So many spiritual teachers talk about abundance and the importance of abundance in our lives. How can we be abundant in our physical world without harming the planet?
As we have mentioned before, abundance is one of the four principles of creation, and we will repeat this saying often until you begin to believe it. If God were an individual, who would be the wealthiest person in the Universe? God, of course, for all is contained within the mind and heart of God, and do you not seek to be at one with God? Then do you not seek, in this lifetime, to discover that you are God? You are God, one with all, because you are the physical extension of that which is non-physical, that which is pure essence, that which is God/Goddess All-That-Is. If this is so, then the abundance of the Universe is within you. It cannot be anywhere else. It cannot belong to another, or come from another; it can only come from within you. However, because you have believed yourselves to be so unworthy, you have sought to deny that you are God, and you believe that you are powerless, that you are in poverty. The true poverty of humanity is the poverty of spirit, and that isn’t because you are not good enough, or not spiritual enough, it is because you deny on a daily basis that you are God. You deny your greatness; you focus on all that is limiting. The damage you are doing to the planet comes from a place of lack; it is not because you are becoming greedy in the sense that you want things that you may not have. Nonetheless, greed is the primary cause of your environmental ravages.
Greed has developed amongst you because your spiritual selves have been abandoned by your culture. You came into the world open, embracing, needing no reason to love, you simply were love. Then you began to learn about rules, what was expected, and you also began to learn that spontaneous love was neither welcomed nor encouraged. You began to feel abandoned, for the one thing that you desired most to do, that is to love, was left unacknowledged and unnurtured. This led many to feel deprived—deprived of love, deprived of recognition, and deprived of power. This sense of deprivation has made many search for power and for things that they think will fill the emptiness. This sense of deprivation can become like a hungry animal that is insatiable, always needing more and more and more just to feed itself. This is how humanity has expressed itself in the past few thousand years.
As your cultures became more structured and more rule-based, the power of political and religious authorities increased, and this meant the dimming of spirit, the clouding of the sense of who you really are, a being of love and light. As a species you have sought power to nourish yourselves, reducing this sense of deprivation, and as you have done so you have sought dominion over your environment and over all that which appears weaker. Great empires have emerged, nations have invaded one another, and you have seen yourselves as masters of the Earth instead of stewards of life on Earth. You have justified this stance in the name of some of your religions. All this has been about your search for power. As you look back on your own life, you will notice that there have been times when you have sought power over another or when you have tried to control situations. As you evolve, you begin to see that this search and hunger for power never overcome the feeling of deprivation that you carry. It is at this stage that you begin to go inward and feel out what it is that you want. You learn all about feelings and inner impulses, and you begin to ask yourself who you are. This is when you begin to see that your search for power has been destructive and in the long run has not assisted you one iota. This is the dawning of a new age for you, for you begin to seek authentic power, the power of love, and this power can only, and does only, come from within, from the God/Goddess within, from the source of all things that lives deep in the core of your being. At this stage you begin to get a faint flickering sense of why you are here, what you came to do, and you see a broader picture and begin to understand that all things are related and that indeed all things are one.
Just as you as an individual go through this journey in your life, humanity also experiences this journey collectively. Humanity has been seeking power for many millennia, and history is witness to that fact. Now you are in the midst of understanding that there is more to you than meets the eye. You are beginning to understand that what you do in one part of the world has an effect on other parts of the world. You are beginning to understand that there is one world ocean, not many oceans and seas with many different names, but one body of water that feeds and sustains all life on Earth. As you see this as a species, you begin to understand that you are one, there is no separation. As above, so below. Your environmental crises are merely reflections of your spiritual crises. You have separated yourselves in your search for power and now you are beginning to see that you have been one all along. Physical manifestations are always expressions of inner change, inner direction, inner intention.
The advent of the Internet and the explosion of telecommunications in recent years are testimony to the fact that you are maturing as a species. This maturation process is rapidly taking you towards unity consciousness. This we applaud and celebrate. Not because where you were in your power struggles was a bad or evil place, for you were at a normal stage of evolution, a stage that is experienced on all physical planets in all civilisations. But we celebrate you in this time of growth and opportunity because you are on a homecoming journey. You are beginning to remember who you are, you are beginning to remember who we are, you are beginning to experience the God within, and that is the homecoming we speak of.
