I am deeply grateful to many people who gave so much to me over the years of working on this book. Udumbara Zen Sangha is the jewel of its origination and sustained me during its writing, with Roshi Sojun Diane Martin inspiring the project and Maia Hubbard and Sensei Tricia Teater also standing by through every step. I was given precious time and beautiful spaces to work on this book by the Renaissance House Residency Program, The Hambidge Center for Creative Arts and Sciences, and the Ragdale Residency. The Wesley Writers Workshop, under Sharon and Steve Fiffer, was another great source of support and guidance. Bhikkhu Bodhi’s edits of the manuscript were invaluable teachings from a true scholar. Althea Orr, Chris Havranek, Erin McNamara, Linda Schneider, Nina Uziel-Miller, Renée Marshel, Sally Turner, Sara Lifson, Seiso Paul Cooper, Susan Filstead, Suzanne Tague, and my brother, Cris Jacobs, supplied boosts just when I needed them. Erin Wiegand and Nina Pick of North Atlantic Books and Teja Watson were gracious and helpful companions during the publishing process.
Finally, Clay, Tara, and Rick, my beloved family, are the ground of my world and my heart. And thanks to Roscoe and Zane, the two cats who sat on my desk while I worked.