This section on ailments and healing and nutritional needs is designed to cover a wide range of common ailments and the most suitable natural foods, supplements and other factors to assist with either the prevention or healing of the specific ailments.

The information is provided as a guide only. It should not be interpreted as a cure for any ailment or condition. Obtain advice and guidance from a qualified medical practitioner, naturopath or therapist for a diagnosis and suitable treatment.

A list of 312 factors are provided as the key index to reference the charts.

The charts provide a list of 92 ailments together with the main body systems that are affected; for example, abscess: number 17 – skin system, number 13 – immune system. Refer to skin system and immune system for details on the essential nutrients for maintenance of the body system and other factors such as the foods that supply the required nutrients for the individual body system

Every ailment affects at least one human body system and usually at least two to three body systems are in need of repair, correct food intake, specific nutrients and other factors, as presented in the column on the right-hand side of each of the following pages with the heading ‘Nutritional needs’.

Most ailments can benefit from natural foods, supplements and nutrients.

Let nature protect and heal your body.

The main causes of nearly all ailments are the health risk factors, and within the key index, a total of 49 risk factors are listed with their name and a colour code for reference with the charts. For example, abscess: risk factors: infection, bacteria and hygiene – poor. For effective healing, the risk factors must be eliminated from the diet and lifestyle, or controlled by suitable treatment as listed in the nutritional needs column or from proper medical advice.

The sample code below is a guide to the way the charts are presented.

NOTE: d.v. refers to the daily value for women 25–50 years, refer to RDI chart for adult male and child values.

NOTE: d.v. refers to the daily value for women 25–50 years, refer to RDI chart for adult male and child values.

NOTE: d.v. refers to the daily value for women 25–50 years, refer to RDI chart for adult male and child values.

NOTE: All amounts in this book are measured in milligrams (mg) per 100 grams, unless stated

NOTE: d.v. refers to the daily value for women 25–50 years, refer to RDI chart for adult male and child values.

NOTE: All amounts in this book are measured in milligrams (mg) per 100 grams, unless stated

NOTE: d.v. refers to the daily value for women 25–50 years, refer to RDI chart for adult male and child values.