Making love to Dev last night felt fantastic!
Still couldn’t fall asleep afterward. She got up at sunrise, showered, dressed, left me with a quick good-bye. That was cool. I was out the door right behind Dev. I couldn’t wait to see Ebony’s ass on set. She had some explaining to do as to why she was at the Cheesecake while I was waiting on her at her place. What time did she get home?
I drove straight to her house, parked in her driveway, used my key to get in.
Stomping up the stairs to her bedroom, I hoped she heard me coming. I called out, “Ebony!”
There was no answer. The noise I heard was from my heavy breathing as I took my last step up and entered her room.
This time I lowered my voice. “Ebony, my babe. Where are you?” It was too early for her to be gone. I texted her, where you at?
The bed wasn’t messed up the way I’d left it. Red and gold pillows all different shapes and sizes were arranged to perfection. That meant her ass had been here. Her neat freak behind did this shit every time after we were done fucking. Better not find out she had some other dude in here.
I sent her another text, If you don’t want me to make a scene on set you’d best hit me back. Now.
Ebony had me heated! I mean real hot. I should leave her damn key on the kitchen counter.
My stomach growled. I already knew she ain’t have shit downstairs in her refrigerator except some damn berries and juice. I checked her walk-in closet. All my shit was how I’d last seen it. Strolled into the bathroom. Shower, tub, sink. All that shit was dry.
“Oh, I see. Your ass was at some other nigga’s house all night last night. Came through for a change of clothes, straightened up, then rolled out.” Yeah, she must’ve washed my pussy at his place.
This television show was acting. She’d better not start thinking she’s her character. I got her this job. I could get her ass fired too.
Getting in my car, I punched my steering wheel. I couldn’t have my main and my side be more successful than me.
Taking a deep breath, I had to calm down. Couldn’t show up at the studio with an attitude. I went through the drive-through at Starbucks. Ordered a white chocolate mocha with extra whip and a breakfast sandwich. Parked in the lot, turned off my engine. Sipping on that sweet ass shit reminded me of how Ebony’s pussy tasted.
I had to talk to someone other than myself. I called my boy Marvin.
He answered, “Hey, Phoenix, kinda early for you, bruh. What’s up?”
“Haaaa!” I exhaled, releasing my frustration.
“Damn, man. Not in my ear with that. Dev okay? Nya all right?”
The person he should’ve asked about was me. “Yeah, man. You know my situation with Ebony. It’s taking a nosedive since I’ve been managing her.”
“You. Managing, Ebony? Come on, dude,” Marvin said, laughing.
He wouldn’t know anything about handling anybody’s career since he was on the federal government’s payroll. “What so funny?”
“What you mean is since I last spoke to you on Friday, y’all ain’t together no mo’?” He laughed again.
Hearing him say it like that lightened my attitude. I had to laugh too. It hadn’t been a week yet. “That’s why I called you. You put shit in perspective quick. I’ma finish my breakfast, then head to the set.”
“I know you been fucking Ebony for way too long, man, but Dev is the priority. Now that they’re in the same space, what you need to do is keep your black ass focused and stay off that damn set.”
“Gotcha. I’m out.”
He ended the call. I listened to V-103 while eating. I heard this chick tell Wanda, “A woman should not have sex before marriage.”
“In what country? She sure as hell couldn’t be American talking that bullshit. She’s probably fucked Tom, Dick, and Harry and neither one of them bruhs put a ring on it, now she’s bitter. Bitch get out of here with all that.” I changed to 104.
Driving to the studio, I parked next to Dev’s white BMW, called my mom.
She answered, “Hey, Phoenix, hold on. Nya, your dad is on the phone.”
Damn, she could’ve said good morning, son. Or, I’m proud of you, son. Oh, yeah. That’s right. She didn’t know about my new role.
“Hey, Daddy, when you gone come get me?”
“Daddy has a new job. I have to work, but I’ll pick you up soon okay?”
“Okay,” she said, sounding sad.
Trying to cheer up my baby girl, I told her, “You going to Sandara’s house today.”
She whined, “I want to play with Brandy.”
Nya was smart for her age. Auntie Mercedes gave her whatever she wanted. Sandara was on a real fixed income.
“Next time, princess. This time you get to play with Ty, Tyrell, and Tyson.”
“And Max,” she said, sounding happy.
“And Max,” I repeated. “Daddy loves you. Be good for Grandma.”
“Love you. Bye, Daddy.”
Before I ended the call, I heard my mom. “Phoenix?”
“Yeah, I’m still here.”
“I’m taking a month-long vacation starting this evening. Going on a cruise with my friends. You need to pick Nya up from Sandara’s house.”
Where was the ship sailing? Around the world? “Cool. No problem,” I said, ending the call.
I didn’t need this right now. My mom probably wasn’t going anywhere. That was her way of forcing me to spend time with Nya. Oh, wait a minute. Dev might’ve arranged this.
Getting out of my car, I entered the studio. The photographers were setting up. Checked my cell. No text from Ebony. I texted her, I’m here. Where you at?
Dev was sitting where she was yesterday. I watched her tap away on her laptop.
Walking up to her, I said, “Good morning babe.”
Without looking up she replied, “Phoenix, please don’t call me babe. When we’re here, it’s Devereaux.”
Playfully, I poked her in the side. She swatted my hand away. “I’m concentrating on something important.”
“Lighten up, Dev, it’s not that serious.”
A person from behind questioned, “Is everything okay, Dev?”
She nodded.
I recognized his voice. I turned to see the director dude. “Oh, so he can call you Dev, but I can’t.”
“You have a moment.” He paused, then continued. “Phoenix, right?”
“Man, you know you know my name. Quit trying to impress my fiancée.”
“This is not the place,” Trés said. “Dev is extremely busy. Let’s take this outside.” Sounded more like a demand than a request.
I looked at Dev. She stared at me, then said, “Oh, Ebony. Come here for a minute.”
My head snapped in the opposite direction. Ebony wasn’t there. Dev stared at her laptop, started typing.
“You ready?” Trés asked.
“I don’t have to answer to you, man.” Who did this dude think he was?
“Okay, then answer me,” Dev said. “Do you have a copy of your signed contract with Ebony?”
She was still looking at the computer. Typing.
“She’s been working. I’ma get it from her by Friday,” I explained.
“Then, we’ll see you Friday,” Trés said.
“Dev, look at me.” I repeated, “Dev. Look. At. Me.”
“You’re so disrespectful. I can call security if you want me to, Dev,” Trés said.
“Give him five minutes,” Dev replied, staring at her cell phone. “No, make it three.”