A Bull of Anglesey demanding satisfaction
He is the hope of our race.
When the bull comes from the far land to battle with his great ashen spear,
To be an earl again in the land of Llewelyn,
Let the far-splitting spear shed the blood of the Saxon on the stubble…
When the long yellow summer comes and victory comes to us
And the spreading of the sails of Brittany,
And when the heat comes and when the fever is kindled,
There are portents that victory will be given to us …
sang the bards in the ‘long yellow summer’ of 1485, as they waited for the fleet which would carry ‘the one who will strike’, Henry Earl of Richmond, the black bull of Anglesey, the peacock of Tudor, back to the land of his fathers. There was longing for Harry, they sang, whose name ‘comes down from the mountains as a two-edged sword’, for mab y darogan, the long promised hero who would fulfil the prophecy of Myrddin the wizard, who would deliver his people from the Saxon oppressor and bring content to the blessed land of Gwynedd.
‘The most wise and fortunate Henry VII is a Welshman’, remarked the Italian author of A Relation of the Island of Britain, and although the Welshness of the first Henry Tudor can easily be (and often is) exaggerated, Henry himself was fully aware of the importance which should be attached to the fulfilment of bardic prophecies. He was also conscious of the political advantages to be gained by polishing his image as ‘a high-born Briton of the stock of Maelgwyn’ – prince of the line of Cadwaladr of the beautiful spear. At any rate, David Powel, writing in 1584, says that the King appointed a three-man commission to enquire into the matter of his pedigree and that these seekers after knowledge, having consulted the bards and other appropriate authorities, ‘drew his perfect genelogie from the ancient Kings of Brytaine and Princes of Wales’.
It must be admitted that the actual origins of the House of Tudor do not quite match the imaginative flights of the Abbot of Valle Crucis, Dr Poole, canon of Hereford and John King, herald. At the same time, the historical story of the family’s rise, untidy and incomplete though it is, should be romantic enough for most people.
The earliest Tudors were landowners in a small way from North Wales, farming the country round Colwyn Bay to the east of the River Conwy, and their fortunes were founded by Ednyfed Fychan (Ednyfed the Younger) who flourished during the first half of the thirteenth century. Ednyfed enjoyed a long and successful career in the service of Llywelyn the Great, Prince of Gwynedd, and was rewarded with grants of land in Anglesey and Caernarvon, as well as estates in West Wales. He married, as his second wife, Gwenllian, daughter of Rhys, Prince of South Wales, and his sons, Goronwy and Tudur, inherited both his office of seneschal or steward to the rulers of Gwynedd and his considerable property.
The final subjugation of Wales by England in the early 1280s does not seem to have seriously affected the family’s status. Like a good many other native magnates, Ednyfed’s grandson, Tudur Hen ap Goronwy, probably supported the English Crown – at least he is recorded as having done homage to Edward of Caernarvon, the first English Prince of Wales, in 1301 – and by the middle of the century this Tudur’s grandson, another Tudur ap Goronwy, was established as an influential member of the new gentry class that had begun to emerge out of the decay of the old Welsh tribal society.
But unfortunately for the descendants of Ednyfed Fychan, the old Welsh tribal loyalties were not yet dead. Tudur ap Goronwy the Second had married an aunt of Owain Glyndwr, and when Glyndwr rose in revolt against Henry IV at the beginning of the 1400s, Tudur’s surviving sons came out for their cousin. In fact, in a highly complicated political situation, the loyalties involved may well have been as much English as Welsh. Glyndwr is said to have served in Richard II’s army, and three of the Tudur brothers had at one time been members of Richard’s retinue. But whatever their motives in joining the revolt, it was to have disastrous results for the whole clan.
Harsh reprisals were taken against the rebels and, according to the chronicler Adam of Usk, Rhys ap Tudur was executed at Chester in 1412. All the Tudur estates were confiscated, although one property, Penmynydd in Anglesey, was eventually recovered by the heirs of the eldest brother, Goronwy. This branch of the family, which took to spelling their name Theodor, remained at Penmynydd, obscure country squires taking a modest part in local affairs, until the line petered out towards the end of the seventeenth century, leaving nothing behind but some monuments in the parish church. And that might very well have been the whole story, were it not for the quirk of fate that brought Owain, son of the youngest brother, Maredudd, into the English royal household.
