After you read

Find the words in italics in the reading. Circle the meaning of each word.

1. a closed book (par. 1)

a. something you can’t read Qy) something you know nothing about

c. something very interesting

d. someone’s life story

2. slipped into a coma (par. 5)

a. fell down

b. spent time in the hospital

c. had an operation

d. became unconscious

3. reluctant (par. 6)

a. not wanting

b. not able

c. excited

d. worried

4. give her away (par. 8)

a. tell her secret

b. give her a gift

c. reveal her feelings

d. present the bride

Picture #150

Answer these questions on a separate piece of paper.

1. What was the progression of Ken’s illness?

He had a he a vy col d and seve re head aches, went to the ho spital, slipped into a c o ma, and was diagnosed with brain cancer. He came out of the coma with memory loss.

2. What things surprised him about modern life?

3. What famous people and well-known events could he not remember?

4. What important people in his life could he not remember?

5. What important events in his life could he not remember?

Relating reading to personal experience

Picture #151

Answer these questions.

1. Do you know anyone who has lost his or her memory? If so, what happened?

2. What would you do if a spouse or family member lost his or her memory?

3. What would you do if you lost your memory?

Unit 8 • Memory

Picture #152