.

1 quart flour,

1 teaspoonful salt,

1 tablespoonful sugar,

2 heaped teaspoonfuls baking powder.

Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly. Then stir in enough cold water (about II/2 pints) to make a thick batter that will pour out level. Mix rapidly with spoon until smooth, and pour at once into bake-pan. Bake about forty-five minutes, or until no dough adheres to a sliver. Above quantity makes a 1%-pound loaf (say 9x5x3 inches).

Breakfast Rolls. —

1 quart flour,

3 level tablespoon fuls butter,

1 egg,

1 teaspoonful baking powder,

1 pint cold milk (or enough to make a soft dough).

Rub butter and flour well together, add beaten

egg, a pinch of salt, and the milk, till a soft dough

is mixed. Form into rolls and bake quickly.

Sour-dough Bread. —Mix a pail of batter from plain flour and water^ and hang it up in a warm place until the batter sours. Then add salt and soda (not baking powder), thicken with flour to a stiff dough, knead thoroughly, work into small loaves, and place them before the fire to rise. Then bake.

Salt-rising Bread. —This smells to heaven while it is fermenting, but is a welcome change after a long diet of baking-powder breadstuffs. For a baking of two or three loaves take about a pint of moderately warm water (a pleasant heat to the hand) and stir into it as much flour as will make a good batter, not too thick. Add to this one-half teaspoonful salt, not more. Set the vessel in a pan of moderately warm water, within a little distance of a fire, or in sunlight. The water must not be allowed to cool much below the original heat, more warm water being added to pan as required.

In six to eight hours the whole will be in active fermentation, when the dough must be mixed with it, and as much warm water (milk, if you have it) as you require. Knead the mass till it is tough and does not stick to the board. Make up your loaves, and keep them warmly covered near the fire till they rise. They must be baked as soon as this second rising takes place; for, unless the rising is used immediately on reaching its height, it sinks to rise no more.

To Raise Bread in a Pot. —Set the dough to rise over a very few embers, keeping the pot turned as the loaf rises. When equally risen all around, put hot ashes under the pot and upon the lid, taking care that the heat be not too fierce at first.


Lungwort Bread. —On the bark of maples^ and sometimes of beeches and birches^ in the northern woods, there grows a green, broad-leaved lichen variously known as lungwort, liverwort, lung-lichen, and lung-moss, which is an excellent substitute for yeast. This is an altogether different growth from the plants commonlj'^ called lungwort and liverwort—I believe its scientific name is Sticta pulmonacea. This lichen is partly made up of fungus, which does the business of raising dough. Gather a little of it and steep it over night in lukewarm water, set near the embers, but not near enough to get overheated. In the morning, pour oft' the infusion and mix it with enough flour to make a batter, beating it up with a spoon. Place this "sponge" in a warm can or pail, cover with a cloth, and set it near the fire to work. By evening it will have risen. Leaven your dough with this (saving some of the sponge for a future baking), let the bread rise before the fire that night, and by morning it will be ready to bake.

It takes but little of the original sponge to leaven a large mass of dough (but see that it never freezes), and it can be kept good for months.

Unleavened Bread. —Quickly made, wholesome, and good for a change. Keeps like hardtack.

21/2 pints flour,

1 tablespoonful salt,

1 tablespoonful sugar.

Mix with water to stiff dough, and knead and pull until lively. Roll out thin as a soda cracker, score with knife, and bake. Unleavened bread that is to be carried for a long time must be mixed with as little water as possible (merely dampened enough to make it adhere), for if any moisture 13 left in it after baking, it will mould.


To Mix Dough Without a Pan. —When bark will peel, use a broad sheet of it (paper birch, basswood, poplar, cottonwood, slippery elm, etc.). It is easy to mix unleavened dough in the sack of flour itself. Stand the latter horizontally where it can't fall over. Scoop a bowl-shaped depression in top of flour. Keep the right hand moving round while you pour in a little water at a time from a vessel held in the left. Sprinkle a little salt in. When a thick, adhesive dough has formed, lift this out and pat and work it into a round cake about 2^/2 inches thick.


Plain corn bread, without flour, milk, or egg, is hard to make eatable without a Dutch oven to bake it in. Even so, it is generally spoiled by being baked too fast and not long enough to be done inside.

Johnny Cake. — 1 quart meal, 1 teaspoon fill salt,

1 pint icarm (but not scalding) water (l^/^ pints for old meal).

Stir together until light. Bake to a nice brown all around (about forty-five minutes), and let it sweat fifteen minutes longer in the closed oven, removed from the fire. , Yellow meal generally requires more water than white. Freshly ground meal is much better than old.

Corn Dodgers. —Same as above, but mix to a stiff dough, and form into cylindrical dodgers four or five inches long and 1^ inches diameter, by rolling between the hands. Have frying-pan very hot, grease it a little, and put dodgers on as you roll them out. As soon as they have browned, put them in oven and bake thoroughly.


Ash Cake. —Same kind of dough. Form it into balls as big as hen's eggs^ roll in dry flour, lay in hot ashes, and cover completely with them.

Corn Bread (Superior). —

1 pint corn meal,

1 pint flour,

3 tablespoonfuls sugar,

2 heaped tablespoonfuls butter,

3 teaspoonfuls baking powder,

1 teaspoonful salt,

2 eggs,

1 pint (or more) milk.

Rub butter and sugar together. Add the beaten eggs; then the milk. Sift the salt and baking powder into the meal and flour. Pour the liquid over the dry ingredients, beating well. Pour batter into well-greased pan, and bake thirty to forty minutes in moderately hot oven. Can also be made into muflins.

Corn Batter Bread. —

1 pint corn meal,

Q pints milk (or water),

2 eggs,

1 teaspoonful salt.

Beat the eggs light; add the salt; then the meal and milk, gradually, until well blended. Bake about thirty minutes. This is the standard breakfast bread of the South, easily made, and (if the meal is freshly ground) delicious. A little boiled rice, or hominy grits, may be substituted for part of the meal.

Snow Bread. —After a fall of light, feathery

snow, superior corn bread may be made by stirring


1 quart corn meal,

Yz teaspoonful soda,

1 teaspoonful salt,

Then^ in a cool place where snow will not melt, stir into above one quart light snow. Bake about forty minutes in rather hot oven. Snow, for some unknown reason, has the same effect on bread as eggs have, two tablespoonfuls of snow equaling one egg. It can also be used in making batter for pancakes, or puddings, the batter being made rather thick, and the snow mixed with each cake just before putting in the pan.

Substitute for Baking Soda. —Take the white of wood ashes, same quantity as you would use of soda, and mix dry with the flour. It makes bread rise the same as soda, and you can't tell the difference. The best ashes are those of hickory, dogwood, sugar maple, and corncobs; beech, ash, buckeye, balsam poplar, and yellow poplar are also good.

"Gritted Bread." —When green corn has become too hard for boiling, but is still too soft for grinding into meal, make a "gritter," as follows: Take a piece of tin about 7x14 inches (unsolder a lard pail by heating, and flatten the sides); punch holes through it, close together, with a large nail; bend the sheet into a half cylinder, rough side out, like a horseradish grater; nail the edges to a board somewhat longer and wider than the tin. Then, holding the ear of corn pointing lengthwise from you, grate it into a vessel held between the knees.

The meal thus formed will need no water, but can be mixed in its own milk. Salt it, and bake quickly. The flavor of "gritted bread" is a blend of hot pone and roasting ears—delectable! Hard corn can be grated by first soaking the ears over night.



Plain Flapjacks. —

1 quart flour,

1 teaspoonful salt,

3 teaspoonfuls sugar, or 4 of molasses,

2 level tablespoonfuls baking powder.

