Want more Petal Morgan?

Look for book three of the Masquerade Inc. Cozy Mysteries!

The Backstage Deception is available RIGHT HERE!


Here’s a sneak peek into what to expect…


Moment de la Mort


Music sheets flutter to the floor, ancient costuming, moldering in the darkness he’s fallen into. All tossed aside while he searches for what he’s come to find, wiping at the blood trickling from the cut on his forehead, the dust making him cough and sneeze.

It has to be here. He’s certain of it, has torn the rest of this miserable place apart and found nothing.

Nothing. That’s impossible, but it’s true.

He will not be thwarted, refuses to quit. He’s come too far and done things he’ll regret for the rest of his life unless he finds it. Only its return will save his soul from what he’s done.

If that.

The faint light from above cuts out, leaving him in inky blackness.

“Who’s there?” His voice wavers, the baritone of it barely a tenor as it cracks and breaks under the strain.

Silence. Then something smooth falling around his head, dropping to his shoulders. He bats at it in panic, but too late, far too late, as the rope tightens around his neck, the sigh of sandbags falling jerking tight on his throat, and he rises, rises, in glory for the last time.

In death.
