We Create Our Own Reality
You repeat often that we create our own reality, but how do we create what we want?
In simple terms, think of what you want and nothing else! The reason most of you do not end up creating all of the things you want is that you pay too much attention to what you lack and to past experience. You build your model of the world based upon past experience. Past experience is not only what you have experienced directly, but also what has been passed down to you by your parents and previous generations. You took on certain beliefs and inherited certain expectations. However, this is not to say that you don’t have the money, the relationship, or the job you want because of your parents. You already have enough things to blame for your lack of success!
The commandment to “know thyself” is paramount in the quest for joyful living. For as you know yourself, you begin to understand your thoughts and beliefs. And what are beliefs? They are merely thoughts that have been thought many, many times. In a cultural context, there are thoughts that have been thought for many, many generations, so much so, they have become culturally ingrained. Therefore, for those of you who are seekers of joy, you need to make consistent choices about what you think. Your friends, family, churches, and others in authority may tell you that you cannot do or become a certain thing, and many of them think they are telling you these things from a position of love. They will convince you that they are trying to protect you from disappointment, or that what you want is unrealistic or impossible to achieve. Every instance of this is the Universe showing you where you need to change your beliefs.
As you begin to think about what you want, the Law of Attraction becomes active around the subject. Every aspect concerning that subject will become apparent to you, for that is where your focus is. Aspects of that focus will be reflected back to you through people and events in your life. For example, if you want a new job, then every aspect of finding and having a new job will manifest in your life. If you have doubts concerning your abilities, they will manifest through others telling you that you are not qualified to do what you want to do, or that you have set your goals too high. This is your opportunity to deal with the beliefs and transform them, not a sign for you to give up! If you have a belief that says that it is rare to get a good job which is fulfilling and rewarding and that most people struggle through life, you will need to deal with these beliefs and change them consciously and deliberately.
It is not that the Universe, as a consciousness outside of yourself, is ‘sending’ you these things to deal with; it is that your focus has changed. As you focus on a subject, the subject will grow. All things are energy, and a new job or career is also energy. This energy is unique to you and is an expression of all the beliefs, thoughts, and ideas you have on the subject. As you focus on ‘the new job’, all aspects of that ‘energy’ will be amplified in your life. Manifestation is one of the most rapid paths to enlightenment. It offers you many opportunities for growth and shows you who you are on many, many levels. When you think of anything you want, the Universe instantly starts bringing it to you in the way in which you think of that thing. By becoming aware of your judgements, prejudices, fears, and limited thoughts around any subject, you will learn to transform them to a higher expression.
What stops most of you from getting what you want is that when different aspects of the ‘subject’ come up for review, you get discouraged. There is no need for this. The wonderful thing about understanding that you create your own reality is that you can clearly see where you are placing your thoughts by what manifests in your life. However, we have noticed that many of you who acknowledge this power chastise yourselves for having done things wrong. You are never wrong; you are always right. You always get what you think of, what you believe!
As different aspects of the subject come up for review, most of you focus on the negative or lack side of the subject. Your world is a world of comparison. Comparison helps you know what you want by experiencing what you do not want. As your negative beliefs, or beliefs in lack, come up, bless them. Mentally thank those who express your inner doubts to you, for they are merely responding to your energy and are expressing that part of themselves which resonates with your inner beliefs. When others criticise you, it is because they are not supportive of themselves and are reflecting back to you the parts of yourself that do not support you. They are your mirrors, they are the other side of the coin, and you are both working with the same belief systems.
The Universe responds to your thinking. As you are in the world of comparison, each subject has two sides, the negative pole and the positive pole, or the lack of what you want and the having of what you want. So many of you, when you decide that you want something, immediately start thinking of all the reasons why it may not be possible or why you can’t have it. All thought is creative, and each new thought that you have launches a new creation in your life. When you start to think of the reasons you can’t have something, that also goes forth as a creation and counteracts the previous thought of creating what you want. This is how many of you get stuck.
Everything is energy and all energy is moulded by thought. In addition to thought, you have another very powerful ally, which is emotion. Thought precedes emotion, always. Those thoughts that stimulate great emotion or feeling in you are very powerful thoughts indeed, irrespective of whether they are positive or negative. Therefore, when it comes to drawing to you what you do not want, worry, dread, and fear are also powerful creators. The Universe does not understand the difference between ‘want’ and ‘don’t want’; Universal energy only responds to focus and the energy that your feelings add to that focus. From this perspective, worry becomes a process of creating more of what you don’t want.
