Chapter 13

Good and Evil

Many religious philosophies teach that there is a battle between good and evil. Even many ‘new age’ thinkers are saying this. What is your view?

When you speak of evil, we understand you to mean that which is inherently bad or that which is inherently ‘godless’. There is nothing that is inherently bad. Two emotional states exist in the Universe. One is love, the other fear. That which you call ‘evil’ came forth out of fear. Great fear causes separation, and at times that separation can cause a personality to split off into a state where it appears to be totally separate from its source, from God. However, this is illusion, for there is no one and nothing that exists beyond the love of God. All things exist within the mind and heart of God, even those that you may judge to be evil.

Let us appeal to your logic here. If God is ‘All-That-Is’, and all exists within God, how could there be a battle between good and evil? This would suggest that there are those who are not part of God, and that denies the very nature of God. If there truly were a battle between good and evil, then this would suggest that God is divided against himself, or the Goddess against herself. This is not so.

The Devil and other such entities are the creation of humanity, just as God is the creation of humanity. You see, just as God was created in your image, you have also created the Devil in your image. Both are archetypes of your species’ capabilities. They represent your greatest dreams and your worst nightmares. For humans, by their nature, are capable of great miracles, compassion, and kindness, and likewise capable of great cruelty and atrocities. However, all this is merely a reflection of your inner state. When you are in a state of fear, you act in ways that reflect that fear. Fear separates; it does not unite. In many ways, your religious notion that God is above you and superior to you has contributed to the expression of fear, or ‘evil’ as you may call it.

We hear you when you say, “How could a person who is robbing or torturing another be afraid? Clearly they are bad or evil.” And we say to you: What does the perpetrator need to believe in order to commit such an act? Would a joyful person do such a thing? Would someone who felt they had self-worth commit such acts? Or would a person who felt separated from his or her source, from God, be inclined to do such things? It is exactly so.

So many of you believe that something went wrong with life on Earth, that some error was made and humanity ‘fell from grace’ in some way. This view of the world has led you to need redemption and has caused you to place the responsibility for that redemption upon others. The Christ is a case in point. From one perspective, it is indeed the ‘Christ’ that will redeem you, but again, we speak not of the man Jesus, or of any individual soul or ‘son’ of God. We speak of that which is represented by the Christ. The Christ represents the unified heart, the heart that understands that it is connected to all life, and that all life, all things, all beings, are not only connected to itself, but are a part of itself. In this sense, yes, the Christ, or rather the realisation of the Christ as a level of consciousness, is indeed your redemption, because it is through this level of awareness that you will finally be able to see truth. The truth that you will see is that you have never been separate from the Source. No one is ever separate, and all that you perceive as separate is only separate because of the way you perceive it. There is no reality; there is only your perception of it.

“The truth that you will see is that you have never been separate from the Source; no one is ever separate.”

So how did this viewpoint come about? It came about because it was part of the challenge which you had decided to set yourselves. As a soul, you are a growth-seeking being, and as such, you seek growth in all that you do. The physical plane is one of the many playgrounds in which you play. You entered into the physical world in order that you may more completely understand your spiritual nature. It has been your greatest teacher and ally. As you entered the physical world, you began to associate very strongly with it. Your physical body had physical sensations. It could be hurt, indeed harmed and even killed. Therefore, your primary goal as you entered was survival of the physical organism. The physical body became ‘all that is’ for you. Without it, you ceased to exist. Despite your deep association with the physical, you still had your eternal connection to your Greater Self, to your Soul, to the Source of All Life. Your spiritual self had planted within you an atom, and this atom gently pulsates with the will to love. It acts like a magnet, drawing you towards self-realisation as God/Goddess, drawing you towards love.

With the experience of seeing the physical vessel as being who you are, coupled with your ‘inner knowing’ of who you truly are, you began to search for the inner knowing, to understand it. Just as you had associated yourself with that which was physical, that which was external, you then began externalising the ‘inner knowing’ into that which was external, and thus came the invention of a personalised God. In the same way the Devil and evil forces were born, for they represented your fears.

Having said this, we remind you that the Universe is a vast place, with souls that are at vastly different levels of evolution. There are indeed non-physical beings that are as fear-bound as many humans. However, as we have said before and will repeat many more times, you create your own reality. Therefore, you create each event in your life. In the Universe all is in vibration, and you draw things to you according to your vibration, for all like things are drawn to one another. Think of ‘evil’ forces and you will begin to vibrate with what you equate to be evil. As you do this, you begin to attract that ‘evil’ into your reality, and so indeed such energies can be yours. Think of love, it is yours; think of fear, it is yours; think of beauty, it is yours; think of ugliness, and it is yours. You are what you think you are. So how do you want to think of yourself today?

