44 Nome Daily Chronicle, Aug. 22, 1900.

45 Nome Daily Chronicle, Aug. 23, 1900.

46 Nome Daily Chronicle, Sept. 8, 1900.

47 Nome Daily Chronicle, Sept. 10, 1900.

48 Nome Daily Chronicle, Sept. 21, 1900.

49 Nome Gold Digger, Sept. 26, 1900.

50 Nome Gold Digger, Aug. 28, 1901.

51 Stevens, Gary L. "Gold Rush Theater in the Alaska-Yukon Frontier." Doctor of Philosophy dissertation, University of Oregon. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International, 1985, p. 244.

52 Atwood, Evangeline. Frontier Politics. Alaska s James Wickersham. Portland, Oregon: Binford & Mort, 1979, pp. 31-34.

53 Ibid., p. 90.

54 James Wickersham Diary, December 11, 1900, Wickerham Collection, Alaska State Library, Juneau.

55 Nome Nugget, July 12, 1901.

56 Hunt, North of53°, p. 197.

57 Dufresne, Klondy, with Cory Ford. "Daughter of the Gold Rush." Alaska magazine, p. 11-13.

58 Nome Nugget, July 26, 1901.

59 Hunt, Distant Justice, p. 141. Hunt cites U.S. v. John J. Jolley, court record Case 216 FRC.

60 Nome Chronicle, Dec. 15, 1900. Hunt, North of 53°, p. 197.

61 The Nome Nugget, May 14, 1904.

62 Nome Criminal Docket Fee Book OS 636, Alaska State Library, RG 507, 345.

63 Ibid.

64 Nome Nugget, May 4, 1904.

65 Nome Ordinance #146, passed June 1, 1904, and #148, passed June 28, 1904.

66 Nome Nugget, March 22, 1905.

67 Nome Weekly Nugget, Sept. 20, 1905. Neilson, Jon. "Sourdough Sirens and Cheechako Chippies: Alaska's Other Gold Rush." Alaska Today, May 1981, p. 16.

68 Wallace, John B. "We Settled Disputes With Fists." The Alaska Sportsman, Aug. 1939, p. 17.

69 Nome Nugget, Sept. 16 and 20, 1905.

70 Daily Gold Digger, March 22,1907.

71 Pioneer Press, June 2 and 3, 1908.

72 Wallace, John B. "The People of Nome Were Scandalized." Alaska Sportsman, December 1939, p. 16.

73 Ibid., pp. 16-17. Nome Gold Digger, July 8, 1908. Walsh, Jim. Interview with the author, Nome, summer of 1995.

74 Osborne, Alice. "The Glory that Was Nome." Heartland, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, June 25, 1995, H-13.


1 Hunt, William. North of 53°. The Wild Days of the Alaska-Yukon Mining Frontier 1870-1914. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company and London: Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1974, p. 139. Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Pioneer Edition, June 30, 1958. Nielson, Jon. "Sourdough Sirens and Cheechako Chippies," Alaska Today, May 1981 and April 1982, pp. 14 and 17.

2 Cole, Terrence. E. T. Barnette. The Strange Story of the Man Who Founded Fairbanks. Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Publishing Co., 1981, p.vii.

3 Robe, Cecil F. "The Penetration of an Alaskan Frontier: The Tanana Valley and Fairbanks." Ph. D. dissertation, Yale University, 1943, p. 118.

4 Cole, E. T. Barnette, pp. 20-25.

5 C. W. Adams. "I Hauled Fairbanks on a Sternwheeler." Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Special Golden Days Edition, July 22, 1952.

6 "RICH STRIKE MADE IN THE TANANA," Yukon Sun, Jan. 17, 1903.

7 Klondike Daily Nugget, March 31, 1903.

8 Klondike Daily Nugget, July 1, 1903.

9 Cole, E. T. Barnette, pp. 63-68. "Birthday Was 1902," Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Pioneer Edition, June 30, 1958.

10 "Hall Opens In Fairbanks," Klondike Nugget, May 8, 1903.

11 Letter from Sara Gibson to her son Tom, Sarah Ellen Gibson Collection, Box 1, Folder 71, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

12 James Wickersham Diary, April 16, 1903, James Wickersham Collection, Alaska State Library.

13.Yukon World, Oct. 9, 1904.

14 US v William B. Duenkel. National Archives, Pacific Alaska Region RS Criminal Cases, 1900-1920 Box 8 RG 21 Case #205 4th Judicial District.

15 Robe, "Penetration of an Alaskan Frontier," p. 168.

16 Atwood, Evangeline. Frontier Politics. Alaska's James Wickersham. Portland, Oregon: Binford & Mort, 1979, p. 120.

17 Stephens, Gary L. "Gold Rush Theater in the Alaska-Yukon Frontier." Dissertation for the Department of Speech and the Graduate School, University of Oregon, 1984, pp. 498-9.

18 Dean, David M. Breaking Trail. Hudson Stuck of Texas and Alaska. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1988, p. 73. Quotes letter from Stuck to John Wilson Wood, Sept. 7, 1904, and Dec, 12, 1904.

19 Valdez News, Oct. 8, 1904 (Rex Fisher Collection).

20 Alaska Prospector, April 13, 1905 (Rex Fisher Collection).

21 The Fairbanks Daily Times, June 25, 1906.

22 Alaska Prospector, Sept. 14, 1905 (Rex Fisher Collection).

23 Fairbanks Daily Times, Dec. 24, 1906.

24 Fairbanks Evening News, Sept. 23, 1905 (Rex Fisher Collection).

25 "Wallace Woman Feared for Life." Fairbanks Evening News, July 18, 1905. Hunt, North of53°, p. 160.

