“Pacific Northwest Earthquakes and Potential Effects on Alaska,” report from the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys: www.seismic.alaska.gov/download/ashsc_meetings_minutes/mp148.pdf
University of Alaska’s Alaska Earthquake Center: www.earthquake.alaska.edu
Earthquake preparedness report listing local emergency management resources: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/public-safety-and-emergency-services/emergency-preparedness-response-recovery/embc/renteria_eq_consultation_report_2014.pdf
To check expected impact in your postal code: www.ocean985.com/2016/10/19/a-great-shakeout-check-your-earthquake-by-postal-code
Cascadia impact zone information, including map of expected impacts, for Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, and Mendocino Counties: www.earthquakecountry.org/northcoast
California Earthquake Authority’s information for Northern California: www.eqheadquarters.com/NorCal
State of Oregon Emergency Management website includes listings of all tribal, city, and county emergency managers and preparedness resources for individuals, businesses, and community organizations: www.oregon.gov/OEM/Pages/default.aspx
This Oregon Public Broadcasting–hosted site allows you to enter your Oregon address and be shown the earthquake and ground liquefaction risk for your specific area: www.opb.org/aftershock-story
State of Washington Emergency Management website includes preparedness resources for individuals, businesses, and community organizations: www.mil.wa.gov/emergency-management-division
State of Washington Department of Natural Resources site allows you to enter your Washington address and find out expected impacts in a variety of earthquake events: Geologyportal.dnr.wa.gov/#seismic_scenarios
BRITISH COLUMBIA: https://www.crd.bc.ca/docs/default-source/climate-action-pdf/reports/2020-sea-level-mapping-project/coastal-flood-inundation-mapping-project-summary.pdf
CALIFORNIA: maps.conservation.ca.gov/geologichazards
OREGON: projects.oregonlive.com/maps/tsunami
WASHINGTON: www.dnr.wa.gov/programs-and-services/geology/geologic-hazards/tsunamis/#tsunamihazardsmap
The online retailers listed on the following page are an excellent way to supplement more general purchases from major retailers such as Amazon, Costco, or Walmart. They generally offer a wide selection of preparedness supplies, though not all carry the entire range of items you may need. The Red Cross and Redfora specialize in emergency kits and related products; Redfora’s bags are designed for use in earthquakes. Many other retailers carry similar inventory and may have physical store locations near you. This list does not imply endorsement; it is intended to assist you as you purchase your supplies.
The following organizations compile regular offerings of various first-aid, disaster-preparedness, and earthquake-preparedness classes online and in person. Check with your local community college or hospital for preparedness classes as well. Your library may be able to direct you to local classes that meet your needs.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Home Storage Center locations: providentliving.churchofjesuschrist.org/self-reliance/food-storage/home-storage-center-locations?lang=eng