Chapter 7


Why are there so many races and what is the purpose behind having a multi-racial world?

To answer this question fully, it is necessary for us to go into the untold history of your world. The races on your world developed on different planets, not on the Earth as you know it today. This may seem bizarre or even heretical to you, but it is the truth as we know it.

Back in the mists of time, the Earth was colonised by many beings who originated from planets that exist beyond your solar system, planets that were part of other star systems in another part of the galaxy. “Primitive man” coexisted with these races, and there was some interbreeding, the introduction of new genes, and of a new evolutionary direction for the human species. Your scientists have quite accurately catalogued and recorded the evolution and development of your planet and of your species, but they are missing some vital information. Prehistoric races of humanity, such as Neanderthal man, evolved, developed, and died out quite naturally.

No colonisation of this planet took place until it could be clearly determined that the evolution of the humanoid species already here would not develop in such a way that would successfully support ‘ensoulment’. Essentially, the species that were present were created by souls who wished to experience being ‘semi-animal’. This experience is, and was, just as valid as any other. Each planet has a governing body. This governing body is a council that oversees the evolution of species and shepherds all life on and within a planet. In addition to this, there is a consciousness, a soul, which inhabits the planet itself, for just as you have a soul, or are a soul inhabiting a human body, the Earth itself has a soul that inhabits it. Therefore, all colonisation, or introduction of new species, cannot and does not happen unless the consciousness or guardians of that particular planet are agreed. So why did these new species come to Earth?

Throughout your galaxy, each planet has tended towards single race development. This is the equivalent of having a planet where only Swedish people live, or where only Japanese people or Europeans live. In that sense, there is not as much variety in terms of the cultural expression and language, although it does exist.

In terms of reincarnation and numbers of lifetimes, the majority of you have had hundreds, if not thousands, of lifetimes. Each sojourn upon a particular planet or world is called a cycle, and you may have as many as 200 to 300 lifetimes in one cycle. In the distant past, those of you who are on Earth today have had lives, indeed many lives, on planets that exist in other stellar systems within your galaxy. You have had many lifetimes in these other systems and have gained much experience living in cultures that were not as diverse as the one you exist in today. Having completed a cycle in these worlds, having reached enlightenment, you then sought new experience. Not only you, but many others like you, collectively decided that it would be a new experience for many different soul nations to come together in one place and develop together. This was a new and exciting challenge and it brought with it the lesson of acceptance of diversification.

“Having reached enlightenment, you then sought new experience.”

The souls who inhabited the bodies of primitive man no longer wished to continue with this experience as they had already gained all the experience they wanted at that time. New races developed through the introduction of new DNA from the ‘visiting’ races. These visiting races were humanoid and looked very much as you do now, with minor differences. Not all of humanity as it is today is the result of this interbreeding, for there were many humanoids that chose to stay. However, over the course of hundreds of thousands of years, there is more uniformity, although you clearly have the expression of different races.

The ‘original’ Earth races died out, but their genes live on in you, as do the genes of your forefathers who came from the stars. In a sense, we are talking here to two of you, the you who is your body, and the you who is your soul. The you who is your soul is the eternal part of you, and you are the same forefather of the species that is now the human body that you inhabit. In effect, it was your DNA in the physical body you inhabited then that has led to the creation of the body you experience now, because you have determined your own evolution. You are the creator and mastermind behind it. Some of you are indeed the very same beings that ensouled the bodies of ‘primitive’ beings that died out. None of this just happened, or just happened to you. It is by grand design.

Many of you have deeply buried memories of your connections to the stars. Some are faint memories of past lives in other star systems, and other memories come from recollections of the time when the creation of the races took place here on Earth.

So how did we get here, and where did we come from?

Highly advanced cultures carried out the seeding of the planet with new races. These were cultures that had mastered the power of thought and had incorporated ‘thought power’ into their technology. With this union of mind and machine, they were able to cross vast distances of space, for it was a case, literally, of mind over matter. There is one thing that does travel faster than the speed of light, and that is thought. Thought travels in an instant. The technology they developed was able to tap into and interpret the mental field of energy, i.e., the intention of the traveller. Therefore, ‘distance’ and ‘time’ became conditions that were no longer relevant to travel. It was as if they brought the destination to themselves, instead of ‘travelling’ to the destination.

