Chapter I

The pavements were gray, the houses were gray, the very air was gray with cold October fog. Although it was a damp mizzly dank day in London, the fog did have its capricious moments. Here and there it lifted its skirts, or blew in little skirlish puffs to create small pockets of translucence so that anyone who had to be abroad on such a wretched afternoon had at least some small chance of finding their direction. But they had to be quick about it and gain their bearings to head in the right direction before the fickle mists encompassed them completely again. It was altogether a dreadful day for a stranger to be traversing the city, with the fog being so coy and whimsical.

The inhabitants of the city were used to the weather’s vagaries, in much the same way that they might be used to an eccentric aunt’s changes of mood. Those who had to be up and about traveled the streets with an air of grim tolerance, and they called comments to each other about how she was a right terror again today. But those who could afford to, avoided the outdoors entirely. And so the fog, most democratically covering the city’s length from its most palatial houses to its most wretched stews, ironically only served to point out the undemocratic distribution of wealth and class. The poor groped about the town because they had to, the rich stayed snug at home because they chose to, and the only other travelers were the adventurers.

The occupants of the hired coach that picked its way through the mist-shrouded streets did not feel like adventurers. The rotund gentleman who kept tapping his neat little well-shod foot against the floorboards and consulting his gold watch and emitting periodic stifled sighs felt put upon, and his every ill-concealed gesture of impatience showed it. He was cold; the damp had crept through the floorboards and the ill-fitting windows of the coach into his very bones. He was bored, traveling through the gray city with nothing but gray vapor showing outside the windows. And he was hungry; his watch clearly showed teatime, just as his stomach had been telling him for the last hour. Yet every time his companion glanced at him, he tucked the watch back into his pocket, put on a brave smile of sweet forbearance, and pretended to gaze out the milky windows with active interest.

“Poor Arthur,” his companion thought guiltily as she watched him once again check his timepiece and heard another little muffled sigh. She smiled brightly at him and wished again that she felt half so bright as she pretended. In truth, if he felt cold and weary and his every motion showed that he thought himself on a fool’s errand, then she felt colder and wearier because the whole day had been a crashing disappointment. Added to that, she knew she was the fool who had sent him on the errand. But he only suffered boredom and hunger. She was enduring the pangs of crushing defeat.

It had seemed so reasonable, Catherine remembered, when she had been back at home, carefully penning all the letters to the London employment bureaus, stating her qualifications and expectations of a position. It had seemed so correct a course to take, seeking some kind of genteel position in Britain’s greatest city, so as not to be any further burden upon Arthur or her stepsister now that they were expecting an addition to their family. For despite all their protests to the contrary, she knew that it was not right that they should support not only a new marriage and the coming of a new baby, but also an unwed stepsister as well. And a stepsister who, she felt, could well be able to support herself if only she were not a resident of a little country town. But London! She had been sure she would be able to find a place for herself there. But she hadn’t. And now the coach was taking her to her last interview, her last chance to find a post. For she knew Arthur would never again take her to the City, and never allow her to go by herself. It was propriety and duty that had forced him to come so far with her; if she failed, he would be careful not to say “I told you so” more than a dozen times to her, for he was basically a kind man, but he would never be persuaded to leave Kendal on such a mission again.

She glanced down again at the small pasteboard card she held tightly in her little gray glove. “Introducing Miss Catherine Robins,” it stated in flourishing script, “to see Her Grace the Duchess of Crewe in reference to a position on Her Grace’s staff.” It was signed, with another discrete flourish, “The Misses Parkinson, Employment Counselors.” It was the last card she had. The other six lay, crumpled and used, deep in her reticule, mute testimony to her failures in the past two days.

Yesterday, on Catherine’s very first call, Mrs. Oliphant had taken her card, taken one look at her, and screeched, “Oh no, my dear, you’ll never do. Really, you won’t do at all. Why, just take a look at Mum, just have a look. Why, I can’t even lift her when she’s a mind to be propped up for tea in bed. How can a slip of a lass like you do it?”

