Chapter 8


You, like many other non-physical and physical teachers, speak of reincarnation. Why do we live so many lives?

First, let us tell you what reincarnation is not. Many of you think you reincarnate so that you may evolve. That is not its purpose, although, on one level, it is exactly that, a path of evolution. However, you did not go to Earth to improve yourself, or to become good enough to go elsewhere. Earth life is an experience. You were not sent as an imperfect soul to Earth so that you might become perfect through many lifetimes. Quite the contrary. You chose the Earth experience in order to increase your skill. You who read these words are already enlightened beings of light, ‘Masters’. As a Master, you chose to add physicality to your distinctiveness and you did this because physicality presents unique challenges and is indeed one of the more ‘challenging’ schools. So far from being the ‘dunces’ of the Universe, you are skilled souls who chose a belief system (reality) that would greatly increase your skills.

You are a multidimensional being. As such, not only are you focused in physical reality, but there are parts of your being that are conscious and present in ‘higher’ dimensions of reality, even as you read this book. Can’t you sense the energy that is close to you now, feeling as if it is reading along with you? That is your Greater Self; it checks in on you, always wishing, always waiting for you to become aware of it. This causes great celebration, for this is the greater purpose of your Greater Self, your Soul Self. The deepest desire of the soul is to become fully conscious whilst in the physical body. Some have called this enlightenment, others have called it ascension, and we call it becoming fully conscious.

“The deepest desire of the soul is to become fully conscious whilst in the physical body.”

When we refer to young soul, mature soul, old soul, etc., we are not talking about age. We are talking about experience. Although in the majority’s experience, ‘old’ souls have had more lifetimes than ‘young’ or ‘baby’ souls, it is possible for a ‘mature’ soul to have lived many more lives than an ‘old’ soul.

So what do we mean when we speak of soul ages? We refer to experience, and this experience is about becoming increasingly aware of the total self whilst in the physical state. Those of you who are seekers of truth and of self are responding to the impulses of your Greater Self, your Inner Being, your Soul, for it desires that you should know it, and it desires to know itself through you. Your Inner Self desires to be fully conscious through you, while being at one with the All-That-Is. Soul age is determined by the individual soul’s level of skill at being consciously present in the physical plane.

What is a Soul Mate?

There is much conjecture and misunderstanding concerning this subject. When most of you speak of a soul mate, you are thinking of that one special individual that you will fall in love with and with whom you will live happily ever after. You may even feel as if this one special love has always been your lover through many, many lifetimes and that you are simply awaiting his or her appearance in this lifetime.

Many souls do encounter one another in lifetime after lifetime after lifetime, for they have become friends. This friendship is based in the non-physical world, and the friendship, which in essence is co-operation, is based upon their past success in achieving the growth they are seeking. You see, you are growth-seeking beings, and all encounters, both physical and non-physical, provide opportunities for growth. Therefore, if there is a certain soul with whom you have had great success in achieving your goals, you are likely to agree to work with that one again.

“You are growth-seeking beings, and all encounters, both physical and non-physical, provide opportunities for growth.”

It is important to understand how souls are organised. Your journeys here into the physical world are deliberate journeys. You have already mastered life on many other planes of existence, and your purpose for coming to Earth is simply so that you may broaden your experience of yourself through the Earth existence. The ultimate goal is to experience unconditional love, that which is acceptance and allowing. For as you totally accept Earth life and accept all the aspects of it and all that exists within it, you have reached your goal. Some have called this enlightenment. You see, you didn’t come here to get better or to prove yourself worthy; you came here for the fun of it, for the game, for the challenge.

“The ultimate goal is to experience unconditional love, that which is acceptance and allowing.”

Before such journeys are undertaken, souls organise themselves into groups. You could see these as support groups. Souls organise themselves into Families, Groups, Clans, Nations, and Grand Nations. There are seven souls in a Soul Family and seven families in a Soul Group, and seven groups in a Soul Clan, and so on. Eventually, you will work with most members of your Soul Clan, that is 343 individual souls. However, for those of you who are teachers, you will more than likely reach your Soul Nation or Grand Nation, which totals almost 17,000 souls.