Rub in^ dry, two heaped tablespoonfuls grease. If you have no grease, do without. Make a smooth batter with cold milk (best) or water—thin enough to pour from a spoon, but not too thin, or it will take all day to bake enough for the party. Stir well, to smooth out lumps. Set frying-pan level over thin bed of coals, get it quite hot, and grease with a piece of pork in split end of stick. Pan must be hot enough to make batter sizzle as it touches, and it should be polished. Pour from end of a big spoon successively enough batter to fill pan within one-half inch of rim. When cake is full of bubbles and edges have stiffened, shuffle pan to make sure that cake is free below and stiff enough to flip. Then hold pan slanting in front of and away from you, go through preliminary motion of flapping once or twice to get the swing, then flip boldly so cake will turn a somersault in the air, and catch it upside down. Beginners generally lack the nerve to toss high enough. Grease pan anew and stir batter every time before pouring. This is the "universal pancake" that Nessmuk derided. Much better and wholesomer are:

Egg Pancakes. —Made same as above excepting that you add two eggs, or their equivalent in desiccated egg.

Snow Pancakes. —Instead of eggs, in the above recipe, use four tablespoonfuls of freshly fallen snow. Make the batter rather thick, and add

some clean^ dry snow to each pancake before putting it in the pan.

Mixed Cakes. —When cold boiled rice is left over, mix it half and half with flour, and proceed as with flapjacks. The batter is best mixed with the water in which the rice was boiled. Oatmeal, grits, or cold boiled potatoes, may be used in the same way.

Corn Batter Cahes. —

^ pint corn meal,

14 pint flour,

1 heaped teaspoonful baking powder,

1 heaped teaspoonful sugar or 2 molasses,

1 level teaspoonful salt.

After mixing the dry ingredients thoroughly, add cold water, a little at a time, stirring briskly, until a rather thick batter results. Bake like flapjacks. Wholesomer than plain flour flapjacks. These are better with an egg or two added, and if mixed with milk instead of water. Snow can be substituted for eggs, as described above.

Buckwheat Cakes. —

1 pint buckwheat flour, 14 pint wheat flour,

2 tablespoonfuls baking powder, % teaspoonful salt.

Mix to a thin batter, preferably with milk. A couple of eggs make them light, or, make snow cakes.


Stale Bread. —Biscuit or bread left over and dried out can be freshened for an hour or two by dipping quickly in and out of water and placing in the baker until heated through; or, the biscuit may be cut open, slightly moistened, and toasted in a broiler.

If you have eggs, make a French toast by di|)-


ping the slices in whipped eggs and frying them. With milk, make milk toast: heat the milk_, add a chunk of butter and son\e salt, toast the bread, and pour milk over it.

Stale bread may also be dipped into smoking hot grease. It will brown immediately. Stand it edgewise to drain, then lay on hot plate. Cut into dice for soups.

Fried Quoits. —Make dough as for biscuit. Plant a stick slanting in the ground near the fire. Have another small, clean stick ready, and a frying-pan of lard or butter heated sissing hot. There must be enough grease in the pan to drown the quoits. Take dough the size of a small hen's egg, flatten it between the hands, make a hole in the center like that of a doughnut, and quickly work it (the dough, not the hole) into a flat ring of about two inches inside diameter. Drop it flat into the hot grease, turn almost immediately, and in a few seconds it will be cooked.

When of a light brown color, fish it out with your little stick and hang it on the slanting one before the fire to keep hot. If the grease is of the right temperature, the cooking of one quoit will occupy just the same time as the molding of another, and the product will be crisp and crump-ety. If the grease is not hot enough, a visit from your oldest grandmother may be expected before midnight. (Adapted from Lees and Clutter-buck.)

Fritters. —A dainty variety is added to the camp bill-of-fare by fritters of fruit or vegetables, fish, flesh, or fowl. They are especially relished in cold weather, or when the butter supply is low. Being easily made and quickly cooked, they fit any time or place.

The one essential of good and wholesome fritters is plenty of fat to fry them in^ and fat of the right temperature. (The best friture is equal parts of butter and lard.) Set the kettle where the fat will heat slowly until needed; then closer over the fire until a bluish smoke rises from the center of the kettle. Drop a cube of bread into it; if it turns golden-brown in one minute, the fat is right. Then keep the kettle at just this temperature. Make batter as follows: Fritter Batter. —

1 pint flour,

4 eggs,

1 tablespoonful salt,

1 pint water or milk,

3 tablespoonfuls butter or other grease.

Blend the salt and the yolks of the eggs (or desiccated egg). Rub the butter into this; then the flour, a little at a time; then the water. Beat well, and, if you have time, let it stand a while. If fresh eggs are used, now beat the whites to a stiff froth and stir them in. When using, drop even spoonfuls into the fat with a large spoon. When golden-brown, lift fritter out with a forked stick (not piercing), stand it up to drain, and serve very hot. The base may be almost anything: sliced fruit, minced game or meat, fish or shellfish, grated cheese, boiled rice, grated potato or green corn, etc. Anything cut to the size of an oyster is dipped in the batter and then fried; if minced or grated it is mixed with the batter. Jam is spread on bread, covered with another slice, the sandwich is cut into convenient pieces, and these are dipped in the batter. Plain fritters of batter alone are eaten with syrup. Those made of corn meal instead of flour (mixed with warm milk and egg) are particularly good. The


variety that can be served, even in camp, is well-nigh endless.

Dumplings. —Those of biscuit dough have already been mentioned. When specially prepared they may be made as follows:

Yz pint flour,

1 teaspoonful baking powder,

^ teaspoonful salt,

% teaspoonful sugar,

Yq pint milk.

The stew that they are to be cooked with should be nearly done before the dumplings are started. Then mix the dry ingredients thoroughly. Wet with the milk and stir quickly into a smooth ball. Roll into a sheet three-quarters of an inch thick, and cut like biscuit. Meantime bring the stew to a sharp boil. Arrange dumplings on top of it, cover the vessel, and cook exactly ten minutes.


Boiled Macaroni. —For one-half pound macaroni

have not less than three quarts of salted water

boiling rapidly. Break the macaroni into short

pieces, and boil thirty-five minutes for the small,

forty-five minutes for the large. Then drain, and

pour sauce over it, or bake it. It is better if

boiled in good broth instead of water.

Tomato Sauce. —

1 quart can tomatoes, 1 tablespoonful butter, Q tablespoonfuls flour, 1 teaspoonful salt, Ys teaspoonful pepper, 1 teaspoonful sugar.

Rub the flour into the butter until they blend. Brown this in a pan. Add the tomatoes and simmer thirty minutes. Stir frequently. Add the seasoning, along with spices, if you wish. This

makes enough sauce for 1% pounds macaroni, but it keeps well in cold weather, and can be used with other dishes. Good in combination with the following:

Macaroni with Cheese. —After the macaroni is boiled, put it in a pan with a little butter and some grated cheese. Stir gently, and as soon as the cheese is melted, serve; or, pour the above sauce over it.

Macaroni, Baked.-—Boil first, as above. Drain. Place in a deep pan, add a cupful of cold milk, sprinkle in three tablespoonfuls grated cheese and one tablespoonful butter. Then bake until brown.


Corn Meal Mush. —Mix two level tablespoonfuls salt with one quart meal. Bring four quarts of water (for yellow meal, or half as much for fresh white meal) to a hard boil in a two-gallon kettle. Mix the salted meal with enough cold water to make a batter that will run from the spoon; this is to prevent it from getting lumpy. With a large spoon drop the batter into the boiling water, adding gradually, so that water will not fall below boiling point. Stir constantly for ten minutes. Then cover pot and hang it high enough above fire to insure against scorching. Cook thus for one hour, stirring occasionally, and thinning with boiling water if it gets too thick.

Fried Mush. —This, as Father Izaak said of another dish, is "too good for any but very honest men." The only drawback to this gastronomic joy is that it takes a whole panful for one man. As it is rather slow to fry, let each man perform over the fire for himself. The mush should have been poured into a greased pan the previous even-


ing, and set in a cool place over night to harden. Cut into slices one-third of an inch thick, and fry in very hot grease until nicely browned. Eat with syrup, or au naturel.