No one knows exactly where or when Owain ap Maredudd ap Tudur, more conveniently Owen Tudor, was born, but it must have been some time around 1400. Nor does anyone know exactly how or when he entered the royal service, although he may have followed Glyndwr’s son, who was officially pardoned in 1417 and became a Squire of the Body to Henry V. There is no evidence to support the tradition that he was present at Agincourt, but he may have been in France in 1421 on the staff of the distinguished soldier and diplomat Sir Walter Hungerford. Sir Walter was one of the executors of Henry V’s will, and in 1424 became steward to the infant Henry VI. It is at least possible that he was the means of introducing the promising young Welshman to the notice of the Queen Dowager, Katherine of Valois. All we know for certain is that at some point in the 1420s Owen Tudor became Clerk of the Wardrobe to Henry V’s widow and that in 1429, or it may have been in 1432, he and the Queen were married.
The traditional story goes that Owen and Katherine concealed their relationship from the world until, one day, their secret was betrayed to Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, Protector of the Realm, who promptly incarcerated the Queen in a nunnery, where she died of a broken heart, and threw Owen into prison. From the known facts, scanty though they are, it is possible to reconstruct a rather more prosaic, if no less remarkable sequence of events.
Although so many of the circumstances surrounding the romance of the French princess and the ‘gentleman of Wales’ which was to have such far-reaching consequences for England remain shrouded in mystery, it seems reasonable to assume tradition is right in saying that Owen and Katherine fell in love. At least, it seems reasonable to assume that Katherine fell in love. Shakespeare regardless, her short-lived marriage to Henry V had been a matter of high politics. She was barely twenty when she became a widow and her son, ‘Harry born at Windsor’ and destined to lose all the glory his famous father had won, became King at the age of nine months. As Queen Dowager, Katherine’s position was not a happy one. She had no say in the government and none to speak of in the upbringing of her little son. Bored, lonely and with nothing to look forward to but the prospect of a lifetime of barren exile, she would naturally be susceptible to the attentions of an attractive man – ‘following more her appetite than friendly counsel and regarding more her private affections than her open honour’, as the chronicler Edward Hall was to put it.
There are no strictly contemporary descriptions of Owen Tudor, but Hall says he was ‘a goodly gentleman and a beautiful person’ and Polydore Vergil, who began his History of England in the reign of Owen’s grandson, is enthusiastic about his ‘wonderful gifts of body and mind’. An earlier chronicler, with no royal Tudor patrons to consider, is noticeably less complimentary in a passing reference to ‘one Oweyn, no man of birth neither of livelihood’. All the same, Owen obviously had something to recommend him, and good looks and personal charm would seem to be the most likely attributes. We can only speculate – but the Queen and her Clerk of the Wardrobe would have been in daily contact, they were about the same age and both were strangers in a strange land. Perhaps it is not so surprising that they should have gravitated together.
The fact that the King’s mother had ‘privily wedded’ one of her servants was not advertised. The earliest known reference to it occurs in one of the London chronicles in a brief entry under the year 1438, and says that the common people knew nothing of it until after the Queen was dead and buried. This may well be true, and it also seems possible that the young King was kept in ignorance of his mother’s second marriage during her lifetime. But it must certainly have been common knowledge in court circles generally. At least, none of the traditional accounts explain how Katherine contrived to produce four Tudor babies – Edmund, born at the royal manor of Hadham in Hertfordshire, Jasper, born at Hatfield, another son, Owen, and a daughter – without anybody apparently noticing these interesting events. Everything, in fact, points to the conclusion that the Queen and her socially undesirable husband were left in peace to enjoy the all too brief period of their married life. When Katherine retired into the Abbey of Bermondsey some time in 1436 there is no evidence at all that this was due to anything but the ‘long and grievous illness’ which finally killed her on 3 January 1437.
After the Queen’s death, her second family broke up. Edmund and Jasper were placed in the care of the Abbess of Barking, who looked after them for the next three years. The two younger children have no part in this story, but Owen later became a monk at Westminster, surviving into his nephew’s reign, and the girl is said to have gone into a nunnery. As for their father, the remainder of his career has a distinct flavour of melodrama.
Now that he could no longer count on the protection of his wife’s status, the adventurous gentleman of Wales seems to have thought it prudent to make himself scarce for a while. At any rate, he was as far away as Daventry in the Midlands when, shortly after Katherine’s death a summons was issued by the Council requiring ‘one Owen Tudor which dwelled with the said Queen Katherine’ to come into the King’s presence. Owen evidently suspected a trap, for he declined to accept the invitation unless he was first given an assurance, in the King’s name, that he might ‘freely come and freely go’. A verbal promise to this effect was duly delivered by one Myles Sculle, but Owen was not satisfied. He did, however, make his way secretly to London where he went into sanctuary at Westminster, resisting the persuasions of his friends to come and disport himself in the tavern at Westminster gate. After a period of time described as ‘many days’, days no doubt spent in reconnoitring the situation, Owen emerged from his lair to make a sudden appearance in the royal presence. He had heard, he said, that the King was ‘heavily informed of him’ and was anxious to declare his innocence and truth. But almost certainly Henry, now fifteen years old, had just wanted to take a look at his unknown stepfather and Owen was allowed to depart ‘without any impeachment’. In fact, he had freely come and freely gone – but not for long.