As there was mass transport, and these beings were highly evolved, able to focus their thoughts on a specific objective for long periods of time, they were and are still able to travel great distances in a matter of minutes, often ‘instantaneously’. These cultures understood consciously that time, space, and thought were not the separate things that many of you suppose. They understood the fundamentals of the Universe in terms of knowing absolutely that thought creates reality and that thought does this by moulding Universal energy into a form reflective of the creative thought. In this sense, the Earth came to them; they did not travel to it, for it was a manifestation of their collective desire and focused thought.

Essentially, many beings arrived in crafts, and those that were even more evolved simply materialised on the face of the planet. Have you not heard many stories of how spiritual masters have appeared to others in a different form? It is the same process. Once you have moved beyond fear, you understand that “I and the Father are one,” meaning “I and the source of all creation are one.” With this knowledge you are not only understanding fully and consciously that you are the creator of your own reality, but you are living that knowledge and are freely able to create and recreate, even creating a physical body!

Your body is energy that has coalesced into form. At the atomic level, there is space between the atoms, and these atoms are made up of even smaller parts, and so on and so on, until you reach a form of pure energy. This pure energy is manipulated and moulded by thought, and just as your soul has manipulated this very same energy to create the body in which you exist at this moment in time and space, these beings, some of which were you in another ‘lifetime’, were able to do this consciously. They were able to do this because they were aware of the superconscious mind and existed within that state of being. They experienced themselves as not only being the personality self which they were in the process of creating for the Earth experience, but were also aware of their multidimensional soul self that has many aspects and transcends time and space. This ‘past’ is also humanity’s ‘future’.

Many of your ancient texts contain references to these events, although they are shrouded in superstition and written from the perspective of the writer at that time. The existing references to ‘angels’ having mated with human women (see Genesis 6:2) are referring to the time when indeed many beings came to Earth to partake in one of the greatest experiments ever created. These non-physical beings that were able to take physical form were very adept at manipulating matter, for they understood that all matter was coalesced energy that was moulded by thought. It was their ability to focus thought that has led to the recording of stories about individuals and groups that lived for 500 years or more. These beings understood that the body responds to thought and that bodily conditions that reflected lack of health, ageing, and death were merely manifestations of limited thinking. As interbreeding with ‘primitive’ man took place, and as the incoming population produced offspring through the same biological process to which you are accustomed today, the personalities became increasingly associated with physical form. With this association, which was all part of the plan, humanity began to focus on the physical dimension, which led to the ‘forgetting’ of their non-physical heritage, a heritage that spans hundreds of thousands of years across a vast galaxy of star systems. These memories have now been relegated to the record of vague stories, myths, and tales of a bygone age.

Much of your contemporary ‘new age’ literature makes reference to star systems such as the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, and other star systems. This is not in the least bit new. These star systems have been referred to in your ancient texts (see Job 38) and are also part of many oral traditions that are held by tribal peoples across your globe. Many of these cultures, when asked where their ancestors came from, will freely and gladly point to the stars. They will tell you stories of ‘gods’ who visited them, mated with their women, or who brought them here long, long ago. Far from being the myths of a tribe, they are the record of how you got here. Yes, indeed, many of you originated from the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, and other systems. However, this does not mean that these star systems are your true home, for your true home is within you. You are not a being ‘lost’ on a foreign planet, for your physical body has evolved to become an Earth body, made up of genes that are in origin both Earth and ‘alien’. This means that you are a unique being that is indigenous to the Earth.

“Your true home is within you.”

There are many of you who are beginning to experience faint stirrings within that are telling you that you are from elsewhere, that your origin is in another place altogether. These faint memories have caused many of you to draw the conclusion that you are far away from ‘home’ or that you ‘don’t really belong here’, or that you don’t fit in because your origin is ‘different’. Home, my beloved ones, is where the heart is. Where you have incarnated previously has no relationship to where home is. So many of you are reaching a level of development where you are increasingly and more easily able to tap into higher consciousness, into the superconscious mind. Within this superconscious mind that transcends time and space, you are able to experience the memories, however faint, of a time when you lived in much more harmony than now. These memories are a bleed-through from your previous cycles.

