“Bella, go back upstairs,” the queen said, her voice low.
The scary woman laughed. “Sister, you haven’t changed at all in the years since we last gathered.”
Bella took a closer look and realized that the strange woman looked exactly like her mom. Except a lot meaner. And with darker hair.
If this crazy woman was Queen Katherine’s sister, that also meant she was Bella’s . . . aunt?
Queen Katherine’s head whipped away from Bella as she faced the woman.
“Speechless, Katherine? This whole”—the woman waved a pale hand at the guards—“mess could have been avoided had you sent me an invitation to Bella’s eighth birthday. Silly of you and Phillip to think royal guards would keep me from my niece.”
Bella’s eyes widened when the woman said “niece.”
“Did you see my birthday message to you, Bella?”
Bella frowned. Birthday message? “You?” she whispered. “You sent the red smoke?” She shook her head. “That would mean . . . you live in the Dark Forest.”
The woman laughed. “More like I rule the Dark Forest, darling. I am Queen Fire, after all.”
Queen Fire? Bella stared at her mom, but Queen Katherine’s eyes were on her sister. Bella clenched her teeth. A cold feeling trickled down her back, and she wanted to scream at the guards to make Queen Fire leave. If this . . . relative . . . ruled the Dark Forest, she was dangerous. Mom told me to go already, Bella thought. But I can’t. Her legs felt rooted to the ground.
“Darling girl, come give your aunt a hug,” Queen Fire said, her black eyes trained on Bella. “I haven’t had a glimpse of you since your birth.”
“Mom?” Bella asked. “What is she talking about?”
Queen Fire’s expression darkened. “You know nothing about me?”
Bella shook her head.
“We breathed not a word about you to Bella, Fawn,” Queen Katherine said. “Bella didn’t need to know of your existence.”
Bella’s mother turned to look at Bella. “Go upstairs now!” Queen Katherine’s voice was sharp.
Bella hated to disobey her mother, but she wasn’t going to leave her alone with guards and her apparently evil sister. Dad, where are you? Bella thought.
Queen Fire smiled and clasped her hands. “You were afraid, Katherine. Afraid that Bella might be like me. She certainly has my feisty spirit.”
“I don’t know you at all,” Bella said, her heart pounding. “But if my parents kept you from me, they had a good reason. My mom doesn’t want you here. And neither do I.”
Queen Katherine shot Bella a look, but this time it was one of pride. Bella knew she would be grounded later for staying against her mother’s wishes, but she wasn’t going to let anyone upset her mom. Queen Katherine slipped away from her sister, through the circle of guards, and took Bella’s side. Bella felt an instant rush of relief that her mom wasn’t between the guards and Queen Fire.
Queen Fire took a step toward Bella, her long black dress skimming the floor. The royal guards jumped closer, their swords shining in the light as they pointed at the queen.
“You’re young, my girl,” Queen Fire said, almost in a trancelike tone. “Tell me you haven’t worried about tonight.”
Bella’s mouth opened and closed. Suddenly she wished she’d listened to her mom and had left the room. Queen Fire was right—Bella had worried about the Pairing Ceremony, but why would Queen Fire expect her to have worried?
“I have my answer,” Queen Fire said, a smile curling on her lips. “Bella, do you wish for something different from the life planned for you?”
“That’s enough!” Queen Katherine exclaimed. “You will leave at once or—”
“Or what, Katherine?” Queen Fire asked.
“Or I will have you thrown into prison for trespassing!” King Phillip ran into the room, his sword at his side. His boots thundered on the marble floor. “Remove her immediately,” he barked to the guards. “Make sure she never crosses the castle bridge again.”
Bella swallowed. She’d never seen her dad so angry. The guards sprang into action, two of them taking Queen Fire by the upper arms.
“Fawn, if you ever set foot onto my property or speak to my wife or daughter, remember that you have been warned,” King Phillip threatened.
The way Queen Fire looked at the royal family made Bella shiver.
“Don’t worry about me, Phillip,” Queen Fire said. “Your concern should be if and when Bella crosses the river and seeks my help.”
“Out!” King Phillip bellowed.
“I’ll see myself out,” Queen Fire added. She opened her hands, palms to the sky, and the air crackled and a red cloud of smoke covered her. The guards coughed and scrambled in the smoke. But Queen Fire was gone.
“Bella.” Queen Katherine placed a hand on her daughter’s arm. “Are you all right?”
Bella took a few deep breaths before she looked up at her mom. “Yes. I’m sorry that I didn’t go to my room. I know there were guards to protect you, but I don’t trust her and—”
Queen Katherine knelt down in front of Bella. “I understand why you stayed. Thank you for wanting to protect me. I’m more concerned about you. I didn’t want you to learn of Queen Fire this way.”
“Is she really your sister?” Bella asked.
Queen Katherine nodded. “Bella, I’ll answer all of your questions. I promise. But you have guests. Would you like to talk after Ivy and Clara have gone?”
Bella nodded, still shaking from the whole thing.
“Go upstairs and talk to Ivy and Clara,” Queen Katherine said. She kissed Bella’s cheek, and Bella hurried upstairs.
She reached her room and found her friends sitting wide-eyed on her bed.
“Everything is okay,” Bella said immediately.
The three best friends hugged, then huddled together while Bella told them what had happened downstairs. When she reached the end of the story, Bella didn’t even want to think of the words Queen Fire until she talked to her parents. It was too much, too fast.