Like so much else about him, the reason for Owen Tudor’s arrest and committal to ward in Newgate gaol remains a mystery. Polydore Vergil says it was ordered by the Duke of Gloucester because Owen ‘had been so presumptuous as by marriage with the Queen to intermix his blood with the noble race of kings’, but there is absolutely no evidence to support this assertion. In two obscurely worded documents, one of which is dated 15 July 1437, the Council were at considerable pains to establish the legality of the arrest, having regard to the King’s recent promise of safe conduct and also, it may be assumed, to the prisoner’s royal connections. In neither of these documents is any specific charge mentioned, but from the very meagre information they do contain, it looks as if Owen was involved in a private quarrel – probably of a financial nature – with some person or persons unknown.
The next news of him appears in the Chronicle of London, which records that he ‘brake out of Newgate against night at searching time, through help of his priest, and went his way, hurting foul his keeper; but at the last, blessed be God, he was taken again.’ This exploit took place early in 1438, for in March of that year Lord Beaumont received twenty marks to cover his expenses in guarding the fugitives and bringing them before the Council. Owen, his priest and his servant were sent back to Newgate in disgrace, but a sum of eighty-nine pounds which was found on the priest was confiscated and handed over to the Treasury. Who this enterprising cleric was, where that quite sizeable amount of money came from, and why Owen had been so desperate to escape are three more unanswered questions. He was transferred from Newgate to Windsor Castle in July 1438, a move which is again unexplained but which seems to have marked the beginning of an improvement in his fortunes. In July of the following year he was conditionally released – one of the conditions being that he made no attempt to go to Wales or ‘parts adjacent’. Presumably the authorities were remembering the old Tudor involvement with Glyn Dwr. At last, in November 1439, he was granted a general pardon for all offences committed before October, though there is still no indication as to what those offences had been.
Owen had spent two years in gaol without trial and a further four months on probation, but from then on he became respectable. The King, ‘moved by special causes’, provided him with a pension of forty pounds a year, paid out of the privy purse ‘by especial favour’ and his name crops up from time to time over the next twenty years in the Calendars of the Close and Patent Rolls as witness to a charter, as sharing in the grant of a holding at Lambeth, as receiving an annuity of a hundred pounds; but it is an entry of 1459 which is the most significant historically, for it was then that Owen ap Meredith ap Tudur seems to have finally become Owen Tudor esquire. Owen himself followed the normal Welsh custom of adding his father’s name to his own – at least he referred to himself as Owen ap Meredith in his petition for letters of denizenship in 1432. In official documents he is variously described as Owen ap Meredith, Owen Meredith, Owen ap Meredith ap Tudur (or Tider) until 1459, when a hurrying clerk wrote him down as Owen Tuder and gave England a Tudor instead of a Meredith dynasty.
While their father was enduring his mysterious difficulties and gradually winning his way back into polite society, Edmund and Jasper Tudor were growing up. In November 1452 they were created Earls of Richmond and Pembroke respectively and thereafter were granted lands and offices by the Crown. In fact, the gentle, devout, ineffectual Henry VI showed both his half-brothers a remarkable degree of generosity, but never more so than when it came to choosing a wife for the new Earl of Richmond. In 1455 Edmund Tudor married Margaret Beaufort – an event which took him a giant step up the social ladder and which was to have an incalculable effect on the whole course of English history.
The Beaufort family was the result of a long-ago liaison between John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and his daughters’ governess, Katherine Swynford, née de Roet. Their four children were indisputably born on the wrong side of the blanket, but after the death of his second wife John of Gaunt had made an honest woman of Katherine, and his Beaufort progeny (so called after the castle in France where they were born) had been legitimized by the Pope, by Letters Patent issued by Richard II and, for good measure, by Act of Parliament. The Beauforts grew rich and powerful – Cardinal Beaufort, last survivor of Katherine Swynford’s brood, had governed England with the Duke of Gloucester during Henry VI’s minority – and after the King and his heirs they represented the ruling family of Lancaster.
The bestowal of Margaret Beaufort, a great-great-grand-daughter of Edward III, was a matter of State and what prompted the King to grant first the wardship and then the marriage of this important heiress of the blood royal to such a junior member of the peerage, son of an obscure Welsh esquire but with possibly complicating royal connections, is yet another mystery. Perhaps, at a time of increasing political instability, Henry simply felt that the Tudors at least could be trusted to remain loyal Lancastrians. If so, he was to be proved right.
