Chapter 16

Physical Death and Disease

Why do we experience physical death and disease?

We could say that fear causes death and disease. That, expressed in the simplest way, is the truth from our perspective. You are the physical extension of a non-physical entity; you are a finger of God protruding into the physical world. As such, you are tapped into, and are part of, the same creative force that created the Universe that you know. It is this energy that flows through you that not only creates your physical body, but also sustains it in much the same way that food and water sustains your physical body.

“You are a finger of God protruding into the physical world.”

It is this very same energy that you mould with your thoughts in order to bring what you are thinking of into your experience. There are but two real emotions that you can feel; one is love, the other is fear. We have already stated that the primary law of the Universe is Love. This Law of Love is about the complete and total acceptance of what is; it is about allowing; it is expansive; it does not restrict in any way. When you are in the mode of allowing and accepting, you are fully open to the creative forces of the Universe. This means that your body is fully nourished and does not age. Have you not noticed how joyful people seem to look physically younger? And those who focus on the negative are often sick and poorly? This is no coincidence. It is joy that leads to eternal life. When we speak of eternal life, we speak of life in an ageless physical body, for you already have eternal life. Part of mastering the Earth plane is making conscious choices on how and when to depart physicality. Not all of you will do this, but many of you will. Many souls will simply choose to have many lifetimes on the physical plane and then go on to other planes of existence once the physical shell has been discarded. However, for many, the challenge is to remain in the physical, lifetime after lifetime, until a state of fearlessness is achieved. This state of being fearless, or to state it positively, the state of love and of allowing, is exquisite, and it is what many of you have been calling enlightenment.

“When you are in the mode of allowing and accepting, you are fully open to the creative forces of the Universe.”

Your identification with the physical world has caused death and disease. Although on one level we can say that physical death is ‘unnatural’, it was also known beforehand that this would be one of the ‘side effects’ of consciousness entering into physicality. Death is part of the Earth experience, but that can and will change in your future. Not only will death change, but there have also always been a few who have mastered physical existence to the extent that they have often lived in a youthful state for between 300 and 500 years. Many of these ‘enlightened ones’ have lived in India and the Himalayas, but each region of the planet has known such men and women. When this change comes about depends largely on humanity.

You have already seen how you are getting to be older, living longer lives in the past few generations, have you not? Living longer has come about because there has been a shift in consciousness; it has nothing to do with nutrition. Many of your young ones are living on so-called ‘junk foods’, yet they are maturing earlier and getting taller and taller. In recent decades, your focus has shifted away from ‘survival’ and many of you are planning your lives, instead of just allowing life to happen to you. The economic shift has taken much fear out of your lives, although other points of stress have entered. However, on the whole, your lives are now freer from fear. You have so many more choices open to you, many more forms of work and pleasure, and you are beginning to sense and experience that you are creators.

As time progresses over the next 30 years or so, more work will take place from the home, and more of you will be working for yourselves instead of for corporations. This will allow many more of you to tap into your desires and passions, expressing yourselves more freely. This freedom to create will lead to more joy, more abundance, and hence to longer and longer lives.

On the whole the biggest breakthrough that will come for you will be the mass shift in perception towards acknowledging that you are creators of your own reality. We have already spoken of shifts in spiritual perception following the upcoming ‘contact’ with the dolphins; however, all these changes will be underpinned by your acceptance of yourselves as creators. This will take your species out of survival mode. The majority of human beings are in survival mode; they live from day to day, wondering where the next meal is coming from. In your industrialized nations, you live from month to month, often becoming a slave to your possessions, working long hours to make house, car and other payments. This will begin to dissolve as more of you choose to do what you love to do. As you tap into doing what you love to do, you automatically become more open to the flow of universal creative energy. This openness to the flow creates radiant health, and it creates more opportunities to create even more. You naturally become more abundant.

At the moment, the ‘wealthy’ nations are becoming ‘sicker’, not because wealth is bad, but because you are creating from a position of lack. You do not believe that there is sufficient to go around and hold on to the belief that you must work hard for wealth or must ‘deserve’ it in some way. Much of this behaviour has come from religious imprinting, but essentially it all comes out of your feelings of separation from God, from your source.

