Chapter Twenty-One


The days that followed were arduous for Piper. Between horrid flashbacks she was having of Killer Imps massacring the Whistlers in that cove in faraway Japan, and frequent visits from Pod members expressing concern over her “condition,” she was ready to flee Kwi Coast and never return. Every day, several of the Clan would come to console her and to reassure her that “all was well.”

“Yes, of course we all believed your tale—and we’re taking every precaution to be sure we are not surprised by these ‘Killer Imps.’ Don’t worry, Piper…just rest. You’re very tired from all your journeys. No one meant to doubt you at the Gathering. We simply did not understand. But you just rest, and we shall all keep a good watch out for those impish rascals.”

And Commodore RamStrong himself spoke grandly of “Piper’s admirable courage” in again braving the perils of the sea just to return to her beloved Pod. And he called her a “a true hero and a worthy member of the Fury Squad,” which of course they would have to build up even stronger if they were to deal with those evil scoundrels Piper called “Killer Imps.” How unselfish of her to come back and warn everyone about them.

Piper sulked and fretted during all of it. She heard the underlying murmurs and whispers that lurked beneath the “praises” being sung of her recent exploits: “The Mad Whistler…Do not upset her. Thane SilverFlukes will be furious if there’s another outburst like at the Gathering. She might even harm herself! Why else would Piper now be under constant watch?”

Already, Commodore RamStrong had named it the Great Madness: the worst fate that could befall a Whistler in Exile. “Pity is all we can feel for one so brave, yet so unfortunate!” the Commodore had proclaimed, his thick face mopped in sorrow.

And while Piper spent those days wallowing in misery and dread, the Pod went on with its usual ways. But whenever the Mad Whistler was about, they would all remark how the Commodore was busy organizing expeditions into the OutZones to search for signs of “those Evil Imps.”

Piper wasn’t fooled. She knew Commodore RamStrong had taken full advantage of the situation. The old dolphin’s point about the horrors of Exile had been proven in the eyes of the Pod. No longer would his word on such matters be questioned in the least by anyone, not even by Thane SilverFlukes. And now the Commodore had finally obtained the Thane’s permission to take Fury Squad members past the OutZones and into the Open Sea—to boldly attack and drive off the larger, more ferocious Snag-Tooth that roamed there. It also meant battling the dangerous blue sharks—sleek fighting machines that were not the least bit leery of a good spat!

As far as Piper was concerned, the true madness lay with the Commodore, for the more the Pod baited the scrappy Blues, the more chance there would be of drawing hordes of Snag-Tooth to Kwi Coast, possibly even a giant prowling White! Then what?

Far worse was the danger of splashing about so noisily near the OutZones and then returning to the cove each night. Soon, that would draw the attention of another sly predator.

What hurt Piper most, though, was that her own brother had finally given in to the notion that she had indeed gone mad. For days after the Gathering, QuickFin had isolated himself from all the others. He was sullen and moody, as he had been after her exile. This caused Commodore RamStrong a great deal of concern. So he had spoken with his valiant protégé, telling QuickFin that Piper’s sickness was something that would soon pass, and that given time she might be weaned from her illness…but only through the loving care of her Clan.

“This is why the Thane instructed us to treat her so delicately,” RamStrong had told QuickFin. “So she will be cured. It was wrong of everyone to ridicule Piper as we did at the Gathering,” admitted the Commodore with all the sincerity he could muster. “But remember, we were all so terrified at the horrible effects of her exile—a good reason never to violate the Code, lest it happen to any of us. Now, if we are careful and gentle with her, we might someday have back that snappy young scamp we all loved so much.”

RamStrong had seemed very solemn and truly concerned when he’d said that. “Ah, but it will take the help of everyone—especially you, QuickFin. So come now,” the Commodore had added heartily, “let us see no more of this sullen pup here. We need a bright, robust QuickFin if we are to help our gallant Piper and see her back in the Squad as healthy as ever!”