Edmund’s marriage coincided with the outbreak of that long-drawn-out dynastic struggle among the all too numerous descendants of Edward III, conveniently known as the Wars of the Roses. The roots of the quarrel went back to the coup d’état of 1399, when Henry Bolingbroke had wrested the crown from his cousin Richard, and, like most family quarrels, it became progressively more bitter and more complicated with the passage of time.
Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond, did not live to see its outcome. Nor did he live to see his son. He died at Carmarthen in November 1456, leaving his young wife six months pregnant. Jasper at once came to the rescue, taking his brother’s widow under his protection, and Margaret Beaufort’s child was born at Pembroke Castle on 28 January 1457. There is an interesting tradition that the baby was to have been christened Owen (which sounds like Jasper’s choice), but that his mother insisted he should be given the royal and English name of Henry. Although the Countess of Richmond was herself little more than a child – she was probably only twelve years old at the time of her marriage – this sort of determination would have been perfectly in character. An intelligent, serious-minded, deeply religious girl, she later developed into a formidable personality, exercising a profound influence on the dynasty she had founded.
In the general turmoil of the 1450s the arrival of a fatherless infant in a wintry and uncertain world attracted no particular attention, and for the first five years of his life Henry Tudor stayed with his mother, snug in his uncle Jasper’s stronghold of Pembroke. Not that he saw much of his uncle Jasper. The fortunes of the Tudor family were now inextricably involved with those of the Lancastrian cause and as the deadly power-game of York and Lancaster unfolded, the Earl of Pembroke was proving himself one of Henry VI’s most useful supporters.
At first things went relatively well but early in 1461 came disaster, when the Lancastrians were heavily defeated at the battle of Mortimer’s Cross. One casualty of this reversal was Owen Tudor, quite an old man by now but who had nevertheless been present fighting under Jasper’s banner. Owen was among those captured by the Yorkists and taken to Hereford to be executed in the market place. It is ironical, but not untypical of his whole story, that it is not until the moment of his death that we get our only authentic personal glimpse of the man who sired a line of kings and whose remote descendants sit on the English throne today. It seems that the gentleman of Wales could not bring himself to believe that his luck had turned at last, for William Gregory’s chronicle says that he trusted ‘all away that he should not be headed till he saw the axe and the block, and when that he was in his doublet he trusted on pardon and grace till the collar of his red velvet doublet was ripped off. Then he said “that head shall lie on the stock that was wont to lie on Queen Katherine’s lap” and put his heart and mind wholly unto God and full meekly took his death.’ His head was displayed on the highest step of the market cross and there followed a gruesome incident when ‘a mad woman combed his hair and washed away the blood of his face, and she got candles and set about him burning more than a hundred’.
Jasper, tough, energetic and resourceful, escaped from Mortimer’s Cross with his life – though that was about all he escaped with. Some six weeks later the Yorkist Earl of March was proclaimed King as Edward IV and another Lancastrian defeat, at Towton, soon confirmed his position. Henry VI’s indomitable Queen, Margaret of Anjou, managed to keep the fight alive for a time, but eventually she and her son were forced to take refuge in France. Henry himself, reduced to a wandering fugitive, was betrayed to his enemies and deposited in the Tower. The eclipse of the Lancastrians seemed complete.
It was not long, of course, before the misfortunes of his relatives rebounded on the little boy at Pembroke. Jasper Tudor, wanted for treason by the new regime and stripped of his lands and title, was reported ‘flown and taken to the mountains’. With the best will in the world he no longer had any power to protect his nephew and his sister-in-law. Pembroke Castle surrendered to the Yorkists in November 1461, and Henry Tudor was separated from his mother and transferred to the custody of Lord Herbert of Raglan. It must have been a traumatic experience for a child of four-and-a-half, but his new guardian seems to have treated him kindly. In fact Lord Herbert planned to marry him to his daughter, Maud, so it is reasonable to assume that he was brought up as one of the family and given an education proper to his station in life. The names of two of his tutors are known, and he is said to have been an apt pupil.
Young Henry remained with the Herberts in Wales for the next nine years. The existence of this obscure sprig of the ruined Lancastrians did not cause the ruling Yorkist party to lose any sleep. Henry Tudor was being raised in a reliable Yorkist family – he would have plenty of opportunity to see where his own best interests lay. Then came a dramatic series of developments which temporarily altered the whole political situation, and permanently and drastically altered the status of Lord Herbert’s ward.