During the Cold War, many of you put out a call from your hearts. Religion had ‘failed’ you and science was no longer providing answers. You were asking who you were and what was the meaning of your existence. It has been this great call that has brought about these changes. In essence, you called upon God, not the God of your forefathers, but your true one and only God, your Inner Self, the All-That-Is that lives within you, your Soul. Your Soul has responded to this call and has been active in your life, inspiring you, encouraging you.

Your physical body is but a temporary vessel and it responds directly to your thoughts. Your thoughts precede emotion, and emotion is energy in motion. As you look at the world from the point of view of ‘survival’, whether that is on the African savannah or in the concrete jungle of your contemporary cities, your body responds with tightness, vigilance, and chemicals that eventually tire the body. Could you imagine being ‘alert’ and ‘awake’ 24 hours a day for 40 years or so, always on the lookout for impending disaster or for danger and foes? This is how most of you live! The majority of you are not even aware of this; the fear and vigilance have become such a natural part of your day-to-day living that you accept the tension and your body’s shallow breathing as normal. You are not even aware that you are afraid.

You may even say, “I am not afraid of anything.” Perhaps you do not fear being robbed or raped, but do you fear expressing your deepest feelings? Do you share your dreams and passion with those you love? Do you readily display your Inner Self, or do you keep things hidden for fear of being judged? Fear has become the disease of humans and you have accepted it as normal.

Part of the current transformation is because many of you are being confronted with your inner self, with all the feelings, wishes, dreams and desires that you have locked up inside. You are beginning to examine the monotony of your work, perhaps even your life. These questions are not going unanswered. It may seem to many of you as if you are currently experiencing crises, not knowing who you are or what you want, or perhaps being overwhelmed by emotions. However, for many of you this is occurring as you reach ever deeper within to find your true source. Earth life was supposed to be joyful, not a struggle! It will mean re-examining many of your beliefs and values.

For you to understand death and disease, it is important for us to reiterate that you create your own reality. Not some of it, not most of it, but all of it. And whilst we will encourage you to move into old age gracefully and to be in acceptance of it, it is not a ‘necessary’ experience, but an experience that has become part of the mass consciousness of your belief system. The belief system is that which you know as Earth.

“You create your own reality. Not some of it, not most of it, but all of it.”

Energy is moulded and formed by thought. Thought is the sculptor, the painter of your reality. Each cell in your body responds to your thoughts. See yourself as being frail and weak, and your body will respond by being frail and weak. The human body is fed by universal energy and that universal energy not only sustains the body, but also creates and re-creates the body. You are who you believe yourself to be, and universal energy will create within your experience an image that fits your beliefs.

There are many people who appear to be living joyful lives and yet they get sick and die. How does that fit in with what you are saying?

Not only do you have your own individual patterns, fears, and beliefs, but you also have mass beliefs that are generally accepted unquestioningly. It has been the challenging and changing of mass beliefs and consciousness that has been the ‘cause’ of many of your wars and natural disasters. Each of these events has created a change in direction for humanity or for the culture that created them.

Physical death has become a ‘fact of life’ for you. As you grew up, you watched your parents grow old and perhaps a grandparent die. Death, although a taboo subject in many cultures, has been a part of your life since early childhood. This means that it has become an undeniable fact in your mind. However, ‘facts’ are merely beliefs that have manifested over a long period of time. You create your own reality, and physical death is one of the ‘facts’ that your species has created in its reality. Even as you read these words, many of you are saying, “I can’t believe this,” or, “Well, the rest of the book makes sense… but this?” or, “It would be really nice, but I don’t think it is possible.” This is the power of mass beliefs.

Just as we have said that religious belief has more to do with geography than with fact, so it is with physical death. It has everything to do with belief, and nothing to do with the biological possibilities. As you believe in death, so it is, it is yours. So many of you, as you begin to get older, begin to anticipate the aging process and warn yourself in advance about all the things you won’t be able to do or enjoy as you get older. As the first grey hair appears, you settle into getting old and accept a weakening body as a fact of life.

Death came about because of fear; it did not come about because the biological organism you are housed in is weak. As the fears grew, the more constricted the flow of universal energy became. The less energy you received, the more you grew weak and “old”. As this condition progressed over many, many generations, the more it became accepted as the norm. As that happened, even the more joyful and fearless among you succumbed to the effects of illness, disease, and old age, for it had become a “fact of life”.