Your relationship to the Earth has hitherto been based on lack. You have used fuels that cannot be replenished, which is a direct reflection of your consciousness. However, as you understand that you are one and are all connected, you will begin, indeed have already begun, to find new ways to harness the natural energies of the Universe. There are sufficient resources in your world to house, feed, and clothe each individual and to allow each person to live with a sense of wealth. The issue is changing your consciousness. So many of you worry that, if you tap into your natural essence of abundance and begin to manifest those physical things you desire, you may in some way harm the planet. We offer this thought to you: as you awaken to your natural sense of abundance, you add that to the consciousness of the planet and add to the transformation of the species.
Those who take, take from a place of lack. Those who act greedily do so from a place of deprivation. Your world is a place of contrasting opposites. You have the greedy who act from feelings of deprivation and seemingly prey upon those who are living in deprivation. It is not the greed that causes the lack, it is the inner feelings of both parties that creates the lack. It is the belief in lack and in the feeling of deprivation that creates the world situation as it is in your time.
The greatest service you can do to humanity is to move out of poverty consciousness into a consciousness that recognises that you are one and that abundance is your natural state.
The four principles of creation are law. They simply are. You cannot deny them, even though you may try very hard. And it may seem that you are succeeding in denying that you are by your very nature love, that you are by your very nature health, that you are by your very nature abundance, and that you are by your very nature a creator, that you are by your very nature God. Yes, you may seek to deny these things, but they cannot be denied, for you cannot deny who you are. You are God!
Above all things, you are creators. Once you understand as a species that you have the power of the Universe at your fingertips, you will use that clear understanding to create with. This will lead to a great many new inventions and different means of harnessing the energy of the sun and also universal energy, yes, energy as if it comes from nowhere at all. This universal energy is all around you. It is in you, it is in your body, in the air that you breathe, in every molecule, in every cloud, it is everywhere. Soon you will discover the means to use this infinite source of energy and power, and great good will come from this. Indeed, this knowledge and the means to create such technology already exist, but the majority of you are not yet ready to embrace such power, for when you do, you will be able to do things that are beyond your imagination. This harnessing of universal power will come about once it is understood that you are connected to all things, not before.
Just as you will not have contact with alien races until you have contact with other sentient species sharing your world, the dolphins and the whales, you will also not harness this energy en masse until you understand that you are one and understand the responsibility that goes with that. Let us be clear, it is not we, or any other beings, that stop you from discovering and harnessing this power. It is your own consciousness. Some already understand this, even within the scientific community. However, mass consciousness determines what develops for you as a species. The changes are coming, and they begin with you. Think in unlimited ways. Think rich, grow rich, and know that you are a child of the Universe and that all is well and all is happening just as it should in its proper time and place.
You see, love, power, and money are all the same thing. Money is merely the physical manifestation of love and power. We can say this for we know that authentic power stems from love, and is indeed love. So what is authentic power? Authentic power stems from allowing. When you are in the state of allowing, not only are you unaffected by external circumstances, but you allow yourself to be who you are, you allow yourself to be God. Often when there are feelings of deprivation, many will seek power and money as compensation for that feeling of lack; and those who seek power lack self-love and very often others have no love for them, so that both the giving and receiving of love is absent in their lives. Feelings of lack are the cause of humanity’s woes, not greed in the sense that most see it, but the true underlying cause of greed.
When we are faced with financial difficulty or crisis, how can we attract money into our lives?
First, you need to understand where poverty, lack of money, and financial crises come from. We have said that love, power, and money are the same. For many, that is difficult to accept. However, money is merely the physical manifestation of the two core qualities that express who you are—beings of great power and great love. At the core of all of your experienced misfortune are two beliefs. These beliefs are: “I am powerless” and “I am not loved”. These two beliefs have become the scriptwriters for the lives that the majority of humanity experience. These beliefs are the great ‘lie’ or illusion beyond which you have sought to move in the physical dimension.