“Think of love, it is yours; think of fear, it is yours.”

There is nothing wrong with you, there has never been anything wrong with you, and there never will be anything wrong with you. You have free will, do you not? For free will to exist, there must be allowing. For allowing to exist, there must be acceptance. For acceptance to exist, there must be love. For love is the total and complete acceptance of what is. You are exquisitely loved. Every cell in your body, every hair on your head, every particle that makes up your being, all are held in absolute unconditional love at all times. It makes no difference what you have done in the past, are doing now, nor what you will do in the future, you are always loved. And why? Because love is the ultimate truth, it is the nature of ‘God’; it is the nature of who you are. The key is for you to remember reasons to love yourself, for that is your salvation, to love yourself. For as you do this, you love others and you experience others as being an extension of yourself. It is with this realisation that peace washes over you and you remember who you truly are. You remember that you never left God, you remember that not only are you loved, you are love itself. You remember that you are God!

“Because love is the ultimate truth, it is the nature of who you are.”

This life and all the lives you have lived are a journey. It can be a joyous journey if you so choose. You are on this journey by your own choice; you are in the physical because you have chosen to be in the physical world, not for any other reason. There is no higher authority that has coerced you to be physical or who has sent you to the physical world. Part of your journey is to remember that you are the creator and that you are in charge; it is not any other way.

There are so many of you that lament the physical, yearning to be elsewhere and perhaps working hard on spiritual matters, for that promises to be a ticket out of your physical ‘misery’. Let us share this with you: You cannot leave anything until you love it. And why do we say this? Are we being harsh, telling you to put up with where you are, or telling you that you have to obey and get things right before you can leave the planet? No! We are telling you this because it is Universal Law. Let us explain.

When you love something, you accept it. When you accept something, you cease resisting it; when you no longer resist something, you cease being focused on it. This is the key. When you love anything, you release it, and you become free. If you lament being in the physical, see it as a trap, or as a punishment, or as a place where you need to be in order to become good enough, then you are resisting it. When you resist it, you are focused on it; when you focus on it, it is yours! It cannot be any other way. When you focus on something, it increases, gets bigger, and you end up with more of it. Therefore, the only way to move out of the physical world and into the non-physical is to do exactly what you set out to do in the first place, that is to love it. Indeed, yes, to love it. To love every aspect of Earth life. To love its peoples, to love the rocks, the trees, the stones, the cities, the mountains, the deserts, the animals, and the plants. To celebrate her oceans and to honour the beauty, creativity, and delight of your fellow human beings. Love is the key to your release. Love is your salvation. When you reach this exquisite and delicious place, you will not want to leave. You will say: “My, my, this is the most delicious, exciting, wonderful place I have ever been in.” There is nothing more wonderful than being physically present and consciously in union with the Source of all life. This is why so many of you are in the physical, this is why so many of you return time and time again, and why so many of you came to this place. It is a wonderful place to be!

How can we understand violent crime? We often hear of crimes involving violence that seem to be totally senseless.

Violence is always a reaction to fear. The ones who are committing the violent acts have a perception of danger. They perceive that their victims are a threat to their own security, and therefore they act in accordance with their perception. In the perception of those who act in a threatening way, a loss of freedom is their greatest threat. Therefore, those who pose a threat to that freedom are seen to present the greatest danger.

So what are the causes of such behaviours? It is a complex matter, and we will explain it to you in the simplest way we know how. First, ask yourself the question: What does the assailant need to believe about himself and the world in order to choose to act in such a way? Again, we know, just as you know, that one who is experiencing self as the physical extension of God will not act in these ways. Those who believe that abundance, love, health and well-being, and the ability to create are part of their very nature will not act in this way. It is always limiting beliefs that lead anyone to act in ways that harm others. Ultimately, they harm themselves. For as your culture seeks to ‘correct’ them, they further take on the belief that they are not worthy, which in turn leads to deeper feelings of powerlessness. It is those who feel powerless that behave in such ways. They seek to overpower you for they are seeking what they are missing, and that is authentic power. Authentic power comes from knowing that you are connected to the Source of all life. Authentic power comes from knowing that you have the power to create what you want. Authentic power comes from knowing that you are not only loved by God, but that you are, in essence, one and the same thing; you are God.

“Authentic power comes from knowing that you are connected to the Source of all life.”