Polenta. —An Italian dish made from our native corn and decidedly superior to plain boiled mush. Cook mush as above for one hour. Partly fill the bake-pan with it, and pour over it either a good brown gravy, or the tomato sauce described under macaroni. Then sprinkle with grated cheese. Set the pan in the oven three minutes, or in the reflector five minutes, to bake a little.

Oatmeal Porridge. —Rolled oats may be cooked much more quickly than the old-fashioHcd oatmeal; the latter is not fit for the human stomach until it has been boiled as long as corn mush. To two quarts boiling water add one teaspoonful of salt, stir in gradually a pint of rolled oats, and boil ten minutes, stirring constantly, unless you have a double boiler. The latter may be extemporized by setting a small kettle inside a larger one that contains some water.


Rice, Boiled. —Good precedent to the contrary notwithstanding, I contend that there is but one way to boil rice, and that is this (which is described in the words of Captain Kenealy, whose Yachting Wrinkles is a book worth owning) :

To cook rice so that each grain will be plump, dry, and separate, first, wash the measure of rice thoroughly in cold, salted water. Then put it in a pot of furiously boiling fresh water, no salt being added. Keep the jDot boiling hard for twenty minutes, but do not stir. Then strain off the water, place the rice over a very moderate fire (hang

high over camp-fire), and let it swell and dry for half an hour, in an uncovered vessel. Remember that rice swells enormously in cooking.

Rice, Fried. —When boiled rice is left over, spread it in a dish. When cold, cut it into cakes and fry it, for a hasty meal. It is better, though, in muffins.

Rice Muffins. —Mash very smooth half a pint boiled rice. Add slowly, stirring to a thinner paste, half a pint of milk, three beaten eggs, salt. Then make into a stiff batter with flour. Bake like dropped biscuits.

Risotto. —Fry a sliced onion brown in a table-spoonful of butter. Add to this a pint of hot water and half a pint of washed rice. Boil until soft, adding more hot water if needed. Heat half a pint canned tomatoes, and stir into it a teaspoon-ful of sugar. When the rice is soft, salt it; add the tomato; turn into a dish and sprinkle over it a heaped tablespoonful of grated cheese.

Rice, Curried. —Same as Risotto, but put a tea-spoonful of curry powder in the tomatoes and omit cheese.

Grits, Boiled. —Put in plenty of boiling unsalted water. Boil about thirty minutes; then salt and drain.

Grits, Fried. —Same as fried rice.

^'Breakfast Foods.'' —According to directions on packages.

Left-over Cereals. —See Mixed Cakes, page 114.


FRESH Vegetables. —Do not wash them until just before they are to be cooked or eaten. They lose flavor quickly after being washed. This is true even of potatoes.

Fresh vegetables go into plenty of fast-boiling salted water. Salt prevents their absorbing too much water. The water should be boiling fast, and there should be plenty of it. They should be boiled rapidly, with the lid left off the pan. If the water is as hot as it should be, the effect is similar to that which we have noted in the case of meats: the surface is coagulated into a waterproof envelope which seals up the flavor instead of letting it be soaked out. In making soup, the rule is reversed.

Dried Vegetables. —Beans and peas are to be cooked in unsalted water. If salted too soon they become leathery and difficult to cook. Put them in cold, fresh water, gradually heated to the boiling point, and boil slowly.

Desiccated {dehydrated) Vegetables. —Follow directions on package. Desiccated potatoes of the ordinary kind require long soaking in cold water. Then put them in water slightly salted and proceed as with fresh potatoes. They may need boiling in three waters.

Canned Vegetables. —The liquor of canned peas,

string beans^ etc., is unfit for use and should be thrown away; this does not apply to tomatoes.

Cleaning Vegetables. —To clear cabbage, etc., from insects, immerse them, stalk upward, in plenty of cold water salted in the proportion of a large tablespoonful to two quarts. Vinegar may be used instead of salt. Shake occasionally. The insects will sink to bottom of pan.

Storing Vegetables. —To keep vegetables, put them in a cool, dry place (conditions similar to those of a good cellar). Keep each kind away from the other, or they will absorb each other's flavor.

Potatoes, Boiled. —Pick them out as nearly as possible of one size, or some will boil to pieces before the others are done; if necessary, cut them to one size. Remove eyes and specks, and pare as thinly as possible, for the best of the potato lies just under the skin. As fast as pared, throw into cold water, and leave until wanted. Put in furiously boiling salted water, then hang kettle a little higher where it will boil moderately, but do not let it check. Test with a fork or sliver. When the tubers are done (about twenty minutes for new potatoes, thirty to forty minutes for old ones) drain off all the water, dust some salt over the potatoes (it absorbs the surface moisture), and let the pot stand uncovered close to the fire, shaking it gently once or twice, till the surface of each potato is dry and powdery. Never leave potatoes in the water after they are done; they become watery.

Potatoes, Boiled in Their Jackets. —After washing thoroughly, and gouging out the eyes, snip off a bit from each end of the potato; this gives a vent to the steam and keeps potatoes from burst-

ing open. I prefer to j)ut them in cold water and bring it gradually to a boil, because the skin of the potato contains an acid poison which is thus extracted. The water in which potatoes have been boiled will poison a dog. Of course we don't "eat 'em skin and all/' like the people in the nursery-rhyme; but there is no use in driving the bitterness into a potato. Boil gently, but continuously, throw in a little salt now and then, drain, and dry before the fire.

Potatoes, Steamed. —Old potatoes are better steamed. A rough-and-ready method is shown on page 60.

Potatoes, Mashed. —After boiling, mash the potatoes with a peeled stub of sapling, or a bottle, and work into them some butter, if you have it, and milk. "The more you beat 'em, the better they be." Salt and pepper.

Potato Cakes. —Mould some mashed potato into cakes, season, and fry in deep fat. Or add egg and bake them brown.

Potatoes, Baked. —Nessmuk's description cannot be improved: "Scoop out a basin-like depression under the fore-stick, three or four inches deep, and large enough to hold the tubers when laid side by side; fill • it with bright hardwood coals ^nd keep up a strong heat for half an hour or more. Next, clean out the hollow, place the potatoes in it, and cover them with hot sand or ashes, top23ed with a heap of glowing coals, and keep up all the heat you like. In about forty minutes commence to try them with a sharpened hardwood sliver; when this will pass through them they are done and should be raked out at once. Run th^ sliver through them from end to end, to let the

steam escape^ and use immediately, as a roast potato quickly becomes soggy and bitter."

Potatoes, Fried. —Boiled or steamed potatoes that have been left over may be sliced one-quarter inch thick, and fried.

Potatoes, Fried, Raw, —Peel, and slice into pieces half an inch thick. Drop into cold water until frying-pan is ready. Put enough grease in pan to completely immerse the potatoes, and get it very hot, as directed under Frying. Pour water off potatoes, dry a slice in a clean cloth, drop it into the sizzling fat, and so on, one slice at a time. Drying the slices avoids a splutter in the pan and helps to keep from absorbing grease. If many slices were dropped into the pan together, the heat would be checked and the potatoes would get soggy with grease. When the slices begin to turn a faint brown, salt the potatoes, pour off the grease at once, and brown a little in the dry pan. The outside of each slice will then be crisp and the insides white and deliciously mealy.

Potatoes, Lyonnaise. —Fry one or more sliced onions until they are turning yellowish, then add sliced potatoes, previously boiled or steamed; keep tossing now and then until the potatoes are fried somewhat yellow; salt to taste.

Potatoes, Stewed. —Cut cold boiled potatoes into dice, season with salt, pepper, butter, and stew gently in enough milk to cover them. Stir occasionally to prevent scorching. Or peel and slice some raw potatoes. Cover with boiling water and boil until tender. Pour off the water. Roll a large piece of butter in flour, heat some milk, beat these together until smooth, season with salt and* pepper, and bring to a boil. Then stew together five minutes. jServe very hot.