26 Tanana Weekly Miner, January 18 and 19, 1907. Richard Geoghegan diary of January 12, 1907, translated by David Richardson, Richard Geoghegan Collection, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

27 Fairbanks City Council records, April 9, 1907, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

28 Dean, Breaking Trail, p. 72. Quotes letter from Stuck to John Wilson Wood, Sept. 7, 1904.

29 Warren, Father William. Interview with author, Fairbanks Episcopal Church, spring 1972. Warren had read Stuck's diaries, and was struck by the churchman's deep concern for the young miners and observed he might well have been a latent homosexual. Warren also said that the diary covering Stuck's early years in Fairbanks had been destroyed by a church elder who was shocked by it. Stuck's biographer, David Dean, notes the churchman's unease with women in Breaking Trail, p. x, and later via telephone agreed the brilliant churchman had a much stronger love of his fellow man than womankind.

30 Robe, "The Penetration of an Alaskan Frontier," p. 187.

31 Affidavit by James Benjamin Daniels, Georgia Lee's cousin, December 15, 1955, Probate Records of Georgia Lee, Alaska State Library.

32 Sneddeker, Duane R. "Regulating Vice: Prostitution and the St. Louis Social Evil Ordinance, 1870-1874." Gateway Heritage, Vol. 11, No. 2, Fall 1990, pp. 20-46.

33 Warren, interview. According to Father Warren, Stuck's diary was quite specific about the arrangements and his request to Andrew Nerland for help. Unlike St. Louis, in Fairbanks there appears to have been no city ordinance to establish the red light district, but once established the city councils open references to it and those of the press show it to have been a well-sanctioned institution.

34 Klondike Nugget, Oct. 21, 1902.

35 Wold, Jo Anne. The Andrew Nerland Legacy. Fairbanks: Nerland Family, 1984, p. 39.

36 Jones, Albert N. Letter to the author, April 5, 1972.

37 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Sept. 13 and 19, 1906.

38 Snapp, Tom. "Fourth Ave. 'Line' Was Quite a Place; Prostitution Condoned." All-Alaska Weekly, Friday, Feb. 2, 1973. Corroborated by just about any old-timer I ever interviewed.


40 Redding, Robert H. "The Line Offered Fairbanks Men Discreet Entertainment." Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, April 28, 1991.

41 Nordale, LaDessa, a former Fairbanks judge. Interview with the author, at the Pioneer Home, May 1992.

42 Fairbanks Daily Times, March 28, April 2, 1907 (Rex Fisher Collection). Tanana Weekly Miner, April 12, 1907 (Rex Fisher Collection).

43 Fairbanks Evening News, Dec. 12, 1906.

44 Fairbanks Evening Alaskan, April 23, 1907.

45 Fairbanks Daily Times, Aug. 24, 1907.

46 Fairbanks Daily Times, Dec. 10, 1907.

47 Fairbanks Daily Times, Dec. 11, 1907.

48 Fairbanks Daily News, Dec. 12, 1907. Fairbanks Daily Times, Dec. 12, 1907.

49 Fairbanks Daily Times, April 30, 1908.

50 Fairbanks Daily Times, May 1, 1908.

51 Fairbanks Daily Times, May 6, 7, 8, 9, and Dec. 27, 1908.

52 The Tanana Tribune, May 9, 1908 (Rex Fisher Collection). Fairbanks Daily Times, June 6, 1906.

53 Langum, David J. Crossing Over the Line. Legislating Morality and the Mann Act. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1994, pp. 23 and 28-29.

54 I am most grateful to historian Clause M. Naske, who originally discovered Krauczunas's files in the National Archives and used them to write an intriguing piece, "The Red Lights of Fairbanks," for the Alaska Journal, Spring 1984. He kindly provided me with notes and photos for this chapter. Much of the following comes from letters from Krauczunas to Commissioner-General of Immigration, Aug. 22 and 28,1909, National Archives, R.G. 85, File 52484-28, White Slave Traffic.

55 Dawson Gaol Register, May 12, 1902, National Archives, Ottawa. Daily Klondike Nugget, March 25, 1902.

56 Klondike Nugget, Sept. 18, 1902.

57 Seward Gateway, Sept. 25, 1909. Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Oct. 15,1909.

58 "Random Reminiscences of Years in Alaska," Volume II, Chapter titled, "Mail Order Wife." John A. Clark Collection, Box 1, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

59 Wickersham, James. Old Yukon. Washington, D.C.: Washington Law Book Co., 1938, pp.208-216. It offers a reproduction of Fairbanks's first newspaper, The Fairbanks Miner, May 1903.

60 Ito, Kazuo. Issei. A History of Japanese Immigrants in North America. Translated by Shinichiro Nakamura and Jean S. Gerard. Seattle, Washington: Executive Committee for Publication of Issei: A History of Japanese Immigrants in North America, c/o Japanese Community Service, 1973, p. 387-88.

61 Case Number 140, Alaska State Archives, District 4, Series 509 # 514, OS 22.

62 Fairbanks Daily Times, Aug. 24, 1907.

63 Letter from the Rev. Albert N. Jones, Truro Parish, Lorton, VA, to author, April 5, 1972.

64 Ibid. The Rev. Jones noted that the collection "made by a Japanese photographer dealing with a syndicate who imported Japanese prostitutes to Alaska," ended up in the estate of Charles Thompson, where it was purchased by Rev. Elson Eldridge and George Loudoun, a welfare worker. Eldridge denied ownership, but Loudoun's widow acknowledged her husband had bought photographs from the estate. This unique collection purchased (probably from Loudoun) by the late Fabian Carey in the 1950s now belongs to his son, Michael Carey of Anchorage. It is evident from a reflection of the photographer in the mirror of two of the portraits that he was not Japanese. Nor does he appear to be a Fairbanks-based professional.

65 Fairbanks Title Insurance Co., Penny Champagne, researcher, Jan. 1997.

66 Letter from B.S. Rodney to the Attorney General, Aug. 12, 1913, and to the Acting Secretary to the Attorney General, Sept. 12, 1913, National Archives, R.G. 85, File 52484-28, White Slave Traffic.