There are those in your culture who are what we call the disowned ones. They have largely been disowned as they emerged into your physical world and have not had the opportunity to form any bonds of love with one or both parents, usually with neither parent. Even though you may not have what you term a ‘good’ relationship with your parents, you still have love for them, and they for you. A disowned child, perhaps one who was not planned, not wanted, or was raised by those who lacked the emotional skills or even an interest in raising a child, will not have bonded with any individual. Although some of you may have been rejected by your own parents, in most cases there are other adults with whom you will bond. When a child does not bond with anyone at all, it lacks the knowledge of love. It also lacks the knowledge of pain. Without bonding, a child cannot feel emotions, cannot interpret emotions, and simply does not know what either love or pain is. Therefore, when adult, this individual may express themselves in very violent ways or ways that you may consider cruel or ‘evil’.

Such a soul is one that has had many lifetimes of feeling rejected and the only solution to this is to offer unconditional love. Part of that love, as you teach them how to feel, will be to teach the individual that they are responsible for their actions. Teaching them how to feel is the key. This individual has experienced, and indeed experiences, so much emotional pain that they have separated themselves from it. This is similar to the way that personalities can split off and cause mental disorders. Part of your response as a loving, healing human being is to teach all those who share your world with you what feelings are, and how feelings teach you what is appropriate and inappropriate. Your violent criminals are indeed worthy of your greatest compassion and your greatest acceptance, for this is what they yearn for. They do not deserve your scorn or punishment; however, this does not deny them the responsibility that must be taken for all actions.

The solution to all your problems of crime and violence is to make a shift in the way you view yourselves. You educate your young in accordance with the way you view yourselves. If you believe that you need to do and be and say things in order to be worthy, you will educate your children in like manner. This self-view extends the thought and the idea that you are ‘less than’. In a culture where conformity is emphasized over natural tendency and talent, a child will tend to rebel. Rebellion is always caused by pain. That pain causes resistance, and resistance can lead to behaviour that is threatening. Self-appreciation is the solution to all your woes. As you appreciate yourself, you begin to love yourself; as you love yourself, you love and appreciate others; as you do so, you begin to allow others to be who they are because you are allowing yourself to be who you are. If all of you would only allow yourselves to be who you are, you would have world peace in the twinkling of an eye. You do not need to work hard to improve matters; you simply need to stop resisting and pushing against all that is true. The truth is that you are loved beyond all measure.

There is talk about secret governments, conspiracies, and even aliens who are out to control us. What is your perspective on this?

Let us restate the two ultimate truths. First truth: You are exquisitely loved without condition. Second Truth: You create your own reality. Not some of it, not most of it, but all of it. All that we offer in this book is a reiteration of those truths.

All humans are at differing levels of evolution and development. Many of you have had many hundreds of lifetime experiences, and many more now on Earth have had fewer lives and less experience. One of the phases of life on Earth is to become acquainted with power: the experiencing of personal power, the wielding of it, being subject to it, all aspects of power. Conspiracies and ‘forces’ that work against you are the product of those who have forgotten that all the power lies within them.

Yes, we hear you say, “But there is evidence that ‘they’ are doing this or that ‘they’ are doing that.” And we say to you: To whom are they doing it? Are they doing it to you? Is that what you want in your reality? We are not saying you should bury your head in the sand and stand by idly if a company puts chemical waste into a nearby river, not at all. But we remind you of this: what kind of world do you want?

This planet is at a normal stage of evolution. As we look at your galaxy and all of the inhabited planets that we are acquainted with, Earth is doing rather well. To put things in your terms, there are planets that are much ‘worse’ than yours, just as there are planets that are much ‘better’ than yours. For you to understand this, you must understand the phases of soul evolution. Your consensus reality is a reflection of your consensus of beliefs. You believe that the Universe is a hostile place and that you must protect yourself against it. This is typical of souls who have not yet awakened to the essence of who they are. The belief that ‘if only they wouldn’t do that, then I could be this’ is fairly typical of mature souls that have a glimpse of their greater selves but are still struggling with all the fears and power struggles of where they have been in the past.

What this is all about is your reluctance to acknowledge who you are. Someone, somewhere, convinced you that you were worthless, powerless beings, and now you are busy convincing yourselves of it, too. Cease that! You create your own reality. What kind of world do you want? Are you ready to acknowledge your own power? Are you ready to acknowledge the power of love? Do you have the courage to succeed? For that is what it will take. The entire world is saying that you are weak and defenceless. Are you willing to be the lone voice that speaks up and says, “I am one with God, and my greatest and deepest desire is to love?”