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margin-right: -140px; }
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/* s9 Answer
* Used by reader.js to control the show/hide values.
* Warning: Editing s9 answer display properties can result in unwanted behavior.
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/* s9 Scrollable
* Provides a way to scroll content that is too wide for the content window. When the page loads reader.js determines if the content needs to scroll. If so, it will add `.s9-is-scrollable` class to the surrounding div.
* Note: This requires `
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* Warning: Editing s9 answer display properties can result in unwanted behavior.
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li .s9-scrollable
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* Output-specific CSS Defaults
* By default, the print and digital specific CSS should be hidden.
* Note: The show_metadata.css file will override this and
* make these visible if turned on.
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* iFrame Video Fix
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* S9 Video
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h2 .boxed,
h2 .boxed-small,
h2 .badge-audio .figure-caption:before,
.badge-audio h2 .figure-caption:before,
h2 .badge-guided-tour .figure-caption:before,
.badge-guided-tour h2 .figure-caption:before,
h2 .badge-slided-tour .figure-caption:before,
.badge-slided-tour h2 .figure-caption:before,
h2 .badge-slideline .figure-caption:before,
.badge-slideline h2 .figure-caption:before,
h2 .badge-slideshow .figure-caption:before,
.badge-slideshow h2 .figure-caption:before,
h2 .badge-text-yourself .figure-caption:before,
.badge-text-yourself h2 .figure-caption:before,
h2 .badge-video .figure-caption:before,
.badge-video h2 .figure-caption:before,
h2 .phrase-box
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pre code
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i, em
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.unit-info .unit-title
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margin-top: 0em;
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font-size: 48px;
font-size: 2.52632em;
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margin-top: 0em;
margin-bottom: 2em;
* Glossary Styles
.glossary dfn
background: transparent;
padding: 0;
.glossary dd
text-indent: 1.5em;
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clear: both;
margin-bottom: 1.5em;
content: "";
display: table;
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li > .figure
margin-top: 0.75em;
display: block;
width: 100%;
border: 0.5em dotted darkGray;
content: "DRAFT";
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position: relative;
top: 0;
left: 45%;
color: darkGray;
margin-top: 0.375em;
.full-bleed .figure-caption
padding-left: 20px;
padding-right: 20px;
@media (min-width: 560px)
.full-bleed .figure-caption
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padding-right: 70px; }
@media (min-width: 860px)
.full-bleed .figure-caption
padding-left: 140px;
padding-right: 140px; }
font-weight: 700;
color: gray;
margin-right: 14.25px;
color: #333333;
font-weight: 700;
font-weight: 300;
font-style: italic;
.caption-center .figure-caption
text-align: center;
.badge-audio .figure-caption:before
color: gray;
border: 1px solid gray;
content: "Audio";
text-transform: uppercase;
font-style: normal;
.badge-guided-tour .figure-caption:before
color: gray;
border: 1px solid gray;
content: "Guided Tour";
text-transform: uppercase;
font-style: normal;
.badge-slided-tour .figure-caption:before
color: gray;
border: 1px solid gray;
content: "Slided Tour";
text-transform: uppercase;
font-style: normal;
.badge-slideline .figure-caption:before
color: gray;
border: 1px solid gray;
content: "Slideline";
text-transform: uppercase;
font-style: normal;
.badge-slideshow .figure-caption:before
color: gray;
border: 1px solid gray;
content: "Slideshow";
text-transform: uppercase;
font-style: normal;
.badge-text-yourself .figure-caption:before
color: gray;
border: 1px solid gray;
content: "Test Yourself";
text-transform: uppercase;
font-style: normal;
.badge-video .figure-caption:before
color: gray;
border: 1px solid gray;
content: "Video";
text-transform: uppercase;
font-style: normal;
width: none !important;
height: none !important;
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font-family: "Source Sans Pro", Verdana, Helvetica, sans;
background-color: #f0ecfe;
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margin: 1.0em auto 1.0em auto;
border: 1px solid #ff0000;
width: 29.75em;
height: 5.25em;
content: "This is alt-text for the figure directly above.";
text-decoration: underline;
text-transform: uppercase;
display: block;
/* Flashcard category information */
display: block;
text-align: right;
font-style: italic;
/* Center information on the "term" side of flashcard */
text-align: center;
/* Footer on "definition" side of flashcard, usually repetition of term */
font-size: 1.25em;
text-transform: uppercase;
text-align: right;
color: gray;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
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header + h1, header + h2, header + h3, header + h4, header + h5, header + h6
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@media (min-width: 560px)
font-size: 48px;
font-size: 2.52632em;
margin-top: 1.1875em;
margin-bottom: 0.59375em; }
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font-style: oblique;
@media (min-width: 560px)
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margin-top: 0.95em;
margin-bottom: 0.475em; }
h3 i, h3 em
font-style: normal;
font-size: 19.2px;
font-size: 1.01053em;
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margin-bottom: 0.74219em;
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font-size: 19px;
font-size: 1em;
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margin-bottom: 0.75em;
font-weight: 700;
font-size: 19px;
font-size: 1em;
margin-top: 1.5em;
margin-bottom: 0.75em;
font-weight: 700;
font-style: italic;
font-style: oblique;
h6 i, h6 em
font-style: normal;
h1 + h2,
h2 + h3,
h3 + h4,
h4 + h5,
h5 + h6
margin-top: 0;
color: #666666;
font-weight: 700;
h1 .enumeration
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h2 .enumeration