And, in truth, Mrs. Oliphant’s mama had just lain there deep in her bed like a beached whale and grinned up in concurrence with her daughter. “Aye,” she had puffed, “my arm’s just the size of your waist, luv,” and she had wheezed with laughter at the look on Catherine’s face when she lifted said member and waved it about.

“But,” Catherine had gone on gamely, “the agency said you required a lady’s companion, not a nurse.”

“Nurse!” Mrs. Oliphant replied, affronted. “Mum don’t need a nurse. She’s sharp as a tack just as she always was, but a lady’s companion don’t just sip tea and tattle. No, we need someone to shift her, now and again. Get her up out of bed when the weather suits. Dress her and lead her about now that she’s not too sure on her feet. No, my dear, you’ll never do.”

“You don’t weigh up, lass,” the older woman had cackled, from her bed. “That’s all. You’ll do when you gain a few stone.”

Catherine hadn’t “done” for Miss Coleman either. That aged spinster had given Catherine a few sharp looks and then had said in her crackling voice, “Not suitable. Sorry, Miss Robins, but you’re too young to have one thing in common with me, and I do like to while away the evenings in friendly chatter.”

She had been “too young” for Mrs. Webster’s great-aunt, and “too inexperienced” for Sir Stephen’s mother-in-law. “Not what we’re looking for,” Mrs. Bartlett had said succinctly, and Lady Brewer hadn’t even given a reason—she had just sighed and said in her fadeaway voice, “Oh, not at all suitable.” And Mrs. White had just given her one gimlet-eyed look and snapped, “Not in this house, my girl. Not with three young sons on the premises. We want an older female to companion my aunt.”

Catherine sat erect and listened to the horses’ muffled tread. This call was her last, she had left it for last because she had felt that a duchess would be far harder to suit than any mere Mrs. Whites or Mrs. Oliphants. In fact, she had thought not to dare try for the position of a duchess’s companion. But now she had to—it was her last chance. If she failed at that, it would be back to Kendal, back to Jane and Arthur’s little house, there to wait for their children to arrive, to be a dependent till she dwindled to nothing more than a dependent devoted auntie. For she had no finances and no parents, and her birth placed her too high for Kendal’s sheep farmers to aspire to, and her dowry too low for anyone higher. Most of Arthur’s merchant friends were married and even the vicar had a large and hopeful family. No, the duchess was her last chance, she thought, as she sat up straighter and thought frantically of how she could present herself so that she could at last “suit,” and wondered why she had so far failed so ignobly.

The coachman could have told her. But she was a lady, so he didn’t dare be so cheeky. But when she had loomed up out of the fog to step into his coach, he had, for one moment waxed poetical and thought that in her muted cherry pelisse she had looked like a little robin redbreast come to cheer up London on a dark winter’s day. In that moment’s lapse of fog, her wellspaced sapphire eyes had twinkled up at him, and he had drunk in her fresh white complexion and noted, with approval, one saucy nose, two delightfully red lips, and a cluster of ebony curls beneath her gray bonnet. He had warmed for one moment, just looking at her.

Her brother-in-law could have told her. All the fellows he knew had tweaked him, from the moment he had married Jane, about the two dashing-looking females he now housed. Jane was well-enough-looking, they had teased, but to have another smashing-looking female under his wing as well was the outside of enough. He had laughed with them, for they meant no harm, but it did give a fellow a sense of well-being to come home to two delightful young women, to be stared at when he promenaded with them, one on either arm, to be waited on after dinner by two attentive and lovely young women. Not that he thought of his sister-in-law in that way, no, that would be most improper. But it was rather a treat to have her around. He would be glad when this job-hunting nonsense was over and she came back to Kendal with him and they could go on just as before, the three of them. As for ever telling Catherine that she was a stunner, that was a thing that just wasn’t done. While Jane might tell him that Catherine took no account of her looks at all, that was too much to ask a fellow to believe.

