
Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint the following:

Cover portrait: Glenbow Archives, Calgary, Canada, detail from Sheffield Family photo, colourized (NA-105-5).

Cover background: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada as represented by the Canadian Tourism Commission.

1: Glenbow Archives Pam 971.2 C212 c 1925.

2 to 4: Author’s collection.

5: National Archives of Canada C126302.

6: National Archives of Canada C30784.

7: Glenbow Archives NA-1367-90.

8: Glenbow Archives NA-2416-4.

9: Glenbow Archives NA-2894-6.

10: City of Toronto Archives SC 244, Item 8054.

11: Glenbow Archives NA-2506-6.

12: Glenbow Archives NA-2927-13.

13: National Archives of Canada C7786.

14: Saskatchewan Archives Board SAB R-A2260(2).

15 and 16: Maps by Paul Heersink/Paperglyphs. Map data © 2000 Government of Canada with permission from Natural Resources Canada.

Thanks to Barbara Hehner for her checking of the manuscript, and Dr. Bill Waiser for sharing his historical expertise.