67 The Socialist Press, Sept. 5, 1914. Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Oct. 5, 1914 (Rex Fisher Collection).

68 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Oct. 8, 1914.

69 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Oct. 12, 1914.

70 Autopsy Notes, Mrs. William Harp a.k.a. Alice Astor, April 8, 1915, Alaska State Library, 509, Location 4359, Box 3, Assent #81-13.

71 Fairbanks Daily Times, April 6, 10, and 11, 1915 (Rex Fisher Collection).

72 Butrovich, John. Interview with the author, Fairbanks, July 1996.


1 Notes on affidavit of James Ben Daniels in Georgia Lee file of Attorney Lewis Grigsby, Pittsfield, Illinois, made December 15, 1957. Probate record of Georgia Lee, Probate Court of Fairbanks Precinct, Fourth Division, Case # 1767, Alaska State Library.

2 Ibid. Tombstone of Nancy Eldridge Daniel, Georgia Lee's sister, in Blue River Cemetery says she was born Dec. 13. Milton, Pike County Illinois, #430 Book A, p. 149, June 8, 1867. Grigsby, Lewis, interview with the author in Milton, Illinois, summer 1994. Letter to Lewis Grigsby by Minnie Yeager, March 15, 1953.

3 Letter to Lewis Grigsby by Minnie Yeager, March 15, 1953.

4 Marriage License, Pike County, Illinois, #594, Dec. 27, 1875. Minnie Yaeger, recalling family history, cites J. P. Book A, page 270, in probate records.

5 Letter from Minnie Yaeger to Lewis Grigsby, March 15, 1955.

6 Pike County Record 843, recorded by W. V. Grimes of Milton, Dec. 30, 1880. Letter from Minnie Yaeger to Lewis Grigsby, March 15, 1953, and notes in her file.

7 Pike County Book 3, page 14, by A. N. Hess, April 18, 1881. Minnie Yaeger Records. Letter from Minnie Yaeger to Lewis Gribsby, March 15, 1953, and notes in her file.

8 Pike County Records #1149, Minnie Yaeger, Nov. 6, 1881. Probate Court, Fairbanks, in the matter of the estate of Georgia Lee, #1767, May 28, 1955.

9 Davis, Dora. Interview with the author, Pittsfield, Illinois, summer of 1993.

10 Ibid. Affidavit of James Ben Daniels.

11 Lewis Grigsby's notes on Daniels's affidavit.

12 Davis, interview.

13 Affidavit of James Ben Daniels.

14 Gould's St. Louis Directory of 1906, p. 676. The St. Louis Police have no records for Georgia Lee or Georgia Eldredge.

15 James Ben Daniels affidavit. Hayden, Cliff, interview with the author, North Pole, Alaska, October 8, 1994. Atwood, Evangeline, and DeArmond, Robert N. Who’s Who In Alaskan Politics. A Biographical Dictionary of Alaskan Political Personalities, 1884-1974. Portland, Oregon: Binford and Mort, 1997, p. 44.

16 Richard Geoghegan diary, November 24, 1907, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

17 Davis, Dora. Letter to author, Aug. 7, 1997.

18 Butrovich, John. Interview with the author, Fairbanks, 1994. Stroeker, William. Interview with the author, Fairbanks, Aug. 11, 1994.

19 U.S. vs. Charles Thompson, File Criminal Case #305. National Archives Anchorage, RG 21, Box 13, 3rd Divison, Fairbanks Criminal Cases 1900-20 293-321, #298.

20 Probate Court File on Charles Thompson, Alaska State Library, Juneau, Alaska.

21 Fairbanks Evening News, July 18, 1905.

22 Hansen, A. H. Tundra-. Romance and Adventure on American Trails. New York: The Century Press, 1930, pp. 190-191.

23 Fairbanks Daily Times, May 24, 1910. Account was corroborated and expanded by John Butrovich on July 2, 1996.

24 Fairbanks Daily Times, Sept. 30, 1910 (Rex Fisher Collection).

25 Hayden, Orea. "Gold Rush Pioneer Leaves Her Mark." Heartland, Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Jan. 31, 1993, pp. H8-H13.

26 Hayden, Orea and Cliff. Interview with the author, North Pole, Feb. 25, 1995.

27 Coghill, Jack. Interview with the author in Nenana, Oct. 14, 1995.

28 Cashen, William R. Farthest North College President. Charles E. Bunnell and the Early History of the University of Alaska. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 1972, p. 169.

29 Herbert, Chuck. Phone interview with author from Anchorage, 1993.

30 Alaska State Library, RC 509, Series 414, District 4, Civil Docket 1920-27, OS 22 915. Cases # 2609, 2674, 2675, 2785-2802 and 2807-8. Also Butrovich interviews.

31 Stroeker, Bill, and John Butrovitch. Interview with the author, Aug. 11, 1994.

32 Gull, Marge. Interview with the author in Anchorage, fall of 1993.

33 Stonefield, Rosa (McCoy's sister). Interview with the author, Eugene, Oregon, March 1995.

34 Alaska Sportsman, Feb. 1943, p. 43. Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Sept. 24, 1942.

35 San Diego Sun, Jan. 30, 1933. San Diego Union, Feb. 2, 1933.

36 San Diego Union, Feb 2, 1933.

37 San Diego Union, March 18, 1933.

38 San Diego Union, Feb. 11, 1933.

39 Charles Thompson Probate Records.

40 Herbert, Chuck. Phone interview with the author from Anchorage, 1993.

41 Hayden, Orea and Cliff, interview.

42 Zucchini, Albert. Interview with the author in Fairbanks, May 25, 1995.

43 Murray, Ken. Interview with the author in Fairbanks, spring 1994.

44 Yukon Territory Certificate of Registration of Death #001047054, Oct. 21, 1954.

45 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Oct. 27 and Nov. 2, 1954. Jessens Weekly, Oct. 28, 1954.