Desire is the driving force behind creation. Without it, nothing would exist. If there were no desire to write this book, it would not be in existence. If you had no desire to purchase your home, you would not be in it. If you had no desire to buy the shoes you are wearing, you would not have them. Desire is a powerful engine which drives the creative process. Your feelings are your friends. However, so many of you have become afraid of your feelings, seeing them as a weakness or as something less desirable. In fact, you are feeling beings, and it is your feelings that drive you towards making all major decisions.
Most of you have become fearful of your feelings because you are afraid of the feeling of disappointment. This feeling of disappointment stems from early childhood encounters with the adults around you. You came into the world as a fearless bundle of love and acceptance, willing to embrace all things. As you grew up, parenting became focused towards teaching you skills of survival and protection in an uncertain world. You began to understand at a very young age that love was not unconditional and that truth was not necessarily what was wanted. With these realisations, you gradually began to shut off your deepest inner feelings, for the deepest inner need you carry is the need to love. Most believe that their deepest need is to be loved, but in fact, the greatest inner drive that you have is to love, for that is the purpose that you came to fulfil in this and the many other lives which you have had.
Deep within you is a place of passion; it is located behind your solar plexus, in the deepest part of your being. Some have called this the Soul’s Will to Love, others have called it the Core Star, and still others, the Seat of the Soul. We call it the Centre of Soul Desire, or the Soul’s Will to Manifest Love. It makes no difference what you call it, this point of divine desire acts like a magnet, drawing you towards the realisation of love. It is this point of desire that you can use to stimulate, boost, and energise all of your manifesting. However, this centre of desire is often buried under layers of grief and disappointment.
So many of you have decided that it is impossible for you to have what you want, or that you are not worthy of it, or that it is not allowed. With these early childhood decisions, you cut yourself off from the source of creation within you. It is not that you have not been manifesting, for clearly you have. What we are talking about is your ability to manifest your dreams, to live out your aspirations, to live a life of potential instead of broken dreams that lead to broken hearts. In order for you to tap into this place of desire, you will need to overcome your fear of disappointment. When you feel that which you want, feel it more. And as you feel it more, add more feeling yet until you can see, taste, smell, and expect the thing you want. If pangs of fear come up for you, feel them too. If grief comes up for you, feel it. Feel all there is to feel. For as you tap into deeper desires, you may need to work through the layers in which you have surrounded it. Perhaps you will need to release or forgive a parent, yourself, or some other person in your life, and all that is fine. The process of manifesting is most successful when you feel passion for the thing you want. For you to feel passion, you will generally need to move through blockages to that passion. It is part of the process.
In addition to feelings, the next most important thing is to understand what it is that you want. That not only means being specific about what you want, it means getting clear on why you want it and what it is going to add to your experience and to your life. For example, you may want a new car. What does that new car mean to you? Is it safety? A sense of self-worth? Reliability? Beauty? Freedom? There are many possibilities, and only you can know what it means to you. Once you have identified the essence of what you want, begin to identify other areas in your life where this essence exists. For example, let us say that the new car or a house on the beach represent freedom to you. Once you have identified the essence as freedom, you can begin to look at your life and identify where you can easily add more freedom to your day-to-day life. The physical world is but a reflection of the inner world. Therefore, if to you a new car represents freedom, what you are really asking for is more freedom. Through making changes in your life, however minor, that allow you more freedom, you will align your energy with the essence of freedom, and therefore the things that represent freedom to you can enter your life more easily and rapidly.
The Universe is a place of energy and resonance. As you change or enhance your energy to be more aligned with what you want, the faster it will come to you. Sometimes, in this process of discovering the essence of what you want, you realise that it is not the material thing you want, but ways to experience that essence. Either way, the process has served you and will continue to serve you.
Once you have discovered what the essence of a thing is, begin to visualise it. As you visualise it, do not only tap into the essence of it, but also into your desire. Allow yourself to feel it fully and do not be afraid of any feelings that come up. If fears come up, feel them and go deeper. Eventually you will always feel your deeper inner desire, and that is always aligned with the love of your soul. When you have identified all these things and have visualised the end result, continue to think of what you want. Live it, breathe it, walk it, taste it, want it.