But of all the reasons for her failure in obtaining a position that Catherine tortured herself with, her looks were not brought into account at all. She thought raven tresses were commonplace, and bright blue eyes unexceptional, and her complexion ordinary, and her overall appearance unfortunate. She conceded she was not ill favored, but that was all. For Mama had been a pale and stately blonde, and her half-sister, Jane, had also the fair hair and light hazel eyes that were Catherine’s only standard of true feminine beauty. Papa, she remembered from far back in the dim recesses of memory of childhood, had been dark haired and blue eyed. That was well enough for a male, but it was Mama who had been beautiful and feminine and sought after. And Jane, who seemed from her five years’ seniority over Catherine to be the most beautiful of females. Catherine thought of many reasons for her failure as the coach proceeded through the streets of London, things that ranged from wearing the wrong sort of gloves to not speaking clearly or standing straight enough, but never once did the thought of simply being too young and too alarmingly lovely enter her mind. No one, after all, had told her so. Except for Mama and Jane, and they were just being kind. And a few scalawags in the streets over the years, and they were just being rowdy.

“This is the last call,” Catherine said to Arthur, as she saw him lift the watch out of his pocket again.

“We’ll finish up early then,” he said, “and go back to the hotel for some tea. Then we’ll leave straight away in the morning, and it won’t be long before we’re all snug at home again.”

Catherine winced.

“There is the possibility that this time I might succeed, Arthur.” Only a hint of reproachfulness was in her voice, and Arthur missed it altogether.

“Oh, aye. Of course there’s that possibility, but it is unlikely. As I said before, some young gently born females have to go out and toil for their livelihoods, and some do get positions. But only after much privation. And then that is only when they are willing to sacrifice some of their, ah, expectations. They get harder, my dear, and they get more worldly-wise. It’s just as well that you discovered this for yourself. Now I think it wasn’t such a bad idea, this trip. Once you’re done with all that air-dreaming, you’ll be happier. As you should be, with a devoted sister, and myself of course, to look after you. You will understand how fortunate you really are, and be content to settle down with us.”

“I know I am fortunate in you and Jane,” Catherine said as she had said so many times before, “and you do know how grateful I am, but Arthur, can’t you see, I just wanted to do something for myself and not be only a burden?”

“Burden? Nonsense,” Arthur said, warming to his favorite theme and crossing his hands around his stomach, which Catherine knew was calling for sustenance. She had noticed that Arthur, plump to begin with, was adding to his substance at a pace to almost equal that of Jane, who expected their baby in the spring.

“As if family could ever be a burden. When I met your sister, I knew of your closeness and never did I expect anything other than your coming to live with us when we wed. I made that clear to Jane at the outset. I have often wished for a large family—it was one of the sorrows of my life that I was an only child. Family is the backbone of the nation.”

Arthur went on, as he had done so often in the past on the virtues of family, while Catherine looked out the window again, seeing the city slowly pass by, trying to make out the shadowy figures that flitted by on the pavements, and hoping that some wildly wonderful thing would come to pass. Perhaps she might turn out to be the image of dowager duchess’s long-lost sister, or perhaps the dowager had a little dog who would rush to her and the dowager would cry, “If FiFi likes you, the matter is settled. You must come to work at once.” Or perhaps the dowager would be a sweet little old woman who would offer her tea and say, “I know just how difficult this must be for you. I have been looking for some pleasant young woman to keep me company,” or then again she might say…

“We’re here, miss,” the coachman called.

Catherine felt her hands turn to ice. And her heart began a faster beat.

“Arthur. I won’t be long. But if I’m delayed, there’s no need for you to sit here freezing in the coach. Why don’t you go back to the hotel, and I’ll take another hackney back and meet you when I’m done.”

“Nonsense,” Arthur said staunchly, with an air of seeing things through, as she knew he would. “I’ll wait right here. Can’t have a young female on the loose alone in London. I’ll wait right here. After all, it’s your last call.”