46 Davis, Dora. Letter to the author, Sept. 15, 1992.

47 Democrat Times, Dec. 1, 1954.


1 Richard Geoghegan diary, translated by David Richardson, June 23, 1942, Richard Geoghegan Collection, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

2 Richardson, David. "The Geoghegan Brothers of Alaska." Alaska Journal, Winter, 1976, p. 17.

3 Ibid., p. 18.

4 Riley, Burke. Interview with the author, Juneau, Alaska, April 1996.

5 Richardson, David. Unpublished Biography of Richard Geoghegan and personal correspondence, May and April 1991. Richardson performed the incredible feat of translating the linguist's surviving diaries, written in a combination of American Pitman shorthand and miscellaneous foreign languages, some of which were kept on the back of check stubs.

6 Richardson, "Geoghegan Brothers," p. 21.

7 Fairbanks Weekly News, April 16, 1904.

8 Richardson, "Geoghegan Brothers."

9 Ibid.

10 Geoghegan diary, 1907.

11 Riley, interview.

12 Fairbanks Daily Times, Feb. 11, 1915 (Rex Fisher Collection).

13 Richardson, Unpublished Biography, pp. 269-70.

14 Ibid., p. 271. Letter to Geoghegan's cousin, March 5, 1937, Richard H. Geoghegan Collection, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

15 Richardson, Unpublished Biography, p. 272.

16 "To My Darling Little Mate, Ella." Oversized Scrapbook, Richard H. Geoghegan Collection, C14 D4.

17Record Group 504, Location 4359, Box 3, Ass. #81-13, State of Alaska Library. Nome Nugget, May 14, 1904.

18 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, May 23, 1921.

19 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Sept. 19, 1922.

20 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, March 13 and 15, 1922, and Feb. 8, 1923.

21 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Aug. 8, 1922.

22 Richardson, "Geoghegan Brothers," p. 24.

23 Letter from Richard Geoghegan to a cousin, March 5, 1937, Richard Geoghegan Collection, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

24 Letter from Richard Geoghegan to James Wickersham, April 14, 1936, Richard Geoghegan Collection, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

25 Martin, Frederika I. "Richard Henry Geoghegan." Richard Geoghegan Collection, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

26 Widow of George Loudoun. Phone conversation with the author, in 1992.

27 Geoghegan diary, 1942.

28 Ibid.


1 Callahan, Erinia Pavloff Cherosky. "A Yukon Biography." The Alaska Journal, Spring 1975, p. 127.

2 Gates, Michael. Gold at Fortymile Creek. Early Days in the Yukon. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1994, p. 65-6.

3 Callahan, "A Yukon Biography."

4 Atwood, Evangeline, and DeArmond, R N. Who's Who in Alaska Politics. A Biographical Dictionary of Alaskan Political Personalities, 1884-1974. Portland, Oregon: Binfort and Mort, 1977, p. 14.

5 Dan Callahan Criminal Case #17. National Archives Anchorage, RG 21 U.S. District Court Div. Fairbanks Criminal Cases 1900-20, Box 01 of 19.

6 (Rampart) Alaska Forum, Sept. 27, 1900.

7 (Rampart) Alaska Forum, Jan. 3, 1901, p. 3.

8 Ibid.

9 Letter from District Attorney R. F. Roth to Attorney General, June 10, 1916. NA, RG 6, Letters Received.

10 Butrovich, John. Interview with the author, Fairbanks, July 12, 1994.

11 Fairbanks Daily Times, Dec. 29, 1906.

12 Fairbanks Daily Times, Jan. 24 and 29, 1907.

13 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Dec. 12,1907.

14 Office of the City Clerk. City of Fairbanks Elections, 1903-1994. Edited by Bernard A. Smith, Dec. 21, 1994.

15 Davis, Mary Lee. We Are Alaskan$. Boston, Massachusetts: W. A. Wilde, 1931, pp. 172-73.

16 Circle old-timers who prefer their names to be left off this note recall Grandma Callahan was very proud of her heritage.

17 Office of the City Clerk, City of Fairbanks Elections.

18 National Archives Anchorage, Records 504, Location 4359, Box 509, Assent 81-13. Case #835, Jan. 7, 1919. Decision January 19, 1916.

19 Fairbanks Daily Times, March 22, 1916.

20 Fairbanks Daily Times, March 15, 1916.

21 Fairbanks Daily Times, March 26, 1916.

22 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Sept. 23, 1922 and November 18, 1922.

23 Murray, Ken. Interview with the author, Fairbanks, spring 1993.


1 Oregon Historical Society, Scrapbook 60, p. 180.

2 All Alaska Weekly, Dec. 4, 1931. Samuels Directory, Portland, Oregon, 1881, p. 190, researched by Arlaine Borich of the Marquam family.

3 All Alaska Weekly, Dec. 4, 1931.

4 Oregon Historical Society, Scrapbook 122, p. 251.

5 All Alaska Weekly, Dec. 4, 1931.

6 Hunt, William R. Distant Justice. Policing the Alaskan Frontier. Norman and London: University of Oklahoma, 1987, pp. 29-32. Among his most interesting citations are Bennett to Attorney General, June 17, July 3, 1898, NA, RG 60, Letters Received; and U.S. v. W. E. Crews, Thomas Marquam, etal, court record, Case 999, FRC.

7 Douglas Island News, Jan. 10, 1900.

8 Skagway Daily Alaskan, May 29, 1900.

9 Daily Alaska Dispatch, Oct. 2 and 23, 1902.

10 Daily Alaska Dispatch, Nov. 25, 1903.

11 "Hearings Before Subcommittee of Committee on Territories Appointed to Investigate Conditions in Alaska," U.S. Senate, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1904.

12 According to Alaska Pioneer Records, Allman arrived in Skagway on June 15, 1900. According to her obituary in the Seattle Post Intelligencer, Feb. 28, 1917, she had family in Perry and Waterloo, Iowa, and a sister in Seattle. According to Jack Allman's obituary in the Anchorage Times, July 11, 1953, Jack came to Alaska at age seven with his mother.