How can we slow down or even reverse the aging process?

By uncovering what causes you fear and discarding it. Most human beings have at their core two powerful beliefs: “I am powerless” and “I am not loved”. Even your greatest teachers, artists and heroes carry these two beliefs deep at their core; they are common to your entire species. It is by feeling these feelings, and not only them but also all the ‘satellite’ feelings that surround them, that you can free yourself from their grip. For as you feel and experience them, you begin to realise that they are just beliefs, they are not truth, and they begin to lose their power over you. For most of you, this is a lifetime job, for there is much in your world that appears to confirm that you are indeed powerless and indeed unloved.

Daily meditation, quiet time, a time for you and for contemplation, is essential on anyone’s path of spiritual unfolding. You can read all the books you want and attend all the seminars you want, but if you do not value yourself enough to spend time just with yourself, your progress will be limited and often slow. It is during this quiet time that your inner self has the opportunity to communicate with you. This may be through thoughts that come into your head or through feelings, or inspiration, or just through a deeper sense of peace and tranquillity. The more accustomed you become to this alone time, the easier it becomes and the more will come forth from your inner self.

“It is during this quiet time that your inner self has the opportunity to communicate with you.”

This quiet time is also a time to feel, to feel anything that is there to be felt, be it sadness, loneliness, anger, rage, joy, delight, or inspiration. All feelings are valid, and what lies beneath all of your feelings are the impulses of your soul; what lies beneath all of this, is truth. It is in this truth that you are able to tap into the God/Goddess within. With this connection, you automatically become less fearful and therefore more relaxed. Discovering and living your life’s purpose is the first step to longevity, and you do this by listening to your Inner Self.

What about abortion? Do you consider that to be murder or wrong?

The most direct answer that we can give is that abortion is not ‘wrong’, and it is not ‘right’ either. However, like all things, there are multiple levels and therefore more than one answer to the same question. In part, this explains why some spiritual sources of information seem to differ from one another. Each answer is given according to the level of the question.

Let us begin by making statements of absolute truth. First, you are the physical extension of a non-physical being. Second, you have absolute and total free will. Third, you create your own reality—not some of it, not most of it, but all of it. Therefore, the act of purposeful abortion is not only the creation of the mother, but also the creation of the incoming soul. In order to answer this question fully, we must look at it from both perspectives and from different levels.

Each of you draws experience to yourself through the attention that you have been giving to the subject. Some of your creations arise through deliberate attention, but most do not. At this point most of your creations result from attention to a subject or a thought that is not deliberate, not conscious. We say this for we know that you do not say to yourself, “I wish to get pregnant and then abort the child.” The reasons for unwanted or unplanned pregnancies are as numerous and varied as there are women who create this experience. For example, there was a woman who had grown tired of her relationship with her husband. She no longer had romantic feelings and felt stuck in old ways and patterns. She met another man, fell in love, but continued to remain with her husband. As a result of her additional relationship, a pregnancy materialised. This pregnancy gave her the opportunity to make a very clear decision about what she wanted, the type of relationship she wanted, and with whom. The soul of the unborn infant was a soul that was very close to her, but not in the physical. This soul agreed, together with the soul of the woman, to create the experience as a service to her higher good. Indeed, there are simpler and easier ways to make this kind of decision, but as she had had a long history of repeating the same pattern in her relationships, the soul of the unborn foetus came to her aid, with her agreement on a subconscious level. In the end, she made a clear choice to terminate the pregnancy and was supported by her new relationship.

Many other women in this position have a quite different story. In your history pregnancy has been a symbol of shame, and many a young woman has been spirited away from family and friends to a secret location so as to hide the shame of a premarital relationship. This is still true for many of you today, although on a subconscious level. Many, many of you, although participating in sexual relationships outside the rules that governed the lives of your mothers and grandmothers, still carry much guilt about the joy of such physical relationships. Therefore, the old symbol of a young woman’s shame becomes manifest as a result of your own guilty feelings. Therefore, you are faced with making a life-or-death choice, and then transfer all your guilt to the act of ‘murder’ instead of dealing with the much, much deeper issues at the heart of the matter. For others, the unplanned pregnancy can be about assisting the mate involved to make a commitment.

