Dear Dad,
I couldn’t sleep at all last night. It was horrible! Just ask Mom. I don’t know how many times I woke her up to tell her. After the ninth or tenth time, she just said the same thing over and over again:
Maybe she thought reading would help, but it didn’t.
Mostly it just made me think about my own mysteries, like the stolen mac and cheese and the missing suit. If I don’t solve these cases soon, I may never sleep again.
When Mom finally woke me up for breakfast, I told her I couldn’t go to school today because I had a headache.
For once in my life, it seemed like she actually believed me.
Then, a minute later, I realized it was Saturday.
I guess Mom got confused again. If you ask me, she really needs to get her life organized.
Anyway, I’m glad I got up so early because it took me like five hours to clear the 9th-level dojo on NINJA WARZ!
I’d do a dance of joy, but Mom is taking a nap. So I’ll quietly draw it here:
Let me tell you, Dad, NINJA WARZ is a miracle cure! Not only did I learn some incredible moves today, it totally fixed my headache too!
Although for some reason, it didn’t fix Mom’s.
She told me to do something quieter while she took a nap. So I decided to secretly search the house for Mr. Prince’s missing suit.
Of course, Chloe bugged me the whole time.
There was no way I was going to tell HER about the suit.
So I made something up just to get her off my back.
It totally worked!
Sort of. Thanks to her screaming, Mom made me clean the whole house by myself.
Meanwhile, Chloe got to play dress up with Teddy Snuffles in her room. She didn’t have to clean up anything. You call that fair? I don’t.
On the bright side, I got your new postcard today! It was cool. But now I’m confused again.
Why did the SECRET MISSION move to Wisconsin? More trouble with bad guys?
You also talked about some guy named Johnny “DOC” Watson and his new ax. Is he a friend of yours? Why does he have an ax? Is that like a special ninja battle-ax? It sounds really dangerous! Where can I get a ninja battle-ax like Johnny “DOC” Watson’s?
By the way, I asked Mom if she thought the SECRET MISSION would ever move to this state. Good news! She said it is COMPLETELY up to you.
So what do you think? Can you move here? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please?
No pressure, but it would be way easier for me to teach you ninja moves in person.
Plus, you could introduce me to Dr. Watson. Just tell him to leave his ax in the car, OK? Mom says it sounds too dangerous to bring in the house.
More good news! She just woke up from her nap! Now I can finally do my dance of joy!
PS. I just did my dance of joy. Mom is taking another nap.