“WHERE are you taking us?” Anxiety lashed Sariel’s mind with different possible scenarios of her future, none of them good. Stepping into this helicopter had been one of the bravest or dumbest ideas she’d ever had. Only time would tell which. Each small jerky movement of the craft increased her fear. “There’s a storm brewing.” In more ways than one.
“To my home, Sariel. Do not fear the ride. It’s just a little wind shear.”
“Shear? As in…”
“No, my aircraft is fine and will remain in one piece. You. Are. Safe.”
Between the overwhelming proximity of a vampire and the gore staining her skin, shivers of fear and pain vibrated through her body. With the battle over, she’d wiped the worst carnage from her skin after seeing to her friend.
“You’ll be safe and your friend can recuperate, even though she won’t like it there.” The sardonic smile overtaking his lips betrayed his thoughts.
She vowed to show no outward sign of weakness or fear of what her future might hold. Crystine would devise a plan once recovered, which should be soon. The fact Lukas had forced them both to accept his healing blood boded ill for the vampire when her friend recovered.
The small confines of their surroundings stifled to the point of claustrophobia. It just seemed so unnatural. Modern technology had its place, but rarely in her world. Here sat a creature, probably older than she could imagine, using technology she’d never experienced.
With visors, helmets and gloves leaving no exposed skin, the pilot and copilot’s movements were her only clues to their origins. Lack of preternatural fluidity distinguished them as humans, yet they couldn’t be under a vampire’s thrall and remain highly functional, could they?
A natural curiosity mingled with fear to leave a gnawing in her belly. What was Lukas’ motivation? Without thought, she let her fingers stroke Crystine’s head, cradled in her lap as the words renewable sippy cup floated through her mind.
Lukas’ onyx gaze remained locked on her face and unfathomable.
Her friend’s breathing and pulse had returned to normal after she’d absorbed the vampire’s blood. The fact she remained unconscious even after the paranormal restorative boost was a blessing in light of their current circumstances and Crystine’s outlook on vampires. Lukas healing her this way, even if it did save her life, would’ve brought about catastrophic consequences.
I won’t like where we’re going either. She knew a moment of panic with the simple realization. It’s probably a fortress and inhabited by vampires. Would he pass them around?
“If you have questions, Sariel, ask them. I won’t bite, again.”
His wolfish grin indicated otherwise. The facts surrounding her current situation slithered through her darkest thoughts, augmenting her present alarm to form an overwhelming panic. If he’d wanted her dead, he wouldn’t have fought to save her.
She shook her head.
If he wanted her as a prisoner, she didn’t see any options—at the moment. He could fly unaided, she couldn’t.
The noise of the rotating blades and wind buffeting the windows thumped in her chest, a tenuous form of security at best. Escaped strands of hair lashed her face, giving only stolen glimpses of the cabin’s lush interior.
She resembled a rabbit that with only the slightest hesitation had walked into a snare. Would Crystine berate her for compulsive brazenness? Had she missed a more palliative option? Not considering his strength and determination.
His massive and powerful frame intimidated her even from the opposite seat while his narrowed gaze pierced her self-confidence.
At least his eyes have returned to an onyx hue, but why does he watch my every breath? Could he read her mind?
Still, every time he spoke, the warmth of his voice drifted over her like warm molasses, coating, soothing. A predator’s trait? Her mind floated in its sensual caress with each utterance.
Last night, a simple stroke of his fingers on her face, back, and arms encouraged her to daydream for more. A languid heat had infused her body, swelling her breasts and tightening the juncture of her thighs.
She’d never known a man’s caress. How could she want more, from a stranger? A vampire no less. Did he know how she felt?
Another glimpse at his handsome, angular face revealed the predator’s grin in full force.
Oh hell.
As if her soul beckoned, he leaned forward to brush his knuckles along her cheek. Without conscious thought, she leaned into it, her eyelids drifting shut.
“Who are you, Engel? Why are you two fighting demons?”
“I thought we were going to die…Why did you seek us out?” Realization of her position and response struck with the force of a lightning bolt.
Her eyes snapped open as she sat rigid once more. Existence as a vampire groupie wouldn’t ensue from their forced proximity. Her hand drifted to the dagger at her waist, yet it furnished little comfort. “We fight evil in all its forms.”
His hunter’s grin reduced her to a deer caught in the moonlit crosshairs of a sharpshooter.
Because she’d reached for her dagger or leaned into his caress? Either response equaled that of prey.
She gulped.
“Engel, I will always search for you. I will not allow you to die. Why did you disobey? I told you to stay in the grotto. You endangered your life. This is unacceptable." The smooth voice turned into little more than a growl.