When you are faced with financial shortage, it always has to do with your not being in harmony with your core. At your core you wish to express your power through love. Love is the complete and total acceptance of what is; it is being in a state of allowing. If money is not flowing into your life, it means that, in one or more areas of your life, you are not in a state of allowing, not in a state of freedom, or not acknowledging your true power. If you are in a relationship that limits your freedom, you will experience either a lack of money, or anxiety concerning the money you do have. If you are in a job that you do not enjoy, then you will cut off the flow of pure creative energy, and the flow of money will be restricted.
Feelings are your friends. When there is a lack of money, it is much more efficient to feel what is going on instead of trying to figure out logically what you can do about it. The questions to ask yourself are these: Where am I lacking love or freedom in my life? Where am I restricting freedom? Am I honouring and loving myself? Where do I feel powerless? Do I feel overwhelmed in any area of my life? You will discover that in one or more areas of your life you are indeed holding onto the core beliefs of “I am not loved” or “I am powerless”.
So what to do about it? First, understand that self-appreciation is the key to spiritual and personal growth. When you practice self-appreciation, your vibration increases as you align with the universal truths of, “I am love” and “I am powerful”. This will automatically make you more magnetic to money.
You also need to consider your thoughts about money. Remember, that everything in your world has its opposite and that the Universe brings to you that on which you are focusing. Money can manifest in your life as the lack of money or as an abundance of money. What will manifest for you is the side of the subject that you are focusing on. If you focus on the lack of money, that is what you will get. If you focus on the having of money, that is what you will get. The Universe is very even in its delivery of everything to everyone, for you all get exactly and precisely what you are focusing on.
We understand that when you have little or no money and the bills are pouring in and you cannot see a way out, the lack seems very real to you. And the evidence suggests that what you are experiencing is real and that what we are offering to you is not realistic. However, as you remember that it is what you feel that makes the difference, you can use your shortage of money, or anything for that matter, to work for your benefit, for it gives you an opportunity to resolve deeper issues once and for all. If you are focusing on the lack of money, and that is what manifests, it is not actually the focus on money that has caused your lack. Remembering that money is representative of love and power, and your focus on the lack of money is symptomatic of your inner feelings of powerlessness. Yes, you can use affirmations and redirect your focus onto the having of money and initiate a change in your financial fortunes, but this is often temporary. The work that is truly required is to uncover the deeper feelings that tell you that you lack love and power.
Emotions are the result of thought; they do not spring up without there being a sponsoring thought. Somewhere along the line you have taken on the belief that you are not loved or that you lack power. From your standpoint, you may have had much evidence to show you that indeed you are not loved by some people, or by many, and that indeed in certain situations you did not have any power. However, all this evidence is merely a manifestation of the original core belief and simply reinforces that belief.
Your soul communicates with you directly moment by moment, minute by minute, in every waking hour. It does so through emotions and feelings. It was agreed before you came into this physical existence that your soul would guide you and assist you to achieve the goal of manifesting fully through the four principles of creation. Your soul understands that all thought is creative and that you have the power to create all of your reality in the physical dimension. As your soul’s deepest desire is to manifest in love and to be creator, it guides you with feelings. When you have a thought that creates the opposite of your primary intention for being present on the planet, your soul will communicate this through the creation of negative emotion. So, if you think about struggle and poverty, you are going to feel bad. You feel bad when you do this because your soul knows and understands that as you ponder these subjects, you are launching them as creations in your life. As the negative feelings filter through, they are literally your soul shouting, “No! No! No! Don’t think like this, this not what you want!”
The opposite is also true. Have you ever sat with a friend and fantasised about winning the lottery and what you would do with all the money? As you share your dream of a large home, being able to give to charities, surrounding yourself with beautiful things, and being able to buy houses and cars for your family and friends, don’t you feel good? Of course you do! You feel good because your soul is saying to you: “Yes! Yes! Yes! Think like this, be unlimited, acknowledge your abundance, acknowledge me, the God within, the source of all true wealth.”