There are numerous reasons why such pregnancies are created and we could speak to you for many hours on the subject, giving you one example after the other. However, even were we to do so, our answer would be incomplete if we do not include the many reasons why the incoming infant would create this scenario.

As given in our first example, you can clearly see that some souls co-create a pregnancy that they know in advance will be terminated, simply to assist the ‘mother’ with a process. However, there are many different levels of souls. Some souls are more ‘mature’, more ‘developed’ than others, depending on their depth of Earth experience, which is largely, but not solely, determined by the number of incarnations they have experienced.

Each of you is multidimensional in nature. Although at one level, you understand fully that you are an eternal being, a powerful being, a blessed child of the divine, you have other levels with very strong beliefs concerning Earth life. Some souls are very impatient to return to the Earth, and make unwise choices regarding the host parents. An aborted child could be such a soul, one that has not looked carefully at the true situation but simply sees the opportunity to create a body for itself. However, it is not true that the ‘child’ can create a pregnancy without the mother’s implicit permission, for all things are a co-creation. In such a case, there is a vibrational match between the thoughts of the ‘child’ and the thoughts of the ‘mother’. It could be that the ‘mother’ has always feared having an unwanted pregnancy and worried about it incessantly each time she engaged in mating. This attention to the subject, if combined with sufficient emotion (fear), can draw such a circumstance to her. In this case, the ‘baby’ and the ‘mother’ are drawn to each other like magnets, for both are focusing on ‘pregnancy’. The Universe does not understand ‘want’ and ‘don’t want’. It simply responds to the focus on ‘pregnancy’.

The primary thought of a soul that has experienced many rejections over many lifetimes may be that physical life equals pain and rejection. In this case, too, a pregnancy that leads to an abortion could be the manifestation of the ‘child’ in question.

We cannot tell you if it is right or wrong, for ultimately, there is no right and wrong in the Universe, there is only experience, and all things experienced with another are always, always, a co-creation. The Universe does not victimise; it delivers only and always the subject of that to which attention is being given. If rejection is your point of attention, then that is what you will experience. If guilt is your point of attention, then you will manifest that which represents guilt for you, and so it is with all things. So do all things that you do with awareness; make conscious choices. An abortion can have lasting effects on you as an individual and on a family. For example, when other children are involved and an unplanned pregnancy comes along, the energy of that incoming soul has already been experienced by the ‘siblings’. In this instance an abortion can lead to great feelings of loss for the children involved, even when on the conscious level they are not even aware of such a pregnancy.

“If guilt is your point of attention, then you will manifest that which represents guilt for you, and so it is with all things.”

Each person faced with this choice needs to know that whatever you decide, or have decided, it is fine and fitting for you, for all choices are individual. However, we encourage you to do all that you do consciously. If it is your conscious choice to terminate your pregnancy and you understand all that it is bringing you in terms of growth, then that is fine. If it is your choice instead to carry the pregnancy through to the eventual birth of a child, then that is also fine. We simply advise you to do all that you do consciously. If you have the child, celebrate and welcome the new life that has chosen to come to your world through you. If you choose to terminate, celebrate and thank this soul for assisting you to look at yourself and your choices in different ways. Only you the individual can really know why you have created such circumstances, and only you can truly know what is right for you. You cannot harm another soul, just as another soul cannot harm you. Thank and bless all your pregnancies, unwanted or not, for each event in your life is Divine grace in action.

“Each event in your life is Divine grace in action.”

We wish to give you another example of how souls serve one another in making life decisions. This example is not about abortion, but it does concern a case of what has been termed “cot death”. A young soul left the body at just a few months old. This ‘death’ was a great shock to the parents and served them in many, many ways. Firstly, from the father’s point of view, he was a deeply religious man who also had a sexual addiction that often involved his making inappropriate sexual contacts with children. His religiosity combined with his ‘guilt’ gave him strong beliefs concerning his need to be punished and his greatest fear was that ‘God’ would punish him for his ‘deviant’ behaviour.

From the mother’s point of view, she was one who had great difficulty in feeling, feeling anything at all. She found it almost impossible to make a decision for herself, for she did not know how to ask herself what it was that she wanted, she could not ‘feel’ what she wanted. Owing to this, she had had unsatisfactory relationships in which all the authority in her life had been given to her male counterparts. Despite the fact that she felt that there was something ‘wrong’ with this sort of relationship, she could not act upon the thought, or felt powerless to do so. Additionally, she had traditionally seen herself as a victim, as someone to whom things simply happened. This was largely the result of being raised by a results-oriented mother who criticised her severely for not being good enough.