In 1469 Edward IV fell out with his most powerful supporter, Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, known as ‘the Kingmaker’. Warwick went over to the other side and by the summer of 1470 he was in France, burying the hatchet with Queen Margaret, once his bitterest enemy, and canvassing the support of Louis XI for another coup d’état. By the autumn a remarkable triple alliance had been sealed. Edward, caught unawares, found it necessary to go abroad in a hurry and the brief ‘Readeption’ of Henry VI had begun.
Prominent among the returning exiles was Jasper Tudor, who had spent most of his years in the wilderness conducting a one-man guerrilla campaign against the Yorkist regime – moving from one safe house to another in Wales, then turning up in Ireland, then Scotland, making a descent on the Northumbrian coast, over to France (where King Louis recognized him as cousin), then landing in Wales again with fifty followers to make a commando-type raid on Denbigh Castle. ‘Not always at his heart’s ease, nor in security of life or surety of living’ Jasper never gave up and missed no chance, however unpromising, of keeping a spark of resistance alight.
One of his first actions on arriving in England was to make the journey to Wales to retrieve his nephew, whom he found ‘kept as a prisoner, but honourably brought up with the wife of William Herbert’. Jasper took the boy, now rising fourteen, back to London with him, and early in November Henry Tudor was presented to Henry VI. It is natural that Jasper should have been anxious to remind the newly restored King of the existence of his brother’s son, but Polydore Vergil was probably improving on the occasion when he records that Henry VI, after gazing silently on the child for ‘a pretty space’, turned to his attendant lords and remarked: ‘This truly, this is he unto whom both we and our adversaries must yield and give over the dominion.’ Admittedly the King was widely regarded as a holy man and a mystic who might be expected to feel moved to prophecy, but very few Englishmen in that unsettled winter would have been prepared to commit themselves for more than a few days ahead, and to the practical men of affairs at Court Henry Tudor’s future would have looked as precarious and uncertain as their own.
In spite of his signal services to the Lancastrian cause, there was no government appointment or seat on the Council for Jasper Tudor. He and his nephew were sent back to Wales with instructions to be ready to mobilize their people should the war be renewed, but Jasper did at least have the satisfaction of recovering his earldom from the Herbert family. Even this was short lived. Barely six months after his flight, Edward IV was back in England re-proclaiming himself King. On Easter Day 1471, he defeated Warwick’s army at Barnet – a battle fought, appropriately enough, in thick fog. The Kingmaker was killed and Henry VI, ‘a man amazed and utterly dulled with troubles and adversity’, found himself back in the Tower.
On the day that Barnet was being lost and won, Queen Margaret and her son, Edward Prince of Wales, landed at Weymouth – too late to save the situation. Together with the Lancastrian lords who rallied to them, they marched up the Severn valley, hoping to join forces with Jasper Tudor and his Welshmen hurrying down from the north. But Edward IV, moving with his usual speed and tactical skill, intercepted the Queen at Tewkesbury – an encounter which ended in final and complete disaster for the Lancastrians. The last surviving male members of the Beaufort family lost their lives and the Prince of Wales, for whose sake his mother had striven so long and so gallantly, was killed as he tried to escape. On Tuesday, 21 May, King Edward returned to London in triumph and that same night, ‘between eleven and twelve of the clock’, King Henry was released from his earthly troubles by a Yorkist sword.
When Jasper heard the grim news that Queen Margaret ‘was vanquished in a foughten field at Tewkesbury and that matters were past all hope of recovery’, he retreated to Chepstow, where he narrowly escaped capture and death. Again a hunted fugitive, Jasper had to move fast if he was to be able to perform one more vitally important service for the future of his party. After the horrifying events of the past few weeks, his young nephew had incredibly become the only surviving male of the Lancastrian line. At all costs Henry Tudor must be prevented from falling into Yorkist hands.
It is not entirely clear whether Henry was with his uncle’s army – more likely he had been left behind at Pembroke. At any rate, Jasper made straight for Pembroke from Chepstow and was promptly besieged in the castle by Morgan Thomas, acting on instructions from Edward IV. But the Tudor luck held. Morgan Thomas’s brother David was an old friend of Jasper’s, and after about a week he succeeded in getting uncle and nephew through the ‘ditch and trench’ of the besiegers’ lines. Jasper and Henry, with a small party of servants and followers, reached the coast at Tenby where they found a ship, helped it is said by Thomas White, mayor of the town. It would be fourteen years before they saw Wales again.