When in financial crisis, most of you focus on the problem and not the solution, which simply leads to the deepening of the crisis. When you wake up one morning and realise that your finances are on the lack side, the first thing to do is simply ask yourself how you want your finances to look. As you say to yourself, “I want to be wealthy” or “I want more money to flow more easily into my life,” you immediately begin to shift your vibration into the positive aspect of money. As you make these statements, your soul recognises that you are speaking words and sending out thoughts that are in alignment with who you truly are, and therefore begins to feed you positive emotion as an encouragement. Your words and thoughts are powerful allies.
We understand that you find it difficult to think of abundance when there are accounts that cannot be paid. However, did you realise that worrying is doing exactly the opposite of what we have just suggested? Worry is simply using the laws of the Universe to create more of what you don’t want in your life. So, since you are going to respond to the lack by throwing out more creative thoughts anyway, why not make them positive ones instead? We are not asking you to do anything you are not already doing. As you sit and worry, you are visualising and bringing into being things that you don’t want. You are in fact showing yourself how powerful you are. Look! You have created even more of what you don’t want! What a powerful being you are! What a wise being you are, for you understand the Laws of the Universe and are using them. Do you see the humour and beauty of this? You can focus on the positive, for just as you make the choice to focus on the negative, you can make the choice to focus on the positive. All your unpaid accounts are merely evidence of your ability to create! Now all you need to do is turn the dial.
As you practice asking yourself what you want, you activate the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction says, “That which is like unto itself will be drawn.” As you think about what you want, you stimulate positive feelings, within which is the response of your Inner Self. As you begin to feel that which you want, you become magnetic to it. Each thought that you have is magnetic to all things that are similar in nature, and that starts with other similar thoughts. As you ask yourself what it is that you do want, you automatically align yourself with other thoughts of a similar nature. You can take advantage of this by becoming quiet and simply allowing your thoughts to grow and evolve. Within a minute or two, your thoughts would have evolved into much bigger and better dreams. We understand that the natural tendency of many people is to say, “But this is not real, it is fantasy.” Let us say to you again—when you are worrying about what might happen, you are indeed doing this same exercise, but in the negative sense. You know these techniques already; you know the Laws of the Universe. It is your choice: you can worry, which is using your imagination to draw more of what you don’t want into your life, or you can choose to focus only on that which you want. We hear you when you say, “But Omni, should we not face reality?” and we say to you, “Do not face reality, change it!”
For money to flow freely in your life, it must be received and spent joyfully. Whenever you resent paying a bill or paying someone for a service, you block the flow of money into your life. Often those feelings of resentment stem from your belief that the money you have is limited. You feel unwilling to give your hard-earned money away on something that does not give you joy. Each material thing that you have and each service that you pay for has an essence or quality that it brings into your life.
For example, your telephone holds within it the essence of communication. Your car or monthly rail or subway ticket holds within it the essence of travel, freedom, and mobility. Your computer, printer, and other tools you may be using hold within them the essence of communication. When you shift your perspective to see the essence behind all the things you pay for each month, you will begin to feel gratitude that they are in your life. This will lead you to pay for them with more joy. When you pay your bills with joy, in recognition of the essence which the service or thing is giving you, you open your heart to receive more abundance into your life. Gratitude is the greatest healer there is and the more you can express gratitude, the more filled with joy and abundance your life will become.
The next time you pay a bill, take a few moments to consider the essence behind what you have received. Take your telephone bill: your telephone gives you the freedom to contact friends and loved ones who may live far away. It allows you to create business opportunities with clients or prospective employers whom you cannot easily meet face to face. Your telephone represents freedom of communication. Now imagine that you don’t have it, and get a sense of the gratitude you would feel if it came into your life. There are plenty of things to feel grateful for. You only need to open your eyes and heart to see them all around you.
Every day of your life, you can acknowledge all the gifts that you already have, and congratulate yourself for having created them. How many things do you have in your life that give you pleasure, for which you can feel genuine gratitude? You may be in a situation where your only feeling is one of lack, feeling that your life is going nowhere and feeling stuck financially. If you are in a financial crisis, concentrate on what you have, rather than on what you do not have. This will open your mind and heart to more opportunities for attracting money, allowing miracles, and creating room for the things that you want to come into your life. The secret to having a successful money flow in your life is to concentrate only on the things that you want. Do not give a second’s thought to the things that you do not want.