If there is anything in your life which you don’t have and which you say you want, it is always because you have not wanted it enough. Not wanting it enough means that you have either sabotaged the process right at the start by allowing your ‘logical’ mind to convince you that it is isn’t possible or realistic, or that you have withdrawn from wanting the thing because you do not want to risk disappointment. In other words, you are afraid to want it too much in case it doesn’t come to you.
We hear you when you say that you have wanted something for years and years and you still don’t have it. We understand this. However, remember that each subject has its positive aspect and its negative aspect, the having of it or the lack of it. When you look at the things that you have wanted and examine the balance of your thinking on the subject, what has that been? If you have wanted more money, where have your thoughts been? On the lack of it? If you have wanted a loving partner, where have your thoughts been? On loneliness or that lovers aren’t to be trusted? If you have wanted a new exciting career, where have your thoughts been? On how others are more talented or that good luck is on their side and not yours? Each of your desires can be counterbalanced by your attention to the lack of what you want. If you want a baby, think not of infertility, but of the joys of parenthood. If you want a financial fortune, think of what you can do with it.
It is important to set aside time every day for daydreaming. Make your dreams as big and as real as possible. As you daydream, you set forth creation. The more you do it, the more real your logical mind will allow it to be. The more your mind accepts the possibility, the bigger your dreams will be and you will act accordingly. As your dreams get bigger and become more real, you move into the realm of probability, and then expectation. As you move into expectation, it is yours!
This process may take one day or several years depending on the dream. There is only one factor in the time it takes, and that is your capacity to believe in it! Some dreams unfold little by little and they do so because you are still in the process of convincing yourself either that you may have it, that it is possible, or that you are worthy of it. The dreams that take longer to unfold are the ones that are dogged by conflicting and limiting beliefs. Both individually and as a species, you hold many beliefs concerning abundance, money, good health, love, relationships, and success. Those things that require you to make changes to your inner self and the way you view yourself will take longer to manifest; it is a journey. However, it takes no more energy, thought, or emotion to create a new bicycle than it does to create a financial fortune. It is the same process. The difference is your feelings and beliefs about the subject!
So many of us are looking for our life’s purpose, trying to figure out what our life’s work will be. How can we know what it is?
The primary purpose of your life is to lead a life of joy. It is often a very difficult thing for you to hear this when we say it, or when we say that there is nothing more important than that you feel happy and good about yourself, yet this is the highest truth. How can we say that it is your primary purpose to live a life of joy? The statement is based on the Four Principles of Creation. The Universe is built on four undeniable, all-pervading principles, and it is these principles that you seek to manifest. Remember, they are love, health and well-being, abundance, and creativity. Which one of you can say that you don’t want these things? Which of you can deny these things? You came forth into the experiment called physical matter to express yourself through the four principles, just as you have already done in many other realms of reality. You say, do you not, that the heart is the seat of love and desire? And have you not heard the expression “as above, so below”? The blood in your body, the water of life, is pumped around your body by your heart, which is made up of four chambers, each reflecting one principle; and so it is.
Confusion about one’s life purpose is caused by judgement. So many of you hold on to the notion that there is an external authority somewhere, which you have created as ‘God’ in your minds, and that there are certain things that ‘he’ approves of. You make decisions about what is spiritual or not spiritual. Many of you spend your time trying to figure out what ‘he’ wants. The fact of the matter is, what ‘God’ wants is for you to be happy. That’s it. You were born with free will, and from our perspective, love and freedom are one and the same thing, for without one, you cannot have the other.
Your life’s purpose and your life’s work are separate, but connected. Your life’s purpose is that part of yourself, or that quality, that you came to evolve in this lifetime. Your life’s purpose is more successfully accomplished during the process of developing and exploring your life’s work, because your life’s work will draw you to circumstances that are ideal for the achievement of your personal goals. Let us first deal with understanding your life’s work.
Your life’s work can be identified easily and straightforwardly. It is what you find great joy in doing, whatever that is. It makes no difference whether what you love to do is to fly planes, bake bread, teach, be a parent, a mechanic, an architect, or any number of things. Whatever makes you really happy is what makes you really happy.