The refugees were making for France where they might reasonably expect to be granted political asylum. But, fortunately as it turned out, a storm blew them on to the coast of Brittany. According to Polydore Vergil, Duke Francis II ‘received them willingly, and with such honour, courtesy and favour entertained them as though they had been his brothers, promising them upon his honour that within his dominion they should be from thenceforth far from injury, and pass at their pleasure to and fro without danger.’
Not surprisingly, Edward IV had not been pleased by the Tudors’ escape and attempted to bribe Duke Francis into giving them up – with the inevitable result of impressing the Duke with a sense of the value of his guests. He had promised them asylum, he told the English ambassador, and of course he could not break his word, but he would undertake to keep uncle and nephew ‘so surely’ that the King of England need not be afraid ‘they should ever procure his harm any manner of way’. Edward was obliged to agree to this arrangement, which proved highly advantageous to Brittany. Jasper and Henry were separated, deprived of their English servants and guarded instead by Bretons, while in return Duke Francis collected a handsome pension from King Edward.
Four years later, in August 1475, England and France came to terms in the Treaty of Picquigny, and Edward made another determined effort to get his hands on Henry Tudor – ‘the only impe now left of King Henry VI’s blood’. He despatched another embassy, ‘laden with great substance of gold’, with instructions to tell the Duke of Brittany that he was anxious to arrange a marriage for Henry that would unite the rival factions of York and Lancaster. After some persuasion Duke Francis was convinced, either by the sight of that ‘great substance of gold’ or by the smooth-talking envoys, and he handed his prisoner over. ‘Not supposing’, says Polydore Vergil, ‘that he had committed the sheep to the wolf, but the son to the father.’
The ambassadors set off with their prize towards the coast, while Henry, ‘knowing that he was carried to his death, through agony of mind fell by the way into a fever’ – or pretended that he did. Luckily, the Duke was warned in the nick of time that the young man ‘was not so earnestly sought for to be coupled in marriage with King Edward’s daughter, as to have his head parted from his body with an axe’. It seems that Francis had not been moved solely by financial considerations, for he reacted swiftly to the news of King Edward’s treachery, sending his Treasurer, Peter Landois, hurrying to the rescue. Henry was snatched back at St Malo and removed to sanctuary in the town. After this, although he continued to pay for having Henry and Jasper kept in protective custody, Edward was apparently content to leave them where they were. He had sons of his own growing up by this time and any threat posed by the penniless exiles in Brittany could scarcely be regarded as pressing.
We know virtually nothing about how Henry and his uncle passed their years of confinement. Their material needs would have been provided for; they would have had books and music and been able to take exercise, but all the same – for Henry especially – it must have been a singularly cheerless existence. Time was passing and Henry Tudor was growing into a man helpless to defend himself, entirely dependent on the goodwill of a protector who might at any moment be subjected to irresistible pressure from outside. Fretting in his Breton captivity, he can have seen very little prospect of ever being able to lead a normal life, or indeed of ever being in a position to recover his father’s earldom of Richmond.
Then suddenly, in April 1483, Edward IV was dead. His two young sons fell into the hands of their uncle Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and were lodged in the Tower of London, pending the coronation of the thirteen-year-old Edward V. But before this could take place, Gloucester made the interesting discovery that Edward IV’s marriage to Queen Elizabeth Woodville had been invalid and that his children were therefore illegitimate. By the end of June, Richard of Gloucester had been proclaimed King and it was noticed that the princes were no longer to be seen shooting and playing in the Tower gardens. Yet another successful coup d’état appeared to have been accomplished. The Yorkists, though, were still in the saddle, and on the face of it there seemed no particular reason why the fortunes of the exiled Lancastrians should be affected one way or the other. Nevertheless, within three months there was to be a sensational improvement in their circumstances.
The precise origins of the conspiracy to replace Richard III by Henry Tudor remain somewhat obscure, as do the reasons that prompted Henry Stafford, Duke of Buckingham – who had played a prominent part in putting Richard on the throne – to come out that same year in favour of Henry. The obvious explanation, of course, is that by the end of the summer Buckingham had good reason to believe that Richard had had his nephews murdered. Controversy about the fate of ‘the little Princes in the Tower’ is still very much alive and, in the absence of any startling new evidence, it will probably remain so. Two facts, however, are not in dispute. After midsummer 1483 no one outside the Tower saw either of the boys again, and by early autumn rumours of their death by foul play were being freely circulated.
The date of the inception of the Tudor conspiracy is not known, but one thing seems pretty certain and that is that Henry Tudor’s mother was one of the prime movers. Margaret Beaufort had married twice since her first widowhood and in 1483 was the wife of a prominent Yorkist, Thomas, Lord Stanley. She had borne no more children, and although she can scarcely have seen her son since he had been taken from her at Pembroke all those years ago, he had kept first place in her heart and thoughts. Margaret would, of course, be in a position to hear all the political gossip and the moment she realized that Edward IV’s sons were being presumed dead, she began to devote all her considerable talents to the task of promoting the future ‘well doing and glory’ of her own offspring.