13 Atwood, Evangeline. Frontier Politics-. Alassm's James Wickersham. Portland, Oregon: Binford & Mort, 1979, pp. 156-7.

14 Fairbanks Evening News, Aug. 31, 1906.

15 Ginger Carroll, a distant relative of Marquam, in an interview with Frank Young of Fairbanks shortly before his death in 1992.

16 Case #305, State Library #905, 4th District Criminal Register OS 1029. Criminal Case #314, U.S. v Thomas A. Marquam, National Archives Record Group 21 (U.S. District Court), Box 13, 3rd Division Fairbanks Criminal Cases 19001920, 2930-321 (no 298).

17 Atwood, Frontier Politics, pp. 165-66.

18 Hunt, Distant Justice, p. 318.

19 Fairbanks Times, Jan. 7, 1909.

20 Fairbanks Daily News, Jan. 7, 1909.

21 Fairbanks Daily News, Aug. 23, 1910. Dawson Daily News, Sept. 10, 1910. Douglas Island News, Oct. 5, 1910.

22 Oregon Historical Society, Scrapbook 60, p. 180. The Oregonian, March 5, 1921. Personal Scrapbook 1911, A. H. Hansen Collection, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

23 Fairbanks Weekly Times, Nov. 6, 1911. Weekly Alaska Dispatch, Jan. 13, 1911.

24 Hunt, Distant Justice, p. 318-19. He cites Clegg's affidavit, March 23, 1912, NA RG60, Letters Received.

25 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Feb. 21, 1917. Seattle Post Intelligencer, Feb. 28, 1917.

26 Naske, Claus M., and Rowinski, L.J. Fairbanks. A Pictorial History. Norfolk/ Virginia Beach: The Donning Company, 1981, pp. 57-58.

27 Dalton, Kathleen. Interview with the author, Jan. 1991. Verified by other pioneers.

28 Marriage license #54021, State of Alaska Registrar.

29 James Wickersham diary, Jan. 8, 1921, James Wickersham Collection, Alaska State Library.

30 Atwood, Frontier Politics, pp. 31-34.

31 DeArmond, Robert N. Letter to the author, Dec. 17, 1997.

32 Ginger Carroll following an interview with the late Frank Young and Marquam family members.

33 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Aug. 30, 1923.

34 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, March 19, 1925. Atwood and DeArmond, Who’s Who, p. 61.

35 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, May 7, 1925.

36 Solka, Paul. Interview with the author in Eugene, Oregon, March 5, 1995. Solka was at the Fairbanks Daily News Miner when Sutherland's people offered Mrs. W. F. Thompson, principal stockholder, $2,000 in commercial campaign printing orders for her support. Marquam offered her $10,000 to be paid after the election. When he lost, she received nothing. Letter from Solka to author from Eugene, Oregon, Aug. 19, 1994.

37 Strollers Weekly, Oct. 30, 1926.

38 Strollers Weekly, July 24, 1926. Anchorage Daily Times, Nov. 5, 1926.

39 Letters to Mary dated Oct. 3 and 17, 1928. Herbert Heller Collection, University of Alaska Archives, Lynn Smith, Box 1 Folder 20.

40 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Dec. 15, 1928.

41 Butrovich, John, of Fairbanks. Interview with the author, July 1994. Rogge, Pat Hering, a former neighbor. Interview with the author in 1995.

42 Alaska Weekly, Dec. 4, 1931. Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Nov. 24 and 30, 1931. Also clippings without citations from Arlaine Borich, a distant relative in Tigard, Oregon, who is working on Marquam geneology.

43 Rogge, interview. Fairbanks Recorders Office, May 5, 1935, 74142V26 p. 485.

44 Juneau Alaska Empire, July 10, 1953. Atwood, Frontier Politics, pp. 397-97.


1 U.S. v Fred Rassmussen. National Archives, Alaska Region RG 21, Box 10, 1st Division Juneau Criminal Case Files 1900-1911, 344B-393B, File 381B.

2 U.S. v Fred Rassmussen, File 336B.

3 "Rassmussen Gets Severe Sentence This Morning." Alaska Dispatch, Jan. 26, 1903. "The Judge Severe: Two Other Douglas City Men Will Get Six Months Each . . . Moral Wave Fierce." Nome Nugget, April 15, 1903. "Judge Brown Gives A Very Severe Sentence." Alaska Dispatch, January 27, 1903.

4 Fred Rassmussen v US, Supreme Court of the United States 516-536, 197 U.S.

5 Gruening, Ernest. The State of Alaska. A Definitive History of Americas Northernmost Frontier. New York: Random House, 1954, p. 44. Naske, Clause M., and Slotnick, Herman E. Alaska. A History of the 49th State. Second Edition, Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987, p. 92.

6 Post office worker Clary Craig's list of people dying or leaving the Klondike: Fred Rassmussen, Jan. 22, 1909, Tanana. Pan For Gold database, Yukon Territory: http://www.gold-rush.org/ghost- 07.htm.

7 Letter from R. N. DeArmond from Sitka, October 21, 1991. Dearmond, Bob. "Juno's Days of Yore," Info Alaska, The Weekly T.V. Guide, Juneau Alaska Empire, March 14, 1987, p. 4.

8 Gaddis, Thomas E. Birdman of Alcatraz-. The Story of Robert Stroud. Mattituk, N.Y.: Aeonian Press, 1955, pp.16-17.

9 Babyak, Jolene. Bird Man. The Many Faces of Robert Stroud. Berkeley: Ariel Vamp Press, 1994, p. 16.

10 Gaddis, Birdman of Alcatraz, pp. 17-19.

11 Price, Susan. "Juneau's Most Infamous Murder Case." Juneau Empire, October 8, 1995.

12 National Archives, RG 21, U.S. District Court Records, 1st Divison Criminal Case Files, 19001911, Box 29 # 603 B - 632 B.