Both of these individuals were setting up the patterns of fear, guilt, martyrdom, and fear of punishment that can lead to such an event, and so it did. The soul of the child wanted nothing more than to ‘awaken’ the mother to the reality of her situation, although it had also gained the ‘permission’ of the father’s soul in this process. This particular soul was a member of the mother’s soul group, one who had indeed been a grandmother. This soul wanted to assist the mother to open up to her emotions. The death of the child prompted the thought in the mother that said, “Why didn’t my child want to stay?” Clearly, the message that a ‘choice’ to stay or to go was involved got through to the mother, and this realisation led to other thoughts of ‘why’ the choice was made. In this sense, the purpose of the soul that chose to ‘die’ was fulfilled and this soul had assisted the mother in the best way it knew how.

For the father, this soul wanted to assist him to see that he was making choices that were damaging to him, and sought to challenge him to go to his deeper sense of guilt and fear and confront those feelings. The ‘baby’ had determined that this loss of a child would make clear to him the ‘loss’ he was creating elsewhere. This was not a punishment, for punishment does not exist. It was done out of love, in service to both the individuals involved. We understand that some of you will see the mother as the ‘good guy’ and the father as the ‘bad guy’, but in reality, there is no such differentiation. All are acceptable in the eyes of God, and all of you are creating your own experience.

By explaining to you these events in such a way, we are intending to help you see that all the painful events that occur in your life are there because you have not yet figured out a way to make life changes without getting your own attention through pain. Unfortunately, most of you don’t realise that something is not working until it begins to hurt.

How does what you have said about abortion apply to euthanasia and suicide?

Let us be clear with you, your questions concerning life and death arise because you have many beliefs concerning death that do not reflect the reality of the situation. First, there is no death, you cannot die; all life, all life, is eternal. It cannot be any other way, and it is not any other way. Second, many of you still believe in an external ‘God’ that has ‘given’ you life. In this externalisation of ‘God’ you have assigned ‘him’ human traits, making decisions about what ‘God’ does and does not want, and about what is good or bad in the eyes of this ‘God’. Many of you believe that ‘life’ was given you by ‘God’ and that this life should not be squandered or wasted by suicide, or that only ‘God’ has the right to take that life away through a ‘natural’ death. There are many of you who are not even contemplating suicide but who are squandering your life by not living it fully! Which is the greater crime? To make a conscious choice to leave where you are because it is no longer joyful, or to stay put and be miserable leading your life restricted by many beliefs that say you are less than who you truly are? Death comes to both; one is just quicker than the other, that is all!

The life and light of the Universe lives within you; it is not separate from you. You are the creator and the source of your own light and life, for you are the extension of God, the ‘finger’ of God protruding and extending into your reality. You are the highest authority in your life, no other, and it is for you to decide what is joyful and what is not. Although we would agree with you that there are other choices ‘higher’ than suicide, for some it is the best choice. We say this because there are some who have very successfully cornered themselves with fears and strong beliefs concerning themselves and their reality, so there is very little opportunity for them to ‘break free’ of the prison they have created for themselves. Certain individuals have more opportunities to solve their problems in the non-physical than the physical. We say this because in the non-physical world they will be more susceptible to the influence of other ‘positive’ souls, angelic beings, and guides. However, we will state clearly that physical death does not solve the ‘problem’, for the ‘problem’ has arisen out of thought, just as all creation arises out of thought. So, just as thought had created the Earth life circumstances from which the personality wished to escape, these very same thoughts will create a world that reflects those feelings in the non-physical world.

“You are the highest authority in your life, no other, and it is for you to decide what is joyful and what is not.”

