Reviews are Priceless to Writers
DID YOU KNOW the star rating at the end of Kindle books isn’t actually added to a books Review rating? It’s an internal Amazon rating system, and doesn’t benefit us writers a bit as far as reviews go.
Honest reviews are so important to us, for a variety of reasons. Did you know that certain marketing sites won’t let us advertise our books with them unless we have a certain number of reviews?
There are so many ways reviews benefit us writers and our books.
If you would take a few moments to write one, at your favorite retailer, I would greatly appreciate it! Even if it’s just a few short words, it would be amazing.
I would be nowhere without my treasured readers, and hope you’ll spare time to let me, and other readers looking for books, know what you think about this one.
Slàinte Mhaith and happy reading!