Catherine shivered at his words and stepped out to the pavement and stared at the imposing entrance of the house before her. The fog had lifted for a moment, making the entrance of gleaming white steps dramatically clear. Catherine swallowed, only to find she had nothing to swallow, and began to walk toward the steps with much the same gait of someone preparing to mount a gallows. Her gaze was so fixed on the door above the street level, the door with the beautiful fanlight glasswork, the door that might either open onto a new future for her, or onto the end to her hopes of independence, that she almost collided with a pair of gentlemen who emerged suddenly from out of a bank of fog.

“My pardons, miss,” said the closer of the two gentlemen, and after a look at her face, he went on more fulsomely, “a hundred pardons. It’s this confounded fog. One moment the way is clear, the next I’ve almost run you down. Are you all right?”

As he had not even brushed against her, Catherine could only reply distractedly, “Why yes, quite all right.”

But the gentleman, dressed, Catherine noted absently, in the first stare of fashion, only stood and gazed at her, bemused.

A deeper voice intruded.

“Cyril, the lady is fine. I suggest we move on so that she can reach her destination.”

Catherine peered up to the speaker, who was so very tall that the fog, in a show of frivolity, shrouded his face as it might a mountain peak. He was dressed in unobtrusive grays that further blended with the day.

“But, Sinjun,” the other gentleman protested, “I might have done her an injury. Or frightened her, looming up like that, out of the fog. Are you sure you’re unharmed, miss?”

“Quite sure,” Catherine answered, suspicious of the gentleman’s inclinations to linger, and wondering if Arthur was watching this incident through the coach window. He might get it into his head that she was being molested and spring from the coach and make a scene, and if the duchess heard the altercation, her interview would be over before it began.

Seeking to end the conversation promptly, and yet not be rude, for these gentlemen might be friends of the duchess, Catherine asked the taller of the two, whom she could not see so well, rather than the shorter, who was staring at her in the most improper fashion, “Is this the Duchess of Crewe’s address? In the fog,” she temporized, “I cannot be sure.”

“Oh yes,” the taller gentleman answered in an amused tone, “to be sure it is. Never fear, you have come to the right place.”

There was that in his voice, that undercurrent of sarcasm, that made Catherine look at him again. The mist, bored with veiling his face, drifted away, and she found herself looking into a pair of icy gray eyes that seemed as if they still held the depths of the fog in them. He was very handsome, Catherine thought with alarm, lowering her eyes from his frank stare, and very insolent.

As she turned to mount the steps, she heard him say again with amused cynicism, “You have come to exactly the right place, I believe.”

“Good day,” Catherine said firmly, sure that in some strange way she was being insulted and knowing one did not bandy words with strange men, friends of the duchess or not. She went up the stairs, lifted the door knocker, and rapped more firmly than she would have wanted to, in an effort to escape the two men’s attention. But when she turned to look down again at the street, she could only see their shapes receding in the distance.

The butler who took her card almost took her breath away with it. He was old, and large, and impeccable. He looked at her with no expression and yet made her feel as though she were standing in her nightdress. “Yes,” he said after he glanced at her card, “come this way.” Without further comment he led her into the largest hall she had ever seen. It was floored with marble, and lined with spindly chairs. And each chair held a woman, sitting erect, each with a reticule, and a packet of letters on each lap.

“Oh,” Catherine sighed to herself, her spirits sinking further than she had thought possible, for it seemed that every unemployed lady’s companion in the kingdom was there waiting to be interviewed, before her.

By the time the clock at the end of the hall had discreetly chimed four times, Catherine had gotten sufficient control of herself to observe the other females in the hall. She had a moment’s fleeting thought for Arthur, sitting chilled in the carriage outside, waiting, but she could no more have left than she could have asked the butler to dance. She was here now, she reasoned, and she would see it to the end.