Sweet Potatoes, Boiled. —Use a kettle with lid. Select tubers of uniform size; wash; do not cut or break the skins. Put them in boiling water, and continue boiling until, when you pierce one with a fork, you find it just a little hard in the center. Drain by raising the cover only a trifle when kettle is tilted, so as to keep in as much steam as possible. Hang the kettle high over the fire, cover closely, and let steam ten minutes.

Sweet Potatoes, Fried. —Skin the boiled potatoes and cut them lengthwise. Dust the slices with salt and pepper. Throw them into hot fat, browning first one side, then the other. Serve very hot.

Potatoes and Onions, Hashed. —Slice two potatoes to one onion. Parboil together about fifteen minutes in salted water. Pour off water, and drain. Meantime be frying some bacon. When it is done, remove it to a hot side dish, turn the vegetables into the pan, and fry them to a light brown. Then fall to, and enjoy a good thing!

Beans, Boiled. —Pick. out all defective beans, and wash the rest. It is best to soak the beans over night; but if time does not permit, add one-quarter teaspoonful of baking soda to the parboiling water. In either case, start in fresh cold water, and parboil one quart of beans (for four men with hearty appetites) for one-half hour, or until one will pop open when blown upon. At the same time parboil separately one pound fat salt pork. Remove scum from beans as it rises. Drain both; place beans around the pork, add two quarts boiling water, and boil slowly for two hours, or until tender. Drain, and season with salt and pepper.

It does not hurt beans to boil all day, provided boiling water is added from time to time, lest they

get dry and sporch. The longer they boil the more digestible they become.

Beans, Baked. —Soak and parboil^ as above, both the beans and the pork. Then pour off the water from the pork, gash the meat with a knife, spread half of it over the bottom of the kettle, drain the beans, pour them into the kettle, put the rest of pork on top, sj^rinkle not more than one-half teaspoonful of salt over the beans, pepper liberally, and if you have molasses, pour a table-spoonful over all; otherwise a tablespoonful of sugar. Hang the kettle high over the fire where it will not scorch, and bake at least two hours; or, add enough boiling water to just cover the beans, place kettle in bake-hole as directed on page 56, and bake all night, being careful that there are not enough embers with the ashes to burn the beans.

Baked beans are strong food, ideal for active men in cold weather. One can work harder and longer on pork and beans, without feeling hungry, than on any other food with which I am acquainted, save bear meat. The ingredients are compact and easy to transport; they keep indefinitely in any weather. But when one is only beginning camp life he should be careful not to overload his stomach with beans, for they are rather indigestible until you have toned up your stomach by hearty exercise in the open air.

Onions, Boiled. —More wholesome this way than fried or baked. Like potatoes, they should be of as uniform size as possible, for boiling. Do not boil them in an iron vessel. Put them in enough boiling salted water to cover them. Cover the kettle and boil gently, lest the onions break. They are cooked when a straw will pierce them

(about an hour). If you wish them mild, boil in two or three waters. When cooked, drain and season with butter or dripping, pepper, and salt. Boiled milk, thickened, is a good sauce.

Green Corn. —If you happen to camp near a farm in the "roasting-ear" season, you are in great luck. The quickest way to roast an ear of corn is to cut off the butt of the ear closely, so that the pith of the cob is exj)osed, ream it out a little, impale the cob lengthwise on the end of a long hardwood stick, and turn over the coals.

To bake in the ashes: remove one outer husk, stripping off the silk, break off about an inch of the silk end, and twist end of husks tightly down over the broken end. Then bake in the ashes and embers as directed for potatoes. Time, about one hour.

To boil: prepare as above, but tie the ends of husks; this preserves the sweetness of the corn. Put in enough boiling salted water to cover the ears. Boil thirty minutes. Like potatoes, corn is injured by over-boiling. When cooked, cut off the butt and remove the shucks.

Cold boiled corn may be cut from the cob and fried, or mixed with mashed potatoes and fried.

Greens. —One who camps early in the season can add a toothsome dish, now and then, to his menu by gathering fresh greens in the woods and marshes.*

As a salad (watercress, peppergrass, dandelion, wild mustard, sorrel, etc.): wash in cold salted water, if necessary, although this abstracts some of the flavor; dry immediately and thoroughly.

* Nearly a hundred edible wild plants, besides mushrooms and fruits, are discussed in my Campinff and Woodcraft, Chap. XVII.

Break into convenient pieces^ rejecting tough stems. Prepare a simple French dressing, thus;

1 tablespoonful vinegar,

3 tablespoonfuls best olive oil,

% teaspoonful salt,

14 teaspoonful black pepper.

Put salt and pepper in bowl, gradually add oil, rubbing and mixing till salt is dissolved; then add by degl*ees the vinegar, stirring continuously one minute. In default of oil, use cream and melted butter; but plain vinegar, salt, and pepper will do. Pour the dressing over the salad, turn the latter "upside down, mix well, and serve.

A scalded salad is prepared in camp by cutting bacon into small dice, frying, adding vinegar, pepper, and a little salt to the grease, and pouring this, scalding hot, over the greens.

Greens may be boiled with salt pork, bacon, or other meat. To boil them separately: first soak in cold salted water for a few minutes, then drain well, and put into enough boiling salted water to cover, pressing them down until the pot is full. Cover, and boil steadily until tender, which may be from twenty minutes to an hour, depending upon kind of greens used. If the plants are a little older than they should be, parboil in water to which a little baking soda has been added; then drain, and continue boiling in plain water, salted.

Some greens are improved by chopping fine after boiling, putting in hot frjdng-pan with a tablespoonful of butter and some salt and pepper, and stirring until thoroughly heated.

Poke stalks are cooked like asparagus. They should not be over four inches long, and should show only a tuft of leaves at the top; if much older than this, they are unwholesome. Wash the

stalks, scrape them, and lay in cold water for an hour; then tie loosely in bundles, put in a kettle of boiling water, and boil three-fourths of an hour, or until tender; drain, lay on buttered toast, dust with pepper and salt, cover with melted butter, and serve.

Jerusalem artichokes must be watched when boiling and removed as soon as tender; if left longer in tlie water they harden.

Dock and sorrel may be cooked like spinach: pick over and wash, drain, shake, and j)ress out adhering water; put in kettle with one cup water, cover kettle, place over moderate fire, and steam thus twenty minutes; then drain, chop very fine, and heat in frying-pan as directed above.

Mushrooms. —Every one who camps in summer should take with him a mushroom book, such as Gibson's, Atkinson's, or Nina Marshall's. (Such a book in pocket form, with colored illustrations, is a desideratum.) Follow recipes in book. Mushrooms are very easy to prepare, cook quickly, and offer a great variety of flavors.

All mushrooms on the following list are delicious :

Coprinus comatus. Lactarius volemus. Hypholoma appendiculatum. " deliciosus.

Tricholoma personatum. Russula alutacea. Boletus subauretis. " virescens.

" bovinus. Cantharellus cibarius.

" sub sanguineous. Marasmius oreades.

Clavaria botrytes. Hydnum repandum.

" cinerea. " Caput-Medusce.

" vermicularis. Morchella esculenta.

" incequalis. " deliciosa.

" pistillaris.

Canned Tomatoes. —To a pint of tomatoes add butter twice the size of an egg, some pepper, very little salt, ^ttd a tablespoonful qi sugar. Boil

about five minutes. Put some bread crumbs or toast in a dish^ and pour tomatoes over them. Butter can be omitted. Some do not like sugar in tomatoes.

Canned Corn. —Same as tomatoes; but omit sugar and bread. Add a cup of milk, if you have it.

Miscellaneous Vegetables. —Since campers very seldom have any other fresh vegetables than potatoes and onions_, I will not take up space with special recipes for others. The following timetable may some time be useful:

Boiling of Vegetables.

