Chapter 11

Which Information is Worthy of Our Attention?

There is so much information that is available to us and so many sources who are claiming to be non-physical like yourself, Omni. How can we tell which information is worthy of our attention?

Did not a great Master say “By their fruits ye shall know them?” How does the information make you feel? Without the presence of inner guidance, all guidance that comes from outside you is of little use. When you understand the nature of inner guidance, you will automatically know truth when you hear it and see it.

All true guidance comes from within and although we are a group of non-physical beings that have conspired together to communicate our broader vision through this channel, we could not do so unless this one’s inner self was fully present at the times of our communication. So how does inner guidance feel? Inner guidance never warns. It does not frighten you nor tell you of impending doom or gloom, and it does not flatter you. Your soul seeks to uplift you and to guide you into discovering more of who you are. It does not set you apart, it is not jealous, it is not fearful, it does not scheme or gossip, nor warn you against others. Also, it does not claim to be your saviour, for it seeks to teach you that you are the master of your own destiny and that your will is dominant in this physical place.

“All true guidance comes from within.”

Much information is coming forth from the non-physical world. Just as there are frivolous individuals and individuals that seek to control or mislead you in the physical world, there are those in the non-physical who seek to mislead or control you who are, or are simply seeking entertainment. Like everything in your world, all you draw to yourself is the result of your thoughts and intentions regarding the subject.

If you seek that which uplifts and inspires you, it will come. If you seek that which helps you understand who you truly are, it will come. If you seek that which helps you understand the Universe and how its laws work, that too will come to you. Everything works according to the Law of Attraction; that which you think of will be drawn unto you.

As a species, you have only recently begun to move away from the concept that there is a God outside of you that has wishes for you and makes demands of you, and is responsible for your salvation. With thoughts like these deeply embedded in your consciousness, it is logical that beings that fit this picture of the Universe will be drawn to some and will tell stories of the fight between good and evil. They will tell stories of doom and gloom and impending natural and other disasters. Or other beings may be attracted that suggest that ‘if you don’t do this or that, your life will be miserable’, or similar things. These beings exist, for some of you have drawn them into their experience through the beliefs they are holding.

Sometimes, the being that is channelled is not non-physical at all, but the subconscious mind of the individual concerned. This is not necessarily bad, for much good information can come from human consciousness!

Whatever the source and whatever the claim, ask yourself these questions. Does the teaching hold a positive vision for humanity? Does the teaching remind me of who I truly am and encourage me to be all I can be? Does the teaching encourage me to be allowing and accepting of all? Does the teaching engender unconditional love? Does the teaching assist me to feel good about myself without resorting to flattery? Does the teaching encourage forgiveness and understanding of others? Does the teaching emphasize your free will to choose, or does it claim to be the only source?

There are many sources of good, channelled information available to you, but some of it will not appeal to you and some of it will greatly elevate and inspire you. Not all teachers come for all students. Each teacher springs forth to teach those who are of similar vibration. We come forth to reach those who are looking for the information we have to share. What we offer you is our unique perspective based upon the collective experience of our entire group of beings. This collective experience is unique in the Universe, for no other group has had precisely our range of experience. This uniqueness adds to the richness of the Universe and adds to the richness of teaching. What we teach is not unique, for Universal truths are constant. However, our flavour, if you like, is unique. We are travellers, communicators with many species on many physical worlds, teachers in what you call your astral plane and on other planes of existence. We offer you our perspective, and do so with love.

Your natural inner guidance teaches and directs you with love. As you ask for guidance, it will be offered to you. You can always know when you are in alignment with your inner guidance—you will feel good. Remember, emotions and feelings are the tools that your Inner Self, your soul, uses to guide you. When you feel good, it is your soul saying, “Yes, think more like this, do more like that,” and when you feel bad it is your soul saying, “What you are currently thinking and doing is not in harmony with your greater purpose.” As you ask for guidance, it will be given to you. It may come in a dream, as direct inspiration, via the words of a friend, or via a book. As you read this book, you will sense your Inner Self encouraging you to absorb some pieces of information more than others. You will feel good reading some parts and neutral when reading other parts. When you feel good, it is your inner guidance working for you, encouraging you to embrace the ideas presented to you. Other parts of any book or teaching will stimulate you mentally, and that is also fine, for you do need to satisfy the needs of your logical mind.

“Your natural inner guidance teaches and directs you with love.”