“Home, my beloved ones, is where the heart is.”

Yes, you have had many lives, tens of lives, where your life has been far more abundant and harmonious than now. However, we encourage you to reject the conclusion that Earth is a bad place, or a place where things have gone wrong. It is a new experience that you have chosen. Having created such harmony in your being before, you have chosen to recreate the same harmony under circumstances that are different and unique. It really is as simple as that. Rather than looking longingly to the stars, understand that these memories are a longing to return to the one place that will bring you home, and that is to your heart, for that is where home is. You create your own reality, not some of it, not most of it, but all of it. As you return to your heart, as you return to love, you begin to create a reality that reflects that state of being. It is a state of being where you are in total and complete acceptance of what is, where you allow all others to be who they are, and allow all conditions to reside, without letting them draw you out of your centre. For you who know that you are the centre of your Universe, to be centred once more in the heart will create for you a life that will be more like home than the home you imagine you are longing for. What you long for, my beloveds, is love. This is your greatest yearning. It is your will and longing to love that drives you, that feeds you, that keeps you going.

“It is your will and longing to love that drives you, that feeds you…”

There are many stories about dolphins and their origin. How do dolphins and whales fit into the whole scheme of things?

Let us first speak of the dolphins, for the dolphins are more akin to you in terms of their mental, emotional, and spiritual development. Dolphins are just like humans. They think, they feel, they desire, they experience emotions, they express humour, displeasure, in fact, the entire range of human emotions. They are, in essence, sentient beings just as you are a sentient being. There are many who believe that dolphins are ‘superior’ to humans, possessing extrasensory powers. Although this is true for some dolphins, as it is true for some human beings, it is not true of all dolphins. Dolphins take part in the same process of reincarnation as humans do. They begin life on Earth as baby souls, young souls, learning about their world and how to interact with it, and gradually, over many lifetimes, begin to develop other skills and add a spiritual perspective to their lives. It is the same for human beings.

The history of dolphins, like that of humans, has two branches. There are those species that evolved and developed in their own right on Earth, and those that came to the Earth from another planet. Many have associated dolphins with the star system Sirius. This star system has within it a planet that is composed almost entirely of water; we will refer to this world as Delphi. This planet, like your own, has hosted ensouled species for many eons. Many of you have had many incarnations on this world, and on others like it, for Delphi is not the only ‘water world’ in existence. Once a soul’s experience is complete, it then goes on to choose another. It is quite valid and common for a soul to experience tens of lives as a dolphin and then to choose a new cycle of experience as a human, or as another sentient being.

The forms taken by sentient beings vary widely throughout the galaxy. The more that humans learn about and from the dolphins, the more you will realise that God was made in man’s image and that the images and variety of forms that God can take are as numerous as the stars in the heavens.

Human communication with dolphins holds the key to a great forward leap in your present evolutionary cycle. This breakthrough will come within a 10 to 20-year period from the delivery of this material. Conscious communication with the dolphins will change the way in which you look at your world and your position in the Universe, and will answer once and for all that age-old question, “Are we the only ones?” Indeed, you are not the only ones. The Universe is teeming with intelligent life, both physical and non-physical. However, it is the discovery of intelligent physical life, for that is your current focus, which will have the greatest impact on your culture. Just as your governments are putting much energy into the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, the search for terrestrial intelligence is quietly forging ahead in many corners of your globe. There are those who already have telepathic contact with this aquatic species. However, telepathic contact alone will be insufficient to influence the minds of millions, for telepathy is not provable in terms acceptable to the majority. What will come along is a technology that will assist you to record and decipher the vast range of tones produced by dolphins. You will discover that they have names, grammar, oral traditions, and viewpoints. It will surprise many of you to find that not all dolphins agree with one another, and that many will tell their own variations of a similar story.