Asparagus 20 to 25 minutes

Cabbage 20 " 05

Carrots 30 " 40

Cauliflower 30 " 25

Corn (green) 15 " 20

Beans (string) 25 " 30

Beans (Lima) 30 " 35

Beans (navy, dried) x^i/g " 4 hours

Beets 30 to 40 minutes

Onions 30 " 40

Parsnips 30 " 35

Peas (green) 20

Potatoes (new) 20

Potatoes (old) 30 " 40

Spinach 20 " 25

Turnips ....30 " 35


When Napoleon said that "soup makes the soldier/' he meant thick, substantial soup—soup that sticks to the ribs—nofr mere broths or meat extracts, which are fit only for invalids or to coax an indifferent stomach. "Soup," says Ness-muk, "requires time, and a solid basis of the right material. Venison is the basis, and the best material is the bloody part of the deer, where the bullet went through. We used to throw this away;

we have learned better. Cut about four pounds of the bloody meat into convenient pieces, and wipe them as clean as possible with leaves jr a damp cloth, but don't wash them. Put the meat into a five-quart kettle nearly filled with water, and raise it to a lively boiling pitch."

Here I must interfere. It is far better to bring the water gradually to a boil and then at once hang the kettle high over the fire where it will only keep up a moderate bubbling. There let it simmer at least two hours—better half a day. It is impossible to hasten the process. Furious boiling would ruin both the soup and the meat.

Nessmuk continues: "Have ready a three-tined fork made from a branch of birch or beech, and with this test the meat from time to time; when it parts readily from the bones, slice in a large onion. Pare six large, smooth potatoes, cut five of them into quarters, and drop them into the kettle; scrape the sixth one into the soup for thickening. Season with salt and white pepper to taste. When, by skirmishing with the wooden fork, you can fish up bones with no meat on them, the soup is cooked, and the kettle may be set aside to cool."

Any kind of game may be used in a similar way, provided that none but lean meat be used. Soup is improved by first soaking the chopped-up meat in cold water, and using this water to boil in thereafter. Soup should be skimmed for some time after it has started simmering, to remove grease and scum.

To any one who knows petite marmite or poule-au-pot, these simple directions will seem barbarous —and so they are; but barbarism has its compensations. A really first-class soup cannot be made

without a full day's previous preparation and the resources of a city grocery. Mulligatawny, for example, requires thirty-two varieties of spices and other condiments. No start can be made with any standard soup until one has a supply of "stock" made of veal or beef, mutton or poultry, by long simmering and skimming and straining.

In camp, stock can be made expeditiously by cutting one or two pounds of venison into thin slices, then into dice, cover with cold water, boil gently twenty minutes, take from the fire, skim, and strain. A tolerable substitute is Liebig's beef extract dissolved in water.

Onion, cloves, mace, celery seed, salt, and red or white pepper, are used for seasoning. Sassafras leaves, dried before the fire and powdered, make the gumbo file of the Creoles. Recipes for, a few simple, nourishing soups, are given below:

Squirrel Soup. —Put the squirrels (not less than three) in a gallon of cold water, with a scant tablespoonful of salt. Cover the pot closely, bring to the bubbling point, and then simmer gently until the meat begins to be tender. Then add whatever vegetables you have. When the meat has boiled to a rag, remove the bones. Thicken the soup with a piece of butter rubbed to a smooth paste in flour. Season to taste.

Croutons for Soup. —Slice some stale bread half an inch thick, remove crust, and cut bread into half-inch dice. Fry these, a few at a time, in deep fat of the "blue smoke" temperature, until they are golden brown. Drain free from grease, and add to each plate of soup when serving. (See also page 114.)

Tomato Soup, —Take a quart can of tomatoes

and a sliced onion. Stew twenty minutes. Meantime boil a quart of milk. Rub to a paste two tablespoonfuls each of flour and butter, and add to the boiling milk, stirring until it thickens. Now season the tomatoes with a teaspoonful of sugar, a little salt, and pepper. Then stir into the tomatoes one-half teaspoonful baking soda (to keep milk from curdling), add the boiling milk, stir quickly, and serve.

Bean Soup. —Boil with pork, as previously directed, until the beans are tender enough to crack open; then take out the pork and mash the beans into a paste. Return pork to kettle, add a cup of flour mixed thin with cold water, stirring it in slowly as the kettle simmers. Boil slowly an hour longer, stirring frequently so that it may not scorch. Season with little salt but plenty of pepper.

Pea Soup. —Wash well one pint of split peas, cover with cold water, and let them soak over night. In the morning put them in a kettle with close-fitting cover. Pour over them three quarts cold water, adding one-half pound lean bacon or ham cut into dice, one teaspoonful salt, and some pepper. When the soup begins to boil, skim the froth from the surface. Cook slowly three to four hours, stirring occasionally till the peas are all dissolved, and adding a little more boiling water to keep up the quantity as it boils away. Let it get quite thick. Just before serving, drop in small squares of toasted bread or biscuits, adding quickly while the bread is hot. Vegetables may be added one-half hour before the soup is done.

Condensed Soups. —Follow directions on wrapper.

Skilligalee. —The best thing in a fixed camp is

the stock-pot. A large covered pot pr enameled pail is reserved for this and nothing else. Into it go all the clean fag-ends of game—heads, tails, wings, feet, giblets, large bones—also the leftovers of fish, flesh, and fowl, of any and all sorts of vegetables, rice, or other cereals, macaroni, stale bread, everything edible except fat and grease. This pot is always kept hot. Its flavors are forever changing, but ever welcome. It is always ready, day or night, for the hungry varlet who missed connections or who wants a bite between meals. No cook who values his peace of mind will fail to have skilly simmering at all hours.


COFFEE.—To have coffee in perfection the berry must be freshly roasted and freshly ground. This can be done with frying-pan and pistol-butt; yet few but old-timers take the trouble.

There are two ways of making good coffee in an ordinary pot. (1) Put coffee in pot with cold water (one heaped tablespoonful freshly ground to one pint, or more, if canned ground) and hang over fire. Watch it, and when water first begins to bubble, remove pot from fire and let it stand five minutes. Settle grounds with a tablespoonful of cold water poured down spout. Do not let the coffee boil. Boiling extracts the tannin, and drives off the volatile aroma which is the most precious gift of superior berries. (2) Bring water to hard boil, remove from fire, and quickly put coffee in. Cover tightly and let steep ten minutes. A better way, when you have a seamless vessel that will stand dry heat, is to put coffee in, place over gentle fire to roast until aroma begins to rise, pour boiling water over the coffee, cover tightly, and set aside.

Tea. —Pour boiling water over tea (one heaped teaspoonful tea to the pint), cover tightly, and steep away from fire four minutes hy the watch. Then, if you have no percolator, strain into sep-

arate vessel. If tea is left steeping more than five or six minutes the result is a liquor that will tan skin into leather.

To boil tea is—well, it is like watering a rare vintage. You know what the old Colonel said: "My friend, if you put water in that wine, God'U never forgive you I"

Chocolate. —For each quart of boiling water scrape up four tablespoonfuls of chocolate. Boil until dissolved. Then add half a pint milk. Stir with a peeled stick until milk has boiled up once. Let each man sweeten his own cup.


Dried Fruit. —Evaporated or dried apples, apricots, peaches, prunes, etc., are misprized, underrated, by most people from not knowing how to prepare them. The common way is to put the fruit on to stew without previous soaking, and then boil from one-half hour to two hours until it is more or less pulpy. It is then flat and insipid, besides unattractive to the eye.

There is a much better way. Soak the fruit at least over night, in clear cold water—just enough to cover. If time permits, soak it from twenty-four to thirty-six hours. This restores the fruit to its original size and flavor. It is good to eat, then, without cooking. To stew, merely simmer gently a few minutes in the water in which the fruit was soaked. This water carries much of the fruit's flavor, and is invaluable for sauce.

