What is the tone of the text? Check (✓) the correct answer.
1. festive 3. regretful
_ 2. humorous 4. thoughtful
h 1 .fraction (par. 1)
a. major
2. tracking (par. 3)
3. comprised of (par. 3)
4. savor (par. 4)
5. lead to (par. 4)
6. befitting (par. 7)
7. promoted (par. 7)
8. leading (par. 7)
b. cause
c. contains
d. appropriate for
e. supported
f. having a lot of money
g. observing
h. a small amount
i. slowly enjoy the flavor of
1. Which eating habits in the text are similar to yours? Which eating habits should you change to have a healthier diet?
2. How would you describe the typical, diet in your country?
3. Think of your favorite meal. Which parts of the meal are healthy? Which are unhealthy?
Unit 2 ■ Health