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h3 .enumeration
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margin-left: 0.95em;
h4 .enumeration
margin-right: 1.1875em;
margin-left: 1.1875em;
h5 .enumeration
margin-right: 1.5em;
margin-left: 1.5em;
h6 .enumeration
margin-right: 1.5em;
margin-left: 1.5em;
margin-right: 0;
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margin-left: 0;
width: 4em;
margin-left: 3.333%;
float: right;
text-align: right;
h1 > .ico:first-child, h2 > .ico:first-child, h3 > .ico:first-child, h4 > .ico:first-child, h5 > .ico:first-child, h6 > .ico:first-child, figcaption > .ico:first-child
margin-right: 0.25em;
width: .8em;
height: .8em;
display: inline-block;
-webkit-border-radius: 1em;
-moz-border-radius: 1em;
-ms-border-radius: 1em;
-o-border-radius: 1em;
border-radius: 1em;
width: .75em;
height: .75em;
background: gray;
background: #f0ecfe;
background: #120347;
color: #0077c7;
text-decoration: none;
display: block;
color: #0077c7;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 0.1em 1.2em 0.1em 0;
background: url("images/icon-link-blue.svg");
background-size: 1em auto;
white-space: pre;
white-space: pre-wrap;
white-space: pre-line;
white-space: -pre-wrap;
white-space: -o-pre-wrap;
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;
white-space: -hp-pre-wrap;
word-wrap: break-word;
.link-inline[href*="[chapter"], .link-inline[href*="[Chapter"], .link-inline[rel="chapter"], .link-inline[rel="jump"]
padding-right: 1em;
background: url("images/icon-link-jump-blue.svg");
background-size: 1em auto;
font-weight: 700;
font-style: normal;
padding-right: 1em;
background: url("images/icon-definition-blue.svg");
background-size: 1em auto;
margin-right: -0.1em;
dfn > em
font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal;
color: #0077c7;
font-size: 1.2em;
vertical-align: inherit;
top: -0.2em;
ol, ul
list-style-type: none;
margin-bottom: 1.5em;
margin-left: 18px;
ol > ol:last-child, ol > ul:last-child, ul > ol:last-child, ul > ul:last-child
margin-bottom: 0;
body > li, .example-body > li
list-style-type: none;
li figure:first-of-type
margin-top: 1.5em;
* List Base
* This base is used for all list-types by targeting all lists
* that have a class beginning with "list-"
* Note: Since these lists use CSS2 generated counters, do NOT use
* the start or value attributes that were added back in HTML5
font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal;
margin-left: 1.125em;
counter-reset: listitem;
@media (min-width: 560px)
margin-left: 2.25em; }
[class*="list-"] > li
counter-increment: listitem;
position: relative;
line-height: 46px;
[class*="list-"] > li::before
/*position: absolute;*/
left: -5.25em;
text-align: right;
width: 4.5em;
* CSS2 Generated Counters
* Generated counters allow for complicated list numbering, but come
* with the drawback of not being able to alter the increment and
* display style/characters separately. Therefore, each specific character
* style (paren, bold, italic, etc) must be declared for all the possible
* style types (decimal, upper-roman, etc.
.list-paren.list-upper-alpha > li:before
content: "(" counter(listitem, upper-alpha) ") ";
.list-paren-half.list-upper-alpha > li:before
content: counter(listitem, upper-alpha) ") ";
.list-upper-alpha > li:before
content: counter(listitem, upper-alpha) ". ";
.list-paren.list-lower-alpha > li:before
content: "(" counter(listitem, lower-alpha) ") ";
.list-paren-half.list-lower-alpha > li:before
content: counter(listitem, lower-alpha) ") ";
.list-lower-alpha > li:before
content: counter(listitem, lower-alpha) ". ";
.list-paren.list-lower-roman > li:before
content: "(" counter(listitem, lower-roman) ") ";
.list-paren-half.list-lower-roman > li:before
content: counter(listitem, lower-roman) ") ";
.list-lower-roman > li:before
content: counter(listitem, lower-roman) ". ";
.list-paren.list-upper-roman > li:before
content: "(" counter(listitem, upper-roman) ") ";
.list-paren-half.list-upper-roman > li:before
content: counter(listitem, upper-roman) ") ";
.list-upper-roman > li:before
content: counter(listitem, upper-roman) ". ";
.list-paren.list-decimal > li:before
content: "(" counter(listitem, decimal) ") ";
.list-paren-half.list-decimal > li:before
content: counter(listitem, decimal) ") ";
.list-decimal > li:before
content: counter(listitem, decimal) ". ";
.list-counter-bold > li:before
font-weight: 700;
.list-counter-bold > li
font-weight: 400;
.list-counter-italic > li:before
font-style: italic;
.list-counter-italic > li
font-style: normal;
.list-counter-center > li
position: relative;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
.list-counter-center > li:before
top: 50%;
-webkit-transform: translateY(-50%);
-ms-transform: translateY(-50%);
transform: translateY(-50%);
.list-italic > li
font-style: italic;
.list-bold > li
font-weight: 700;
list-style-type: none;
content: none;
margin-left: 0;
margin-left: 3em;
margin-left: 0;
list-style-position: inside;
.list-inside > li::before
position: static;
margin-left: 1.5em;
text-indent: -1.5em;
list-style-type: disc;
list-style-type: square;
list-style-type: circle;
position: relative;
.list-dash > li:before
content: "\2014 ";
position: relative;
.list-arrow > li:before
content: "\2192 ";
position: relative;
.list-guillemet > li:before
content: "\00BB ";
.list-step, .list-step-center, .list-step-equation
list-style-type: none;
display: table;
.list-step li, .list-step-center li, .list-step-equation li
display: table-row;
.list-step .step-title, .list-step-center .step-title, .list-step-equation .step-title
display: table-cell;
padding-right: 1.5em;
.table-center {
margin-left: 28%;
.table-center {
text-align: center;
.list-step .step-info, .list-step-center .step-info, .list-step-equation .step-info
display: table-cell;
.list-step-center .step-title
text-align: right;
min-width: 2.25em;
padding-right: 1em;
.list-step-equation .step-title
text-align: right;
min-width: 3em;
padding-right: 0.25em;
margin-left: 0;
.list-step-stacked .step-title
padding-left: 1.5em;
font-weight: 700;
.list-step-stacked > li:before
content: "\00BB \2003 STEP " counter(listitem, decimal);
font-weight: 700;
left: -0.75em;
text-align: left;
width: 5em;
.list-step-stacked .step-title:before
content: "\A";
white-space: pre;