Everything that springs forth from spirit will convey love and substance. Remember this, my beloved friends, you are the highest authority in your life, no other! There is no one that knows what is best for you better than you do. There is no one that knows the truth of who you are better than you do. We seek only to remind you of that which you have told yourself that you have forgotten. But you have known these things all along, and we come to celebrate with you and tell you that we are you, for we are that which you aspire to be, and you are that which we have been. As we communicate with humanity, the inner selves of all those that we come into contact with conspire with us to send you these messages and teachings. All that we offer is the teaching of your own inner self, your own soul. That is why we can say, “We are you,” for that is how we experience our reality.

“Everything that springs forth from spirit will convey love and substance.”

How do you feel about the Ouija board? Is it safe? Is it valuable?

The determination of whether something is safe and useful, or otherwise, is dependent upon your intention. The Ouija board is well known in certain non-physical realms as a game, and there are non-physical beings that like to use it as such. If you sit at a board and have no further intention than to attract that which is non-physical, then indeed, you will attract that which is non-physical.

Just because an intelligence is non-physical, that does not make it wise or helpful! Such beings do indeed have a slightly broader view. They dwell in what you call your astral plane, largely populated by what you would refer to as your ‘dead’ ones. These beings can win your confidence through giving you information of which you can have no knowledge, but which is verifiable, such as a prediction of sorts. The astral world is beyond time as you know it, and therefore such information is available to beings there. And, not all beings focused in the astral plane are frivolous or out to deceive you. There are indeed some very high beings on that plane, beings that have either ‘travelled’ to the astral plane to serve as guides and teachers for those in that focus, or souls who have completed all of their physical lifetimes on Earth and remain in the astral plane to serve members of their Soul Group who are still physical.

When using tools such as the Ouija board, set a clear and determined intention. Bless your time with the board, call upon the light, and summon forth all that which is loving and wise in the Universe, asking that only the highest teacher guides make themselves known. And be specific about the information you wish to receive. The Law of Attraction is all-pervading, and you will attract to yourself the object of your attention. If you seek that which uplifts you, educates you for a higher path, assists you to know more about yourself, then you will enjoy rewarding sessions with the Ouija board.

If you go to the board without a clear intention, then you will attract that which is unclear. Likewise, if you go to the board with fears, having heard stories of things that go bump in the night, you will likely attract those ‘bumps in the night’ and that which is frivolous. Remember that you are a sovereign being, and your word is law. If any being, no matter who or what it claims to be, begins telling you that you must do as it says, or that its truth is higher and better than yours, that one is not coming from a high plane of existence. Use your discernment. Many see the Ouija as a game; it certainly is not. You can use it to gain good information and to grow.

Also remember that the Ouija board is only a tool, just like the pendulum, or the tarot cards. All true wisdom comes from within. Although we encourage you to use such tools with a clear intention towards growth, we encourage you to go within and seek your guidance there. Perhaps the Ouija board can be a steppingstone for you; it is your decision.

Do we need to guard against negative entities or demonic forces?

Absolutely not! That does not mean there are no negatively oriented beings in the Universe, for there are. However, we remind you of the Law of Attraction. The Universe delivers unto you that to which you are directing your attention. If you believe you need to be protected, then indeed you will need to protect yourself. If you believe that negative entities can harm you or influence you, then they will.

Be clear in your intention. If you seek contact with the non-physical, ask for that to come forth which exists in a state of unconditional love, ask for that to come forth which lives in a state of wisdom and bliss, ask for that to come forth which has the greater good of all, and it will. Spend time protecting yourself against that which is ‘evil’ and you will become like a magnet for that energy! Give it no attention, and it won’t be yours; give it attention, and it will be yours. The Universe does not respond differently to ‘I want’ and ‘I don’t want’; it simply responds to attention.

Who and what are spirit guides?

Spirit guides are as varied as the members of your own species, and more so! A spirit guide can be a relative that has passed out of the physical and now seeks to guide you through the rest of your physical life. These guides will always be members of your Soul Group and you will have known them for many lifetimes. They may be complete with their Earth experiences and therefore choose to serve as a guide before moving into other dimensions and realities. Although you may experience them as the personality you knew whilst they were in the physical, it is indeed their Greater Self, their soul, with its broader, greater perspective, that is acting as the guide. They will retain the outer clothing of their personality-self so that you may identify with them.

This is also true of other guides that come forth from your Soul Group. Perhaps you knew them in a past life, perhaps sharing a life in an ancient or foreign culture. In this case, they may choose to appear to you as a member of that historical culture because it is known to you on a deeper level and engenders feelings of trust.