It is not true that those who take their own lives are ‘punished’, but there are many cases of personalities who have committed suicide and who end up in a ‘grey area’ not unlike the ‘purgatory’ that some of your religions speak of. It is a place of ‘psychological’ self-imprisonment. The personality has imprisoned itself behind the walls of dark thoughts and hopelessness. However, having said this, there are those who commit suicide knowing that they will go somewhere ‘better’. Because their departure is dominated by the thought of going somewhere ‘better’, with emotion to support it, they end up somewhere ‘better’ in the non-physical world. In almost all of these cases, the personality merges very successfully with the soul and the soul immediately begins planning to return to the physical plane in order to overcome the difficulties they have just abandoned. Other souls say, “I want to leave this sorrowful world.” This focus on “sorrowful world” creates that very same experience in the non-physical, the ‘purgatory’ we have just spoken of. This experience of ‘purgatory’ can last in your terms for a few minutes or for several hundred years, indeed thousands. You see, you create your own reality, not some of it, not most of it, but all of it, both in the physical and non-physical worlds.

Although this focus can ‘trap’ a personality for a long time, the soul is still free to create a new experience elsewhere. The nature of the soul is that it is multidimensional. Not only does a soul exist in many different realities simultaneously, it has different aspects of itself. When a part of itself becomes self-aware, it individuates, just as a part of your soul individuated to become you. The goal of the soul is to eventually reunite with all its parts and return to the source, the Oneness of All-That-Is. However, a part of it, a personality or fragment, can be ‘left’ behind in ‘purgatory’ even while the soul has started another lifetime on Earth. In this sense, there would be a part of you here in the body on Earth and a part of you that has been separated through despair and is ‘trapped’ in a belief system that is not to the overall benefit of your soul. Most experienced souls will recover these ‘lost’ parts before embarking on a new incarnation, because these lost parts can, and often do, have an influence on the new physical incarnation. Often, this fragment may be experienced as an attachment, for the ‘lost part’ may try to live physical life once more through the newly incarnated personality. Many who have suspected ‘possessions’ or ‘hauntings’ are actually experiencing aspects of themselves that have yet to be reunited. This rarely happens to ‘older’ more experienced souls, although it can.

On the highest level, there is never right or wrong, there is only experience. Suicide is as valid a choice as any. You take with you all that you have experienced here, and it will create your experience ‘there’.

With regard to euthanasia, we encourage you to act according to your own deeper sense of knowing. It is our understanding that those who request another’s assistance to pass out of the physical dimension are in such deep physical distress that life appears to have no quality. If your love for that person leads you to support them and to assist them in doing what they feel is right for them, then this is what you must do. If, however, you do not feel capable of such action, then do not participate. And, as with everything, we implore you to do all that you do with awareness. Why do your beliefs challenge you? Why is it difficult for you to aid another in this way? Challenge your thoughts and your beliefs. Ask what is valid, what serves you and what does not.

We encourage you always to uplift those involved in this process. Remind them of the beauty of where they are going and of the beauty that they are leaving behind. Make their passing as comfortable as possible and support them in holding a far greater vision of who they are. You are the sovereign over your body, it is your creation, and they are the sovereign over their body and have the ‘right’ to dispose of it how and when they will. In essence, ALL physical death is suicide, for a soul always consents to the withdrawal of a personality when it cannot gain anything further from the experience. All physical death is caused by one thing and one thing only, and that is fear. Those who are enlightened are without fear, and they can live in their physical bodies as long as they choose. They can do so because their ‘creative vortex’ is fully open, and that physical organism is fed by the pure positive energy of the Universe, by the love of God. It is this energy that feeds your body, that gives you life, and it is fear that restricts the flow of this energy coming to you.

Fear is the source of all your woes, of all your diseases and of all physical death, just as fear is the cause of the aging and decay of the physical organism. Your cells replace themselves constantly. This is done to such an extent that you are literally not the same person that you were several years ago. Every cell in your body has been replaced. However, the new cells reproduce themselves and take on form according to your thinking. Therefore, if you think that you are old, or getting older, then the cells will transform themselves likewise to appear ‘old’ and decayed.

Resistance causes old age, disease, and death. Because you do not yet fully understand that you are the creator of your world, you still see yourself as an object to which things can simply happen. Owing to this belief, your society has set up many structures designed to ‘defend’ you against the incursions of all things external to you. However, because you are resisting that which is undesired, you are focusing upon it and drawing it into your experience. This gives you the ‘evidence’ that the Universe is indeed a dangerous place and that, in order for you to be safe and secure, you need to resist and fight against all those things that are undesirable. This resistance creates a break in the flow of pure positive energy coming towards you, for when you are saying, “No, No, No,” the Universe cannot deliver that which is positive in any great quantity.