First and foremost, I thank God, as always, for the opportunities He has put in front of me. As a love gift to Him, I try to put joy and fun and purpose into these stories, in the hopes that they will lift others up. I continue to be amazed at His blessings.
Next, I thank my coauthor and “Elizabeth Perona” partner, my daughter Liz Dombrosky. It is a joy to work with you. Thank you for making this series and this book possible.
So many people contribute to a book, both deliberately and otherwise. I will try to thank all those who have contributed deliberately. Thank you to the Plainfield Police Department staff, especially Det. Scott Arndt, Capt. Jill Lees, Lt. Gary Tanner, and Asst. Chief Carri Weber, for their advice and suggestions. Any errors in police procedure are mine, not theirs. I also appreciate Brownsburg Town Manager Grant Kleinhenz and Assistant Town Manager Brian Hartsell for their help in details about the Town. I should mention that none of the Brownsburg Town Council members are anything like the ones in this book. Nor, for that matter, are any of the Plainfield Town Council members. (My day job is in town government in the neighboring community of Plainfield.) And while Brownsburg is working on the Ronald Reagan Parkway interchange with I-74, there are no land deals going on like the ones I have pictured in the book. At least, none that I know of.
My aunt Nancee Margison has contributed in many ways to this book, and I thank her for that. Thanks also to reader Joy McQueen for lending us her name. She won the right to have a character named after her in a contest. I hope she continues to enjoy this series.
This book would not be possible without the support and help of an incredible writers group, the Indiana Writers Workshop, of which I am privileged to be a member. This manuscript has benefited from their critiques, advice, and sharpened red pencils. Thank you to Teri Barnett, Pete Cava, John and June Clair, Steve Heininger, Sylvia Hyde, Cheryl Shore, Steve Wynalda, and Jeff Stanger. I also want to acknowledge IWW member David Ballard, who passed away during the writing of this manuscript. David was a gifted writer and actor. The group misses him tremendously. His stamp is definitely on this story. Thank you also to the local Speed City Chapter of Sisters in Crime, of which I am a member (a Mister Sister), for their support.
We appreciate being able to work with the Midnight Ink staff once again! Special thanks to our editors, Terri Bischoff and Nicole Nugent, and to our publicist, Katie Mickschl. They make it a pleasure to be part of the Midnight Ink family.
Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank my wife, Debbie, for her love and support in this endeavor. She puts up with my crazy compulsion to tell stories despite the odds of success. None of this would be possible without her. And I also want to recognize my daughter and son-in-law Katy and Taylor Jenkins as well as Liz’s husband, Tim, who allow Liz and me to keep on dreaming. How blessed we are!—Tony
Once again, I’d like to thank God for this opportunity. I’m so glad that my dad and I got to do this whole adventure again.
Next, thanks to my dad for asking me to do this with him. It’s been fun—an unexpected adventure that I’m thankful for. I’m looking forward to the future!
Finally, I’m thankful that my kids have become better sleepers/playmates, so that Mommy can get a little bit more work done during the day. ;)—Liz