Her first step was to make contact with Edward IV’s widow. Elizabeth Woodville had taken sanctuary at Westminster with her daughters but, by a fortunate coincidence, both she and Margaret Beaufort employed the services of a Welsh physician named Lewis, ‘a grave man and of no small experience’, well qualified to act as go-between. The plan he unfolded to the Queen Dowager was that if she and her numerous and ambitious relations would undertake to support Henry Tudor’s claim to the throne, Henry, once he had unseated the usurper, would undertake to marry Edward IV’s eldest daughter and thus unite the warring factions. The widow and her daughters proved agreeable – Elizabeth Woodville promising ‘to do her endeavour’ to persuade her late husband’s friends to take Henry’s part. Thus encouraged, Margaret Beaufort widened her net, entrusting her steward, Reginald Bray, with the delicate and dangerous task of enlisting the support of ‘such noble and worshipful men as were wise, faithful and active’ and ready to help her cause. In a surprisingly short space of time Bray had successfully interested quite a number of substantial gentlemen and Margaret was on the point of sending a courier to Brittany, when she learned that the Duke of Buckingham was also contemplating action.
The two happened to meet on the high road, so the story goes, as Margaret was travelling between Bridgnorth and Worcester. Until this moment Buckingham had apparently been thinking in terms of proposing himself as an alternative to King Richard – he was, after all, a Beaufort on his mother’s side and doubly descended from Edward III. However, according to his own account, this casual meeting with Margaret Beaufort reminded him forcibly that she and her son stood as ‘both bulwark and portcullis’ between him and the getting of the Crown, so that he utterly relinquished ‘all such phantasticall imaginations’. If we knew what really passed between Margaret and her ‘cousin of Buks’ in that convenient roadside encounter, we should probably know a good deal more about the complicated web of intrigue being spun in England that summer; but it seems that the Duke went on to have a serious talk with John Morton, Bishop of Ely, and as a result both men decided to commit themselves to supporting Henry Tudor.
Now that she was sure of these two important allies Margaret lost no more time in getting in touch with her son, and despatched one Hugh Conway with a large sum of money and instructions to urge Henry to return home at once. He was to make for Wales, where he would find help waiting. It is possible that Hugh Conway brought the first news of the astonishing change in his prospects; at any rate up to this time – about the middle of September – Henry had made no move on his own account. Not that he was in any position to do so. Although he had been free from actual physical restraint after Edward IV’s death, he was still a penniless refugee, dependent on his friends to set the ball rolling. But now this had been done it was up to Henry Tudor – still a completely unknown quantity – to show what he was made of, to justify his mother’s faith in him and seize what might be the chance of a lifetime. With the advice and help of his uncle Jasper, an old hand at this sort of game, Henry responded bravely to the challenge. The Duke of Brittany was prepared to help with a loan of 10,000 crowns. The Tudors raised a small force of ships and mercenaries, and by the second week in October they were ready to go.
Meanwhile, in England, the worst was happening. King Richard had got wind of Buckingham’s activities and a spontaneous rising in Kent seems to have erupted prematurely. The next sequence of events is uncertain, but by the time Henry made landfall off Poole harbour all element of surprise had gone. Swallowing his disappointment, Henry made the only wise decision – to cut his losses – and gave orders to hoist up sail.
He and Jasper were back in Brittany in time to hear the depressing news that the take-over bid had collapsed and that the Duke of Buckingham had been captured and executed. Margaret Beaufort herself only narrowly escaped the normal penalty for high treason – probably because Richard dared not risk alienating the powerful Stanley family. Some of the other conspirators escaped the King’s wrath altogether. The Bishop of Ely, Thomas Grey, Marquis of Dorset and Elizabeth Woodville’s eldest son by her first marriage, the Courtenays of Devonshire, the Brandon brothers, John Bourchier, John Cheyney and Thomas Arundel were among those who were able to cross the Channel and join the Tudors in exile. On Christmas Day 1483, at the cathedral of Rennes, Henry swore a solemn oath in the presence of his supporters that ‘so soon as he should be King he would marry Elizabeth, King Edward’s daughter’; after which they in turn swore homage ‘as though he had been already created king’.