The majority of your relationships, close friendships, and associations will be with souls who are from your Group of 49 souls. However, this is not always the case. The more you advance in terms of acceptance (love), the more skilled you will become at working with individuals who have a different energy signature than yourselves. What we mean by energy signature is the following: each Soul Group will be working towards a particular goal. For example, many members of one Soul Group could be concerned with communication and teaching, another with healing, another with courage, another with self-acceptance. This does not mean that each of you will manifest in the same way and lead identical lives, but it does mean that the essence of your lives will be very similar. You will have similar ideals, aspirations, likes, and dislikes. The people you are most drawn too are almost always members of your Soul Family, Group, Clan or Nation, but as with everything, there are exceptions to the rule.

A Soul Family will work together for many, many lifetimes. Sometimes a Soul Family will regroup and different alliances will be made. This is rare, but it happens. In addition, the entire Soul Family will be involved in decision making regarding future lifetimes and will assist you in assessing your achievements in a lifetime just past. Your Soul Family is always there for you. For the most part, not all members of a Soul Family are incarnate at the same time. Those members who are not incarnate act as spirit guides during the physical life of the one who is incarnate. They can visit you in dreams, inspire you with thoughts, or in some cases, speak to you directly during meditation. Many of the spirit guides that have presented themselves to humans are indeed discarnate souls who are members of the individual’s Soul Family. However, many of the Master Teachers that present themselves to humans are either members of the individual’s Nation or Grand Nation and are souls whose Earth experience is complete. At times these Master Teachers can be souls that are even broader and vaster than this.


A soul mate is any soul that is a member of this broader group and anyone that touches your life. The net effect of a soul mate on your life will always be positive, even if you cannot see it at the time. For example, many have the notion that a soul mate relationship will be the ideal relationship, full of harmony and love. However, a relationship with a soul mate is likely to be challenging!

The whole point of a soul mate turning up in your life is to show you to yourself. That is the purpose of all human relationships. You learn through viewing in the mirror. The Law of Attraction works in every aspect of your life, and therefore each person drawn into your life is there through vibration, and nothing else. They are present because your vibration and their vibration are matched in some way. As we have said before, you are growth-seeking beings. So many of you get confused when you meet the person of your dreams, fall happily in love, declare, “This is my soul mate,” and then have to pick up the pieces a few years down the road when the relationship breaks up or the person you loved turns out to have some problems or personality traits you do not care for. However, this was your soul mate, and you have many!

“You learn through viewing the mirror.”

As you re-enter each lifetime, you make agreements with many different souls, perhaps as many as 20. You agree on what you will offer one another. These souls can be your children, your best friend, husband, wife, worst enemy, boss, business partner, any number of possibilities, and even the schoolteacher that encouraged you with patience and kindness. However, as you, the personality, have free will, you may create a path that takes you in a different direction, and this is why you have to make possible agreements with so many. The Universe works on the principle of vibration.

Let us give you an example: There is Joe who is a fine soul indeed. However Joe, for quite a few lifetimes now, has been struggling with powerlessness in the physical realm. His struggle has led him into violence and even to developing addictions to alcohol. Mary, on the other hand, for some time now has had difficulties in valuing herself, always choosing second best, and always giving her power away. So Joe and Mary coordinate their lives and set up a strong probability to meet. Their intention is that Mary and Joe will fall in love and work towards resolving their respective issues. In her relationship with the alcoholic Mary will learn that she must begin to make choices that reflect her self-worth. Joe, on the other hand, wants to learn that he cannot possess or control anyone, for power must come from within. However, Mary finds herself often challenged during the course of her life, and at college the establishment challenges her ideas and values. Instead of capitulating, as was her custom in previous lives, she stands up for herself and chooses to value herself. At that moment her vibration changes and therefore Joe is no longer necessary.