California prunes prepared in this way need no sugar. Dried apples and peaches have none of the rank taste by which they are unfavorably known, but resemble the canned fruit. Apricots properly soaked are especially good.


Jelly from Dried Fruit.—^l was present when a Southern mountain woman did some "experi-encinV' with nothing to guide her but her own wits. The result was a discovery of prime value to us campers. Here are the details—any one can follow them:

Wash one pound of evaporated apples (or common sun-dried apples of the country) in two waters. Cover with boiling water, and put them on to stew. Add boiling water as required to keep them covered. Cook until fruit is soft (about half an hour). Strain oif all the juice (cheesecloth is convenient), and measure it. There will be, probably, a quart. Put this juice on the fire and add half its own measure of granulated sugar (say a scant pound—but measure it, to make sure of the proportion).

Now boil this briskly in a broad, uncovered vessel, without stirring or skimming, until the juice gets syrupy. The time varies according to quality of fruit—generally about twenty minutes after coming to a full boil. When the thickened juice begins to "flop," test it by letting a few drops drip from a spoon. When the drops thicken and adhere to the spoon, the syrup is done. There will be a little more than a pint. Pour it out. As soon as it cools it will be jelly, as good as if made from fresh fruit and much better than what is commonly sold in the stores.

The apples remaining can be spiced and used as sauce, or made into pies or turnovers, or into apple butter by beating smooth, adding a tea-cupful of sugar, spicing, and cooking again for fifteen or twenty minutes.

If preferred, a second run of jelly can be made from the same apples. Cover again with boil-

ing water, stew about fifteen minutes, add sugar by measure, as before. This will take less boiling than the first juice (about seven minutes). Enough jelly will result to make nearly or quite a quart, all told, from one pound of dried apples and about one and one-half pounds of sugar.

Apricots or any other tart dried fruit can be used instead of apples. Sweet fruit will not do, unless lemon juice or real apple vinegar is added.

Wild Fruits. —American wild fruits ripen as follows;

May — June. Chickasaw Plum (to July). Wild Strawberries.

June — July. Woolly-leaved Buckthorn. Dewberry.

Service-berry (June-berry). Shad-bush.

July. May Apple.

July — A ugust. Blackberries (some in Sep.). Bilberries. Blueberries. Huckleberries. Buffalo-berry. Choke Cherry. Wild Black Currant. Wild Gooseberries. Riverside Grape (to Oct.). Wild Raspberries (to Sep.). Salmon-berry. Silver-berry.

August* Sand Cherry. Western Wild Cherry. Wild Red Cherry. Elderberry. Sand Grape. Canada Plum. Porter's Plum.

Barberry. Cranberries.

August — Ssptembtr,


Wild Black Cherry.

Fox Grape.

Wild Red Plum (to Oct.).


September, Carolina Buckthorn.

September — October, Wild Crab-apples. Summer Grape. Haws.

Beach Plum. Wild Goose Plum. Large-fruited Thorn. Scarlet Thorn.

October. Missouri Grape. Black Thorn.

Frost Grape.

October — November.

Edible After Frost. Pawpaw. Persimmon. I

Pie. —It is not to be presumed that a mere male camper can make a good pie-crust in the regular way; but it is easy to make a wholesome and very fair pie-crust in an irregular way, which is as follows: Make a glorified biscuit dough by mixing thoroughly 1 pint flour, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, % teaspoonful salt, rubbing in 4 heaped tablespoonfuls of lard (better still, half-and-half of butter and lard), and making into a soft dough with cold water. In doing this, observe the rules given under Biscuit. The above quantity is enough for a pie filling an 8x12 reflector pan. Roll the dough into a thin sheet, as thin as you can handle, and do the rolling as gently as you can.

From this sheet cut a piece large enough for bottom crust and lay it in the greased pan. The sheet should be big enough to lap over edge of pan. Into this put your fruit (dried fruit ig

previously stewed and mashed), and add sugar and spice to taste. Then, with great circumspection and becoming reverence, lay on top of all this your upper crust. Now, with your thumb, press the edges of upper and lower crust together all around, your thumb-prints leaving scallops around the edge. Trim off by running a knife around edge of pan. Then prick a number of small slits in the top crust, here and there, to give a vent to the stem when the fruit boils. Bake as you would biscuits.

Note that this dough contains baking powder, and that it will swell. Don't give the thing a name until it is baked; then, if you have made the crust too thick for a pie, call it a cobbler, or a shortcake, and the boys, instead of laughing at you, will ask for more.

Doughnuts. —Mix 1 quart of flour with 1 tea-spoonful of salt, 1 tablespoonful of baking powder, and 1 pint of granulated sugar, and I/2 nutmeg grated. Make a batter of this with 4 beaten eggs and enough milk to make smooth. Beat thoroughly and add enough flour to make a soft dough. Roll out into a sheet ^ inch thick and cut into rings or strips, which may be twisted into shape. Fry in very hot fat; turn when necessary. Drain and serve hot.

Suits und Knepp. —This is a Pennsylvania-Dutch dish, and a good one for campers. Take some dried apples and soak them over night. Boil until tender. Prepare knepp as directed for pot-pie dough, only make a thick batter of it instead of a dough. It is best to add an egg and use no shortening. Drop the batter into the pan of stewing apples, a large spoonful at a time, not fast enough to check the boiling. Boil about ^


hour. Season with butter, sugar, and cinnamon.

Fruit Cobbler. —Make up your dough as directed under Pie, excepting omit baking powder, and use % pound of mixed butter and lard to 2 pints flour. Mix with coldest spring water, and have your hands cold. After putting under crust in greased pan, pour in scant S pints of fruit, which may be either fresh, canned, or evaporated (soaked as explained under Dried Fruits), leaving out the free juice. Cover with upper crust, bake brown, and serve with milk or pudding sauce.

Puddings are either baked in an oven or reflector, or boiled in a cloth bag. Baked puddings are quickest and easiest to manage. A few examples of simple puddings are given below. They may be varied indefinitely, according to materials available. Deep tin pudding pans are convenient to bake in. Snow may be substituted for eggs (see page 111).

Rice Pudding. —Mix 1 pint cold boiled rice with 1 quart milk and sugar to taste. Put in a well-greased pan, dust nutmeg or cinnamon over the top, and bake slowly one hour. Seeded raisins are an agreeable addition, and a couple of eggs make the pudding richer. Mix them in before baking. To stone them, keep them in lukewarm water during the process.

Fruit Pudding. —Line a deep dish or pan, well greased, with slices of buttered bread. Then put in a layer of fruit, dusting it with sugar and dotting with small lumps of butter. Repeat these alternate layers until the dish is full, the last layer being bread. Bake % to % hour, with moderate heat. Eat hot, with the sweet sauce given below.

Cottage Pudding. — 1 pint flour, y^ pint sugar, Yz pint milk, 3 heaped tablespoonfuls butter,

1 egg,

2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, Grated rind of a lemon.

Mix thoroughly the flour and baking powder. Rub the butter and sugar to a cream, add the milk and egg beaten together; then the lemon rind. Add this to the flour and mix well. Butter a pan well to prevent scorching and dredge it with flour or powdered bread-crumbs. Pour in the batter, and bake about half an hour in hot oven.

A richer pudding is made by using one-half pound butter and two eggs.

A cupful of stoned raisins, minced figs, or dates, added to the batter, converts this into a good fruit pudding. Nutmeg, cinnamon, or other flavoring may be substituted for lemon.

Batter Pudding. — Yz pint flour, 1 pint milk,

1 heaped tablespoonful butter, 6 eggs.

Beat flour and milk into a smooth batter. Then add the eggs, beaten light. Stir all well together, adding the butter in tiny lumps. Dip a clean cloth bag into hot water, dredge it with flour, pour the batter into this, tie up firmly, and put into plenty of boiling water. Keep this boiling steadily for an hour. Then dip the bag quickly in cold water and remove cloth with care not to break the pudding. Serve very hot, with a sauce.