There were twenty-three other females in the hall. Each one studiously ignored the other. Some stared into space. Some busied themselves with bits of needlework and some were browsing through small volumes that they had brought with them. They were representative, Catherine thought with sorrow, of the entire spectrum of women companions. There were some who were elderly and looked like timorous spinsters. Some were motherly-looking women, large in their persons and almost dowdily dressed. One or two were elegant-looking middle-aged females, who looked as though they themselves might be advertising for companions. There was one huge muscular woman who might have easily belonged behind a barrow, hawking turnips. Catherine wondered if she might drop a hint about the elderly Mrs. Oliphant’s search for a companion, for that woman looked as though she might be able to turn both her and her daughter in bed without a thought. But the women all sat silently, and she could no more speak to the female beside her than she could have whispered in church. None of the women looked happy, and all, she thought, wondering if there were some truth to Arthur’s lectures, looked downtrodden in some fashion. Worst of all was the realization that she alone was under middle age.

Miss Parkinson, Catherine thought frantically, would not have sent her if she felt she would have no chance. It was true that she had looked at Catherine and whispered, “Oh, dear. You are not at all what I expected from your letters.” But when Catherine had explained her mission, and convinced her that she had nursed her own late mother through her final illness, Miss Parkinson had said, filling out the cards, “Might as well have a try at it. But,” she had cautioned, “a lady’s companion is not an easy life, child.”

Looking at her fellow applicants, Catherine could well believe that. They all seemed resigned to their waiting, to their very lives.

After the butler had admitted two more prospective companions and seated them, he reappeared.

“The duchess,” he intoned, “is ready to begin her interviews.” And he motioned for the woman closest to a door at the end of the hall to come with him. She was a spry wiry woman with spectacles. With ill-concealed eagerness, she closed the book she was reading and sprang up to follow him. After a few minutes, in which Catherine had only time to smooth out two of her gloved fingers, the little woman reappeared. She seemed confused and walked the gamut between the outer circle of applicants and disappeared out the front door. “Obviously,” muttered a hawk-faced woman in black bombazine, “inferior references.”

The next woman to be called, a heavyset elderly woman, left the room after what seemed like moments, looking puzzled. And after that the succeeding applicant stalked out angrily after what could only have been a moment, muttering, “She’s mad.” The remaining women began to mutter among themselves. One by one the applicants disappeared, only to reappear after an indecently short time.

“She could be deranged,” whispered a timid-looking woman sitting near Catherine. “But then,” she added with a smug little smile, “my last was quite gone in the head and I stayed with the poor soul until the end.”

“I,” said one of the elegant women, “shall not work with a mad person. An eccentric perhaps, as my last dear lady was an eccentric, but charming withal. But not a raving lunatic.”

One by one the others were shuffled in and out so quickly that Catherine doubted they had the time to present their credentials at all. The duchess, she reasoned, must be relying very heavily upon first impressions. And when the muscular woman went in, and returned so quickly that she must not have had time to have said a single word, Catherine was convinced of it. As she sat and watched, it seemed that only the two more stylish-looking applicants were given time for any decent conversation in their interviews. And yet the last one left very angrily, stating firmly to those who remained, “You are all wasting your time; this whole interview is a farce.” And then Catherine was called.

Remembering to remain calm at all costs, Catherine walked slowly across the room in the wake of the butler. He opened a door, and Catherine found herself within a room facing the duchess.

She must be a duchess, Catherine thought dazedly, for I should know her for a duchess anywhere.

The room was small, but richly furnished. It had been the duke’s study at one time, and it still had a very masculine air. The duchess stood ramrod straight in back of a huge mirror-polished walnut desk. She stared at Catherine. And Catherine, bereft of speech, could only stare back. The duchess was tall, and thin, and very old. Her hair was white, not the commonplace snowy white of most elderly persons Catherine had met. It was rather the color of ice, as were the two direct cold eyes that fastened upon Catherine. The duchess had a great long imposing nose and gaunt slightly rouged cheeks. She wore a gray dress and was altogether the most imposing, imperious woman Catherine had ever seen. She looked almost as though the title “duchess” was too insignificant for her; rather, Catherine thought, she should be addressed as “Your Highness.”