.list-image-1, .list-image-2, .list-image-3, .list-image-4, .list-image-checkbox
list-style-type: none;
position: relative;
.list-image-1 > li:before, .list-image-2 > li:before, .list-image-3 > li:before, .list-image-4 > li:before, .list-image-checkbox > li:before
content: "";
/* background-image: url(images/list-image-1.svg);*/
background-size: 70% 70%;
background-position: 0 50%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/*position: absolute;*/
display: block;
left: -1.5em;
height: 1.5em;
width: 1.5em;
.list-image-1 > li, .list-image-2 > li, .list-image-3 > li, .list-image-4 > li, .list-image-checkbox > li
counter-increment: section;
.list-image-1 li:before
/* background-image: url(images/list-image-1.svg);*/
.list-image-2 li:before
/* background-image: url(images/list-image-2.svg);*/
.list-image-3 li:before
/* background-image: url(images/list-image-3.svg);*/
.list-image-4 li:before
/* background-image: url(images/list-image-4.svg);*/
.list-image-checkbox > li:before
/* background-image: url(images/list-image-checkbox.svg);*/
.list-item-space li
margin-top: 0.5em;
.list-item-space > li:first-child
margin-top: 0em;
* Counter Resets
counter-reset: answer-set 0 questions 0 listitem 0 passage-phrase 0 passage-line 0 sample-questions 0;
counter-reset: answer-set 1 questions 1 listitem 1 passage-phrase 1 passage-line 1 sample-questions 1;
counter-reset: answer-set 2 questions 2 listitem 2 passage-phrase 2 passage-line 2 sample-questions 2;
counter-reset: answer-set 3 questions 3 listitem 3 passage-phrase 3 passage-line 3 sample-questions 3;
counter-reset: answer-set 4 questions 4 listitem 4 passage-phrase 4 passage-line 4 sample-questions 4;
counter-reset: answer-set 5 questions 5 listitem 5 passage-phrase 5 passage-line 5 sample-questions 5;
counter-reset: answer-set 6 questions 6 listitem 6 passage-phrase 6 passage-line 6 sample-questions 6;
counter-reset: answer-set 7 questions 7 listitem 7 passage-phrase 7 passage-line 7 sample-questions 7;
counter-reset: answer-set 8 questions 8 listitem 8 passage-phrase 8 passage-line 8 sample-questions 8;
counter-reset: answer-set 9 questions 9 listitem 9 passage-phrase 9 passage-line 9 sample-questions 9;
counter-reset: answer-set 10 questions 10 listitem 10 passage-phrase 10 passage-line 10 sample-questions 10;
counter-reset: answer-set 11 questions 11 listitem 11 passage-phrase 11 passage-line 11 sample-questions 11;
counter-reset: answer-set 12 questions 12 listitem 12 passage-phrase 12 passage-line 12 sample-questions 12;
counter-reset: answer-set 13 questions 13 listitem 13 passage-phrase 13 passage-line 13 sample-questions 13;
counter-reset: answer-set 14 questions 14 listitem 14 passage-phrase 14 passage-line 14 sample-questions 14;
counter-reset: answer-set 15 questions 15 listitem 15 passage-phrase 15 passage-line 15 sample-questions 15;
counter-reset: answer-set 16 questions 16 listitem 16 passage-phrase 16 passage-line 16 sample-questions 16;
counter-reset: answer-set 17 questions 17 listitem 17 passage-phrase 17 passage-line 17 sample-questions 17;
counter-reset: answer-set 18 questions 18 listitem 18 passage-phrase 18 passage-line 18 sample-questions 18;
counter-reset: answer-set 19 questions 19 listitem 19 passage-phrase 19 passage-line 19 sample-questions 19;
counter-reset: answer-set 20 questions 20 listitem 20 passage-phrase 20 passage-line 20 sample-questions 20;
counter-reset: answer-set 21 questions 21 listitem 21 passage-phrase 21 passage-line 21 sample-questions 21;
counter-reset: answer-set 22 questions 22 listitem 22 passage-phrase 22 passage-line 22 sample-questions 22;
counter-reset: answer-set 23 questions 23 listitem 23 passage-phrase 23 passage-line 23 sample-questions 23;
counter-reset: answer-set 24 questions 24 listitem 24 passage-phrase 24 passage-line 24 sample-questions 24;
counter-reset: answer-set 25 questions 25 listitem 25 passage-phrase 25 passage-line 25 sample-questions 25;
counter-reset: answer-set 26 questions 26 listitem 26 passage-phrase 26 passage-line 26 sample-questions 26;
counter-reset: answer-set 27 questions 27 listitem 27 passage-phrase 27 passage-line 27 sample-questions 27;
counter-reset: answer-set 28 questions 28 listitem 28 passage-phrase 28 passage-line 28 sample-questions 28;
counter-reset: answer-set 29 questions 29 listitem 29 passage-phrase 29 passage-line 29 sample-questions 29;
counter-reset: answer-set 30 questions 30 listitem 30 passage-phrase 30 passage-line 30 sample-questions 30;
counter-reset: answer-set 31 questions 31 listitem 31 passage-phrase 31 passage-line 31 sample-questions 31;
counter-reset: answer-set 32 questions 32 listitem 32 passage-phrase 32 passage-line 32 sample-questions 32;
counter-reset: answer-set 33 questions 33 listitem 33 passage-phrase 33 passage-line 33 sample-questions 33;
counter-reset: answer-set 34 questions 34 listitem 34 passage-phrase 34 passage-line 34 sample-questions 34;
counter-reset: answer-set 35 questions 35 listitem 35 passage-phrase 35 passage-line 35 sample-questions 35;
counter-reset: answer-set 36 questions 36 listitem 36 passage-phrase 36 passage-line 36 sample-questions 36;
counter-reset: answer-set 37 questions 37 listitem 37 passage-phrase 37 passage-line 37 sample-questions 37;
counter-reset: answer-set 38 questions 38 listitem 38 passage-phrase 38 passage-line 38 sample-questions 38;
counter-reset: answer-set 39 questions 39 listitem 39 passage-phrase 39 passage-line 39 sample-questions 39;
counter-reset: answer-set 40 questions 40 listitem 40 passage-phrase 40 passage-line 40 sample-questions 40;
counter-reset: answer-set 41 questions 41 listitem 41 passage-phrase 41 passage-line 41 sample-questions 41;
counter-reset: answer-set 42 questions 42 listitem 42 passage-phrase 42 passage-line 42 sample-questions 42;
counter-reset: answer-set 43 questions 43 listitem 43 passage-phrase 43 passage-line 43 sample-questions 43;
counter-reset: answer-set 44 questions 44 listitem 44 passage-phrase 44 passage-line 44 sample-questions 44;
counter-reset: answer-set 45 questions 45 listitem 45 passage-phrase 45 passage-line 45 sample-questions 45;
counter-reset: answer-set 46 questions 46 listitem 46 passage-phrase 46 passage-line 46 sample-questions 46;
counter-reset: answer-set 47 questions 47 listitem 47 passage-phrase 47 passage-line 47 sample-questions 47;