Her spine bristled with his arrogance. “And you’d have me cheat death now? I am not commanded by vampires.”
Despite his gruffness, her emotions plunged from fear to…what lived at the other end of this incredible spectrum. Since she’d become cognizant in the grotto, she felt a constant pull, a need to touch him and know his caress. Yet in his presence now, fear and belligerence prevailed.
When he leaned forward, his calloused hand cupping her cheek, she turned her face into his palm, inhaling his scent. Woodland scents and an unusual musk curled around her thoughts, calming her mind. Her eyelids drifted shut on a sigh as he bore the weight of her head.
What is wrong with me?
Both appalled and frightened with the inability to deny his appeal, she jerked away and covered her face with her hands.
“Do not be alarmed, Engel. It is a natural response. The rest can be learned.” He seemed to read her every move, know her every thought.
“Response to what? Rest of what? Why do you affect me so? This has never happened before. I should want to kill you. It’s what Crystine has trained me to do." Without him, she and Crystine would either be dead or held captive by demons.
On one hand, she owed him their lives. On the other, she didn’t know his underlying motive in helping them. Nothing was free. “How can I allow this? You’re a vampire.” Maybe with enough distance between them, this confusing bond would snap.
His sudden growl filled the cabin above the rushing of the wind. Her gaze jumped to his, expecting to see his eyes burning a brilliant blue.
Only a thin circle of violet rimmed his irises. Anger gave way to a myriad of emotions crossing his face.
What warped through his mind? Did he think her so backward and naïve that she’d never tasted desire? Well, she hadn’t. And how can I desire something I’ve been trained to kill?
“I’m aware you’ve never tasted the hunger which shines from your eyes…We will talk at my home once you’ve rested.” His smile broadened at her sudden gasp. “There is a first time for everything.”
His words sank in, jolting her back to the present. The luxuriant leather seat gave with her backward thrust.
His very presence had overpowered her senses and made her feel microscopic. The possessive look stamped on his features sent another shard of fear through her. This couldn’t be good.
Would he hold her prisoner? She’d fought vampires before but never one so old or so strong. The fact he’d maintained strength while withstanding daylight spoke of great power. With Crystine still unconscious, she didn’t see any choice but to tolerate him for the time being.
She met his stare. Like black diamonds now, his eyes glittered, absorbing her very spirit.
His gaze intensified, infusing her with warmth and thoughts of them twined together, naked and sated.
The beat of her heart accelerated as the rims of his irises turned a midnight blue. Seconds passed before his entire iris burned cerulean—eyes of a wolf before it attacked.
The heat in her body quickly turned to ice, invading every corner of her being to remind her of what she faced. “Your eyes…”
“Do not fear me, Engel. I will never bring you harm. You have my word.”
“Then why do they change color? You want to bite me again?” The quaver in her voice seemed to make his eyes burn brighter, which brought back her earliest memories of vampires. Her first time witnessing death. First her foster parents, then their two young boys and the dogs.
His fierce scowl increased her trembling. Despite her fear, excitement also resided deep in her soul. Would she be able to resist him this time? The euphoric bliss of his bite was unlike anything she’d experienced—or craved.
“No. Not until you are ready. However you will long for my bite the way I hunger for your body.”
Now she saw the man, lacking evil’s taint, instilling fear of a different sort. Her body softened, yearned for his touch. This is so wrong.
To foster any type of affinity for this creature would be dangerous. Yet…“You think I’ll want your mouth on my body?”
The flashback of last night’s bliss beaded her forehead with perspiration and dampened the skin between her shoulder blades. Suddenly heavy, swollen breasts and tingling of her nipples coincided with heat rushing to her core, again damp…As if reading her thoughts, his gaze fell to her chest even as a rumble left his powerful frame.
Something about him drew her in spite of his violent nature. She’d seen his aggression, yet he stood between her and the demons, literally. He could kill with a flick of his wrist, yet risked his life to save her and Crystine.
His emotions were volatile at best, possibly due to the sun being high and the aftermath of battle. He’d hear the frantic beat of her heart, see the rapid rise and fall of her chest.
Is that why his eyes change? The beast wants to attack? Her prey-like behavior only seemed to stimulate the predator response in him.
Another growl. His gaze raked her body and eyes flared brighter. Instant relief came when he closed them and took a deep breath, letting her do the same.
Leather seats creaked as he once again sat back and tilted his head, a frown knitting his brow while his lips pressed together. “Rest, Engel. I’m sorry if my eyes frighten you. They turn blue when my mood changes. But if you do not stop with your current line of questioning, I’ll show you just how your body would respond to mine.”
“They blazed like this when you fought…Are you angry with me?” In response, his gaze settled on her face as black flecks emerged to contrast with the blue.