Life’s purpose is about the realisation of the thing you love to do. It is about overcoming the obstacles and challenges to manifesting your life’s work. To follow your life’s purpose you should steadfastly follow your joy, irrespective of what the world and others are telling you. When you do this, you are in a position to develop qualities such as determination, discernment, resourcefulness, courage, independence, acceptance, joyfulness, compassion, service, humility, and leadership. Pursuing the path of joy towards the unfolding of your life’s work holds the key to developing the soul qualities you came to develop in this lifetime.
When you release your judgements about what is right and wrong, about what is more spiritual and less spiritual, you give your soul the opportunity to express itself more fully through you. This happens when you pursue your life’s work, and therefore your passion and joy, without compromise. As you pursue your passion and joy, you are automatically aligning yourself with your higher purpose, that is, with your soul’s purpose for being physically present in this lifetime. When this happens, you find yourself being more energised, more joyful, more loving, more patient, and able to express more compassion and patience. You simply become a lighter person to be around. As your new personality develops, more and more people will be drawn to you because they are attracted to your light, and you will be able to share with them the secret of your happiness. When you do this, you are fulfilling your greater purpose, and that greater purpose is to love.
The greater purpose for each of you is to live a life of joy. When you follow your passion and do what feels good, you are automatically loving and kind towards others. It is unhappy people who act in negative ways towards others. So many of you are dissatisfied with your lives because you limit yourselves on a daily basis. You dismiss your dreams and aspirations and believe that happiness is only for other people. Your life’s purpose is to live the life you were meant to live, and for that you do not need to figure out what is appropriate or what ‘God’ wants you to do. You only have to follow your heart, and that is done through honouring your feelings.
Who are you not to honour your life’s purpose? It is what you came to give the world. So many of you dismiss yourselves and your gifts as if they were worthless. Whether you are here to bake the tastiest cheesecake the world has ever had, be a parent to a gifted soul or to a child in need, be a doctor and a healer, or a taxi driver, it makes no difference what the form is. What counts is your love of life as you live it. For as you love life, you love people; and as you love people, you aid and assist people. You give, and you give your best. It is through giving your best when you feel your best that you create miracles, assisting others to open their hearts to greater possibilities just as you have opened your own heart. Spiritual growth is always attained through service to the One. When we speak of the One, we speak of God, the Universal Essence, All-That-Is. When you are in service to the One, you are in service to yourself; when you help others, you help yourself. You can be in service wherever you are, irrespective of your job or how you spend your time. If you are a leader of business, you can serve those who work for you by identifying their strengths and helping them to build upon them, encouraging all those who come in contact with you to have unlimited dreams, even if it means allowing them to move on into other directions.
Service to the One means knowing that all people are on a spiritual path, even if they don’t know it on a conscious level. It means being prepared to be who you are at all costs and to put your happiness first, and encourage all others to make choices that support who they are and not necessarily what you want. Service to the One means knowing and living the words “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, for you know that as “you do to them, you do to me”. It is about recognising that you are One; there is no separation, only unity. Service to the One is about coming home to who you really are. Do that which gives you joy. If you don’t know what joy is, then choose that which makes you feel free, for joy, love, and freedom are the same. Set yourself free!
How do we balance working 40 hours a week to pay for our homes and bills, and also study or work towards the thing we love to do the most? Most people I know can’t just give up their jobs and go and do what they love to do.
We understand you when you see yourself as stuck where you are and not able to go where you want to go. It is as simple as this. It is not the circumstance of your life that is the problem; it is your beliefs that are getting in the way. You have beliefs that say things like “all artists struggle and are poor” and an entire subculture of out-of-work actors has grown up with the belief that only very few are successful. So you decide that you want to be an actor. You go to acting school. Others tell you it will be difficult. Perhaps even parents, family, or friends will ask you if you are sure you want to live a life of struggle and poverty. After all, that is what actors do, isn’t it? And there you have it; you have bought into the beliefs. These beliefs exist because those of you who are presenting your creativity to the world are presenting a particular part of yourself, and here we come to the core of the problem—self-appreciation. We tell you this from a position of absolute knowing: Success does not come from being in the right place at the right time, or knowing the right people, or necessarily from talent. It comes from two things and two things only: from an absolute desire to become the thing you want to become, and from self-appreciation.