It could happen that she may meet Joe, but it would more than likely be a passing meeting and one in which she could share with him what she had learned. She may indeed end up being the counsellor at an alcohol rehabilitation centre, for example, but Mary no longer requires an intimate relationship with Joe. At this stage both Joe and Mary set up new vibrations so that they connect with their other possible soul mates.

When you look back at your life, you will see there are many people who have had an impact on it. All of these people are your soul mates, and whether they know it or not on the personality level, they love you dearly for you are all working together towards one singular goal, and that is the goal of love.

When we meet someone and an instant friendship or attraction occurs, does that mean that this is a soul mate and that we have been together in past lives?

What it means is that there is compatibility in vibration, and this generally means that there is a connection of sorts. Whether that soul be from your Soul Family, Group, Clan, or Nation, there is a connection, a similarity of goal, purpose, experience, and therefore vibration. However, this connection on the soul level does not automatically indicate that you have met before. You may never have met on the Earth plane, but the soul may be known to you in the non-physical world. You do spend rather more time in the non-physical than you do in the physical, for the non-physical world is your natural home. In the non-physical world you have friends in very much the same way that you have friends on Earth. Some friends are close to you, others are intimately acquainted with you, and still others are acquaintances. Friendship in the non-physical world has nothing to do with liking or not liking one another; it has to do with compatibility of goals and aspirations. Your non-physical friends also change, and they change according to your goals.

For example, you may have teamed up with a particular small group of souls to work on survival issues. Each of you have had a few lives together in inhospitable environments. You may have chosen to live in primitive cultures in very cold climates or in desert regions. Such inhospitable environments help you to become resourceful, inventive, creative, and self-sufficient. You may however, choose to return to this adventure at a later stage and not complete all of your ‘learning’ in one go. Or, you may progress at a faster pace than your group members and decide to move on. Another choice could be to remain with the group and become a leader or teacher amongst them, assisting them to progress, which in turn assists you to progress even further for there is much learning to be done whilst teaching. The possibilities are endless and the choice is yours. If you decide to move on, you will join another group, or perhaps work with one or two other souls. Your work with other souls may last one Earth day, an entire lifetime, or several hundred lifetimes. You choose all of these relationships, and each relationship is based on cooperation and the desire to progress as quickly as possible.

Are our parents and children Soul Mates and are they part of our Soul Family?

They are soul mates inasmuch as you not only know them, but you have chosen to work with them for the specific purpose of achieving growth. No birth is an accident, for all souls enter this world by agreement with both parents, even if both parents are not present in childhood.

Your parents and siblings may very well all be members of your Soul Family, but this is extremely rare. Normally, one, perhaps two, members of your biological family will be from your Soul Family, but the rest will generally be from your Group, Clan, Nation, or Grand Nation.

For the creation of a physical family the younger, less experienced souls will tend to team up with souls that are very closely related to them. These souls will often swap roles with one another from lifetime to lifetime, sometimes being the child, at other times the parent, at one time the female, at another time the male mate. The familiarity of the souls, one with another, helps each individual soul to progress more quickly. When souls first enter the physical plane, it seems to them to be a hostile place indeed. They are confused and wary of the physical body and are very susceptible to the biological impulse to survive. They are often caught up in fight or flight choices. The Universe is loving and supportive, and therefore it creates feelings of security to be surrounded by souls with whom you are very familiar. However, as with everything in the Universe, this is only general. It is not a hard and fast rule, for older souls can and do enter into these kinds of arrangements.

Many older souls choose to be born into families where perhaps only one member is well known to them, and perhaps this soul is from their Soul Group or Clan, not as closely related as a Soul Family member. They will make this choice because older souls are really concerned with introspection more than anything else. They may be preparing to teach or to become a leader in one field or another, and the experience of feeling ‘the odd one out’ will lead them towards self-examination. Instead of getting caught up with the function and duty of ‘family’ these souls will often be seen to be the ‘black sheep’ or viewed as different or eccentric by other members of the biological family.

Although these circumstances may lead to difficult personal challenges, the lessons are almost always internal rather than external. This means that there will be an emphasis on self-acceptance. Self-acceptance is an integral part of soul development. If we were to liken the Earth experience to education, mastering self-acceptance is equivalent to studying for your doctorate. Once you have self-acceptance under your belt, you are pretty much on the home run!