counter-reset: answer-set 48 questions 48 listitem 48 passage-phrase 48 passage-line 48 sample-questions 48;
counter-reset: answer-set 49 questions 49 listitem 49 passage-phrase 49 passage-line 49 sample-questions 49;
counter-reset: answer-set 50 questions 50 listitem 50 passage-phrase 50 passage-line 50 sample-questions 50;
counter-reset: answer-set 51 questions 51 listitem 51 passage-phrase 51 passage-line 51 sample-questions 51;
counter-reset: answer-set 52 questions 52 listitem 52 passage-phrase 52 passage-line 52 sample-questions 52;
counter-reset: answer-set 53 questions 53 listitem 53 passage-phrase 53 passage-line 53 sample-questions 53;
counter-reset: answer-set 54 questions 54 listitem 54 passage-phrase 54 passage-line 54 sample-questions 54;
counter-reset: answer-set 55 questions 55 listitem 55 passage-phrase 55 passage-line 55 sample-questions 55;
counter-reset: answer-set 56 questions 56 listitem 56 passage-phrase 56 passage-line 56 sample-questions 56;
counter-reset: answer-set 57 questions 57 listitem 57 passage-phrase 57 passage-line 57 sample-questions 57;
counter-reset: answer-set 58 questions 58 listitem 58 passage-phrase 58 passage-line 58 sample-questions 58;
counter-reset: answer-set 59 questions 59 listitem 59 passage-phrase 59 passage-line 59 sample-questions 59;
counter-reset: answer-set 60 questions 60 listitem 60 passage-phrase 60 passage-line 60 sample-questions 60;
counter-reset: answer-set 61 questions 61 listitem 61 passage-phrase 61 passage-line 61 sample-questions 61;
counter-reset: answer-set 62 questions 62 listitem 62 passage-phrase 62 passage-line 62 sample-questions 62;
counter-reset: answer-set 63 questions 63 listitem 63 passage-phrase 63 passage-line 63 sample-questions 63;
counter-reset: answer-set 64 questions 64 listitem 64 passage-phrase 64 passage-line 64 sample-questions 64;
counter-reset: answer-set 65 questions 65 listitem 65 passage-phrase 65 passage-line 65 sample-questions 65;
counter-reset: answer-set 66 questions 66 listitem 66 passage-phrase 66 passage-line 66 sample-questions 66;
counter-reset: answer-set 67 questions 67 listitem 67 passage-phrase 67 passage-line 67 sample-questions 67;
counter-reset: answer-set 68 questions 68 listitem 68 passage-phrase 68 passage-line 68 sample-questions 68;
counter-reset: answer-set 69 questions 69 listitem 69 passage-phrase 69 passage-line 69 sample-questions 69;
counter-reset: answer-set 70 questions 70 listitem 70 passage-phrase 70 passage-line 70 sample-questions 70;
counter-reset: answer-set 71 questions 71 listitem 71 passage-phrase 71 passage-line 71 sample-questions 71;
counter-reset: answer-set 72 questions 72 listitem 72 passage-phrase 72 passage-line 72 sample-questions 72;
counter-reset: answer-set 73 questions 73 listitem 73 passage-phrase 73 passage-line 73 sample-questions 73;
counter-reset: answer-set 74 questions 74 listitem 74 passage-phrase 74 passage-line 74 sample-questions 74;
counter-reset: answer-set 75 questions 75 listitem 75 passage-phrase 75 passage-line 75 sample-questions 75;
counter-reset: answer-set 76 questions 76 listitem 76 passage-phrase 76 passage-line 76 sample-questions 76;
counter-reset: answer-set 77 questions 77 listitem 77 passage-phrase 77 passage-line 77 sample-questions 77;
counter-reset: answer-set 78 questions 78 listitem 78 passage-phrase 78 passage-line 78 sample-questions 78;
counter-reset: answer-set 79 questions 79 listitem 79 passage-phrase 79 passage-line 79 sample-questions 79;
counter-reset: answer-set 80 questions 80 listitem 80 passage-phrase 80 passage-line 80 sample-questions 80;
counter-reset: answer-set 81 questions 81 listitem 81 passage-phrase 81 passage-line 81 sample-questions 81;
counter-reset: answer-set 82 questions 82 listitem 82 passage-phrase 82 passage-line 82 sample-questions 82;
counter-reset: answer-set 83 questions 83 listitem 83 passage-phrase 83 passage-line 83 sample-questions 83;
counter-reset: answer-set 84 questions 84 listitem 84 passage-phrase 84 passage-line 84 sample-questions 84;
counter-reset: answer-set 85 questions 85 listitem 85 passage-phrase 85 passage-line 85 sample-questions 85;
counter-reset: answer-set 86 questions 86 listitem 86 passage-phrase 86 passage-line 86 sample-questions 86;
counter-reset: answer-set 87 questions 87 listitem 87 passage-phrase 87 passage-line 87 sample-questions 87;
counter-reset: answer-set 88 questions 88 listitem 88 passage-phrase 88 passage-line 88 sample-questions 88;
counter-reset: answer-set 89 questions 89 listitem 89 passage-phrase 89 passage-line 89 sample-questions 89;
counter-reset: answer-set 90 questions 90 listitem 90 passage-phrase 90 passage-line 90 sample-questions 90;
counter-reset: answer-set 91 questions 91 listitem 91 passage-phrase 91 passage-line 91 sample-questions 91;
counter-reset: answer-set 92 questions 92 listitem 92 passage-phrase 92 passage-line 92 sample-questions 92;
counter-reset: answer-set 93 questions 93 listitem 93 passage-phrase 93 passage-line 93 sample-questions 93;
counter-reset: answer-set 94 questions 94 listitem 94 passage-phrase 94 passage-line 94 sample-questions 94;
counter-reset: answer-set 95 questions 95 listitem 95 passage-phrase 95 passage-line 95 sample-questions 95;
counter-reset: answer-set 96 questions 96 listitem 96 passage-phrase 96 passage-line 96 sample-questions 96;
counter-reset: answer-set 97 questions 97 listitem 97 passage-phrase 97 passage-line 97 sample-questions 97;
counter-reset: answer-set 98 questions 98 listitem 98 passage-phrase 98 passage-line 98 sample-questions 98;
counter-reset: answer-set 99 questions 99 listitem 99 passage-phrase 99 passage-line 99 sample-questions 99;
counter-reset: answer-set 100 questions 100 listitem 100 passage-phrase 100 passage-line 100 sample-questions 100;
counter-reset: answer-set 101 questions 101 listitem 101 passage-phrase 101 passage-line 101 sample-questions 101;
counter-reset: answer-set 102 questions 102 listitem 102 passage-phrase 102 passage-line 102 sample-questions 102;
counter-reset: answer-set 103 questions 103 listitem 103 passage-phrase 103 passage-line 103 sample-questions 103;
counter-reset: answer-set 104 questions 104 listitem 104 passage-phrase 104 passage-line 104 sample-questions 104;
counter-reset: answer-set 105 questions 105 listitem 105 passage-phrase 105 passage-line 105 sample-questions 105;