13 Gaddis, Birdman of Alcatraz, p. 23-24.

14 "Surgeon Who Witnessed Dan McGrew Incident in Juneau Tells of Famous Lou," Juneau Empire, April 12, 1923.

15 Letter written at close of World War I by Helen Wilson to her sister Alice Wilson Bair in Pennsylvania, from Skagway (undated) in 1918. Alaska Historical Collections, Alaska State Library.

16 Steele, Sam. Forty Years in Canada. London: Jenkins, 1915, p. 292.

17 Berton, Pierre. Klondike-. The Last Great Gold Rush, 1896-1899. Toronto, Ontario: Penguin Books Ltd., 1958, revised 1972, p. 281.

18 Earp, Josephine Sarah Marcus. I Married Wyatt Earp. The Recollections of Josephine Sarah Marcus Earp. Collected and edited by Glenn G. Boyer. Tucson, Arizona: The University of Arizona Press, 1990, p. 160.

19 Steele, Forty Years in Canada, p. 297.

20 Clifford, Howard. The Skagway Story. Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Publishing Co., 1975/1983, p. 81.

21 Seattle Times, June 3, 1898. Hunt, William R Distant Justice. Policing the Alaskan Frontier. Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987, pp.60-61.

22 Choate, Glenda J. Skagway, Alaska, Gold Rush Cemetery. Skagway: Lynn Canal Publishing, 1989, p. 9.

23 Clifford, Howard. The Skagway Story. Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Publishing Co., 1975/1983, pp. 83-84. Spude, Catherine Blee, National Park Service, Denver. Correspondence with the author, Sept. 26, 1992.

24 Skagway News, Jan. 13, 1899.

25 Nakano, Mei. Japanese American Women. Three Generations 1890-1990. Sebastopol, Calif: Meva Press Publishers, Inc., 1990, p. 24. Yamazaki, Tomoko. The Story of Yamada Waka. From Prostitute to Feminist Pioneer. Tokyo, New York, San Francisco: Kodansha International, 1978, p 22-23.

26 We are indebted to Tomoko Yamazako for her translation of "Myself and My Surroundings," an essay Waka wrote in 1914, p. 76. Indeed, without the English translation of Yamazako's fine biography of Waka, and the careful work of Yuji Ichioka, we would have little insight into the lives of the Japanese women who were enslaved as prostitutes during the gold rush era. Yamazako, Story of Yamada Waka, p. 73. Ichioka, Yuji. "Ameyuki-san: Japanese Prostitutes in Nineteenth-Century America." Amerasia 4:1 (1977) Vo. l #2, July 1971, pp. 7-11.

27 Yamazako, Story of Yamada Waka, p. 88.

28 Ito, Kazuo. Issei. A History of Japanese Immigrants in North America. Translated by Shinichiro Nakamura and Jean S. Gerard. Seattle, Washington: Executive Committee for Publication of Issei: A History of Japanese Immigrants in North America, c/o Japanese Community Service, 1973. p. 775.

29 Daily Alaskan, April 10 and 23, 1901.

30 Ito, Issei, p. 391.

31 Lung, Edward B., as told to Ella Lang Martinsen. Trail to North Star Gold. True Story of the Alaska- Klondike Gold Rush. New York: Vantage Press, 1956, p.384.

32 Wisenbaugh, Vicki, Tenakee Historical Collection. Phone interview with the author, November 1993.

33 Smythe, Gillian, of Anchorage. Interview with author, April 1994. Valdez News, September 1 and 11, 1901.

34 Thompson, Homer S. Correspondence with the author from Homer, May 17, 1993. James Wickersham diary, James Wickersham Collection, Alaska State Library, January 8, 1921.

35 Allen, June. Spirit. Historic Ketchikan, Alaska. Ketchikan: Lind Printing for Historic Ketchikan, Inc., 1992, pp. 47-52.

36 Duncan, Thomas. "Alaska Broadcasting: 19221977." Thesis, University of Alaska.

37 Allen, June. Dollys House. Ketchikan: Tongass Publishing Co., 1976, p. 5.

38 Ibid, p. 8.

39 Ibid, pp. 11-14.

40 Notes on Creek Street by Mark Wheeler, Tongass Historical Society Inc., Ketchikan,1993.

41 Williams, Lou. Phone interview with author from Ketchikan, July 4, 1996.

42 Allen, Historic Ketchikan, p. 38.


1 University of Alaska Museum, facts posted in a display on Fairbanks in 1910.

2 Rasmuson Archives ACC 92-080, Tax Rolls Box 20 and Box 23. Also land records from the office of the Fairbanks District Recorder.

3 Researching Barnette is murky business at best. The best job of it is Terrence Cole's E. T. Barnette-. The Strange Story of the Man who Founded Fairbanks. Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, 1981. Chapter 8 details his colorful Oregon career and Chapter 9 his final financial dealings in Alaska.

4 Naske, Clause M. and Rowinski, L. J. Fairbanks. A Pictorial History. Norfolk/Virginia Beach: The Donning Company/Publishers, 1981, p. 29.

5 Robe, C. F. "The Penetration of an Alaskan Frontier: The Tanana Valley and Fairbanks." Ph. D. dissertation, Yale University, 1943, p. 12.

6 Naske and Rowinski, Fairbanks, p. 57.

7 Gull, Marge. Interview with the author at Pioneer Home in Anchorage, September 1993. Riley, Burke. Interview with the author, March 4, 1994.

8 Young, Frank. Interview with the author two months before Youngs death.

9 Richard Geoghegan diary, March 3, 1942, Richard Geoghegan Collection, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Undated obituary found in the scrapbook of Ruth McCoy, now in the same archives.

10 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, May 29, 1922.

11 Fairbanks Sunday Times, March 23, 1913 (Rex Fisher Collection).

12 Young, S. Hall. Hall Young of Alaska. The Mushing Parson. New York and Chicago: Flemming H. Revell Company, 1927.

13 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, July 18, 1957.