If you could change all of your beliefs overnight concerning money, your self-worth, and your ability to earn a living by doing what you love to do, you could launch your new career tomorrow. However, because you have been told that life is difficult and you have few choices, and success is only for the lucky and the few, you believe it, and therein lies the problem. If you look at the lives of all those who are successful, you will see that many of them have made sacrifices in order to do what they love to do. It is not that the sacrifices were absolutely necessary, rather that because of the prevailing belief systems of your culture, the sacrifices were necessary for them. Desire can take a long, long time to manifest. Add a healthy dose of self-appreciation to desire, and all the obstacles will disappear.
Many of you choose safety and security over passion, and you do so because you have forgotten that all that is comes from within. You have forgotten that you are creators and that you can indeed have whatever you want. It is as simple as that. We cannot put it any other way. Many of you now believe that you create your own reality. We have said it in this book many, many times and will continue to repeat it until you really believe it. You see, you create all of it—not some, not most, but all of it. If there is something in your life that you want but don’t have, it is because you are blocking it. We hear you and we feel your anguish, frustration, and anger when you read these words and say, “But I understand the laws of the Universe; I have wanted this and that, but they don’t work for me. What am I doing wrong?” We say to you, you do nothing wrong, you are simply distracted from the truth. The truth is, you are perfect just as you are. However, we must remind you that every thought and feeling you have is creative. Think only of what you want and it will be yours.
Do you believe that you can go out and do what you love and be very successful at it and receive a good income? Probably not. Then allow your desire for it to work for you. Live your desire and make changes in your life so that you can do what you love to do, and use that time to work on your beliefs about having what you want and on self-appreciation. If you really want something, you will make sacrifices to have it. Live in a smaller home, take the bus instead of having a car, work part time—there are many options open to you.
Although you can create miracles through changing your self-image, much has been gained through the struggles you have encountered. Struggle has been the cornerstone of spiritual growth on your planet since the dawn of time. It has assisted you to develop qualities such as determination, patience, courage, compassion, and others that help you expand as beings. However, the struggle is not necessary. But if it is in your life, learn to love it. See the gifts it is bringing you and love them. Look back at all the struggle in your life, at how much you have grown, how much you have expanded, how much more wise, loving, and compassionate you have become. Do you recognise the person from all those years ago? Probably not. Until you change your beliefs, struggle will be part of your life. Make the best of it by making it your ally. Honour the struggle and scorn it no more, for it serves you well.
How can we learn self-appreciation?
You can learn self-appreciation just like any other skill you wish to learn. If you wanted to learn how to bake cakes, first you would buy a book on the subject, then perhaps ask others who have baked cakes, and then try your hand at it. When you begin to enjoy the results— eating the cake—you practice some more, and then some more, and then some more, until you become satisfied with your level of cake baking. Are we trying to say that self-appreciation is a piece of cake? Indeed we are. It is only a matter of practice.
Many of you have a deep belief that you are not worthy, so it is difficult for you to practice self-appreciation. You believe perhaps that self-appreciation is haughty, arrogant, or something to be ashamed of. Let us tell you this truth: the Buddha and the Christ got to where they are through self-appreciation. How could they do otherwise? “But they were special,” we hear you say, and we reply to you, “They were once just as you are. Many lifetimes, much struggle, the same path, the same pain, the same dreams and aspirations. That is why they are your greatest teachers today, for they know the path and have lived the path. All of it!”
Self-appreciation is a matter of practice. Start today. Take a piece of paper and write down five things you love and appreciate about yourself. Do the same tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after. Each day, write down specific things for which you appreciate yourself. Make this fun; add a friend or loved one to the game. Give someone else a list of the things you love and appreciate about him or her. Make it a weekly or daily event. Practice, practice, practice.
As you become more appreciative of yourself, you are more and more open to the light, love, and inspiration of your soul. As this occurs, you are more connected to the universal mind. As this happens, you are more inspired and new ideas come to you. And guess what? You get even better at the things for which you appreciate yourself.
Perhaps you want to be a dancer, but you need to build up your skills. If you love dance, you will align vibrationally with the essence of dance. If you add self-appreciation to this, you will open up to your soul’s input, for you will be open to receive. As this happens, your skills multiply, you get better and better, and consequently you appreciate yourself more and more. This is how it works. Self-appreciation is the key to all of your successes, and self-deprecation is the cause of all your failures.