counter-reset: answer-set 106 questions 106 listitem 106 passage-phrase 106 passage-line 106 sample-questions 106;
counter-reset: answer-set 107 questions 107 listitem 107 passage-phrase 107 passage-line 107 sample-questions 107;
counter-reset: answer-set 108 questions 108 listitem 108 passage-phrase 108 passage-line 108 sample-questions 108;
counter-reset: answer-set 109 questions 109 listitem 109 passage-phrase 109 passage-line 109 sample-questions 109;
counter-reset: answer-set 110 questions 110 listitem 110 passage-phrase 110 passage-line 110 sample-questions 110;
counter-reset: answer-set 111 questions 111 listitem 111 passage-phrase 111 passage-line 111 sample-questions 111;
counter-reset: answer-set 112 questions 112 listitem 112 passage-phrase 112 passage-line 112 sample-questions 112;
counter-reset: answer-set 113 questions 113 listitem 113 passage-phrase 113 passage-line 113 sample-questions 113;
counter-reset: answer-set 114 questions 114 listitem 114 passage-phrase 114 passage-line 114 sample-questions 114;
counter-reset: answer-set 115 questions 115 listitem 115 passage-phrase 115 passage-line 115 sample-questions 115;
counter-reset: answer-set 116 questions 116 listitem 116 passage-phrase 116 passage-line 116 sample-questions 116;
counter-reset: answer-set 117 questions 117 listitem 117 passage-phrase 117 passage-line 117 sample-questions 117;
counter-reset: answer-set 118 questions 118 listitem 118 passage-phrase 118 passage-line 118 sample-questions 118;
counter-reset: answer-set 119 questions 119 listitem 119 passage-phrase 119 passage-line 119 sample-questions 119;
counter-reset: answer-set 120 questions 120 listitem 120 passage-phrase 120 passage-line 120 sample-questions 120;
counter-reset: answer-set 121 questions 121 listitem 121 passage-phrase 121 passage-line 121 sample-questions 121;
counter-reset: answer-set 122 questions 122 listitem 122 passage-phrase 122 passage-line 122 sample-questions 122;
counter-reset: answer-set 123 questions 123 listitem 123 passage-phrase 123 passage-line 123 sample-questions 123;
counter-reset: answer-set 124 questions 124 listitem 124 passage-phrase 124 passage-line 124 sample-questions 124;
counter-reset: answer-set 125 questions 125 listitem 125 passage-phrase 125 passage-line 125 sample-questions 125;
counter-reset: answer-set 126 questions 126 listitem 126 passage-phrase 126 passage-line 126 sample-questions 126;
counter-reset: answer-set 127 questions 127 listitem 127 passage-phrase 127 passage-line 127 sample-questions 127;
counter-reset: answer-set 128 questions 128 listitem 128 passage-phrase 128 passage-line 128 sample-questions 128;
counter-reset: answer-set 129 questions 129 listitem 129 passage-phrase 129 passage-line 129 sample-questions 129;
counter-reset: answer-set 130 questions 130 listitem 130 passage-phrase 130 passage-line 130 sample-questions 130;
counter-reset: answer-set 131 questions 131 listitem 131 passage-phrase 131 passage-line 131 sample-questions 131;
counter-reset: answer-set 132 questions 132 listitem 132 passage-phrase 132 passage-line 132 sample-questions 132;
counter-reset: answer-set 133 questions 133 listitem 133 passage-phrase 133 passage-line 133 sample-questions 133;
counter-reset: answer-set 134 questions 134 listitem 134 passage-phrase 134 passage-line 134 sample-questions 134;
counter-reset: answer-set 135 questions 135 listitem 135 passage-phrase 135 passage-line 135 sample-questions 135;
counter-reset: answer-set 136 questions 136 listitem 136 passage-phrase 136 passage-line 136 sample-questions 136;
counter-reset: answer-set 137 questions 137 listitem 137 passage-phrase 137 passage-line 137 sample-questions 137;
counter-reset: answer-set 138 questions 138 listitem 138 passage-phrase 138 passage-line 138 sample-questions 138;
counter-reset: answer-set 139 questions 139 listitem 139 passage-phrase 139 passage-line 139 sample-questions 139;
counter-reset: answer-set 140 questions 140 listitem 140 passage-phrase 140 passage-line 140 sample-questions 140;
counter-reset: answer-set 141 questions 141 listitem 141 passage-phrase 141 passage-line 141 sample-questions 141;
counter-reset: answer-set 142 questions 142 listitem 142 passage-phrase 142 passage-line 142 sample-questions 142;
counter-reset: answer-set 143 questions 143 listitem 143 passage-phrase 143 passage-line 143 sample-questions 143;
counter-reset: answer-set 144 questions 144 listitem 144 passage-phrase 144 passage-line 144 sample-questions 144;
counter-reset: answer-set 145 questions 145 listitem 145 passage-phrase 145 passage-line 145 sample-questions 145;
counter-reset: answer-set 146 questions 146 listitem 146 passage-phrase 146 passage-line 146 sample-questions 146;
counter-reset: answer-set 147 questions 147 listitem 147 passage-phrase 147 passage-line 147 sample-questions 147;
counter-reset: answer-set 148 questions 148 listitem 148 passage-phrase 148 passage-line 148 sample-questions 148;
counter-reset: answer-set 149 questions 149 listitem 149 passage-phrase 149 passage-line 149 sample-questions 149;
counter-reset: answer-set 150 questions 150 listitem 150 passage-phrase 150 passage-line 150 sample-questions 150;
counter-reset: answer-set 151 questions 151 listitem 151 passage-phrase 151 passage-line 151 sample-questions 151;
counter-reset: answer-set 152 questions 152 listitem 152 passage-phrase 152 passage-line 152 sample-questions 152;
counter-reset: answer-set 153 questions 153 listitem 153 passage-phrase 153 passage-line 153 sample-questions 153;
counter-reset: answer-set 154 questions 154 listitem 154 passage-phrase 154 passage-line 154 sample-questions 154;
counter-reset: answer-set 155 questions 155 listitem 155 passage-phrase 155 passage-line 155 sample-questions 155;
counter-reset: answer-set 156 questions 156 listitem 156 passage-phrase 156 passage-line 156 sample-questions 156;
counter-reset: answer-set 157 questions 157 listitem 157 passage-phrase 157 passage-line 157 sample-questions 157;
counter-reset: answer-set 158 questions 158 listitem 158 passage-phrase 158 passage-line 158 sample-questions 158;
counter-reset: answer-set 159 questions 159 listitem 159 passage-phrase 159 passage-line 159 sample-questions 159;
counter-reset: answer-set 160 questions 160 listitem 160 passage-phrase 160 passage-line 160 sample-questions 160;
