After you read

Find the words in italics in the reading. Then match each word with its meaning.

1. settle differences (par. 1)

2. indifferent to (par. 1)

3. last resort (par. 1)

4. disposed to (par. 3)

5. credentials (par. 6)

6. insightful (par. 6)

a. showing clear understanding

b. likely to

c. unconcerned about

d. end arguments

e. ability and experience

f. final source of help




Picture #247

Separate each sentence from the text into two or three new sentences.

1. (par. 4) Doctors, therapists., tea c h e rs, a nd y outh . workers all fin d themsel v es stru g glin g to h el p

youngsters. These youngsters are influe n c e d bv repea ted ima g es o f q uic k , c e l ebra tor y v i o lenc e . As a result, they fin d i t increa s ingly dif ficult t o dea l w ith th e inevitab le frus tr ation s of daily life

2. (par. 5) We have a lot of trouble One of the reasons is that These experts often

3. (par. 6) Some parents are worried These parents should

Understanding main ideas

Picture #248

Write (A) for the statement that best expresses the main idea of the first text.

Write (B) for the statement that best expresses the main idea of the second text.

1. A lot more research on the subject of media violence is still needed.

2. People often change their minds after they study media violence more carefully.

3. Experts overwhelmingly agree that media violence has harmful effects.

Relating reading to personal experience

Picture #249

Answer these questions.

1. Do you think media violence is harmful to children and adolescents? Why or why not?

2. Should children stop watching violent movies? Why or why not?

3. In general, do you think the media has a positive or negative effect on children? Why?


Unit 14 • The media


Picture #250

Vocabulary expansion

Read the definitions. Then complete the words using the prefixes counter-, mis-, or inter-.

1. counter part: a person or thing with the same function as another person or thing

2. personal: occurring among or involving different people

3. represent: describe something written or said incorrectly

4. continental: between continents

5. productive: producing the opposite effect of what you want

6. attack: attack someone who has attacked you

7. behave: behave badly

8. inform: give someone incorrect information

9. national: between countries

10. understand: not understand something correctly

11. related: connected to each other

12. clockwise: in the opposite direction to the hands on a clock


Complete the sentences with words from exercise A. Be sure to use the correct word form.

1. The problems are interrelated _. They can’t be separated.

2. We ran around the track in a direction.

3.1 his directions, so I got lost.

4. He can’t control his children when they_.

People were arguing instead of coming up

5. The meeting was with a plan.

6. She has good skills. She can work well with all kinds of people.

7. The Mexican Foreign Minister met his Canadian and American

8. The United Nations is an_organization.

what he says.

9. The politician is angry because he thinks reporters

10. I was told the meeting is today, not tomorrow. I must have been_

11. I always get tired on flights. The time difference bothers me.

12. When the soldiers attacked the fortress, the people by

using arrows.

The media and you

Work in small groups. Do a survey of people’s opinion of the media. First, come up with five questions.

Example: Do you think there is too much violence on TV?

Do you ever read tabloids?

Then ask five classmates, friends, or family members. Report your findings to the class.


Unit 14 ■ The media

Picture #251


Picture #252

You are going to read three texts about art. First, answer the questions in the boxes.

Picture #253