14 Lewis, Bill. Interview with the author, Fairbanks, July 12, 1996.

15 Murie, Margaret E. Two in the Far North. Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Publishing Co, 1978, p. 31. Carter, Debbie. "Ladies of the Line." Fairbanks Daily News Miner, July 17, 1982.

16 Stroeker, Bill. Interview with the author, Fairbanks, September 1994. Young, Frank. Interview with the author, Fairbanks, April 1992.

17 Letter from Tom Gibson to Aunt, August 27, 1908, Sarah Ellen Gibson Collection, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Box 1, Gor 313.

18 Loftus, Audrey. 'Tom Gibson—Meat Hunter." Alaska Sportsman, June 1967, pp. 18-21, 59; July 1967, pp. 6-8; and August 1967, pp. 20-21.

19 "She Arrived as a Bride," Fairbanks News-Miner, Golden Days, July 27, 1959.

20 A 1922 city plate shows only fifteen houses.

21 Polk Directory, 1915-1916. Fairbanks Title Insurance Co., Penny Champagne researcher, January 1997. Akimoto's photographs and personal effects were auctioned off with the rest of Charles Thompson's estate in September of 1942 with a good part of the town in attendance.

22 Marshall, Robert. Arctic Village. New York: Literary Guild of New York, 1993, p. 161. James Wickersham diary, Jan. 8, 1921, James Wickersham Collection, Alaska State Library.

23 Marshall, Arctic Village, pp. 43 and 267-8.

24 Blaekley, Geoffrey. "Murder on the Koyukuk: The Hunt for the Blueberry Kid." Alaska History, spring 1996, p. 15.

25 "A Sporting Woman." Hot Springs Echo, Jan. 14, 1909. "Fire Scare when Dutch Marie's Place Burned." Hot Springs Echo, Dec. 31, 1910.

26 Seattle Post Intelligencer, May 24, 1914.

27 Blaekley, "Murder on the Koyukuk," pp.15-16.

28 The Ruby Record-Citizen, August 2, 1914.

29 Blaekley, "Murder on the Koyukuk," pp. 22-3.

30 Herns, Ruby and Frederick. "Memories of Iditarod," Alaska Sportsman, February 1965, pp. 35-37.

31 Correspondence with Rolfe Buzzell, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Office of History and Archeology, September 1, 1993.

32 Naske and Rowinski, Fairbanks, p. 23.

33 Gates, Michael. Gold at Fortymile Creek. Early Days in the Yukon. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1994, p. 125.

34 Caption by Mrs. Pusly on photo of The Jewel, Ester Duffy's whorehouse at Fort Gibbon. University of Washington Archives.

35 Solka, Paul. Interview with the author in Eugene, Oregon, March 5, 1995.

36 Twogood, Ron and Dorothy. Interview with the author, Fairbanks, Feb. 9, 1997.

37 Tower, Dr. Elizabeth. Big Mike Henry. Irish Prince of the Iron Trails. Anchorage: Elizabeth Tower, 1990, pp. 46-47.

38 Memorandum from Assistant District Forester Charles H. Flory to District Forester, January 6, 1917. This correspondence is missing from the Forest Service national files at the Archives, but other correspondence there bears it out and the typeface matches. I obtained a much-xeroxed copy from a close friend who apparently knew someone who saved the embarrassing memo from destruction.

39 Memo from District Forester to the Forester, Washington, D. C., January 9, 1917. Letter to District Forester from Forest Supervisor W.G. Weigle, January 19, 1917.

40 McSmith, Blanche, close personal friend and executor of Swanson's estate. Interview with the author in Juneau, 1992, and by phone to Juneau in 1994.

41 Anchorage Daily News, Jan. 13, 1973. Anchorage Daily Times, Jan. 15, 1973.

42 Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, May 31, 1922.

43 Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, Oct. 1, 1925.

44 State Archives, Oct. 26, 1926. Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Oct. 25, 1926.

45 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Oct. 1, 1925. "Insanity, Sabotage or 'Reform'?" Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Sept. 25 and Nov. 17, 1922.

46 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Oct. 23 and Nov. 6, 1922.

47 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Feb. 27 and 28, 1923.

48 Alaska State Library, RC 509, Series 414, District 4 Civil Docket 1920-27 OS 22 915. Cases # 2609, 2674, 2675. 2785, 2786, 2787, 2788, 2789, 2790, 1791, 2792, 2793, 2794, 2795, 2796, 2797, 2798, 2799, 2800, 2802, 2803, 2807, 2808. Lawyers for the Line included Charles Williams, John Clark, and Charles E. Sampson.

49 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, October 31, 1925.

50 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, January 5, 1926.


1 Armstrong, Nevill A. D. Yukon Yesterdays. Thirty Years of Adventure in the Yukon. London: John Long Ltd., 1936, pp 50-53.

2 Trelawney-Ansell, E. C. I Followed Gold. London: Peter Davies, 1938, p. 189. Alder, Lee. Interview with the author, March 9, 1997.

3 Berton, Pierre. Klondike-. The Last Great Gold Rush, 1896-1899. Toronto, Ontario: Penguin Books Ltd., 1958, revised 1972, p. 487.

4 Hamlin, C. S. Old Times on the Yukon. Los Angeles: Wetzel Publishing Co., Inc., 1928, pp. 27-28.

5 Sterling, Joe, Edith Neile's nephew. Interview with the author in Everett, Washington, Feb. 25, 1995.

6 Nixon, Richard J. Jr. "Vigilante Committee Visits Yreka." Siskiyou County Historical Society, courtesy of Ian D. Matheson of Seattle, Washington, to whom we are indebted for some fine research on the Radford family and on Edith Neile herself.

7 (Yreka) Siskiyou News, Oct. 16, 1897. From Siskiyou Pioneer, Vol. III, No. 8, 1965.