Spirit guides can be members of your own Soul Group or indeed aspects of yourself. You see, you are a vast being in your own right. As this being, you have had many thousands of lifetime experiences and you have a lot to offer yourself in terms of wisdom and experience. Your Higher Self often appears to you as a guide. All guides, whether they be a part of your Soul Group or not, work in cooperation with your Higher Self; it cannot be any other way. Your Soul, or Higher Self in this context, is the captain of the ship and guides you day and night.

There are other spirit guides that fall outside this category; these souls are perhaps far removed from your own Soul Group, but take an avid interest in the development and growth of humanity. They can be the souls of beings that are physically present on other planets, many, many light years away from your own, or they can be beings that have never been physical, perhaps coming through from a parallel Universe. No matter the guides or where they come from, there is always cooperation with your Higher Self before they communicate. Some guides, such as myself, are a collective, a group of beings that have grouped together in order to lend assistance through teaching whenever called upon.

As beings in the physical, you are seekers of answers. You want to know who you are, where you came from, and where you are going. We, the Beings of Light, are a response to that seeking. In essence, you invite your guides to come to you because you are seeking the answers that we are here to offer. We are indeed a product of your desire.

Some people claim to have received guidance from Jesus. Is that so?

Any being may communicate with any other being if there is sufficient desire to do so. Let us make a clear distinction between the soul of the man you know as Jesus, son of Joseph, and what is known collectively as the Christ. The Christ is a level of consciousness. It is an awareness and experience of oneness through the heart. It says, “I am at one with All-That-Is; All-That-Is is connected to me.” Through meditative practice and your desire to grow spiritually, there are increasing numbers of you today who have been able to reach this level of consciousness, both during meditative practice and at other times spontaneously.

Often, as humans are apt to do, when this level of consciousness is reached in meditation, you interpret that encounter as an encounter with the one called Jesus. This occurs because the energy that you sense is recognisable; you know it. Because you are aware that Jesus, son of Joseph, was one whom embodied this energy, your human mind will interpret it in that fashion, giving it a form so that it is more tangible and interpretable for you. However, the soul that became the man Jesus of Nazareth, and later the Christ, does indeed make contact with many beings.

From our point of view and from the point of view of Jesus, once you reach the level of this consciousness, the level of oneness, it really does not matter, for at that instant you are united with all at this level. So yes, there are those through whom Jesus speaks, there are those through whom the Christ speaks, there are those through whom Gautama Buddha speaks, there are those through whom ‘God’ speaks, and there those through whom we speak. Each communication will carry its unique signature, depending on the individual through whom the communication is coming. We may not even identify ourselves by name, or we may simply give you a name to satisfy your human need for identification. Remember this, God seeks to remind you that you are loved. If we will get your attention by calling ourselves Jesus, then we will. If calling ourselves Fred will give us more credibility, then we will use that name. Names are for humans; we simply are.

What we really hear in your question is this: “If one, speaking through another, is representing himself as Jesus or any other, how can we know if that is for real?” Our answer is simple: Does the messenger convey, “I am at one with All-That-Is, All-That-Is is connected to me?” Is there substance to what is being said, and is the pervading energy one of love, acceptance, and allowing? If it is, then listen; if it is not, move on and find a teacher that does speak to your heart.

Jesus, the Buddha, and many others are present to serve humanity. You can call upon them for their light, love, wisdom, and guidance whenever you wish to. As you ask for it, so it is yours!

Many people are talking about Ascension, a time when we can take our physical bodies with us into the non-physical, as if this will happen very soon or on a particular given date. What does all this mean from your perspective?

Let us say that we prefer the word Descension, for that is your purpose for being on the planet. What was your purpose for coming here? Did you not come here to know that you are God? We have referred many times to the age of souls, talking of old souls, mature souls, new souls, etc. Although more often than not this refers to the number of Earth lifetime experiences an individual soul has had, it is not necessarily always so. A soul can mature and become an old soul rapidly, or proceed at a snail’s pace, over many, many hundreds of physical lifetime experiences. What distinguishes an old soul from a young soul is the presence and influence of the Soul, the Greater Self, upon the personality. When the soul is present and influencing the personality, the life of that individual takes on a greater meaning. He or she begins to see purpose and design behind all experiences in life, and takes on a broader spiritual perspective.