counter-reset: answer-set 161 questions 161 listitem 161 passage-phrase 161 passage-line 161 sample-questions 161;
counter-reset: answer-set 162 questions 162 listitem 162 passage-phrase 162 passage-line 162 sample-questions 162;
counter-reset: answer-set 163 questions 163 listitem 163 passage-phrase 163 passage-line 163 sample-questions 163;
counter-reset: answer-set 164 questions 164 listitem 164 passage-phrase 164 passage-line 164 sample-questions 164;
counter-reset: answer-set 165 questions 165 listitem 165 passage-phrase 165 passage-line 165 sample-questions 165;
counter-reset: answer-set 166 questions 166 listitem 166 passage-phrase 166 passage-line 166 sample-questions 166;
counter-reset: answer-set 167 questions 167 listitem 167 passage-phrase 167 passage-line 167 sample-questions 167;
counter-reset: answer-set 168 questions 168 listitem 168 passage-phrase 168 passage-line 168 sample-questions 168;
counter-reset: answer-set 169 questions 169 listitem 169 passage-phrase 169 passage-line 169 sample-questions 169;
counter-reset: answer-set 170 questions 170 listitem 170 passage-phrase 170 passage-line 170 sample-questions 170;
counter-reset: answer-set 171 questions 171 listitem 171 passage-phrase 171 passage-line 171 sample-questions 171;
counter-reset: answer-set 172 questions 172 listitem 172 passage-phrase 172 passage-line 172 sample-questions 172;
counter-reset: answer-set 173 questions 173 listitem 173 passage-phrase 173 passage-line 173 sample-questions 173;
counter-reset: answer-set 174 questions 174 listitem 174 passage-phrase 174 passage-line 174 sample-questions 174;
counter-reset: answer-set 175 questions 175 listitem 175 passage-phrase 175 passage-line 175 sample-questions 175;
counter-reset: answer-set 176 questions 176 listitem 176 passage-phrase 176 passage-line 176 sample-questions 176;
counter-reset: answer-set 177 questions 177 listitem 177 passage-phrase 177 passage-line 177 sample-questions 177;
counter-reset: answer-set 178 questions 178 listitem 178 passage-phrase 178 passage-line 178 sample-questions 178;
counter-reset: answer-set 179 questions 179 listitem 179 passage-phrase 179 passage-line 179 sample-questions 179;
counter-reset: answer-set 180 questions 180 listitem 180 passage-phrase 180 passage-line 180 sample-questions 180;
counter-reset: answer-set 181 questions 181 listitem 181 passage-phrase 181 passage-line 181 sample-questions 181;
counter-reset: answer-set 182 questions 182 listitem 182 passage-phrase 182 passage-line 182 sample-questions 182;
counter-reset: answer-set 183 questions 183 listitem 183 passage-phrase 183 passage-line 183 sample-questions 183;
counter-reset: answer-set 184 questions 184 listitem 184 passage-phrase 184 passage-line 184 sample-questions 184;
counter-reset: answer-set 185 questions 185 listitem 185 passage-phrase 185 passage-line 185 sample-questions 185;
counter-reset: answer-set 186 questions 186 listitem 186 passage-phrase 186 passage-line 186 sample-questions 186;
counter-reset: answer-set 187 questions 187 listitem 187 passage-phrase 187 passage-line 187 sample-questions 187;
counter-reset: answer-set 188 questions 188 listitem 188 passage-phrase 188 passage-line 188 sample-questions 188;
counter-reset: answer-set 189 questions 189 listitem 189 passage-phrase 189 passage-line 189 sample-questions 189;
counter-reset: answer-set 190 questions 190 listitem 190 passage-phrase 190 passage-line 190 sample-questions 190;
counter-reset: answer-set 191 questions 191 listitem 191 passage-phrase 191 passage-line 191 sample-questions 191;
counter-reset: answer-set 192 questions 192 listitem 192 passage-phrase 192 passage-line 192 sample-questions 192;
counter-reset: answer-set 193 questions 193 listitem 193 passage-phrase 193 passage-line 193 sample-questions 193;
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counter-reset: answer-set 223 questions 223 listitem 223 passage-phrase 223 passage-line 223 sample-questions 223;
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counter-reset: answer-set 227 questions 227 listitem 227 passage-phrase 227 passage-line 227 sample-questions 227;
counter-reset: answer-set 228 questions 228 listitem 228 passage-phrase 228 passage-line 228 sample-questions 228;
counter-reset: answer-set 229 questions 229 listitem 229 passage-phrase 229 passage-line 229 sample-questions 229;
counter-reset: answer-set 230 questions 230 listitem 230 passage-phrase 230 passage-line 230 sample-questions 230;
counter-reset: answer-set 231 questions 231 listitem 231 passage-phrase 231 passage-line 231 sample-questions 231;
counter-reset: answer-set 232 questions 232 listitem 232 passage-phrase 232 passage-line 232 sample-questions 232;
counter-reset: answer-set 233 questions 233 listitem 233 passage-phrase 233 passage-line 233 sample-questions 233;
counter-reset: answer-set 234 questions 234 listitem 234 passage-phrase 234 passage-line 234 sample-questions 234;
counter-reset: answer-set 235 questions 235 listitem 235 passage-phrase 235 passage-line 235 sample-questions 235;
counter-reset: answer-set 236 questions 236 listitem 236 passage-phrase 236 passage-line 236 sample-questions 236;
counter-reset: answer-set 237 questions 237 listitem 237 passage-phrase 237 passage-line 237 sample-questions 237;
counter-reset: answer-set 238 questions 238 listitem 238 passage-phrase 238 passage-line 238 sample-questions 238;
counter-reset: answer-set 239 questions 239 listitem 239 passage-phrase 239 passage-line 239 sample-questions 239;
counter-reset: answer-set 240 questions 240 listitem 240 passage-phrase 240 passage-line 240 sample-questions 240;
counter-reset: answer-set 241 questions 241 listitem 241 passage-phrase 241 passage-line 241 sample-questions 241;
counter-reset: answer-set 242 questions 242 listitem 242 passage-phrase 242 passage-line 242 sample-questions 242;
counter-reset: answer-set 243 questions 243 listitem 243 passage-phrase 243 passage-line 243 sample-questions 243;
counter-reset: answer-set 244 questions 244 listitem 244 passage-phrase 244 passage-line 244 sample-questions 244;
counter-reset: answer-set 245 questions 245 listitem 245 passage-phrase 245 passage-line 245 sample-questions 245;
counter-reset: answer-set 246 questions 246 listitem 246 passage-phrase 246 passage-line 246 sample-questions 246;
