This is not a scholarly book, and accordingly I’ve not felt the need to footnote it or provide proper references. However I’ve had to consult a large quantity of books in the course of writing this one, the most useful of which are listed below.
Anderson, Perry, Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism (Verso, 1974)
—, Lineages of the Absolutist State (Verso, 1974)
—, The New Old World (Verso, 2009)
Balakrishnan, Gopal (ed.), Mapping the Nation (Verso, 1996)
Bickerton, Chris, The European Union: A Citizen’s Guide (Penguin Books, 2016)
Braudel, Fernand, Civilisation and Capitalism, 15th–18th Century, vol. 1: The Structures of Everyday Life: The Limits of the Possible (Collins, 1981)
Federici, Silvia (ed.), Enduring Western Civilization: The Construction of the Concept of Western Civilization and Its ‘Others’ (Praeger, 1995)
Flassbeck, Heiner and Costas Lapavitsas, Against the Troika: Crisis and Austerity in the Eurozone (Verso, 2015)
Frank, Andre Gunder, Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America: Historical Studies of Chile and Brazil (Pelican, 1971), for the description of Portugal’s relation to Britain
Judt, Tony, Postwar: A History of Europe since 1945 (Vintage, 2010)
Luxemburg, Rosa, The National Question: Selected Writings (Monthly Review, 1976)
McEvedy, Colin, The New Penguin Atlas of Recent History (Penguin Books, 2002)
McNeill, Donald, New Europe: Imagined Spaces (Hodder Arnold, 2004)
Pyzik, Agata, Poor But Sexy: Culture Clashes in Europe East and West (Zero, 2014)
Sand, Shlomo, Twilight of History (Verso, 2017)
Taylor, A. J. P., Europe: Grandeur and Decline (Penguin Books, 1990)
Ugrešić, Dubravka, Nobody’s Home (Telegram, 2007)
Wilson, Andrew, Belarus: The Last European Dictatorship (Yale, 2011), for the line about perceptions of ‘Europe’ in Belarus
Adam, Robert, The Globalisation of Modern Architecture: The Impact of Politics, Economics and Social Change on Architecture and Urban Design since 1990 (Cambridge Scholars, 2012)
Banham, Reyner, Age of the Masters: A Personal View of Modern Architecture (Icon, 1975)
Bergdoll, Barry, European Architecture 1750–1890 (OUP, 2000)
Charley, Jonathan, Memories of Cities: Trips and Manifestoes (Ashgate, 2013)
Colomina, Beatriz, Privacy and Publicity: Modern Architecture as Mass Media (MIT Press, 1996)
Colquhoun, Alan, Modern Architecture (OUP, 2002)
Frampton, Kenneth, Modern Architecture: A Critical History (Thames & Hudson, rev. edn 2007)
Hall, Peter, Good Cities, Better Lives: How Europe Discovered the Lost Art of Urbanism (Routledge, 2013)
Irving, Mark (ed.), 1001 Buildings to See before You Die (Cassell, 2012)
Johnson, Philip and Henry-Russell Hitchcock, The International Style (W. W. Norton & Co., 1997)
Kidder Smith, G. E., The New Architecture of Europe (Penguin Books, 1962)
Mordaunt Crook, J., The Dilemma of Style: Architectural Ideas from the Picturesque to the Post-Modern (John Murray, 1989)
Murphy, Douglas, The Architecture of Failure (Zero, 2012)
—, Last Futures: Nature, Technology and the End of Architecture (Verso, 2016)
Overy, Paul, Light, Air and Openness: Modern Architecture between the Wars (Thames & Hudson, 2007)
Pevsner, Nikolaus, An Outline of European Architecture (Penguin Books, 1990)
—, Pioneers of Modern Design (Penguin, 1991)
— and J. M. Richards (eds.) The Anti-Rationalists (Architectural Press, 1973)
Rasmussen, Steen Eiler, Experiencing Architecture (MIT Press, 1964)