When you came into the physical, you decided that you would master this reality. To master this reality is to live in a state of total harmony with simultaneous and equal awareness of both your physical being and that which is non-physical. In this state, you can say with the Master, “I and the Father are one,” for at this stage you will know that you are connected to all that is. This is what we mean when we speak of Descension.

Relatively few souls choose this path. Most of you choose to move beyond the Earth plane once you have achieved a lifetime or two where your soul is the captain of the ship and exerts great influence over your life. Many of you are at the beginning stages of this now. You are driven perhaps by a sense of purpose, and are keen to resolve inner issues and expand yourself to a state of allowing and acceptance of the world. There are also those who, once they have completed this stage, will return to the Earth for a special purpose. These souls, like the soul of Jesus, will then make themselves available for an even greater consciousness by becoming present on the planet for the purposes of uplifting and teaching humanity. This greater consciousness will ‘take over’ the personality that volunteered for this role at the soul level and will literally become ‘God amongst humanity’, for it will be the representation of Unity Consciousness, the All-That-Is in human form.

There are beings, and there have been a few on Earth, who are able to phase in and out of the physical world, taking on different physical bodies each time that they do so. There have also been beings born into a physical body that are able to move in and out of this reality; however, this is rare. Though, as more and more of you grow spiritually and the vibration of your world increases, this will become more common.

Your planet, just like yourselves, is a multidimensional being. Just as you have a personality self, a Higher Self, a Soul Self, and a formless self that we will call the monad, so does the Earth. Your planet is the product of the collective consciousness of all that inhabits the world. Just as there are many versions of you, there are many versions of the Earth. There is an Earth that inhabits the same ‘space’ as does your Earth but at a different frequency. In fact, there are several of these. Your physical Earth, as you experience it today, can be likened to the personality self, a self that is still largely bound by illusion but is beginning to get an inkling of a greater, higher truth. There is also the Higher-Self version of the Earth; this is the version that you are in the process of phasing in with at the moment. The Higher-Self Earth still looks and feels very much like the personality-self Earth. The main difference is that the Soul-Self Earth is exerting great influence upon it. It looks and feels like the Earth, but the collective vision and purpose is consciously focused on upward growth. Then there is the Soul-Self version of Earth. This Earth is the shepherd of all the other versions of your world in their multidimensions. Here your souls are gathered together and transmit higher ideals to all its other versions. All consciousness is multifaceted. We are like Shiva, many arms, and many faces. Just as your soul has many faces, so does your world.

Much of what you understand about Ascension is about shifting as a group away from your focus in the personality Earth towards the Higher-Self Earth. This process is gradual and goes on largely unnoticed. Sufficient time will pass and you will suddenly find yourselves in the new expression without having noticed that you have left the older expression. The personality-self Earth will last eons, as will the other expressions of the planet. Hundreds of cultures have come and gone at your level. All that is currently occurring has happened before. There is truly nothing new under the sun; everything follows cycles. Some have returned to repeat all that they have learned, and others have moved their vibration on to a different expression of your world. We do not see a mass shift that takes place on a particular date, but a gradual process that is gathering momentum.

The more you grow, the more you grow. In other words, growth is exponential. The more individuals in your world who shift their vibration upwards towards the vibration of love, the more others will be able to accomplish the same with less effort, and so on and so on, until critical mass is reached. Reaching this level will take more time than some have predicted— not because things are going wrong, but simply because that is the nature of things. When you have eternity, there is no need to rush.

When we talk of Ascension, we talk of it not in terms of moving with your physical body, but we talk about the upward shifting of your consciousness. The consciousness of this planet has been very egocentric, concerned with exercising control over each other and over your environment. There has been a focus on intellectual abilities. The shift in the midst of which you currently find yourselves is a shift towards a greater awareness of your emotional body. This shift is evident in the media and many other forms of communication. You are exchanging and exploring human feelings and emotions.

Many of you may question the value of ‘emotional TV’; however, you could see it as a form of cultural catharsis in which human relationships, drama, and emotions are played out on your television screens. As this shift is occurring, you are also experiencing the commonality that exists between you, experiencing that others feel as you do, have the same needs, experiences, fears, and wishes. This is leading to the realisation that you are in truth all one. This insight is leading to the opening of the heart centre of humanity. This is indeed the return of the Christ of which Jesus spoke. It is a collective experience which is about the opening of your collective and individual capacity to love. You see, beloved, the only measure of your spiritual growth is your capacity to love. When we speak of Ascension, this is what we refer to, your ability to ascend out of fear and upwards into love.