"Molim vas, nemojte me ubiti. Borim se moja zemlja isto kao i ti!" (Please don’t kill me. I’m fighting my country the same as you.)
"Sessions, tell this motherfucker to shut up before he gets one to the bellum. Now!"
"Razumem da si uplašena, ali smiri. Molimo Vas da smiri " (I understand you’re scared but calm down. Please quiet down.)
"What did you tell him, Sessions? Speak the fuck up! Now!"
"I… I… I… t-t-told… told him to…"
"Hurry the fuck up, you fucking prick! Out with it or this motherfucker is dead! What did you tell him? What did he say?!"
"I… t-t-told… told him to stay c-c-calm! He surren… surrenders!"
"Ask him if he knows of any other Chetnik fucks around. I want to know what he knows, and I want to know the truth. Tell him my fucking finger is itching to shoot his ass! Find out what he knows!"
"Gde je ostatak vašeg detalja? Koja je vaša misija? Da li govorite engleski, ako, tako da mi javite sada!" (Where is the rest of your detail? What is your mission? Do you speak English? If so you let me know now!) Potrebno mi je da hitno reaguju, jer je moj drug će vam isteći! (I need you to respond urgently because my comrade will expire you!)"
"I do speak English, comrade. I beg of you to please spare my life. I will surrender my arms, but I will never surrender my country. I’m fighting for her as you are against our common enemy."
"You don’t tell me what you will and will not do, Cheta. If I ask you for information, you better damn well give it. If you don’t tell me what I want to know, you will get the pleasure of dying at the hands of a United States Marine. You have a choice to talk or go to fucking hell."
"I’m protecting my homeland, Marine. I’m trying to liberate her from an evil man. You Americans have no reason to be here because we will win this fight on our own. This land is of Mother Yugoslavia. I will never give her away. I will surrender my arms, but I will never surrender my comrades or my country."
"You don’t have any options, Cheta! Not only will you surrender your arms, but you will tell me about any other Chetniks within a few miles. I have lost 3 Marines to you fucks, and I will not lose another. There will be no more surprises. I will not be surprised by any more deaths, not my marines or yours. Fuck you and your fucking piece of shit country. Now, surrender the information or surrender your life. It’s your choice. I’m tired of playing with you."
"Jebi ga! Jebi svoju majku! Ti jebeni American pičku! Idi u pakao!" (Fuck it! Go fuck your mother! You fucking American cunt! Go to hell!)
"Pazi jebena usta cetnicku ili ću mu reći šta govoriš!" (Watch your fucking mouth, Chetnik, or I will tell him what you’re saying!) Mason said.
"Speak English, you Motherfuckers!!! Both of you, speak English! What the hell did he say?"
"N-n-nothing lets jus-st arrest him and ta-take him back to Mon-mon-Monteith like we were ordered. He al-already suren-sur-sur-surrendered."
"Who the hell are you to give me a command? Do you see these chevrons? Do you see my fucking rank? Your only job here is to translate because you sure as fuck can’t communicate. Now, tell me what the Cheta said or I will put a bullet in your ass for treason!”
"Pićka ti mater ma-m-means cunt motherfucker and Idi u pakao ste jebeni američki pička means to G-g-g-go to hell you fucking Amer-American cunt."
"You wanna hear a history lesson, Cheta? Do you know where the term Devil Dog came from? The moniker was given to Marines by one of America’s most hated enemies. It was given out of respect; out of recognition. You are my current enemy, and you will recognize me as a Marine, but you will respect me as an American. You will respect that this Devil Dog can send you to hell without a prayer to save your pathetic Chetnik fucking soul. As a matter of fact, I think that Satan is waiting for you."
"P-plea-please! Don’t… don’t do this! The rules of en-engagement are against thi-this. You a-a-a-are-are su-sure to see brig time."
"Are you protecting the fucking Cheta? He is the reason we are away from our country, away from our families! He’s killed innocent Croats and Albanians, and he has killed Marines! Do you remember that? You want to spare his life when they took life from Steen and Buckley?! Whose side are you on, you fucking traitor!"
"Dur-r-r-during… war… de- de-death happens. Marines die. Serbians die. Soldiers die but only with valor and honor. Not like a dog in the street."
"You’re right about one thing. Serbians die but they do die like dogs. Devils’ dogs only leave earth to protect the gates of hell! Do you have any last words before you levitate, Cheta?"
"Osveti me druže. Nikad ne spavam dok ne uradite. Nikada zaboraviti moje krike." (Avenge me, comrade. Never sleep until you do. Never forget my screams.)
"Speak English, motherfucker! God doesn’t hear nor does he understand you fucks."
"Your Marine understands, and so does your God. I will see you again, comrade. I will see you both."
And then it happened. There were more than enough shots to confirm death, but the extras were provided to confirm hate. And as they both lay there on the ground with blood leaking from their bodies, they bled together. The enemy of the enemy were now one. The ground no longer foreign is where their souls united.