As a final word to all that has been said thus far in this volume, we encourage you, as always, to follow your deep inner feelings. We have observed that so many of you are concerned that you may be getting things wrong, concerned about what truth is, what to believe, what not to believe. We say to you again, let your heart decide. If something feels good, if it elevates your vision of yourself and of humanity, then that is truth. Again we encourage you to take only those things in this volume that speak to you directly into your heart, and leave the rest for further consideration.
Perhaps when deciding whether what you read or hear is true, you could ask yourself, “What would love do?” When you understand that love is acceptance and freedom, then you can understand how love communicates.
We seek to remind you once more that you are truly loved. That you were created in love and that love is what governs your entire existence. There is nothing wrong with you, or with humanity or with this planet. Each of you is in the physical world through free choice, not to prove yourself worthy of some higher being or hierarchy, but to create and to experience the fullness of your being whilst in the physical dimension. You are the creator and attractor of your experience and thus you came forth into the physical to create and to attract in this reality just as you have already done in many other realities and dimensions.
Your deepest desire is to create your life in accordance with the Four Principles of Creation – Love, Health & Well Being, Abundance and Creativity. Trust your inner feelings; trust what feels good, for what feels good is the measurement of your success. There are no rights or wrongs, but only meanderings along the path of experience towards that which fulfills, inspires and energizes you. Enjoy life! Celebrate life! All is well with you and with your world, really, it is!
We come forth with a perspective and with answers, as long as there are those who have questions. Therefore, if after having read this volume you have been stimulated to much thought and have more questions, please ask!
Blessed be, beloved ones. Enjoy the journey!