counter-reset: answer-set 247 questions 247 listitem 247 passage-phrase 247 passage-line 247 sample-questions 247;
counter-reset: answer-set 248 questions 248 listitem 248 passage-phrase 248 passage-line 248 sample-questions 248;
counter-reset: answer-set 249 questions 249 listitem 249 passage-phrase 249 passage-line 249 sample-questions 249;
counter-reset: answer-set 250 questions 250 listitem 250 passage-phrase 250 passage-line 250 sample-questions 250;
counter-reset: answer-set 251 questions 251 listitem 251 passage-phrase 251 passage-line 251 sample-questions 251;
counter-reset: answer-set 252 questions 252 listitem 252 passage-phrase 252 passage-line 252 sample-questions 252;
counter-reset: answer-set 253 questions 253 listitem 253 passage-phrase 253 passage-line 253 sample-questions 253;
counter-reset: answer-set 254 questions 254 listitem 254 passage-phrase 254 passage-line 254 sample-questions 254;
counter-reset: answer-set 255 questions 255 listitem 255 passage-phrase 255 passage-line 255 sample-questions 255;
counter-reset: answer-set 256 questions 256 listitem 256 passage-phrase 256 passage-line 256 sample-questions 256;
counter-reset: answer-set 257 questions 257 listitem 257 passage-phrase 257 passage-line 257 sample-questions 257;
counter-reset: answer-set 258 questions 258 listitem 258 passage-phrase 258 passage-line 258 sample-questions 258;
counter-reset: answer-set 259 questions 259 listitem 259 passage-phrase 259 passage-line 259 sample-questions 259;
counter-reset: answer-set 260 questions 260 listitem 260 passage-phrase 260 passage-line 260 sample-questions 260;
counter-reset: answer-set 261 questions 261 listitem 261 passage-phrase 261 passage-line 261 sample-questions 261;
counter-reset: answer-set 262 questions 262 listitem 262 passage-phrase 262 passage-line 262 sample-questions 262;
counter-reset: answer-set 263 questions 263 listitem 263 passage-phrase 263 passage-line 263 sample-questions 263;
counter-reset: answer-set 264 questions 264 listitem 264 passage-phrase 264 passage-line 264 sample-questions 264;
counter-reset: answer-set 265 questions 265 listitem 265 passage-phrase 265 passage-line 265 sample-questions 265;
counter-reset: answer-set 266 questions 266 listitem 266 passage-phrase 266 passage-line 266 sample-questions 266;
counter-reset: answer-set 267 questions 267 listitem 267 passage-phrase 267 passage-line 267 sample-questions 267;
counter-reset: answer-set 268 questions 268 listitem 268 passage-phrase 268 passage-line 268 sample-questions 268;
counter-reset: answer-set 269 questions 269 listitem 269 passage-phrase 269 passage-line 269 sample-questions 269;
counter-reset: answer-set 270 questions 270 listitem 270 passage-phrase 270 passage-line 270 sample-questions 270;
counter-reset: answer-set 271 questions 271 listitem 271 passage-phrase 271 passage-line 271 sample-questions 271;
counter-reset: answer-set 272 questions 272 listitem 272 passage-phrase 272 passage-line 272 sample-questions 272;
counter-reset: answer-set 273 questions 273 listitem 273 passage-phrase 273 passage-line 273 sample-questions 273;
counter-reset: answer-set 274 questions 274 listitem 274 passage-phrase 274 passage-line 274 sample-questions 274;
counter-reset: answer-set 275 questions 275 listitem 275 passage-phrase 275 passage-line 275 sample-questions 275;
counter-reset: answer-set 276 questions 276 listitem 276 passage-phrase 276 passage-line 276 sample-questions 276;
counter-reset: answer-set 277 questions 277 listitem 277 passage-phrase 277 passage-line 277 sample-questions 277;
counter-reset: answer-set 278 questions 278 listitem 278 passage-phrase 278 passage-line 278 sample-questions 278;
counter-reset: answer-set 279 questions 279 listitem 279 passage-phrase 279 passage-line 279 sample-questions 279;
counter-reset: answer-set 280 questions 280 listitem 280 passage-phrase 280 passage-line 280 sample-questions 280;
counter-reset: answer-set 281 questions 281 listitem 281 passage-phrase 281 passage-line 281 sample-questions 281;
counter-reset: answer-set 282 questions 282 listitem 282 passage-phrase 282 passage-line 282 sample-questions 282;
counter-reset: answer-set 283 questions 283 listitem 283 passage-phrase 283 passage-line 283 sample-questions 283;
counter-reset: answer-set 284 questions 284 listitem 284 passage-phrase 284 passage-line 284 sample-questions 284;
counter-reset: answer-set 285 questions 285 listitem 285 passage-phrase 285 passage-line 285 sample-questions 285;
counter-reset: answer-set 286 questions 286 listitem 286 passage-phrase 286 passage-line 286 sample-questions 286;
counter-reset: answer-set 287 questions 287 listitem 287 passage-phrase 287 passage-line 287 sample-questions 287;
counter-reset: answer-set 288 questions 288 listitem 288 passage-phrase 288 passage-line 288 sample-questions 288;
counter-reset: answer-set 289 questions 289 listitem 289 passage-phrase 289 passage-line 289 sample-questions 289;
counter-reset: answer-set 290 questions 290 listitem 290 passage-phrase 290 passage-line 290 sample-questions 290;
counter-reset: answer-set 291 questions 291 listitem 291 passage-phrase 291 passage-line 291 sample-questions 291;
counter-reset: answer-set 292 questions 292 listitem 292 passage-phrase 292 passage-line 292 sample-questions 292;
counter-reset: answer-set 293 questions 293 listitem 293 passage-phrase 293 passage-line 293 sample-questions 293;
counter-reset: answer-set 294 questions 294 listitem 294 passage-phrase 294 passage-line 294 sample-questions 294;
counter-reset: answer-set 295 questions 295 listitem 295 passage-phrase 295 passage-line 295 sample-questions 295;
counter-reset: answer-set 296 questions 296 listitem 296 passage-phrase 296 passage-line 296 sample-questions 296;
counter-reset: answer-set 297 questions 297 listitem 297 passage-phrase 297 passage-line 297 sample-questions 297;
counter-reset: answer-set 298 questions 298 listitem 298 passage-phrase 298 passage-line 298 sample-questions 298;
counter-reset: answer-set 299 questions 299 listitem 299 passage-phrase 299 passage-line 299 sample-questions 299;
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* Equations
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* Fix for italic chars in .equation spans
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* Generic Table
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color: #333333;