For a split instant, QuickFin thought he saw, in that crafty old face of RamStrong’s, the need for an eager young squadron leader again. But it was only for a moment. He was sure the Commodore was right, as always. If anyone could help Piper, it was certainly her own brother. He would do as asked.

Yet, something else troubled QuickFin. Piper had been spending more and more time with Buffer. Exactly why, her brother did not know, but for whatever reason, QuickFin was not pleased by it. He was further annoyed to learn how Buffer had no qualms about bumping away the guard-Whistlers assigned to stay with Piper, so the two of them might slip away and speak privately. Even though he and Buffer had been getting along better than in the past, QuickFin felt a bit rankled, even hurt, that his sister was likely confiding in someone else. And he could not help feeling suspicious of the way Buffer would also go off on solitary excursions at times—often after talking with Piper.

One day, QuickFin finally asked her about it.

“Oh, I don’t know, brother,” Piper had answered smugly, some of her old spunk seeming to return. “I think Buffer’s probably off scouting for the Killer Imps, like the Commodore claims he and his Fury Squad are doing.”

QuickFin had remained silent at that.

“So please do not humor me, brother,” Piper said icily. “I get enough of it from everyone else.”

“But we only want you to get better,” pleaded QuickFin. He knew it would insult her if he tried to carry the façade any further. She would put up with others doing that, but not her own brother.

“You weren’t so ready to think me mad at the Gathering…were you? Was it the Thane or your precious Commodore who convinced you otherwise?”

QuickFin was embarrassed. Everything Piper had said was the truth. And he was confused. He didn’t know what to think. The Commodore said one thing and it sounded right; then Piper would say something else, and that sounded right. Lost in the muddle of conflicting thoughts, he swam off.


Weeks went by, and little changed. Piper continued responding absently to the constant well-wishes of her fellow Pod members, who always spoke delicately to her. She had even managed to tolerate RamStrong’s occasional visits. The old dolphin had made sure it was seen by everyone that he was genuinely interested in Piper’s well-being. And always she would stifle a quake of discomfort whenever RamStrong would conclude his visits with a rough nuzzle from his scratchy beak.

Now and then, Thane SilverFlukes would seek her out. Piper had never lost the deep feelings she’d long held for the gallant Clan leader. It bothered her more than ever now to see him giving way to the Commodore’s whims. Fury Squad attacks on the Snag-Tooth had increased, and she had tried warning him of the terrible danger it would bring…that such actions might well force the Snag-Tooth into banding together just to protect themselves, and how the sounds of such scuffling near the OutZones could draw hordes of more Snag-Tooth down upon Kwi Coast. Piper implored SilverFlukes that it wasn’t necessary to bother any sharks at all unless they were roaming right along the Kwi Coast boundaries. But the Thane always disagreed.

“Yes, Piper, but let us not forget that the Commodore is still the only one ever to see the full might of the Furies. And if he says we’re safer this way, then I really must agree,” SilverFlukes sought to reassure her. “Remember, Piper, Commodore RamStrong has lived long and has kept us alive here for many seasons. Now, if the Snag-Tooth can bring on such terror, then we are best served by keeping them as far from our boundaries as possible.”

Piper disagreed, but she knew she could not scold this grand lord of a Whistler the way she had scolded her brother. So she reminded SilverFlukes of all the dangers she had seen—which even the Commodore had never experienced. And the Thane would always listen patiently, sometimes with the intense air she often saw in Buffer, but all too often with the perplexity and skepticism she too often noticed in QuickFin’s eye. Whenever Thane SilverFlukes swam off, Piper never had any clear idea of what he truly thought. But at least he had listened. Only time would tell.

The only true joy Piper had in those days was when she headed off with Buffer on her old, offbeat practice of playing in the waves or when they went on early morning hunts. At first, she thought the Commodore might attempt to prevent them from doing so, but he instead proclaimed it as a sign she was “truly recovering and their gentle treatment of her was the reason for such promising signs.”

