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WHEN CAPTAIN FITZWILLIAM arranged to have a picnic on the lush grounds of Pemberley, Elisander could not have been more surprised. The lady was such an introvert, he never would have expected her to suggest such a thing.
Every Bennet was invited: Elisander, Matthew, Lachlan, and their mother, of course. Their picnic was blessed with a clear, warm day, and they feasted on all manner of fruits and sandwiches. Mrs. Bennet remarked on the impressive variety, while the youngest Bennet brothers took turns pilfering fruit from each other.
Throughout the picnic, it was Matthew and Lachlan who carried the conversation. They spoke about everything from airships to musical instruments to the shapes of the clouds. Captain Fitzwilliam was quiet—even more so than usual—and she suffered a reddening complexion each time she met Elisander's gaze. Her favorite Bennet grinned at the telltale color that flooded her cheeks.
When a military vessel drifted overhead, cloaking them in shadow, Darcy's voice was finally heard. “Mr. Bennet... perhaps I could take you on my airship sometime?”
“Me?” Elisander exclaimed.
“Yes. Of course. However, your brothers would be more than welcome to accompany us.” Darcy did not want to risk another rush of color on her cheeks, so she avoided Elisander's eyes as she spoke. His effect on her was as undeniable as it was utterly humiliating. “You would, of course, need your mother's permission.”
“I suppose I would not object,” Mrs. Bennet chimed in. “His father wouldn't approve, but I can't say I care. The boy's always been a bit obsessed with aerial ships, so he might as well have his fun.”
“I confess, I'm surprised by your offer, Captain Fitzwilliam,” Elisander told her. “Before, you adamantly objected to the idea of gentlemen on airships.”
“I see nothing wrong with a short tour around the vessel and a quick turn around the sky,” Darcy explained. “However, I still object to the idea of men flying airships. I could not imagine having a man in my crew.”
Elisander's jaw twitched at her answer, but he held his tongue. He doubted they would ever share an opinion on the capabilities of men.
For the rest of their picnic, the conversation was polite, but inane. Matthew complained about the surfeit of bees, while Lachlan discussed his aversion to snakes and spiders. While the brothers prattled, Darcy exchanged another tense glance with Elisander. She hoped he wasn't too vexed by the opinion she shared.
“Where is your sister, Captain?” Lachlan suddenly asked.
“M-my sister?” Darcy's flaxen lashes fluttered at the mention of Georgiana. “I did not realize you were even aware of my sister's existence, Mr. Bennet.”
“I am. We met the other day. I apologize if this sounds too brazen, but I thought she had one of the loveliest faces I had ever laid eyes on.” Lachlan punctuated his sentence with a dreamy, exaggerated sigh. “It seems odd to me that Miss Fitzwilliam would not attend her sister's picnic.”
“Georgiana... can be a bit timid.” As she spoke, Darcy exchanged glances with Elisander, who already knew her sister's story. “She's very shy around guests.”
“And she's been feeling ill,” Lachlan added. “I'd forgotten about that.”
Concerned creases crept across the captain's forehead. “Is she feeling poorly? I hadn't heard about that.”
“I believe so. That's what she told me,” Lachlan answered with a shrug. “Perhaps I will visit her later and ask how she is.”
“I-I don't think you should,” Darcy objected. “As I said, my sister is very shy.”
“She did seem shy, and her shyness intrigues me as much as her beautiful face.” Lachlan's lips were stretched by a blissful smile as he recalled Georgiana's features. “I promise you, Captain, I will neither do nor say anything to make her uncomfortable.”
As soon as the picnic concluded, Lachlan hurried away from the others and collected the largest bunch of flowers he could carry. He chose lilacs, violets, bluebells and purple tulips. He was essentially stealing flowers from Captain Fitzwilliam's garden, but Lachlan didn't care. If nothing else, he hoped Georgiana would appreciate his effort.
When he was prepared, he returned to Miss Fitzwilliam's room and tapped on the door. He thought he heard her gasp, but he wasn't sure.