How can we overcome the fear of disappointment? I have tried many things that have been unsuccessful. Now I feel like giving up and resigning myself to accept less than what I want.
As you grow in self-appreciation, you come to expect your success. This happens because, as you open to yourself through self-appreciation, you get more in the flow of the Universe, more aligned with the consciousness of your greater self, your soul. As this happens, more and more things that you want will come your way. You will be having thoughts of abundance, and as you cross the car park to your car, you will see a shiny coin on the ground. Pick it up! There are no coincidences in the Universe. The more self-appreciation you practice, the more you will transform your beliefs about having and doing and the more synchronicity will play a part in your life. As you experience more and more synchronicity, you will begin to expect that all will go well, for the Universe is handing you the evidence on a daily basis that all is well and good and going your way. Self-appreciation is the key to everything, for it is self-love, and there is no higher truth than love! When you resign yourself to having less than you want, you are deciding that you are less worthy. Is that a decision you really want to continue to make?
I am a woman in my late forties. My children have all grown up and I feel stuck. I want to know what my life’s purpose is, but just don’t know what I want to do. You say to us, “Do what you love to do”, but I am not sure that I know what that is.
You have been a caretaker and homemaker for many years, haven’t you? You are simply out of practice when it comes to asking yourself what you want. For years you have taken care of the needs of others, your children, husband, perhaps even the needs of one of your own parents. Are you surprised that you don’t know what you want? How often did you express your needs and wants to others? Perhaps you did and they didn’t listen. Why didn’t they listen? Because you carried on doing what you normally did and they assumed that all was OK. Remember you teach people how to treat you. Do not be angry with them, or indeed with yourself. But realise that you did what you chose to do then, which was to raise a family. Now it is only a matter of making different choices and if you don’t know what to choose, then your first choice is the choice to make choices. Each day as you awaken, say this little prayer or affirmation to yourself. Above all, do this before you start thinking of all the things you need to do. Say to yourself: “Today I will begin to see more and more of what it is I love to do. As I see it, I will acknowledge it; as I acknowledge it, I will explore it further.”
You simply need to practice asking yourself what it is that you want. Don’t just allow your day to happen to you, but pre-pave your day with intention. Write down all the things that interest you and then investigate, gather information and data all around you. Visit places where they do things you like, call them up, buy books on the subject, buy tapes, videos, whatever it takes for you to discover if you are on the right path. Join a local club or go to evening classes and remember, whatever obstacles come your way are merely signposts directing you towards changing your inner beliefs. If you get rejected owing to your age, then you need to look at that. If you are rejected owing to your lack of experience, then you need to work on more self-appreciation. You are never too old to have a happy childhood. Enjoy your adventure!
I am about to turn 60 and although I have been doing what I love to do, I am not sure that I want to do it any longer. I also can’t imagine just doing nothing and waiting for the demise of my physical body.
If you wait for the demise of your physical body, it will be yours sooner than you bargained for, because that will be the subject of your attention.
As you reach what you experience as the closing years of your physical life, look back at all you have done. Will you be able to slip away knowing that you have done all that you wanted to and given all that you wanted to give? What do you want to leave behind as a legacy? Perhaps you have given a lot already, so what do you want to truly give to yourself? This time of your life is best used for considering the gifts you can give to yourself and others. Perhaps the gift of forgiveness to a long-lost friend, or making peace with a family member, or releasing yourself from some guilt you have held on to for far too long. This is a time for gifts. What would you like to give to the world? The gifts you leave behind pre-pave your future experience.
I am in a situation where I dislike my job, dislike my home, and have no idea what I want to do or where I want to live. Every day seems like a difficult task. How can I turn this around?
When you are in this position, you are in a position of great resistance. You are focusing so much on what you do not want, it seems as if all those things that you don’t want are in control of your life. Remember, the Universe reacts to thought. Thought is the basis of all creation. Therefore, when you are in a position of great resistance, your attention is focused almost entirely on the things that you don’t want. This is a very uncomfortable position indeed to be in. What you can do is shift your focus, even if it is only a small shift and for short periods of time. What most of you do when you try to be positive in such situations is try to see the situation changing into a more positive one; however, your focus is generally still on the situation. The Universe can only deliver to you that which you focus on. Instead of seeing the situation going away, simply visualise a new situation, a new job, a new home coming your way. There is a universal law that says you cannot leave anything until you love it. What that means is that, in order for something to leave your life, you must first release it by accepting it. As you accept something, you cease resisting it; as you cease resisting something, your focus is no longer on it; therefore, you are no longer giving it energy, no longer giving it life.