Why do so many of us search endlessly for the ‘one true love’ in the hope of finding our soul mate?

What you are looking for is acceptance. You believe that this ‘one true love’ will accept you without conditions. Your search for that one is in fact the search for self-acceptance. Each relationship is there to provide you with a new opportunity to know yourself. It is through knowing yourself that you can then grow to accept yourself and to love yourself. The one true love is self-love; there is no other love.

“Each relationship is there to provide you with a new opportunity to know yourself.”

The greatest secret of all, discovered by the Christ and the Buddha and many others, was the secret of falling in love with the self. When you love the self, you are in a state of acceptance, total acceptance. As you accept, you cease resisting the world and all that is in it. As you give up resistance, you allow everything to be as it is. As you allow everything to be as it is, God can work through you. It is at this point that you can say, “I and the Father are one,” for you will be at one with the source of all life. You will be at one with love!

How many lives does a typical soul have on Earth?

A soul may have as little as one Earth life or as many as several hundred, or a thousand or more Earth lifetimes. Typically though, a soul will have 250-350 lifetime experiences, incarnating on an average of once per century. However, a soul may choose to skip a couple of centuries and then incarnate in rapid succession for several lifetimes in a row, perhaps only being discarnate for a year or two between lives. The average ‘gap’ is about 40 years, but that average has reduced considerably for many. This has occurred because humanity is at a major junction in its evolutionary progress and many souls want to participate in these exciting times.

The purpose of any soul entering the Earth plane is to master life on Earth. Souls that enter the physical realm are already experienced in other realms of existence. Contrary to a general concept that many hold, it is not ‘unevolved’ souls that enter into the physical world in order to prove themselves worthy of being elsewhere. The Universe is driven by thought, and thought is forever evolving and imagining new scenarios for itself. It is through this process that the physical world came into existence. In essence, the physical world became a new playground in which souls could experience themselves.

The Universe is built upon the principle of love and this principle pervades all other things. Love says that all is acceptable and that all is allowed. If there were no love, there could not be free will. Love and a lack of freedom cannot live together, for love is freedom. It is allowing. The essence of God is love and the Four Principles of Creation define the qualities of the divine. These qualities are love, health and well-being, abundance, and creativity. Each soul understands that it is defined by these divine qualities and experiences its true nature through these qualities. In striving for new experience, a soul always seeks to experience the embodiment of the four principles and therefore experience the divine essence within. The purpose of a soul entering the Earth plane is to fully experience the four principles of creation whilst in physical form.

“If there were no love, there could not be free will. Love and a lack of freedom cannot live together, for love is freedom, it is allowing.”

In essence, what we are saying is: Life is intended to be a joyous, delicious experience. The meaning of life is to live it, and to live it fully!

When you understand that you are in the physical dimension by choice and that you are not here to prove yourself worthy, you begin to realise that you are indeed creator. As a creator you came forth into the physical world to create experience. Part of this creative experience has been the encountering of comparisons or opposites. The experience of opposites has served you in your journey, for when you are in the midst of experiencing that which is not pleasurable, you are in the best possible position to begin stating, and therefore creating, that which brings you joy. Your challenge has been to realise that the physical world is an illusion and that your consciousness is not a result of physical biology, but that the biology and all that is physical is a result of consciousness, for the physical world is indeed your creation, your playground.

Opposites serve to awaken you to who you are. For the most part, conditions of suffering served you to reach higher, to reach within. As you descended into the physical dimension, you knew that you would forget who you are, that you are truly a non-physical being. The experience of pain and suffering has caused you to yearn for that which is higher, for that which is in alignment with the true nature of your being. Although pain and suffering are not your natural states, they have served you inasmuch that they have catapulted humanity forward into a clearer definition of where it wants to go. This is evident when we look at the two major wars that were created and experienced by your culture in the 20th century. These wars have propelled you forward and ushered in many fundamental changes. Today, you are much more concerned than ever before about freedom of choice, freedom from rules, and freedom for individuals to choose their lifestyles. This heralds the opportunity for the soul to become increasingly more present, for as the personality is freer to choose lifestyle, so the individual has more opportunity to experience essence. The more essence a personality experiences, the more it will be drawn to express essence. As this happens, the soul becomes increasingly the captain of the ship, and peace and harmony ensue.