The Pod did feel it was indeed kind and understanding of the Commodore not to object to Piper’s reverting to her old ways, and not to punish or even chide Buffer for batting away her watch-guards whenever he visited her.

“Anything that will help Piper recover shall not be denied her!” the Commodore often bellowed magnanimously.

Buffer never said much when they were together. He’d simply swim alongside her, patiently listening to all she told him. And before leaving, he would always vow to “keep a watch out for them.” He would glance about first and scan the region, then remark to Piper very softly, “If you do think the Harbor Waifs will be the first to know of strange Floaters here, I’ll look for this LoFin and her band.”

Piper never felt that Buffer secretly humored her as did her fellow Clanists. His spunk, though at times overbearing, always perked her up. She was astounded that of all the Whistlers at Kwi Coast, it would be Buffer who believed her. It seemed a far cry from the day they had quarreled over the Basker killing. But then came a day of misery for Piper.

RamStrong had secretly followed and scanned one of Buffer’s private ventures. They found that he had done a good deal more than sneaking off to the BreakWaters, or to the farthest of the boundaries…as the Commodore had thought. Buffer had gone well past the OutZones—into the Open Sea—where they had spied upon him as he battled with a young Blue Snag-Tooth.

The Commodore was furious! No one had given him leave to do that alone. Not even RamStrong himself had the authority to go beyond the OutZones without the Thane’s consent. What had possessed Buffer into thinking he had such privileges? And why was he out there fighting the Snag-Tooth all on his own? Yet the old dolphin could not help admiring the deft manner in which his young charge had battered and rammed the nine-foot-long blue shark around, as though it were nothing more than a bundle of scraps tossed over the side of a boat. Not even QuickFin had been permitted to engage a Snag-Tooth all by himself. Quietly, RamStrong had been impressed, though that did not absolve the young stalwart of his irresponsible behavior.

“I knew you were following me, Commodore,” Buffer told him smugly. I wanted you to see.”

That had puzzled RamStrong. He could not decide if he was angry with the brash young brawler, or pleased. Very much unlike himself, the old dolphin maintained a silence as he and two husky sentries escorted Buffer away from the dark Open Sea and back to the familiar green of the Coastal Zone. This matter would have to be settled in front of the entire Fury Squad, himself, and Thane SilverFlukes.


“I went past the OutZones alone so I could fight the Snag-Tooth,” Buffer proclaimed coolly to the Squad. “I am no pup who needs help chasing them off.”

Piper was shocked as she listened to Buffer’s testimony. She had been dreadfully worried about what would happen to him when the Commodore interrogated him…and how he might explain it all. But now what was he saying? Had he really wanted the Commodore to catch him? Why? Was that the real reason he’d been out there…just to impress Commodore RamStrong? Perhaps he hadn’t really changed. Had his kindly treatment of her only been a ruse to gain favor—for “future pleasures?” Her lean face dipped in sorrow as a feeling crept over her that it might not have been wise to put so much faith in Buffer.

Other than Piper, QuickFin too had seethed as he watched and listened. His jealousy of Buffer’s rapidly growing rapport with his sister had changed to a silent loathing. Buffer was a fool. He hoped she could see that for herself now.

Commodore RamStrong, meanwhile, wagged his bulky head, perplexed by Buffer’s response. “For what purpose did you violate our Boundary Law? I fail to see your reasoning, Buffer.”

“It was the only way you’d know how worthy a battler I truly am, Commodore,” said Buffer. “You would never have allowed me to fight a Snag-Tooth alone if I had asked.”

“I see,” said the Commodore. “And what did you expect to gain from all this?”

“Your favor,” Commodore,” answered Buffer flatly. “Who is your best Fury Fighter now? Who but yourself has ever done what I have?”