So many of you simply allow your life to happen to you. You have become reactive beings instead of the creative beings which is your true essence. As a reactive being, you simply allow your day or your life to unfold, not setting any particular goals, or defining your life through the perspective of your belief systems.
In such situations, where everything seems to be wrong and not as you want it to be, you can easily and simply shift your focus by making a conscious choice to do so. Intention is a strong generator of creative powers. When you intend to do or have something, it comes to you much more quickly than when you decide that something would be nice to have. Each morning as you awaken, sit up in bed and set an intention for the day. Say to yourself something like, “Today I intend to see new opportunities for making a living, and I invite and allow these new opportunities to reveal themselves to me,” or “Today I intend to see all that is positive in my life.” As you do this, and make these statements with intent, you launch a new creation in your life, for the Universe cannot do anything but respond to your statement of intention. Remember, your thoughts create your own reality, not some of it, not most of it, but all of it. If your life is full of what you do not want, then shift your focus back to what is wanted. If you do not know what you want, then simply ask the Universe to show you during your day examples of the things that give you joy.
When you find yourself in such a situation, it is your job to make consistent choices about where you place your attention. As you make this consistent choice, the Universe will respond to you in ways that will seem magical or miraculous. In fact, it is neither magic nor a miracle. It is universal law, for you are creator. What you think is what you get, what you think is what you get, what you think is what you get. Each event, person, circumstance, or thing in your life can be traced back to a belief or a series of thoughts. Although we understand that you did not say to the Universe, “Give me a job I will hate”, or “Give me a home I will not like”, you have been sending out feelings and thoughts that attracted this situation. For you to discover how you got what you got, simply ask yourself how you feel about the situation.
How does the situation make you feel? Trapped? Lacking in freedom? Frustrated? Powerless? If this is what you are feeling, then what beliefs do you have surrounding freedom and personal power? Through feeling what it is that you feel about any given situation, you will be able to uncover your core beliefs and thought patterns that attracted the situation in the first place. Once you know this, you can easily change your belief through giving yourself a new one, a new affirmation for life. However, you need not do any of this at all if you simply set a very strong intention to create anew. Nevertheless, in our observation of humanity, we recommend that you go to the core of the problem through feeling what it is that you feel about it. You see, feelings are a result of thought, and any feelings of powerlessness are there due to a belief that you are powerless to create what you want. Going to the core will assist you in making more permanent and far deeper inner changes.
It may be that this home and this job were the things that you truly wanted when they first arrived, or for the first couple of years. Now you need to ask yourself what has changed. you are evolved beings and constantly changing. All that you want to manifest is merely a reflection of consciousness. Matter reflects consciousness and is moulded by it. As your consciousness evolves, the material things in your life will need to evolve and transform along with it. As you grow, there will be times when you wake up one morning and decide that what you have no longer fits who you are, although once it fitted wondrously.
So many of you are apt to look for safety and security, forgetting that true security comes from within. You ignore all the inner impulses that are telling you that where you are in your physical world and what you are doing are no longer a reflection of who you now are inwardly. Then it seems that all of a sudden you wake up and nothing fits any longer, and often you still do nothing, until it gets so uncomfortable you have to take action. If you would only trust your feelings and listen to those inner impulses and act upon them immediately, your life would be full of joyous and tranquil transition from one expression of the inner you to another expression of the inner you.
You see, your soul, that greater, eternal part of you, wants to fully manifest itself through you according to the four principles of creation. It communicates this to you through your emotions and feelings, and sometimes these feelings can be subtle. Essentially, when you feel good, you are on the right track. When you feel uncomfortable or bad, then you are on the track that will only give you those things you do not want. It is through good feelings that your soul inspires you to move as if riding an upward spiral; it simply gets better and better. We encourage you not to do what is logical, not to do what is ‘right’ or expected, but to do what feels good. For as you feel good, you radiate, and as you radiate, you draw power and energy to yourself. As you draw power and energy to yourself, you become a master creator in the physical dimension, and this is the reason why you are in the physical dimension. You came to create!