Many of you, when you try to think of improving your life, begin to concentrate on what you do not want. You do not want to be poor, you do not want financial struggle, you do not want work that is dissatisfying or a boss who is domineering or unfriendly. Begin today to concentrate on what you want, because whatever you concentrate on grows, including those things that you do not want. Tell yourself a hundred times a day what you do not want, and guess what? It’s yours. So change your perspective to concentrate only on what you do want, and it will be yours even more quickly. Add to that a daily practice of acknowledging what you already have, expressing gratitude for it, either mentally or verbally, and you will soon be on your way to creating all the things you have ever dreamed of. Be patient with yourself. Many of the thought patterns in your society are based on the negative, on what is not right and what must be improved.
Many conversations on subways, in restaurants, and in workplace cafeterias are based on what is wrong, who is doing what to whom, and what is wrong about it. Stop! You can choose to withdraw from such conversations or turn them around so that the emphasis is on what is positive. Offer an idea about what positive steps can be taken to create change for the greater good of all. As negatively oriented conversation is so deeply rooted in your society, it may be difficult for you to rise above those thought forms and behaviour patterns overnight. One positive thought that is backed up by a strong feeling can cancel out thousands of thoughts of a less positive nature. You will need to be patient and forgiving towards yourself. Train yourself on a day-to-day basis to choose positive thoughts that include gratitude—thoughts that tell you why you can have what you want, instead of believing those thoughts or people who tell you why you cannot have something you desire.
All thought is choice. Some thought forms are so commonplace they may not seem like a choice. Many of your thoughts concerning money, wealth, and abundance are beliefs that you took on in early childhood. You were not taught to question such beliefs. You simply accepted them as truth because that is what everyone around you believed. It is still a choice to believe them and to hold on to them. Even thoughts that you have had a million times over can be changed in a relatively short period of time. With dedication and focus on your goal, you can create all the abundance you desire, irrespective of the local economy or what other people around you may be telling you.
I live in a city where there are many poor people, often homeless, and many of them beg on the streets and at traffic lights. As a spiritual person who cares about the planet, I am often lost as to what to do. On the one hand, I believe that it is their lesson, and on the other hand, I feel guilty for not doing much, if anything, to help them. What is your advice?
The greatest disservice you can do to an impoverished individual is to feel sorry for that person and to see that one as weak. Each thought you have about an individual is received by that person. Honour your poor, for they are indeed as much God as you are. You can never know the real reason why individuals are in the position they are in. Stories abound of beggars and street peddlers living in expensive houses and driving expensive cars, and why? It helps you to justify why you are not helping them. And why do you entertain such stories? Because you are afraid that it may happen to you. Therefore, telling tales of poor people not really being poor enables you to mask your fear of poverty. But it is more fundamental than that, for you are not helping them if you too feel impoverished. Poverty exists because you allow it; it is part of your consciousness, and it stems from fear. Fear is the root cause of all of humanity’s problems.
We are not saying that you are greedy, selfish, or even responsible for the poverty of another, but do not delude yourself. All things that occur in your world, in your belief system, are expressions of the collective consciousness. You allow poverty because you have beliefs concerning wealth and worthiness. You believe that you must work hard for all that you have in order to deserve it. When a person achieves wealth, a great celebration is made of how hard he or she has worked for it. In essence, wealth is the inheritance of each and every one of you, and it cannot be worked hard for; it is there for the receiving.
The greatest service that you can do for the poor is to give generously. Clearly, you cannot give to all, for your beliefs limit your ability to do that. As you pass beggars on the street, ask the Universe to connect you to the one that will make the best use of your help. We do not mean the best use in terms of what they do with your money, for that is their business, but we mean the best use in terms of their inward response to your gift. If you were to walk up to a street beggar and hand that person sufficient money to live on for several days, rather than a couple of coins of little worth, that has the effect of letting that one know that the Universe is indeed a hospitable and friendly place. This very action can assist the person to shift his or her beliefs about abundance and worthiness. This act of kindness on your part also works for you. It affirms your belief in unlimited resources and your ability to attract more wealth. It is a win/win situation. In that moment of grace, as you pass on your worthwhile gift, both you and the beneficiary vibrate with one another and harmony is created. As you give the gift, you affirm the other’s ability to attract abundance, and you are likewise affirming your own ability. It is like a ballet of pure positive energy, lifting you both higher to a new level of vibration and harmony with the essence of abundance. As you assist others to grow, you yourself grow, for all energy that you put out into the world comes back to you!