It typically takes many lifetimes for a personality to reach the stage where it feels the influence of the soul. For those of you who are more mature and older souls, this will feel like a sense of mission. Your inner self draws you to achieve goals that feel as if you are being led. These goals usually are orientated towards service and some kind of creative expression. The drive can also be in business, but there will usually be an element of the kind of business that is about community service and motivating others to succeed. This entire process of evolving from survival to service typically takes 200 to 300 lives.

Once this level of personal evolution is achieved, the individual personality increasingly comes under the influence of the soul. Decisions that the personality makes are no longer based on logic but are driven by inner feelings, for the soul communicates to you through feelings and emotions. There was an agreement made prior to physical incarnation that the lines of communication between the soul and the physical personality self would at all times be open. Because you came to the planet with the intention of mastering Earth life through manifesting the four principles of creation in your life, the soul has the intention of guiding you and assisting you to achieve that goal.

The soul understands that each thought you have is creative, for it understands that it is creator and you are creator. As you think a thought, you launch a new creation. As you think the same thought often, you solidify the creation and it manifests in your physical reality. As you think a thought or entertain an idea that draws you away from the stated life goal, you soul will communicate to you with negative emotion. The purpose of the emotion is to steer you away from the thought that you are having. Likewise, when you are having thoughts that support the creation of your life goal, your soul will encourage you with positive emotion. Thought precedes emotion. So when you are experiencing emotion, it is always as a result of thought.

It generally takes several lifetimes for you to understand this process and to master it. It is only now that many of you are truly beginning to understand on an intellectual level that you do indeed create your own reality. With this realisation, many also understand the function of emotion and that, in order to fulfil your life purpose, joy and passion are the emotions that are to be followed. Many of you have for so long held to the belief that the path to God or to enlightenment is the path of suffering. Suffering has served you in teaching you all about who you are not and what you do not want. The new teacher is joy. It is not that joy is new, but that you are only now awakening to it, for your evolution has taken you to the stage where you can feel the true essence of your soul. This is truly a new dawn, this is the return of the Christ, this is the awakening of the God/Goddess within, this is the dawning of the new age. It is not an external event, but an inner event that is being led by the armies of joy!

“The new teacher is joy.”

Most of you take an average of 200–350 lifetimes to reach the state of being fully blended with your Soul Self. However, there are souls who accomplish this task in a much shorter span of time, perhaps in 50 lifetimes or so. This is rare, but not unheard of. Those of you who are attracted to the material transmitted here are mature and older souls who are nearing completion of your journey in the physical plane.

What happens once we are complete with our journey of many lifetimes on Earth?

The possibilities are endless. You will initially spend time in what is the astral plane, perhaps as a Guide or a Minister. Ministers are beings who attend to the needs of those who are leaving the physical plane. They perhaps assist them to leave their physical bodies if there are difficulties and assist to create an atmosphere that is comforting for the new arrival in the non-physical realm. They are present around those who are in the process of dying physically and keep a focus of love upon them, transmitting day and night thoughts of peace, love, and harmony. Most of you choose to do this, at least for a short while, and many of you experience doing this, not only after your cycle has been completed on Earth, but also between lives and sometimes at night as you sleep.

Some of you then go on to become teachers. You sit on advisory boards that assist souls to make wise choices concerning their next incarnation, or you spend time communicating with incarnate souls whilst their bodies are asleep. You may even choose to study further and indeed teach at the Seven Schools of Enlightenment. These schools are present in the astral and higher planes of existence and serve as repositories of information and experience. Souls gather there to share in the experience of their forerunners and also to pass on their experience to those who will follow after them.