Plain Plum Duff. — 1 quart flour,

1 heaped teaspoonful baking powder,

2 tablespoon fuls sugar, 1 lb. seeded raisins.

% R>. suet (or see below).

Venison suet chopped fine, or the fat of salt pork minced up, will serve. Marrow is better than either. Mix the dry ingredients intimately. Then make up with half a pint of water. Put this into a cloth bag prepared as in the preceding recipe. Since suet puddings swell considerably, the bag must be large enough to allow for this. Place in enough boiling water to cover, and do not let it check boiling until done (about two hours). Add boiling water as required to keep the bag covered. Turn the bag upside down when pudding begins to set, or the fruit will all go to the bottom; turn it around now and then to prevent scorching against sides of pot. When done, manipulate it like cottage pudding. Serve with sweet sauce.

A richer duff can be made by spicing and adding molasses, or the rind and juice of a lemon.

Sweet Sauce for Puddings. —Melt a little butter, sweeten it to taste, and flavor with grated lemon rind, nutmeg, or cinnamon.

Brandy Sauce. —Butter twice the size of an egg is to be beaten to a cream with a pint of sugar and a tablespoonful of flour. Add a gill of brandy. Set the cup in a dish of boiling water and beat until the sauce froths.

Fruit Sauce. —Boil almost any fresh fruit until it is quite soft. Squeeze it through cheesecloth, sweeten to taste, heat it, and pour the sauce over your pudding. Spices may be added during the final heating.



45 drops water=l teaspoonful=l fluidram. 2 teaspoonfuls=l dessertspoonful. 4 teaspoonfuls=:l tablespoonful. 2 tablespoonfuls=l fluidounce. 4 tablespoonfuls=l wineglassful. 8 tablespoonfuls=l gill. 2 gills=l cup.

4 gills=l pint (1 lb. water). 2 pints=l quart (1 lb. flour). 4 quarts=l gallon. 2 gallons (dry)=l peck. 4 pecks (dry)=l bushel.

outfitter's data.

Baking powder 1 lb.=li4 pints.

Beans, dried 1 qt.=l % ft»s.

CoflFee, roasted whole 1 qt.=10 oz.

Corn meal 1 qt.=:li4 ^s.

Flour 1 qt.=l lb.

Macaroni 1 lb.=8%x23/gx23/8 in.

Oatmeal 1 qt.=% lb.

Peas, split 1 qt.=l% lbs.

Rice 1 qt.=2 lbs.

Salt, dry 1 qt.=l% ^s.

Soda crackers are about 3 times as bulky as bread, weight for weight.



Sugar, granulated


Bacon, breakfast

Salt pork

Salt pork

Butter, closely packed..

Butter, creamery

Eggs, desiccated

Eggs, fresh



Milk, evaporated

Milk, evaporated

Milk, evaporated

Apples, evaporated

Apples, evaporated

Corn, canned

Fruit, canned, small can, Fruit, canned, large can,

Tomatoes, canned


Raisins, stemmed




Sweet Potatoes

1 qt.=l3^ lbs. 1 qt.=y2 lb.

1 fiitch=:5-8 lbs., average. 1 side=30-40 lbs,, average. 1 belly:=20 lbs., average. 1 lb.=l pint. 1 ib.=:4%x2y2x2y2 in. 1 Ib.=:6x3x3 in.=4 doz. fresh. 10 medium or 8 large=l lb. 3 lb. pail=:5x5 in. 5 K). pail=6x6 in. 7 oz. can=2i4x2y2 in. 12 oz. can=:3%x3 in. 1 lb. can=4%x3 in. 1 lb. (14 oz.)=r:7y8x4y3x2 in. 1 peck=:6 lbs.

1 can=:2l^ lbs.=4%x33/8 in. same as corn, same as tomatoes. .1 can=:2l^ Ibs.=4ygx4i4 in. .1 doz.=:2 lbs.^=2 qts. , 1 ib.=:iy3 pints. .1 qt.=iy4 lb. 1 qt.=rl lb. .1 peck=15 lbs. 1 peck=14 lbs.


Acids 11

"Aluminol" 25

Aluminum ware 32

Army bread 107

Artichokes, Jerusalem 129

Ash cake 103, 111

Asparagus 130

Bacon, 6; and eggs, 93; and liver, 93; Boiled, 93;

Broiled, 93; Fried, 93; omelet, 100; Toasted.. 93

Bakers 23, 24, 27

Baking bread, 103; fish, 84; fowl, 76, 78; in a

hole, 56, 103; in a pot, 104; in clay, 56, 72,

85; in Dutch oven, 104; in embers, 57, 103;

in frying-pan, 103; in the hide, 56; meat, 55;

on a slab, 103; on a stick 103

Baking powder 5

Barbecuing 55, 69

Batter, bread. 111; cakes, 114; Fritter 116

Bean soup 133

Beans, 9; Baked, 126; Boiled, 125; Canned, 9;

Lima, 130; String 130

Bear, Braised, 55; To skin 41

Bear's oil 41

Beaver tail 74

Beef, Dried. See Dried Beef; extract, 6, 62;

Corned. See Corned Beef.

Beets 130

Beverages 135

Birds, Small game, 79; Time-table for roasting, 78;

To cook, 75, 77; To keep 47

Biscuit, 106; Dropped, 107; loaf 105

Bittern "^9

Blow-flies 4.1* ^6

Boiling, 58, 62; at high altitudes 59

Bones, Marrow ^6

Brains, Fried 66

Braising 55

Brandy H


Bread, 4; Army, lOT; Corn, 110, 111; "Gritted," 112; Lungwort, 109; Self-rising, 108; Snow, 111; Sour-dough, 108; Stale, 114; To raise in a

pot, 108; Unleavened, 109; Wheat 105

BreadstuflFs 102

Breakfast foods 120

Broiling 52, 83

Brunswick stew 68

Buckwheat cakes 114

Bullhead, To skin 44

Butchering 36

Butter, To keep 8

Cabbage 130

Cakes, Buckwheat, 114; Grits, 114; Mixed, 114;

Oatmeal, 114; Potato, 114; Rice 114

Canned fruit, 2; meats, etc., 6; vegetables 121

Canvasback, Baked 78

Carrots 9, 130

Catfish, To skin 44

Caul fat 40

Cauliflower 130

Celery seed 80

Cereals, 119; Left-over 120

Cheese 8

Chests 16

Chocolate 11, 136

Chowder, Clam, 92; Fish 8T

Citric acid 11

Clam chowder 92

Clams, Baked 91

Coals 29

Cobbler, Fruit 141

Codfish balls, 97; hash, 97; Stewed 97

Coffee 10, 135

Coffee pot 22, 27

Cold weather rations 12

Condiments 3, 11, 49

Cook's measures 144

Cooking, General principles of 49

Coon, Baked 72

Coot 79

Corn bread, 110, 111; cakes, 114; dodgers, 110;

Green, 127; meal, 5; mush, 118; Stewed canned 130

Corned beef. Boiled, 95; hash 96

Crayfish 90

Croutons 115, 132

Cups 22, 27

Curry of game 69

Damper, Australian 103

Deer brains 66

Deer head, Baked 56

Deer, To butcher, 37; To hang, 36; To skin, 3T;

Weight of 41

Desserts 136

Dock 129

Dough, To mix without a pan 110

Doughnuts 140

Dressing, Salad 128

Dried beef, 6; Creamed 96

Duck, Baked, 78; Stewed, 78; To dress 43

Ducks, Fish-eating 79

DuflP, Plum 142

Dumplings 67, 117

Dutch oven 24, 104

Eel, Broiled, 89; Stewed, 89; To skin 45

Eggs, 99; Boiled, 101; Desiccated, 7, 99; Fried, 99;