Just as this book is inspiring you to be more than you are today, we encourage you to pass on these messages of truth. For as you are assisted by those just a step or two ahead of you, you too can assist those who are just a step or two behind you. For as you help another to grow, you in turn grow and prosper.
You have stated many times that feelings determine what we have and what we create. What are the best feelings for us to have when it comes to attracting money and abundance?
Two feelings are fundamental to the attracting of anything in your life: one is gratitude, the other is self-appreciation. When you look at your life with gratitude, you shift your focus onto what you like. As you shift your focus onto something, more of the same comes to you. That is the Law of Attraction. Gratitude does not work because the Universe says, “Look, there is one who is grateful, let us give this one more for they deserve a greater reward.” The Universe is a neutral place and responds simply to your focus of attention. Gratitude places your focus upon the positive side of any subject; it places your attention onto the having of something, rather than the lack of something. As you practice gratitude and acknowledge what you already have, you shift not only your focus, but also your vibration, into the direction of more of the thing you are looking for. You see, you cannot ask for anything that you don’t already have.
If you were born on an island somewhere where there were no birds and therefore no eggs, you could not ask for more eggs. It is the same with everything your heart desires. When you ask for abundance, you already have it. When you ask for health, you already have it. You see, if your legs lack health and you cannot walk, your arms still work don’t they? Are you then totally devoid of health? No. Inwardly you know what health is because it is part of who you are. The Four Principles of Creation are who you are, they are not things you need to earn or discover. Perhaps you need to remember, but that is all, that is all. Health and well-being, abundance, love and the power to create are what you are. They are your very being, they are your soul, and they are the expression of the God/Goddess within you. We say to you with absolute knowing: You cannot ask for anything that you don’t already have.
With gratitude you can focus on what is already present. For example, let us say that you are looking for an intimate relationship, one that provides you with companionship, love, sharing, and all the things you want from a partner. These things are already in your life, expressed by the people who are now in your life. Your friends offer you companionship, love, understanding, and many other things. When longing for a partner, most of you focus on your loneliness, and as you focus on the loneliness, you distance the opportunities for connecting with that special someone. When you acknowledge that what you want is already there and shift your focus onto it, you strengthen its presence and cause it to grow.
If you are one that says, “I cannot feel gratitude for I am so unhappy with my life,” then let us say to you: Feelings are the result of thought; thought is the catalyst for all that you think. You can teach yourself how to feel gratitude by practicing it. Just as we have shared with you that you can deliberately practice self-appreciation in order to engender self-love, you can also practice gratitude and encourage that feeling within you.
When you want something to come into your life, sit and think of all aspects of it. Consider the essence of what it is that you want. If it is more money that you want, what does money represent to you? For many, money is synonymous with freedom. What else does it represent? Your ability to create an environment that is pleasing to you or any other thing with which you associate having money. Once you know what money represents to you and understand the essence of it in your life, begin to write down all the areas of your life in which that same essence is present. As you acknowledge where this essence already exists, you begin to attract more of the same. At the end of each day, write down all the things you are grateful for, all those things that contain the essence of the thing you want more of, and you will have gone a long way in shifting your focus onto the positive side of the subject of your desire.
Here are more examples to help you on your way. Let us say that money represents your freedom to travel and to explore. If this is the essence of what you want money to do for you, then you more than likely have that essence in your life already in the form of a car. Bless this car! All things have consciousness, awareness, even so-called inanimate objects such as cars, houses, and washing machines. Imagine that you are tuning into the essence of your vehicle and thank it for representing the essence of freedom in your life. You may want to thank your car each time you go on a journey and reaffirm that this vehicle is a manifestation of your desire for mobility and freedom. Your life is never void of what you want. It may be in a different form, or in a quantity that is short of where you want to be, but it is always there. We have observed that most of you who dwell in this place of wanting something, tend to focus on its lack. You lament your inability to travel, and see a world that keeps it far, far away from you. Through simple acts of gratitude you begin to shift your focus onto the having side of the equation.