RamStrong was stunned. All along he’d thought Buffer had been slipping away from him, that the youngster’s jealousy of QuickFin was turning him into another Piper. Yet here he was, still seeking approval and favor. RamStrong knew he could not let on that he was secretly pleased, even flattered by it. But there was one nagging thought still bothering the Commodore.

“That is all very well, Buffer,” continued the Commodore hoarsely, rolling his head round haughtily so he could appear more officious. “I must point out that I am not flattered by your intentions. There is no excuse for acting irresponsibly. There could have been several more Snag-Tooth around at the time, and then you would have been in a tidy fix, eh? You were very reckless!” pronounced the Commodore, sounding as harsh as possible. “But unless the Thane objects—and since this offense is lessened by its tie to our Fury Squad—I am willing to let it pass with an apology to the entire Squad. That is, with the understanding that a repeat action of this nature will warrant more severe consequences before the entire Pod and the High Clan!”

RamStrong turned grandly toward Thane SilverFlukes, seated at the Council Cliff all alone, and then to the Fury Squad, not unlike a slick trial attorney daring the judge and jury to find flaw with his smooth tacking on all angles. SilverFlukes nodded in agreement, assessing that the Commodore simply did not want to denounce too strongly a valuable but overly zealous Squad member. Perhaps this might even help Buffer mature, thought SilverFlukes.

The Squad, too, nodded in agreement with RamStrong’s decision.

“However!” barked RamStrong suddenly. “There is still one small matter we have yet to discuss before we settle on this.” He turned to SilverFlukes. “Thane…?”

SilverFlukes signaled a break, for they had been under a very long time, and a number of the Whistlers felt their lungs squeaking in protest. As they surfaced, Piper turned questioningly to Buffer, but he avoided her gaze. And Buffer did not fail to notice the ugly glare he got from QuickFin, who would have been content to ram him in the ribs on command.

When they regrouped, RamStrong gathered himself up onto his heavy flukes and asked sternly: “Buffer, whether you are aware of it or not, my sentries have heard Piper pleading with you to ‘keep a watch for the Killer Imps.’ ”

“Yes, she’s done that with nearly everyone, Commodore,” said Buffer.

“Ah, yes, my young scrapper,” said RamStrong, surprisingly snide all of a sudden, “but what of your promise to Piper that you will also keep a watch out for her ‘friends’—the Harbor Waifs?”

A chorus of clicks and squeaks and exclamations of astonishment followed. Piper went pale. She had not thought anyone heard their talks. What had become of the Clan’s respect for privacy? Didn’t the Code guarantee it?

“That was all said in private!” she cried.

“We are more concerned here with the safety and security of our Clan,” exclaimed RamStrong, overriding her. “This may be one for the entire High Clan after all. Well…Buffer?”

Buffer eyed the Commodore coolly. “I was…simply humoring the Mad Whistler, as I should have,” he answered, giving the Commodore a look that said, As you and the Thane and the Elders ordered.

Piper’s heart sank into the pit of her stomach. Buffer too? She felt suddenly cold all over, and lost.

“That was cruel, Buffer,” said the Commodore, much to the surprise of all. He truly meant it, too, for one look at Piper told RamStrong that she’d been devastated by Buffer’s callous reply.

A commotion ensued, and it took several strong Fury Fighters to force QuickFin away as he flew out from the throng of gray bodies in a violent thrust at Buffer, who barely avoided the lethal charge.

“Filthy thing of Arkitu!” QuickFin cried. “I will tear you to bits and feed you to the Snag-Tooth!” After several moments of struggle, and the firm voices of SilverFlukes and RamStrong, he calmed. When the clamor had subsided—QuickFin settled now inside a circle of Fury Fighters—Buffer spoke.

“If the Thane and the Commodore and my fellow Squad members all accept this explanation…” He paused, and they all nodded—well, all but two—wanting to get it over with. “…then I apologize to all of you for the misery I have caused any members of this Squad. For that, I am truly sorry.”

Buffer stared straight at Piper when he’d said it, but she only glared back at him coldly.

And he knew she hated him.