


“YOUR FATHER WOULD THROTTLE me, you know,” Shar said as Elisander raised the pistol. “Truly. If he knew I put a gun in your hand, he would box my ears until they were pounded into my head!”

As he pulled back on the hammer, Elisander was smirking. There was nothing quite as thrilling as having a deadly weapon in his hand. “Nonsense!” he objected to Shar's claim. “Father would do no such thing. Boxing one's ears would be far too indelicate for the likes of him.”

“True... true.” Shar gently nudged his companion's arm, correcting his aim before he fired. “But I am sure he would think of some terrible punishment that would have me regretting my actions for eternity.”

When Elisander squeezed the trigger and his bullet struck the target, he indulged himself in an ungentlemanly whoop of joy. “I did it!” he exclaimed. “That was right in the center!”

“Not quite the center,” Shar objected. “And not without my help.”

Elisander's eyes rolled as he reloaded the pistol. “You just don't want to admit that I've already gotten as good as you!”

“Do you honestly think you're as good as me?” Shar snorted at the claim. “Well... you certainly don't lack for confidence, I'll give you that.”

“The next time pirates come...” Elisander's grin reappeared as he aimed again, “I'll be ready for them.”

“Oh? Do you really think you should shoot a lovely lady like... what was her name, again?”

“Georgette Wickham,” Elisander growled the name.

Shar leaned against an elm and crossed his arms. “You can't really deny that she was lovely. I can't imagine firing a shot that could end that beautiful woman's life.”

“You really think she's beautiful?” Elisander was so disgusted by Shar's opinion, he briefly aimed the pistol at him. “I think she's terrible!”

“Indeed. She's a terrible beauty.”

When Shar put up his hands, Elisander lowered the gun. “I can't believe you would have any fond feelings for the woman who robbed me.” He was so vexed by the conversation, Elisander's next shot missed the target altogether.

“And she nearly had me killed,” Shar added. “Perhaps I like my women a bit... wild?”

“And perhaps you are a bit mad,” Elisander countered. “She's mad, you're mad, you're all—”

Elisander was silenced by the sound of approaching horse hooves. When he saw his brother Matthew riding into view, he shoved the pistol into Shar's hands and pretended he never touched the thing.

“Elisander!” Matthew sloppily dismounted when he reached his brother's side. He grabbed the horse's bridle to stop himself from stumbling. “Elisander, I bring unfortunate news. But first... did I hear gunfire?”

“It was me,” Shar took the blame as he holstered the gun. “I like to practice shooting from time to time.”

“That's... odd.” Though he spoke to his brother, Matthew's eyes were stuck on Shar, his windswept hair, and his long, brown coat. “Elisander, a servant from Netherfield brought a note for you. It's from Joseph.”

“Joseph?” Elisander exclaimed. As soon as Matthew presented the slip of paper, he snatched it from his younger brother's hand. “Why is Joseph at Netherfield?”

“Perhaps you should read the letter?” Matthew suggested with a shrug. “To be honest... I read it already.”

“Even though it was addressed to me?”

“Um... yes.” Matthew confessed. “But you should be glad I read it instead of Papa. Had he intercepted the note, we would have never heard the end of it!”

Elisander opened the letter and read aloud:

Dear Elisander. I am currently at Netherfield with Miss Li, and believe it or not, it was entirely by accident. I lost control of Mollie Mare when I was out on a ride, and when I fell, I felt a stabbing pain in my right leg. The fall happened not so far from Netherfield Park, so I hobbled to the lady's door and begged for a place to rest. Now the kind lady will not hear of my returning home until I am better. She also insists on my seeing a doctor, even though I believe it to be entirely unnecessary. The pain is not so severe that I couldn't make it back immediately, but I have agreed to see the doctor and join her for supper. Do you think you could ride to Netherfield and join us? It is not proper, after all, for a bachelorette and an unmarried man to spend so much time together. Your presence at supper would make it a bit less scandalous. Yours—Joseph.”

“Well then...” Elisander finished the letter with a sigh. “I suppose I should head to Netherfield. Matthew, would you care to accompany me?”

“No.” The younger Bennet tutted at the suggestion. “Joseph had no interest in inviting me. He only invited you. The two of you are so close, it's as if you're completely unaware of the rest of us.”

“And that is precisely how you are with Lachlan,” Elisander noted.

“Perhaps. I wonder how Kier must feel. He's no one's favorite brother. And I'm fairly certain he's Papa's least favorite.”

When the Bennet brothers returned to Longbourn, Shar trailed behind them. He would have preferred to practice his shooting, but he had to go with them. After all, Elisander required a horse for his travels, and Shar was still the groom.

Noticing the stable boy was behind them, Matthew lowered his voice and brought his face closer to Elisander's ear. “Shar is so very... handsome,” he whispered.

Matthew's observation was met with shock from his brother. “What? What do you mean by that?”

“Don't panic, Elisander. It's just an observation... and a very obvious one, at that.” Matthew glanced over his shoulder, stealing another glimpse of the handsome groom. “I swear, he's gotten even handsomer with age.”

“Matthew...” Elisander stroked his recently shaven chin. “Is there something you want to tell me about your... preferences?” 

“What? No!” Matthew scoffed at the thought, but his brother's eyes were doubtful. “W-well... I mean... maybe. I am, on occasion, attracted to other men, but please don't tell Papa! I would die if he knew!”

“What about Lachlan? Does he know?” Elisander expected an affirmative answer. After all, his youngest brothers were practically inseparable.

But Matthew surprised him. “No. I haven't told him. Lachlan is so obsessed with ladies, I think he would be shocked to know I have little interest in them. So... I pretend.” Matthew treated his eyes to a second glimpse of handsome Shar. He smiled at the stable boy, but the gesture wasn't returned. “It's easier to pretend than to admit the truth.”

When Elisander entered the stables, the horses nickered at his arrival. He paused beside his favorite mare, Willa Bay, and gave her a light scratch on the ears. “I'm glad that you opened up to me about this, Matthew,” Elisander said. “I certainly won't judge you, and I certainly won't say anything to anyone else... not without your permission, of course.”

Never tell anyone else! I would rather die with his secret than be ridiculed by my family. And they would ridicule me...” Matthew heaved an immense, lengthy sigh. “Especially Papa. He would never look at me the same way again... and you know I speak the truth.”