“Wh-who is it?” the young lady cried out.
“It's Mr. Bennet. Lachlan Bennet,” he specified. “May I come in? I've been dying to see you again.”
“In a minute!” she answered in a tremulous voice. “I am currently indisposed.”
“Would you like me to come back later?”
“You may enter now,” Georgiana allowed. When Lachlan crept into the room, she tried to match his smile. As before, most of her body was hidden beneath blankets.
“I brought flowers again,” Lachlan said, raising the bouquet.
“So I see. Once again, you outdo me.” Georgiana freed her remaining arm and reached for the flowers. “As I said, I should be the one wooing you.”
Lachlan shook his head. “I like it better this way.” A slight sneer wrinkled his nose as he studied his bouquet. “I should have added a bit more color. There are too many purples and blues. I should have added... daisies, perhaps?”
“I like them as they are.” Georgiana brought the flowers to her nose and breathed deeply, basking in the honeyed scents. “You've been very kind to me, Mr. Bennet.”
Lachlan countered, “And you've been very cruel to me.” The young lady looked confused, so he quickly explained, “Ever since I've met you, you've dominated my thoughts. I had a sleepless night because of you. So... you're cruel.”
Georgiana's smile climbed a bit higher. “Well, that is hardly my fault!”
“But it is! You're too lovely! Who can I blame, if not you?” Lachlan pulled up a chair and sat near her bed. “Are you still feeling unwell?”
“And yet you're still in bed, nestled beneath the blankets.”
“I'm... cold.” Georgiana's eyes darted sideways as she told the lie.
“But it's hardly a chilly day. Are you sure you're in good health?”
“I'm fine,” Miss Fitzwilliam insisted. “If I'm a bit of a slugabed, so be it. Now... will you please change the subject?”
“Very well.” His next words flew from his mouth without shame. “I wish I could kiss you.”
“Mr. Bennet!” Georgiana gasped. “That is far too brazen of you.”
“Perhaps. But you should know how I feel. I lost my heart when I met you. If we kissed, I would want for nothing else.”
Suddenly, Lachlan reached for her hand—the one that was hidden beneath her blanket. When his fingers clutched metal instead of flesh, his expression was contorted by confusion.
“Um... Miss Fitzwilliam?” Before she could stop him, he peeked under the blanket. “Is there something you would like to tell me?”
Georgiana heaved such a tremendous sigh, her lungs were depleted by the end of it. “I was in an accident two years ago.”
“And you lost a hand?”
“Not only a hand, Mr. Bennet. I lost an entire arm and two legs, just below the knee.” Tears shimmered in her eyes as she confessed the truth. “I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.”
“It's... alright.”
“It changes the way you see me, I'm sure.” In her mind, Georgiana cursed her lips for trembling.
“No! Of course not! Why should it? You're still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, Georgiana Fitzwilliam. Nothing could change that.” Lachlan assured her.
“But... I have scars.” Georgiana squinted, forcing back tears. “Half of my body is covered in them. There is nothing beautiful about that. I'm so sorry, Mr. Bennet, but you've been wasting your time on me.”
“Let me be the judge of that!” Lachlan tossed the blanket aside and grasped her metal fingers. “Ever since I met you, every minute of my life has been the best minute of my life. Nothing has been a waste of time.” He rose from his chair and sat beside her. “You needn't hide from me, Georgiana.”
“You're addressing me by my given name... and you're sitting on my bed!” Miss Fitzwilliam playfully clicked her tongue. “Our encounters are getting more and more scandalous by the second, Mr. Bennet!”
“Perhaps. And do you know what would make it more scandalous?” His lips were parted by an undeniably wicked grin. “Kiss me.”
“That almost sounds like a demand.”
“It is a demand... unless you're willing to subject me to a broken heart?” Lachlan's face descended on hers, as if he already knew her answer. “Actually, Miss Fitzwilliam, my heart would be more than broken. It would be utterly shattered. So, unless you want to—”
Georgiana suddenly sat up, silencing him with a kiss.
And it was the only answer he required.