Poached, 101; Scrambled 99

Elk, To butcher 40

Enameled ware 22

Fat, 12; Caul 40

Fire irons 19

Fires 28

Fish, 82; Baked, 84; Baked in clay, 85; Boiled, 59,

86; Broiled, 52, 83; cakes, 88; Canned, 6;

chowder, 87, 88; Creamed, 88; Cured, 93, 97;

Fried, 50, 51, 82; from muddy streams, 82;

Left-over, 86, 88; Planked, 84; Roasted, 84;

roe, 89; Salt, 97; Skewered, 83; Smoked, 7, 96;

Steamed, 85; To clean, 44; To dry, 47; To

keep 46

Flapjacks 113

Flour 5

Food components, 12; Relative values of, 3; To

pack 15

Fowls, To dress 42, 77

Fricasseeing 52, 75

Fritter batter 116

Fritters 115

Friture 8, 51, 83, 116

Frog legs 89

Frozen game and fish 65

Fruit, Canned, 9; Dried, 10; Dried, Jelly from,

137; Dried, Stewed, 136; Preserved 9

Fruits, Wild 138

Frying 50, 61, 82

Frying fat 8, 51, 83, 116

Frying-pan 23, 27

Fuel 31

Game birds, Broiled, 75; Fricasseed, 75; Fried 75

Game, Boiled, 58; Braised, 55; Broiled, 52; Cooking, 65; Curry of, 69; Fried, 50; Hanging, 65; pie, 69; pot pie, 67; Roasted, 53; Stewed, 59,

60; To dress and keep, 36; To ship 47

Giblets 76

Goose, Roast, 77; To dress 42

Grates 18

Gravy, Bacon, 94; Braising, 55; Cream, 63; for broiled meat, 62; for roasts, 62; from beef

extract, 62; Pork, 94; Rabbit 70

Greens 127

Grilling on a rock 53

Grits, Boiled, 120; Fried 120

"Gritted" bread 112

Groundhog 74

Grouse, Broiled, 79; Roasted, 79; To dress 42

Ham, 6; and eggs, 94; Boiled, 95; Broiled, 95;

Fried, 95; omelet 100

Hare 70

Hash, Corned beef 96

Heart, To cook 66

Herrings, Smoked 98

Jam 9

Jambolaya 68

Jelly from dried fruit 137

Jerked venison 6

Johnny cake 110

Kabobs 54

Kidneys, Stewed 66

Kindling 34

Lard 8, 51, 116

Lemons 11

Liver, 62; and bacon, 93; Fried, 66; Roasted 66

Lobscouse 96

Macaroni, 5; Baked, 118; Boiled, 117; with cheese. 118

Marrow-bones, Boiled 66

Match, To light in a wind 35

Measures 144

Meat, 49; Boiled, 58; Braised, 55; Broiled, 52;

Canned, To cook, 96, 97; Cured, 93; Fried, 50;

Roasted, 53; Salt, Boiled, 59; Steamed, 60;

Stewed, 59; To cure, 45; To protect, 41;

Tough 50, 55

Milk, Evaporated, 8; Powdered 8

Milt, Broiled gg

Moose, To butcher 40

Moose muffle 67

Mud-hen * 79

Mush, Boiled, 118; Fried ......!.....!.* 118

Mushrooms 129

Muskrat 73

Nut butter g^ 10

Nuts * If

Oatmeal porridge , II9

Oats, Rolled [] 5

Oil, Olive .8, 88

Omelet, Fancy, 100; Ham, 100; Plain, 100; Rum.. 100

Onions, 9; Boiled l^g

Opossum [ 71

Outfitter's data I44

Oven 24 104

Oysters, Fried, 91; Roasted, 91; Saut6, 91; Seal-*

loped, 91; Stewed 90

Packing food 15

Pails !21, 24, 27

Pancakes, Egg, 113; Snow 113

Parboiling 59, 65

Parsnips 130

Pea soup 133

Peas, Green, 130; Split 9

Pepper H

Percolator qq 27

Pheasant 79

Pie, Fruit, 139; Game 69

Planking 84, 103

Plaster, Surgeon's 15

Plover 79

Plum duff 142

Poke, Boiled 128

Polenta 119

Porcupine 73

Pork, Salt See Salt pork

Porridge 118

Possum, Baked, 71, 72; Roasted 72

Pot pie 67

Potato cakes 123

Potatoes, 8; and onions hashed, 125; Baked, 123;

Boiled, 122; Boiled in jackets, 122; Fried, 124;

Fried, raw, 124; Lyonnaise, 124; Mashed, 123;

Steamed, 60, 123; Stewed, 124; Sweet 125

Prairie chicken 79

Provisions 1

Prunes, Stewed 136

Pudding, Batter, 142; Cottage, 142; Fruit, 141;

Rice, 141; Snow 141

Quail 79

Quoits, Fried 115

Rabbit, Baked, 71; Fried, 70; Roasted, 71; Stewed,

71; To dress 70

Raccoon 72

Ragouts 60

Rail 79

Ration lists 11, 15

Reflector 23, 27, 55

Rice, 5; Boiled, 119; Curried, 120; Fried, 120; muffins 120

Risotto 120

Roasting, 53, 62; in reflector 55, 84

Roe 89

Rolls, Breakfast 107

Roux 62

Saccharin 10

Sardines, Fried 99

Salad dressing, 128; Scalded 128

Salads 127

Salmon, Canned, 98; Creamed, 98; on toast, 98;

Scalloped 98

Salt 11, 15

Salt fish. Boiled, 97; Broiled 97

Salt pork and hardtack, 95; Boiled, 94; Broiled,

94; Fried, 94; fritters 94

Sauce, Barbecue, 55; Brandy, 143; Butter, 86; Celery, 80; Cranberry, 80; Curry, 80; Fruit, 143; Giblet, 76; India, 87; Lemon, 87; Mustard, 63; Sweet, 143; Tomato, 117; Venison,

63; White 86

Sausage, Fried, 52; Pork, 95; Venison 67

Saut6ing 51

Scent glands 65, 70, 73

Seasoning 49, 133

Shellfish 90

Skilligalee 133

Slumgullion 96

Smudges ^,,. ^. ^. ^» 36

Snipe 79

Snits uiid Knepp 140

Snow bread, 111; pancakes, 113; pudding 141

Soda, 5; Substitute for 112

Sorrel 129

Soup, Bean, 133; Condensed, 7, 133; Game, 131; Pea, 133; seasoning, 132; Squirrel, 132; stock,

132; Tomato, 132; Venison 130

Spinach 130

Spleen, Broiled 66

Sprats, Smoked 98

Squirrel, Barbecued, 69; Broiled, 69; Fried, 69;

soup, 132; Stewed, 68, 69; To skin 43

Steak, Broiled 52, 53

Steaming GO, 85

Stew, Brunswick, 68; with canned meat 96

Stewing 59

Stock pot 133

Stoves 18

Stuffing 76

Sugar 10, 12

Surgeon's plaster 15

"Surprise," The 50

Sweet potatoes. Boiled, 125; Fried 125

Syrup 10

Tea 11, 135

Time-tables xi, 78, 130

Tinware 22

Toast, French, 114; Milk 115

Tomato soup 133

Tomatoes, Canned, 9; Stewed 129

Tongue, Boiled 67

Trout, To clean 43

Turkey, Boiled, 77; Roast, 54, 76; Stuffing for, 76;

To dress 43

Turnips 130

Turtle 90

Utensils 18

Variety 3

Vegetables, Boiled, 121; Canned, 9, 121; Cleaning,

121, 122; Dehydrated, 9, 121; Storing 122

Venison, Baked, 55; Boiled, 58; Braised, 53; Broiled, 52; Dried, 121; Fried, 50; Hanging, 65; Jerked, 6; Roast, 53; sausage, 67; soup,

130; Steamed, 60; Stewed, 59; To cure 45

Vinegar 11

Warbles 71

Water in food 9

Waterfowl, To dress 77 '

Weights and measures 144 1

Woc^chuck 73

Woodcock 79













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