“Well,” the duchess brayed in a loud nasal voice, quite shattering the image, “now this is more like it. How did a poppet like you get in? Who are you, my gel?”

Catherine fumbled her papers out and laid them carefully on the desk. “Catherine Robins, Your Grace,” she said in a low voice.

“Speak up,” the duchess commanded. “If you want to companion me, you must be more forthcoming. Why does a young thing like you want to be companion to an old woman?”

“I need to find a position, ma’am,” Catherine said, in a clearer voice.

“And how does your family feel about it? Got any family?”

“I have a sister—well, actually a half-sister and a brother-in-law—in Kendal, ma’am. He, my brother-in-law, does not want me to go, but my sister does approve—that is, of my desire for independence.” Lord, Catherine thought, I’m making a muddle of this.

“Can’t blame your brother-in-law, he must feel like a fox in a hen house. Can’t blame your sister neither for wanting a good-looking baggage like yourself out of harm’s way.” The duchess chortled.

Catherine wondered whether she should hotly defend Arthur or Jane or herself, but the duchess was actually smiling benignly at her now, and she wanted the position so badly she let the comment pass.

“Tell me, my gel,” the duchess asked, unbending enough to sit, and motioning that Catherine do the same, “got any experience?”

“Here are my references, ma’am,” Catherine said, spreading out the papers. “From the vicar, and the schoolmaster, and the others from my home—”

“Not those,” the duchess cut her off. “I mean, any experience of life?”

“Well, yes, ma’am,” Catherine faltered, not knowing quite what the duchess was getting at.

“You’d travel with me,” the duchess went on. “I travel a good bit. I meet a lot of people, all kinds of people—you ain’t a shy one, are you?”

“Not at all,” Catherine replied, for in truth, she was not a shy person.

“Not frightened of men, are you? Or prudish? I can’t stand a prude.”

“Not at all,” Catherine replied, thinking she was more frightened by the duchess than by any man she had ever met.

“Didn’t think you were with a saucy face like yours. So you’ve come to London to see the queen, eh? And hope to be my companion. Well, you’re more in the line of what I’m looking for than any of those biddies out there. You have an air of real gentility. Related to anybody important?”

“My father was a younger son,” Catherine said, putting up her chin. “And we were related to the Earl of Dorset.”

“Then what are you doing out looking for a position as lady’s companion?” the duchess cried out ringingly, looking angry and affronted for no reason Catherine could fathom.

“We never corresponded with the family much after my father’s death,” Catherine admitted, “and not at all after my mother’s remarriage, which they did not approve of.”

“Black sheep? Better and better.” The duchess smiled.

“What would your family think of you flying across the Continent with me, meeting all sorts of people?” she challenged.

“As I said,” Catherine went on, “there’s only my sister and brother-in-law, and they want only what would make me happy.”

“So they’re cutting line from you? Don’t blame them. What I’m saying, with no more roundabout,” the duchess said, leaning over and looking keenly at Catherine, and cutting off her indignant reply, “is, are you free and footloose? Are you ready for a lark?”

“Yes,” Catherine said, wondering why a companion would find life a lark, but feeling that if any came along she’d be quite ready.

“Get up,” the duchess suddenly barked, and, startled, Catherine did so.

“Turn, no, turn that way. You are a good-looking gel in any light,” the duchess said impassively. “But I’ll bet you’ve been told that by the gentlemen before.”

“No, of course not,” Catherine protested, totally at sea, and wondering if the duchess were in fact, a little deranged.

“Haw. You’re a good little actress. Sit down,” the duchess said, “and I’ll put the proposition to you. You can let down your hair now and be frank. Your job would be to travel with me and to accompany me on my rounds. And to make sure I’m comfortable. I have a lot of friends. A lot of gentlemen friends, and I’d expect you to make them comfortable too, in a different way. You get my meaning?”