“Ah, my Engel, anger is not the only thing that brings out the beast.”
Her gasp resulted in more leather creaking as he adjusted his position. Closed eyes once again reminded her of the most ferocious animals restrained by an iron will. As if in response to her thought, there appeared a fine rippling of muscle just under the surface of his bared forearm.
Sariel’s instincts told her to run but she’d nowhere to go. The soft silk of Crystine’s hair between her fingers as she brushed it back soothed the fear of the unknown.
“I can scent your arousal also. Do not fear me, Engel. As long as I exist, you’ll come to no harm.”
Comprehension arrived with the speed of light streaming through the helicopter’s window. Why was her brain so slow in processing his words?
Phantasmal icy fingers danced down her spine. In front of her sat nature’s fiercest predator and he’d zeroed in on her—as a walking, talking sex toy? Dear God, I hope Crystine awakens soon.
Yes, part of her had been aroused. If Crystine had witnessed it, the scolding would never stop. Yet that didn’t stop the sizzling thrill that rocketed through her body. No one had ever directed such erotic heat and carnal hunger toward her.
Fear and excitement coalesced, entwined, knotted in her throat, and froze the air in her lungs. Even his voice affected her. The gravelly notes scampered around her spine, melting her stiff posture.
“I offered my blood last night because I sensed the qualities of your soul. You lack the evil I’ve felt in demons, even in other vampires and humans. I’ve had a hard time convincing Crystine.” Better to appease him than stir whatever fantasy lay just below the surface of his handsome and charismatic but deadly façade.
With a dismissive shrug, he continued. “Tell me about your life, Engel.”
“Why?” Defensive, cornered notes crouched in her voice and would arouse him. She folded her hands to keep them from visibly shaking. When he opened his eyes, the blast of arctic blue made her gulp.
“I want to know everything about you. Where you’ve been, what you’ve done, what you want your future to be. Leave nothing out.”
“I believe we should discuss the artifact. Did you find it?” To give a beast particular knowledge would be dangerous. Crystine’s endless lessons came to mind. She wished Aleyn were here; she could use a dose of his wisdom. Her long-time friend said to trust the vampire. He didn’t say how far…
Lukas’ hooded gaze returned to the black diamond, less threatening guise, providing further evidence of his mercurial moods.
“Yes, we need to discuss that, too.” His glance at Crystine seemed weighted before he proceeded. “There’s an ancient prophecy, an artifact capable of destroying all mankind. At least three beings are involved in the ruby’s destruction.”
“Oh. You mean a vampire, a witch, and me? I’ve been putting the pieces together.”
“Yes.” Again he hesitated. “I understand my part and probably your friend’s part—you however seem to be a mystery. You’re aware you have angel blood running in your veins?”
“The demons who attacked us spoke of a vampire, a prize, and the destruction of humanity. If what you say is true, how do we destroy the artifact? I assume you’ve already tried.”
“I believe magick helped make it, so my guess is it must be destroyed with the same. The old scroll remained in perfect shape, unaffected by water or time.” His fleeting look at Crystine belied his confidence. “We can discuss this when your friend is recovered. We should be home within a few minutes. We’ll get her comfortable. I have a doctor on staff, ready to examine and provide whatever she needs.”
“A doctor—sounds convenient.” Why would a house of vampires need a doctor? Unless…“You keep humans?” The strident crack in her voice reverberated in her mind.
More of an accusation than a question. She envisioned dungeons full of dirty, desperate humans in cells, clinging to life and hope. Would he now count her as one of them?
“Yes, my staff includes humans. All content to stay and well cared for.” A low groan rumbled in his chest.
“Taken care of? Like…sheep?” This time, her panic overwhelmed the soothing qualities of his voice. Well, he’d have to feed them if he wanted to keep biting them.
“No. There is no mind control. They stay because they want to. We have a symbiotic relationship. They are free to leave whenever they choose.”
“With their minds scrambled?”
“No, just any references to vampires erased. As for my non-human staff, the only rule I have is that you don’t harm my men. No one will hurt you. However, they will protect themselves. I’ve arranged for you both to share a room initially, so that you can stay close to her. When she wakes up in a houseful of vampires, well…the potential for injuries will be high. Still, you are not prisoners.”
“I’ll stay with her. You have my word.”
A drawn out groan from Crystine preceded the fluttering of her eyelids. “Can somebody stop this wiggle wagon so I can get out? And the noise—please.”
“Crystine, we’re in a helicopter. We’re safe, just rest. I’ve got you.” Sariel smoothed her friend’s matted hair and brushed her temples with circular motions until her eyelids flickered before closing.