color: white;
font-weight: 400;
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font-weight: 600;
background: #120347;
color: white;
font-weight: 400;
background: gray;
color: #333333;
color: white;
font-weight: 400;
background: #f0ecfe;
color: #333333;
font-weight: 600;
background: #120347;
color: white;
font-weight: 400;
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color: white;
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font-weight: normal;
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color: white;
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* Widget Styles
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width: 5em;
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counter-reset: passage-phrase passage-paragraph questions;
counter-reset: passage-line passage-phrase passage-paragraph;
.ktp-passage .margin-bottom
margin-bottom: 1.5em;
margin-bottom: 6em;
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content: "(" counter(questions, upper-alpha) ") ";
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content: counter(questions, upper-roman) ". ";
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content: "(" counter(questions, upper-alpha) ") ";
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content: counter(questions, lower-alpha) ". ";
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content: "(" counter(questions, lower-alpha) ") ";
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margin-left: 0;
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content: counter(questions, lower-roman) ". ";
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content: "(" counter(questions, lower-alpha) ") ";
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content: counter(questions) ". ";
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left: -1.5em;
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font-size: 14px;
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margin-bottom: 0em;
content: "Warning";
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content: "";
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border-radius: 0;
padding: 14.25px;
margin-bottom: 1.5em;
.ktp-range :last-child
margin-bottom: 0;
counter-reset: answer-set;
margin-left: 1.125em;
@media (min-width: 560px)
margin-left: 2.25em; }
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position: relative;
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content: "(" counter(answer-set, upper-alpha) ") ";
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counter-reset: answer-set;
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white-space: pre-line;
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margin-bottom: 0em;
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text-indent: 0;
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text-indent: 0;
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text-indent: 0;
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text-indent: 0;
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text-indent: 0;
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padding: 1.5em;
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font-family: Georgia, serif;
margin-bottom: 1.5em;
.essay-prompt :last-child
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-bottom: 1.5em;
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margin-bottom: 0;
margin-bottom: 1.2em;
.ktp-directions > :first-child
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.ktp-directions .ktp-directions-title
font-size: 24px;
font-size: 1.26316em;
margin-top: 0em;
margin-bottom: 0em;
.number-paragraphs p
position: relative;
padding-top: 1.5em;
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content: "[" counter(passage-paragraph) "]";
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width: 100%;
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.number-paragraphs .text-indent::before
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content: counter(passage-phrase);
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content: counter(passage-phrase, upper-alpha);
margin-left: 0;
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content: counter(passage-phrase, lower-alpha);
margin-left: 0;
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content: counter(passage-phrase, lower-roman);
margin-left: 0;
.ktp-passage.list-upper-roman .phrase-underline:before, .ktp-passage.list-upper-roman .phrase-box:before
content: counter(passage-phrase, upper-roman);
margin-left: 0;
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content: counter(passage-phrase, decimal);
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font-size: 0.73684em;
margin-top: 0em;
margin-bottom: 0em;
margin-bottom: 1.5em;
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font-size: 0.89474em;
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margin-bottom: 0em;
margin-bottom: 1.5em; }
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counter-increment: passage-line;
display: block;
white-space: normal;
margin-bottom: .5em; }*/
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content: "(" counter(passage-line) ")";
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margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 0;
.number-lines.para-indent p span:first-child
text-indent: 1.5em;
* Counter display
* This must come AFTER line numbers to properly take effect
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content: "";
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content: "(" counter(passage-line) ")";
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content: "";
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content: "(" counter(passage-line) ")";
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content: "";
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content: "(" counter(passage-line) ")";
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* Indent Lines
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@media (min-width: 560px)
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margin-bottom: 0em;
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content: "\2014\00a0";
content: "\00a0\2014";
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