Chapter 15


What is the role of religion and why did we create it?

To understand the role of religion, you must view humanity as a group entity that is evolving through many stages. You can liken these stages to the stages of life that you experience in one lifetime. For example, we refer to infant, baby, young, mature, and old souls. You chose as souls to enter into this system of things in order to experience comparison, opposites. In truth, the statement of who you are, is: “I am God/Goddess, and I have dominion over myself.” The experience of religion gave you for the most part: “I am God and I have dominion over you.” In this scenario you became subservient to an externalised image of God and ceased to experience the inner God and the knowing that all true authority comes from within.

The experience of physicality created a scenario where you began to see all things as external, and so it was with God. As you began to get increasingly involved in physical life, all that was physical became more real. Your physical body had senses; it could feel in ways you had never felt before. As a newly arrived soul, you were often in survival mode, living by just scraping by, hunting or begging for food, living from one meal to the next. As you had the experience of physical hunger, and felt the pangs of hunger, your hunger and your physicality are what became real. In this stage of development on the physical plane, your true source, which is spiritual, became less and less important because what was ‘real’ for you was physical. You experienced ‘real’ hunger, ‘real’ pain, and ‘real’ sexual drive. Physicality became real. In its realness, the elements and other physical entities became real sources of pain, fear, and discomfort, and so you entered into a mode of defensiveness.

It was then that the need for religion came about. As you are beings of comparison, your gods began to take the form of archetypes of the ideals you strove for. The gods were on the opposite side of the axis, as it were. You invented gods that were warlike heroes, gods that you could call upon to help you in battle or save you from wild animals or from tribes that were competing for the same land and resources. Your perception of yourselves as vulnerable beings, living in a dangerous physical world where the end of physical life was a very ‘real’ threat, led you to create gods that were an archetype of the ‘ideal’. They were strong.

In this way, archetypes were created for purity, grace, compassion, love, wisdom, and justice—all qualities that you strove for. As identification with the physical became stronger and stronger, so the gods became more powerful and more ‘superhuman’. Religions served the purpose of assisting you to focus on your true divine qualities. It is not that God gave you religion. It is humanity that provided religion for itself, because each of you has a deep knowing of your destiny. Irrespective of whether or not you are aware of your eternal self and your real reason for being physically present, your psyche is aware of the greater picture, and it is in this way that the human psyche provides itself with tools to assist in its own growth. Yes, you are both student and teacher in your own world. You decide what to learn and how to learn it, and you implement it. You are in charge.

Religion ceases to play any major role once a soul begins to remember the essence of who it is. At this stage, the personality in question begins to see itself as part of a greater picture, as a part of ‘God’, and begins to see itself as directly relating to this ‘god’ as a force, thereby depersonalising it in the process of recognising the power that resides within it. This is the process of maturation; it is where the individual soul begins to get a taste of what was meant when the Nazarene stated, “I and the Father are one.” For indeed, this one had realised that the creative force of the Universe, ‘God’, resided within. This is the process of blending. It is for this very purpose that you incarnated on Earth in the first place.

The maturation process takes many, many lifetimes. The majority of you take somewhere between 200 and 300 lifetimes to complete this process. You will pass through all the different stages, and religion will play different roles in your many lifetimes. As part of this evolution, you will have several lifetimes where religion will play the central role in your life. This central role will lead you into experiences of priesthood and service; this is a necessary part of your development. The priestly role (Priest, Rabbi, Shaman, Nun, Monk, etc.) will further awaken in you the need to realise ‘God’ whilst physically present, for this is your objective. Although on the face of it, it would seem that the doctrines of many religions go against what we are offering here, it is beneficial to bear in mind that it is the ‘role’ that is important to development, not the individual beliefs.

Who was Jesus Christ, and why does he seem to be so important?

First, let us make clear that Jesus and the Christ are not one and the same thing, but that ‘Christ’ is indeed a consciousness that was embodied by a man called Jesus. Jesus the Nazarene was an ordinary human being just like yourself, if any of you could be called ordinary!

Jesus was an old soul; he had had many, many lifetimes and was also the Moses of old. His purpose for being present at the time was to anchor on the Earth plane the consciousness of unity through love, acceptance, and allowing. It is for this reason that he is so strongly associated with forgiveness, for the main thrust of his teaching was the teaching of love.

The religious tradition of the Jewish people had been very rules-based. It accurately reflected the stage of development that humanity had reached at that time. However, as humanity has evolved, a teacher has always come along to assist with the next stage. This is what Jesus did. From this perspective, it is not possible to talk about Jesus without talking about Gautama, the Buddha. For these two great sons of God came forth fairly close to one another in order to help humanity move forward.

The era that followed these teachers was dominated by fear, violence, pestilence and war. It was a dark period. However, it was a necessary step to go through. This period of history was about humans discovering power, how to use it and how to come to terms with it. Teachings of the Christ and the Buddha, although not adhered to, were necessary at the time for the purpose of holding up an ideal. Without the presence of this energy, the ‘Dark Ages’ would have been significantly darker.

What the Christ did was to implant the ideal of love through the heart. Jesus the Nazarene became fully blended with his essence self whilst in physical form. This made way for him to allow the Christ (love) aspect of God to enter into him. This, in essence, was allowing ‘God to walk among men’.

Gautama, who became Buddha, was also fully blended with his essence, which allowed the Buddhaic (wisdom) aspect of ‘God to walk among men’ in the same way. As you look at history, and particularly at the past 100 years, you can see how the energies that these two great beings have brought to the planet are now coming to fruition. As a species, your desire for unity is growing and your capacity for compassion and allowing is growing alongside it.

When Jesus spoke of the return of the Christ, he was not speaking of the personal return of Jesus the Nazarene, but he was speaking as the Christ, of the Christ. This return is occurring, and will continue to unfold in two ways. First, the return of the Christ is a mass event, meaning that the principle of love is awakening within many who are now beginning to sense and feel their essence or soul. This event in itself is responsible for the upswing in interest in spiritual matters and in self-examination. More and more people are awakening to the experience and to the idea that they are more than just their physical selves. There is a deeper understanding of who they are and what their purpose is. This grand awakening of humanity is also preparing you for the next great teacher. Just as John the Baptist was said to prepare the way for the Christ, you who are awakening are preparing the way for the teachers to come. What awaits you is more than one teacher, and these teachers will solidify that which has been called ‘new age’ thinking.

The greatest change that will come about is the shift in your perception to acknowledge that you create your own reality. Vast changes will occur in the fields of medicine, education, and even government. Your relationship to the animal and plant kingdoms will also change. In part, the dolphins will assist you with this by imparting their knowledge; however, most of the changes will be led by humanity.