Gratitude is not a spiritual obligation; it is not a spiritual law that ‘good’ and ‘loving’ people are expected to follow. It is the acknowledgement of the love already present in your life. It is using the Universal Laws to your benefit. As you acknowledge all things with gratitude, you begin to radiate love, and as you do this, you become magnetic to love, health and well-being, abundance, and the evidence that you are creator.
As we have stated many times, self-appreciation is paramount. There is nothing more important than that you feel good about who and what you are. As you acknowledge yourself with appreciation, you open the door to allowing more good things to come into your life. It no longer becomes a question of deserving or ability; it becomes a question of allowing. How much will you allow yourself to have today?
If there were nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine subjects upon which we could speak, and if you were to ask us which out of all these subjects was the most important, we would say to you, with an absolute knowing, without a shadow of doubt or the twinkling of a second thought, that self-appreciation is the most important topic of all. Self-appreciation is the key to your spiritual growth, to enlightenment, to humanity’s problems; it is the solution to everything that is considered a problem.
For many generations you have been taught that to appreciate oneself is to be haughty and arrogant and unfitting. You have been told to keep yourselves small and not to think too highly of yourselves, for you are unworthy of such adoration and recognition. We bring you a different message. We say that it is time for you to appreciate yourself and that, without self-appreciation, all other things that you are striving for will either elude you or remain a struggle.
As you learn to appreciate who you are and what you have to offer the world, all the qualities that you want to develop, such as patience, acceptance, love, compassion, caring, and strength, will be yours. As is true in everything, that which is within you is reflected outside of you. That which you feel manifests in your world. Therefore, if you want to develop love, patience, and compassion, it is love of self, patience with self, and compassion for self that first must be developed. “You can only give what you already have.” Does it not make complete sense to you when we say that? If you have but little love for yourself, then you will not be in a position to offer authentic love, i.e., acceptance, to another. You will offer a kind of ingratiation perhaps, telling yourself that you are loving and kind, but when you give love, there must be a two-way flow. The flow must come from an open heart, a heart that is also open to the receiver.
Many of you who focus on giving find it difficult to receive. Then, it is like using up the energy in a battery. The more you give, the more of your own energy you are giving away. When you are open to receive, then you become a conduit for the Universe, a channel for love. Pure Universal Love, the love of God, begins to flow through you. This love, this energy, is the source of all life, and as you become this channel, it feeds you, sustains you, keeps you in health and well-being, and allows abundance to flow freely into your life.
Self-appreciation is about saying: I accept myself exactly as I am. It is also about acknowledging your unique gifts. Your world is full of artists, healers, writers, great chefs, architects, teachers, and miracle makers who are yet to be discovered. They have not yet been discovered because you have not allowed yourself to shine. Within each of you is a highly creative, highly skilled being, just waiting to be discovered. Many of you catch glimpses of this in moments of inspiration, but then most of you immediately begin to compare yourself to others and tell yourself that their work or creation is of much more value than yours.
Self-appreciation is not about putting another down, or thinking you are better than another. It is about acknowledging the greater part of you, the part of yourself that is tapped into Universal knowledge and power and can create miracles. It is about acknowledging the truth of who you are. The truth of who you are is simple. You are a child of the divine, more than that even, you are the divine.
Somewhere along the line, many of you got the idea that you were here to prove yourself worthy of God or some other higher authority. This is not the case. You are here through the expression of your free will and you came forth into this plane of existence in order to create.
The Earth poses some unique challenges. It appears that there is much evidence suggesting that you are alone and not connected to the power of the Universe. But this is exactly why you chose to come here. It was a challenge that you were delighted to take. You are not here on probation; you will not be released from this place for good behaviour. You are not here waiting for the chance to go somewhere better. When your heart is filled with self-appreciation, it will govern what you draw to you. It will govern your experience of the world and how you relate to others. Then when you are fully self-appreciative, you will have the most delicious experience in the Universe. You will be physically focused, your heart will be fully open to the love of the Universe, and God’s love will stream through you, using you as a channel for all that is great. There is no greater experience than this one, to be physical and spiritual simultaneously. This is why your planet is so populated, for many, many souls are wanting this experience, and self-appreciation is the key.