8 Sterling, interview.

9 Martinsen, Ella Lung, as told to her by her mother, Velma D. Lung. Trail to North Star Gold. True Story of the Alaska-Klondike Gold Rush. Portland, Oregon: Metropolitan Press, 1969, pp. 187-8.

10 Sterling, interview.

11 Hamlin, C.S. Old Times, p. 59-61. He writes of Neile's "half sister" who failed as a dance hall girl and also as a cook, depicting her with a drinking problem. Edna Radford did not drink and Edith had two half-sisters, one of whom might have come north. There are enough references to the "Colt" from old-timers to safely assume Edna also made a brief appearance.

12 Sterling, interview.

13 "Random Reminiscences of 22 Years in Alaska," Vol. 1. John. A Clark Collection, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Box 1.

14 Alaska State Library, RG507, Fairbanks Case #282, July 11, 1907.

15 Interview with Rolfe Buzzell, History and Archeology, Alaska Department of Natural Resources in Anchorage, 1994.

16 Sterling, interview.

17 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Oct. 7 and 8, 1918.

18 Sterling, interview. Fairbanks Daily News Miner, June 19, 1919.

19 Sterling, interview. Also Kennedy, Kay, a Fairbanks reporter who knew Neile well. Interview with the author, Nov. 1993. Both said that Neile was happiest when she was helping others, and spent everything she had to that end.

20 Richardson, Marilyn. "'Spanish Grippe' Grips Our Town," Heartland, Fairbanks Daily News Miner, May 20, 1920, reprinted in Heartland, Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Jan. 9, 1994.

21 Patty, Ernest. North Country. New York: D. McKay, 1969, pp. 44-5.

22 Richardson, "Spanish Grippe." Sterling, interview.

23 National Archives, Anchorage, RG #21, Box 52, Alaska 4th Division, Files 19060-55, 2565-2584. File # 2574, May 9, 1922.

24 Ibid.

25 Sterling, interview.

26 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Feb. 9 and 10, 1962.

27 Letter from Joe Sterling to the author, postmarked August 18, 1994.

28 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Feb 10, 1962.


1 Hunt, William R. Golden Places-. The History of Alaska-Yukon Mining. Anchorage, National Park Service, Alaska Region, 1990, pp. 143-4. Stroeker, William. Interview with the author, Aug. 11, 1994.

2 Murie, Margaret E. Two in the Far North. Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Publishing Co, 1978.

3 Nordale, LaDessa, a former Fairbanks judge. Interview with the author at the Pioneer Home, May 1992.

4 Casey, Bob. Interview with the author, Circle Hot Springs, July 1995.

5 Tillion, Clem. Interview with the author, Juneau, winter 1992.

6 Gull, Marge. Interview with the author at the Pioneer Home in Anchorage, September 1993. Hudson, Sally, of Fairbanks, who worked in Lucille's Apparel as a girl. Interview with the author, March 1995.

7 Moody, Jim, of Fairbanks. Interview with the author, July 1994.

8 Herbert, Chuck. Phone interview with the author from Anchorage, Aug. 30, 1992.

9 Jessens Weekly, October 8, 1943.

10 Bayer, Lawrence, and Drayton, Wayne. Prostitution in Fairbanks. Anchorage Museum of History and Art, collection of William C. Ray, pp. 4-5.

11 Ibid., pp. 1-2.

12 Ibid., p. 8.

13 Jessens Weekly, October 8, 1943. Fairbanks Daily News Miner, October 8, 1943.

14 Jessens Weekly, October 22 and November 19, 1943.

15 Cook, Pat, of Fairbanks. Interview with the author, summer of 1992. Young, Frank, of Fairbanks. Interview with the author, April 1992.

16 Carter, Debbie. "Ladies of the Line," Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, July 17, 1962. Zaverl, Stan, former Fairbanks Police Chief. Interview with the author, February 10, 1997.

17 Redding, Robert H. "The Line offered Fairbanks men discreet entertainment." Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Heartland, April 28, 1991. Cook, Earl, who collected rents for real estate clients. Interview with the author.

18 Erwin, Carol, with Miller, Floyd. The Orderly Disorderly House. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, pp. 270-271.

19 Iris Woodcock Collection, Anchorage Museum of History and Art.

20 Cook, interview.

21 Ferguson, Thorne. Interview with the author in Anchorage, June 22, 1996.

22 Hulk, Bernie. Interview with the author in Juneau, March 21,1996. Juneau Alaska Empire, Aug. 15 and l6, 1956.

23 Tillion, Clem. Interview with the author in Juneau, winter 1967.

24 Carman, Lee, of Fairbanks. Interview with the author, spring 1992.

25 Myers, John P., who was an M.P. on the Line at age nineteen in 1943. Phone interview with the author from Cave Creek, Arizona, summer 1994.

26 Casey, interview.

27 Baker, Marge, who worked for the U.S. Commissioner during this period. Interview with the author in Fairbanks, June 18, 1996.

28 Carter, "Ladies of the Line."

29 Baker, interview.

30 Erwin, Orderly Disorderly House, p. 61.

31 Fairbanks Daily News Miner, March 6, 1952.

32 Nordale, interview. Fairbanks Daily News Miner, June 9, 1952.

33 Erwin, Orderly Disorderly House, p. 272 and 275.

34 Nordale, interview.

35 Redding, Robert H. "Compass." Heartland, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, Aug. 22, 1993.

36 Redding, Robert H. "The Line offered Fairbanks men discreet entertainment." Heartland, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, April 28, 1991.

37 Erwin, Orderly Disorderly House, p.275.

38 Cook, interview.

39 O'Connor, Richard. High Jinks on the Klondike. Indianapolis, N.Y.: The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1954 (Fifth edition), p. 192.

40 Brooks, Alfred Hulse. Blazing Alaska's Trails. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 1973, First Edition 1953, p. 351.

41 Erwin, Orderly Disorderly House, p. 253.