I.1. Directed and desired by whom, does the mind fall (on its object)? Ordered by whom does life first move? Willed by whom is this speech uttered? Which god activates the eye and the ear?
2. It is the ear of the ear, mind of the mind, speech of the speech, breath of the breath, the eye of the eye. The wise, renouncing (all) and leaving the world, become immortal.
3. The eye does not go there. The speech does not go (there), nor does the mind. How this can be taught, we do not know, we do not understand.
4. It is other than the known, it is also beyond the unknown. We have heard this from the ancients who explained all this to us.
5. That which is not manifested by speech, by which speech is manifested, know that to be the brahman, but not what people worship here.
6. That which is not conceived by the mind, but by which the mind is said to be thought, know that to be the brahman, not that which people worship here.
7. That which is not seen by the eye, but by which the eyes are seen, know that to be brahman, but not what people here worship.
8. That which is not heard by the ear, but by which this ear is heard, know that to be brahman, but not what people here worship.
9. That which is not breathed by breath, but by which breath is breathed, know that to be the brahman, but not what people here worship.
II.3. It is known to him, by whom it is not known; he who knows it, does not know. He who does not understand it, understands, he who understands it, does not.
Translated by J. N. Mohanty.