When you look at the great teachers, how do you think they got to that position? How did the Buddha and the Christ get to that position? It was through self-appreciation. It is only through loving and accepting yourself that you open yourself to the love of God. For God can only give you that which you are prepared to give unto yourself. There is no higher truth than that.
What are some of the main blockages to creating financial wealth?
All things in your physical world are representative of the non-physical; it is not any other way. Just as, when wanting to attract more of it into your life, we have encouraged you to find the essence of what you want, so it is your perception of the essence of money that will either repel it or attract more of it into your life.
Money is in a triangle of association with power and love. If you associate money with power and see power as dangerous, as something you are not to be trusted with, or as something that is harmful or lacking in love, then money will find it difficult to bless your life with its presence. Perhaps as a child you felt that you were offered gifts instead of the love and attention you wanted, or perhaps you resented those who seemed to have more money. There are many powerful beliefs in your society that have embedded themselves deep within your consciousness. You have sayings such as “filthy rich”, “money doesn’t grow on trees”, “money is the root of all evil”, and many others. Often people are hush-hush about money, sometimes feeling ashamed if they have too much or too little. In many organisations salaries are kept secret for fear that those who have less will resent those who have more. Money is very powerful, and why? It is your physical manifestation of the energies of love and power.
When there is a lack of money in your life, there is always a lack of self-love and feelings of powerlessness. Often, money is used to buy love or power, or inauthentic love (ingratiation) is used as a means to gain money or power. At the heart of this triangle is self-acceptance and self-appreciation. When you are in a state of self-appreciation, the triangle will be in balance.
When you have issues with money, you always, always, have issues surrounding self-love and appreciation and feelings of powerlessness. You either fear that you don’t have any power, or that, if you do, it cannot be trusted. Money is not the issue, and never was. The issue is always about your perception of yourself and how you feel about who you are.
So many older souls struggle with money. Older souls often have a sense that they do not belong, or they wrestle with feelings of not wanting to be present on the planet. Often these older souls will be estranged from their families or will feel as if they are the ‘black sheep’, not fitting in with the rest of the biological family. This occurs because many older souls are born into families where the majority of members are of a younger soul age than themselves, and so have a different focus and view of life. This scenario is chosen because in their final lifetimes old souls choose the path of acceptance. If one who feels separated from family, there is often little or no real connection to the planet, no foundation or grounding. It is difficult for these souls to manifest in the material world for they are not fully present. To become enlightened involves being fully present on the Earth plane whilst being fully aware of the non-physical, balancing both worlds equally and accepting both. Part of this path means honouring the parents who have provided you with your blueprint for learning in this lifetime, for they made themselves available to you.
If it is what we feel which is most important in terms of creating abundance, why is it that some people have a lot of money although they are considered ‘criminals’, or unkind?
The experience of opposites can create strong desire. ‘Criminals’, as you to refer to them, are coming from a position of lack, for they must take or be involved in affairs in ways that are not for the greater good of all concerned. That sense of lack can engender in some an overwhelming desire for power. If money is then associated with that power, they will transfer much of their desire for power to money, thereby creating it in large quantities. When we speak of money, we speak in terms of generating abundance. A vast amount of money does not mean that you have abundance. Those who amass great sums of money in the pursuit of power always lack the ingredient of love in their life. As a result, they live fearful and often lonely lives, never able to form deep and lasting relationships. Yes, thought is powerful. If you want something enough, you can create truckloads of it. What we have suggested above are permanent ways to create lasting abundance. The ‘criminal’ may possess large financial resources until the end of this physical life, but will he or she have mastered love, acceptance, or allowing in their lifetime? No.
All the teachers who have told you that a focus on money will bring it to you are indeed correct. What we add to that is the emotional element that will assist you to create lasting abundance. For a full wallet and an empty heart are not abundance; they are still poverty.