Anglo-Breton relations had naturally been somewhat strained after the previous autumn’s fiasco but now Richard, who (according to Polydore Vergil) was leading a miserable life, tormented with fear of Henry’s return, made up his mind to arrange another truce and rid himself of ‘this inward grief’. His chance came early in June. Duke Francis was an elderly man, becoming feeble ‘by reason of sore and daily sickness’. The reins of government passed temporarily into the hands of the Treasurer, Peter Landois, and it was Landois who received King Richard’s ambassadors. They offered the annual revenues of the earldom of Richmond together with those of all the other English nobles who had taken refuge in Brittany in exchange for the surrender of Henry Tudor. Landois, ‘a man of sharp wit and great authority’ and consequently highly unpopular among his fellow-countrymen, saw an opportunity of gaining a useful foreign ally and it was apparently for this reason that he agreed to betray his master’s protégé.
It was John Morton in Flanders who got to hear of this amiable scheme and sent a warning to Henry by Christopher Urswick, ‘an honest, approved and serviceable priest’, who had just come out from England. Henry was at Vannes when Morton’s messenger reached him and he at once sent Urswick to France for permission to cross the border. As soon as this had been obtained, an escape plan organized on classic lines went smoothly into operation. It was arranged that Jasper should escort the English nobles to call on Duke Francis, whose retreat happened to be close to the frontier, their pretext being the need to discuss Henry’s affairs. Instead, they were to turn aside and get themselves into France at the first opportunity. Henry himself left Vannes with only five attendants, saying that he was going to visit a friend who had a manor nearby. No immediate suspicion was aroused because of the large number of English left in the town, and the innocent-looking little party ambled peacefully out of Vannes unchallenged. But after they had covered about five miles, they left the road and Henry changed into ‘serving man’s apparel’ in the shelter of a convenient wood. Thus disguised he rode the rest of the way behind one of his own servants, who guided him by the quickest route over the border into Anjou. They were only just in time, for Landois had been alerted and his men were riding hard in pursuit. Henry Tudor reached the safety of French soil with barely an hour’s margin.
Thanks to John Morton and his own cool head, Henry had saved his own life by a whisker. He had also saved the most valuable of his supporters and was later able to salvage the rest. When Duke Francis recovered, he was much displeased with Peter Landois and gave orders that the English marooned in Vannes were to be allowed to leave for France with their travelling expenses paid.
The Tudor cause had suffered a serious set-back but on the whole the political situation in France was favourable. Louis XI had died the previous August, to be succeeded by his thirteen-year-old son, Charles, and the regency was disposed to be friendly to the exiles. At least, it was disposed to make use of them to embarrass King Richard and prevent him from sending military aid to Brittany – France was just then making preparations to swallow the last of her independent duchies. But it all meant delay, while the new government coped with more pressing matters, and Henry could not afford too much delay. Many of his followers were disgruntled Yorkists whose loyalty could not be relied on for ever – indeed the Marquis of Dorset did try to slip away – and his friends at home might lose heart, and interest, if they were left too long between hope and dread. Elizabeth of York was still unmarried, but there was no telling how much longer she and her sisters would be allowed to remain single and without the Yorkist marriage Henry’s chances of uniting a chronically factious nobility would be minimal. In his ancestral Wales, where the forces of nationalism were working strongly in his favour, the bards were growing impatient:
In what seas are thy anchors, and where art thou thyself?
When wilt thou, Black Bull, come to land;
How long shall we wait?
On the feast of the Virgin fair Gwynedd, in her singing, watched the seas.
The letters being smuggled out of England brought messages of goodwill from Henry’s stepfather Lord Stanley and his brother William Stanley, from Gilbert Talbot and ‘others innumerable’. From Wales came word that Rhys ap Thomas and other ‘men of power’ in the principality were ready and waiting, and that the useful Reginald Bray had collected ‘no small sum of money’ to pay soldiers; but John Morgan, the lawyer, was urging haste. Then, in the spring of 1485, another message crossed the Channel – a rumour that King Richard, now a widower, had begun to cast his eye on his niece Elizabeth, and to desire her in marriage. Whether or not there was ever any foundation for this piece of gossip, the news, says Polydore Vergil, pinched Henry by the very stomach. At best his must be a desperate venture – further delay now might destroy any chance of success.
He borrowed money – ‘a slender supply’ from the French King and more where he could get it – and managed to find a few pieces of artillery and a force of between two and three thousand mercenaries from Normandy to supplement his five hundred or so Englishmen. The tiny armada, probably no more than a dozen ships, sailed from the mouth of the Seine on 1 August, with a soft south wind behind it, and set course for Wales. The ‘long yellow summer’ – the summer of the dragon, of the hero in a golden cloak, the summer of the ‘Bull of Anglesey’ had come round at last.