A Barefoot Runner’s Guide To Nutrition
By Josh Leeger
We aren’t nutritionists, so we can’t prescribe dietary information. However, we can tell you our general opinion on diet.
- Eat locally grown foods in season that have been processed as little as possible (both in their growing and in their preparation).
- Eat plenty of organic, free range, lean proteins.
- Nuts and seeds of all sorts are the best!
- Try the local farmer’s market (if there’s one in your area)!
- Minimize your alcoholic beverage intake.
- Focus on the quality of your food 1st, not the quantity. It’s more important to engender the habit of good quality food 1st and then listen to your body and figure it out from there.
If you can master a structured and healthy workout regimen and balance this with a nutritious diet for your own body, everything else will fall into place!