Catherine didn’t at first. The first meaning she thought of was clearly preposterous and she was ashamed of herself for even thinking it. But she certainly was conversable and tactful enough to chat up any old gentlemen the duchess entertained to put them at their ease. So she nodded, so many thoughts crossing her mind that she was momentarily speechless.

“Good.” The duchess sighed. “I thought I was right about you. My usual companion, Rose, the lazy slut, has gone off and left me. And Violet, who sometimes travels with me, has gone and got herself another position. So I’m left in the lurch and I’m off to Paris in a month and demned if I’ll go alone or with any of those old crows out there. So, gel, you understand?”

“Paris?” breathed Catherine, unable to take in her good luck. Was she being offered the position, in Paris?

“But let us get it clear. I travel in a fast set. You are very young. Perhaps you haven’t understood. Are you worried about what people will say of your reputation?”

Catherine had the giddy instant thought of a group of old gentlemen and ladies being pushed rapidly in their invalid chairs or gambling wildly in their nightcaps while their attendants and nurses stood waiting to take them home to bed.

“My reputation?” Catherine thought quickly, searching for a precise answer that would satisfy the duchess as to her maturity and independence and put an end to this odd interview and perhaps win her the position she so desperately wanted. “My reputation,” she said loftily, “is my own concern.”

Seeing the wide grin on the duchess’s face, she hastily added, “That is to say, it is excellent. It is widely known.”

“All the better.” The duchess beamed. “Fine then, gel, you’ve got the position.”

Catherine was so dizzy with happiness that she could only sit and stare at the duchess, who was smiling at her in the most conspiratorial, friendly way possible.

* * *

In a study very similar to the one that Catherine and the duchess sat in, one, moreover, only three doors down the street, two gentlemen sat in front of a cozy fire and smiled at each other in a conspiratorial, friendly way.

“Sinjun,” cried the younger one, waving a brimful brandy snifter at his friend, “a toast to the luckiest of chaps. I swear you are. Did you see the eyes on that filly? Blue as a summer sky. And moving in here right under your nose. All I have on my street are retired army gentlemen, and Sir Howard with two of the ugliest daughters known to mankind. And you’ve got the dowager and her lovelies right on your doorstep.”

“I’ve also,” drawled the taller man, putting down the papers he held, “got all this work you’ve brought me. And if I’ve read it right, it means I have some traveling to do.”

“But not immediately, dear fellow. You’ve time to set things up. We don’t expect you to hop off immediately. And in the meantime, what a lovely diversion you’ve got right here. ‘Is this the Duchess of Crewe’s address?’ she says. Why, that means she’s practically under your roof already. You just have to nip down the street and collect her.”

“I don’t,” the taller man said, stretching out his long legs, “traffic with the duchess’s companions.”

“But in her case, you could make an exception, Sinjun. She’s a stunner, and new on the town too.”

“If she’s in the duchess’s employ, I doubt it. At any rate, Cyril, I seldom pay for what should be free.”

“Oh, I didn’t know you were purse pinched,” the younger man laughed. “That’ll be news to La Starr. How did you acquire that new bracelet she was sporting last week, for nothing?”

“I don’t pay cash on the line.” The taller man smiled. “Because I don’t like to stand in line, and the dowager’s doxies traffic in volume, as you know.”

“What a lost opportunity for you then,” Cyril mourned. “Still, a toast! To the fairest wenches in London, to the dowager’s doxies.”

“I think not,” his companion demurred.

“Then one to the old lady herself: to the dirty dowager.”

“No,” his friend said gently.

“Then curse it, Sinjun, you propose a toast. I’m desperate for a sip of this ’94.”

“Very well.” The taller man took his glass in hand and intoned, “A toast: to work.” And he handed the papers to his friend. Cyril groaned. “To work,” he sighed, and dashing down the drink, he bent over the papers.