The dolphins will help you understand your own development and clearly see that the levels of development that exist within humanity are also found amongst dolphins. In addition, they will communicate to you their own history. Their larger cousins, the whales, have recorded much of this history. From this history, you will learn much about your origins. The whales will assist humanity to fill in the gaps that modern-day science has not yet been able to explain. This breakthrough in communication will be the single most significant event to occur on your planet for many thousands of years. There have been other very significant events such as the incarnation of the Christ and of the Buddha; however, this event, the conscious communication with dolphins, will change in almost every way how the human species currently looks at itself, its position, and its relationship to other species. For example, the dolphins will give you an entirely new way to look at your relationship to the animal kingdom. Your classifications and grouping of animals will change overnight. You will begin to relate differently to horses, bovines, pigs, and domestic dogs and cats. This information will change your relationship to animals forever, and a great teacher will emerge to assist humanity to adjust to this new view. Then, and only then, will humanity be ready to be introduced to the larger, broader family. This ‘family’ is made up of the descendants of ancestors that originated from other star systems.

There has been much talk about UFO’s and beings from other worlds. Although these beings exist and there has been contact with individuals, and sometimes with tribes, in recent millennia, large-scale contact with the human species is not expected to take place until after the contact with the dolphins and whales. Humanity is preparing for this contact and many of your films are introducing the idea that you are not alone. The issues that are played out in dramatic productions are an expression of your current consciousness.

Now that religion has largely lost its grip on humanity, and science has not been able to provide all the answers, many are expecting the answers to come from the stars. However, at this moment in time, any large-scale contact with extraterrestrial races would be more destructive than constructive. This is not because such races are malicious, rather they are benevolent, but it would be destructive because the majority of human beings are not in a position to integrate the psychological, philosophical, religious, and political changes that such contact would bring. Overnight, your search for who you are would be over, and your history would be rewritten in an instant. No established culture could survive such a dramatic change. This is where the dolphins will play a vital role for humanity.

Your contact with the dolphins will be step one in a transformation of your species that will eventually lead to your inclusion within the greater family of humanity. The ‘space’ films presented to you are a direct reflection of your collective curiosity and search for answers to age-old questions. These films also serve the purpose of opening you up even more to the possibility of contact with other sentient beings and helping you to prepare on an emotional and psychological level for the inevitable changes to come.

It is important to add that your species has not been intentionally excluded from the greater family of humanity. Your exclusion has been a reflection of your consciousness. You create your own reality, not only as individuals, but also collectively as nations, races, and as a species. Your collective consciousness focused itself towards Earth, towards physicality, and towards the experience of separation. This experience of separation has provided you with the comparison that you were looking for, for as you experience separation, you are in a better position to understand oneness.

The primary incentive for creating the Earth experience was to construct a civilisation that had as its goal the acceptance of diversification. This goal in itself caused all who are involved in this adventure to focus on their individuality to such an extent that you perceived yourselves to be alone. When beings perceive themselves to be alone, or cut off from source, alienated from God, they invariably create their own God and associate themselves strongly with that God. When this occurs, religion develops along with a cultural identity. All those who feel alone then begin to associate with other beings that seem similar to themselves, as a way to circumnavigate the feelings of separation. It is in this way that races, cultures, languages, religions, and political groups evolve.

Your ancestors experienced the same thing, but they did not become aware of other cultures until such times as their technology allowed them to travel beyond the confines of their planet and solar system. There were, and are, many advanced cultures that are quite singular in their expression. Although they are spiritually developed, their view of the Universe and the nature of God is very much based on their perception of themselves, from their own unique cultural perception. It is for this reason that various similar species agreed together at the very highest level to come to Earth in order to create the same evolution and the same growth with the inclusion of much diversity.

This acceptance of diversity is being played out in many regions of the world, in particular in areas where there are concentrations of mature and old souls, many of whom are the original souls that migrated to your planet for this very purpose. The areas we are speaking of are the European Union, the United States of America, Israel, and South Africa. Another example is Brazil; however, like Israel, it is working with issues surrounding religion. It is not that religion is not an issue in the other regions mentioned; there is simply a different focus.