Rossi, Aldo, The Architecture of the City (MIT Press, 1982)
Spencer, Douglas, The Architecture of Neoliberalism: How Contemporary Architecture Became an Instrument of Control and Compliance (Bloomsbury, 2016)
Tafuri, Manfredo, Architecture and Utopia: Design and Capitalist Development (MIT Press, 1976)
— and Francesco Dal Co, Modern Architecture (Rizzoli, 1987)
Vasudevan, Alexander, The Autonomous City: A History of Urban Squatting (Verso, 2017)
Weber, Max, The City (Free Press, 1966)
Alexeyeva, Linda and Grigory Ostrovsky, Lvov: A Guide (Raduga, 1987)
Amar, Tarik Cyril, The Paradox of Ukrainian Lviv: A Borderland City between Stalinists, Nazis, and Nationalists (Cornell UP, 2015)
Ascherson, Neal, The King Incorporated: Leopold II and the Congo (Granta, 1999)
Biris, Manos and Maro Kardamitsi-Adami, Neoclassical Architecture in Greece (Getty, 2004)
Broughton, Hugh and Melanie Ashton, Madrid: A Guide to Recent Architecture (Batsford, 1997)
Burniat, Patrick et al., Modern Architecture in Brussels (L’Editions de l’Octogone, 2000)
Cabrero, Gabriel Ruiz, The Modern in Spain: Architecture after 1948 (The MIT Press, 2001)
Campbell, Barbara-Ann, Paris: A Guide to Recent Architecture (Batsford, 1997)
Casey, Christine, The Buildings of Ireland: Dublin (Yale UP, 2005)
Connah, Roger, Finland: Modern Architectures in History (Reaktion, 2006)
Darley, Gillian, Factory (Reaktion, 2003)
Etienne-Steiner, Claire, Le Havre: Auguste Perret et la Reconstruction (L’Inventaire, 1999)
Ghirardo, Diane, Italy: Modern Architectures in History (Reaktion, 2013)
Grafe, Christoph, People’s Palaces – Architecture, Culture and Democracy in Post-War Western Europe (Architectura & Natura Press, 2014)
Güell, Xavier and Carlos Flores, Architecture of Spain 1929–1996 (Caja de Arquitectos, 1996)
Hultin, Olof et al., The Complete Guide to Architecture in Stockholm (Arkitektur Förlag, 2009)
Ivanovski, Jovan et al., Findings: The Macedonian Pavilion at the 14th International Architecture Exhibition (Youth Cultural Centre Skopje, 2014)
Jäggi, Max et al., Red Bologna (Writers and Readers, 1977)
James-Chakraborty, Kathleen, German Architecture for a Mass Audience (Routledge, 2000)
Jones, Adrian and Chris Matthews, Towns in Britain (Five Leaves, 2014)
—, Cities of the North (Five Leaves, 2016)
Kopleck, Maik, Munich, 1933–1945 (Christoph Links Verlag, 2007)
Kulić, Vladimir et al., Modernism In-Between – The Mediatory Architectures of Socialist Yugoslavia (Jovis, 2012)
Mathieson, David, Frontline Madrid: Battlefield Tours of the Spanish Civil War (Signal, 2014)
Mazower, Mark, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews 1430–1950 (Vintage, 2006)
Meyhöfer, Dirk, Hamburg: Der Architekturführer (Verlagshausbraun, 2007)
Mijalkovic, Milan and Katharina Urbanek, Skopje, the World’s Bastard: Architecture of the Divided City (Wieser, 2011)
Miller Lane, Barbara, Architecture and Politics in Germany 1918–1945 (Harvard UP, 1985)
Museum Het Schip, On the Waves of the City: An Amsterdam School Cycling Tour (Het Schip, 2009)
Neave, David and Susan, Pevsner City Guide: Hull (Yale UP, 2010)
Neuvonen, Petri et al., Vyborg, Architekturnii Putevoditel’ (SN ‘Vyborg’, 2008)
Powers, Alan, Britain: Modern Architectures in History (Reaktion, 2007)
Rogers, Richard and Mark Fisher, A New London: Two Views (Penguin Books, 1992)
Wagenaar, Cor, Town Planning in the Netherlands (010, 2010)
Widenheim, Cecilia and Eva Rudberg (eds.), Utopia and Reality: Modernity in Sweden, 1900–1960 (Yale UP, 2002)