
Writing the acknowledgments section is always my favorite part of writing a book, because even though it’s my name on the cover, the truth is, a whole community of people helps to birth a book. I am so grateful to all those who have held my hand, prayed, cheered, encouraged, and helped all along the way.

Chad Allen, editorial director at Baker Books and editor of this book—thanks for asking me, “If you could choose only one out of the 50 Women to write a book about, who would it be?” From that question—and my answer: Katharina von Bora—this book was born.

The Baker Books editorial and marketing teams—you are the consummate professionals. I am so grateful for your creativity, your energy, your attention to detail, and your smarts. Thank you all for helping to make this book the best it can be and for shepherding it into the world.

My agent, Rachelle Gardner—you never give up, do you? Thank you for your faith in me as a writer and for your unwavering confidence that there will be another book project for me around the next bend.

Karen Swallow Prior—thank you not only for your insightful words and for so graciously agreeing to write the foreword to this book during one of your busiest seasons, but also for your kindness and encouragement. Your positive attitude put a spring in my step on the days I needed it most.

The staff at the Lincoln City Libraries and especially the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Love Library. A lot has changed since I was in graduate school. Thanks for helping me locate the books and articles I needed and for guiding me to those mysterious in-between floors.

My blog readers—thank you for reminding me again and again that you really are eager to read this book. Your encouraging words, cheerful comments, and kind emails kept me focused and determined.

Pastors Greg, Michael, Beth Ann, and Karl-John and my church family—you live out Luther’s vision for the church every day as you quietly love your neighbors and faithfully serve others. I am so grateful to be part of the Southwood Lutheran community.

Deidra Riggs, Shelly Miller, and Jennifer Dukes Lee—you were the ones who convinced me that I was the person to write this book. I wouldn’t have said yes if it hadn’t been for you. Thank you for having faith in me, especially when I didn’t have faith in myself.

Maureen and Buzz DeRusha and Jeanine DeRusha—thanks for always asking how the book was coming along, even when you knew it meant I’d ramble about it for far too long.

Noah and Rowan—I know, I know, you want me to write fiction. Maybe next time . . .

And finally, thank you, Brad. In the early stages of research, when I was overwhelmed and afraid, you said everything would come together. I didn’t believe you at the time, but you were right. Thank you for always being a steady voice of reason, an encourager, the very best brainstormer, and my very own personal editor. I told you this already, but I’ll repeat it here for the record: this book should have your name on the cover too. I love you!