Perlman met the young Constable at Café Insomnia, an all-night eatery in Partick. The clientele was mainly the post-pub set, young and ready to gorge themselves on carbohydrates. Wonderful smells perfumed the air, bacon, toast, coffee. You could get breakfast here all day long. Perlman asked for coffee and dry toast, Murdoch ordered a bacon roll and tea.
‘Thanks for the material,’ Perlman said, and laid the manila folder Murdoch had given him on the table.
Murdoch sipped his tea. ‘I did it quickly. If you think I should spend more time on it. I’d be happy to –’
‘You sound as if you don’t want me to read it, Murdoch.’
‘No, it’s not that, Sarge, I think maybe I could’ve found more material if I’d had more time, that’s all.’
‘Let me look through what you’ve got before I make any judgement.’ Perlman glanced at the young cop, who shrugged and bit into his bacon roll.
He opened Murdoch’s folder. Inside was a stack of Xeroxed papers and some print-outs the young cop must have run from a computer. Perlman read swiftly, turning one page after another like a man anxious to reach the denouement of a mystery – and then he stacked the papers in a pile and stared at Murdoch’s face, which was expressionless. Perlman felt trapped in a weirdly airless space. His head filled with a darkening sense of disappointment. He lit a cigarette and blew smoke and thought the small cloud that floated away from his lips was the colour of dismay. He wanted to pretend he’d never read these papers. Put the omelette back into the eggshell, Lou. Go home and take a sleeping pill and enter the blackout zone.
‘Where did you get this stuff, Murdoch?’
‘The Jewish Telegraph was one obvious place. A lady there was very helpful. Then the Internet. There’s a lot of information about Nexus out there, Sergeant. If you’re patient enough to look for it.’
Perlman’s hand shook very slightly. He picked up the pile, shuffled the pages until he found a newspaper clipping, badly Xeroxed, smudged but legible. It hadn’t been attributed to a writer; presumably it came from a wire service. Dated September 1995, it described the murder of a man called Yusef Barzelai in Haifa by unknown assassins. He was ‘a pioneer member of the Nexus group’, according to the story; he’d been shot down in front of his son in a busy street. The son’s name was given as Eli Barzelai: there was a poorly focused photo, snapped by some insensitive jerk, of a teenage boy holding his dying father.
When you looked closely you saw it was Marak, Shimon Marak cradling his father. The kid’s mouth was open, frozen in a scream. How many times did you see similar photographs of personal horror and outraged grief, victims of terrorist attacks, innocent bystanders blasted by nail-filled explosives? Too often in this sad old world. Perlman looked into the devastation of the kid’s expression.
So Eli Barzelai had travelled to Glasgow on a false passport. Why not? Maybe he was wanted by Israeli authorities in connection with the slayings of two men in a Tel Aviv cafe.
‘Add a beard,’ Murdoch said.
Perlman nodded. ‘You’d get a close resemblance all right.’
Murdoch finished his roll and looked at Perlman, who nibbled on his toast, brushed crumbs from his lips, drank some coffee, then returned his attention to the papers. He leafed through them: I’m just going through the motions, he thought. I’m stalling the inevitable. I’ve seen what I didn’t want to see. And now I’m going to look at it again.
He stopped at an obituary of Yusef Barzelai. Born Baghdad, 1939. Emigrated with parents to Israel, 1951. In Israel, Yusef established a successful career as a political journalist, and worked for various pacifist causes. In 1988, he’d co-founded Nexus, whose original committee consisted of four Jews and four Palestinians.
Murdoch, a conscientious boy, had gathered all kinds of items about Nexus, some no more than press releases, others analytical think-pieces on the group’s slim chances of success in the volatile atmosphere of the Middle East. There were stories that covered fund-raising activities in the United States, France, the United Kingdom. Indefatigable, Yusef Barzelai and his fellow founders had launched themselves passionately on the dinner circuits of the capitalist world, reasoning that you could broker peace only if you had financial muscle. An article in The Economist reported that by the early 1990s, the group had raised more than ten million dollars; and that was ‘a conservative estimate’. And so Nexus grew, opened offices in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, hired energetic people dedicated to the aims of the organization. They sent out pamphlets on coexistence, and published a quarterly journal entitled Pax: The Future of the Middle East, which was basically a low-circulation house magazine for the cause. They established a Centre for Peace Studies in Jerusalem. The Centre was bombed in 1994 by extremists; it wasn’t clear whether they were Israelis or Palestinians. The attack, in which five Nexus staff members were killed, slowed the impetus of the organization. By the middle of the 1990s, Nexus had closed its offices and ceased publication of Pax. The Centre was never rebuilt.
By the spring of 1995, according to an article in the New York Times, Nexus was in the process of ‘regrouping’. The report also said that ‘funds are still available for restructuring’ the organization.
‘Irrepressible optimists,’ Perlman said in a dry way. Men dream of the unattainable, and sometimes even achieve it. But the house odds were always stacked against visionaries.
Murdoch asked, ‘Is there anything wrong with a little optimism? Where would we be if we always looked on the gloomy side of things?’
‘You’re a cheerful soul, Murdoch. Your glass is always half-full, eh?’
‘I try to be upbeat,’ Murdoch said.
‘Don’t lose that attitude, son.’ Perlman drank his coffee then fidgeted with the rim of the cup. He gazed at the papers on the table. He picked another sheet from the bunch.
I didn’t like this one when I first saw it, and I like it even less now, he thought. He took off his glasses, wiped them with a paper napkin, replaced them. ‘This old shot. Where did you find it?’
‘A back issue of Pax on the Internet.’
The Internet. The WorldWide Web. A whole world I know nothing about, Perlman thought. He looked at the photograph, the smiling well-nourished faces, men of beaming prosperity. They wore tuxedos. On the right of the photograph Artie Wexler smoked a cigar. This was a slightly thinner Artie, but not by much. At the front stood Lindsay, smiling in a lawyerly way, as if he’d just demonstrated the validity of some arcane legal precedent. Behind Lindsay was Shiv Bannerjee, his tux a wee bit more fashionable than any of the others, his shirt frilly, the cuffs extravagant.
Perlman felt the weight of a grave depression settle on him. He couldn’t take his eyes from the picture. It fogged in front of him.
‘He’s your brother, isn’t he?’ Murdoch asked.
‘He’s my brother all right.’
‘I heard somebody say he was sick. Heart problem.’
‘He had a bypass today.’
‘Did it go all right?’
‘I think it did, Murdoch.’
‘He looks healthy in that picture,’ Murdoch said.
‘This was taken in 1992.’
‘So it says.’
Perlman clasped his hands on the table. 1992. Ancient history. Let it go, Lou. What does it matter? Colin operated in some shady areas. You knew that. You knew he moved in the cool grey canyons of cash, in the ever-shifting scree of stock certificates and shares. Funny business. You’d had it confirmed by Bannerjee. Why be shocked by anything else you discovered?
You were even prepared to overlook Colin’s past.
His eye travelled to the side of the group.
Colin looked directly back at him, his expression one of good cheer and good health; he emitted the confident glow of a man who’s never been bruised by life, never battered. A man whose expectations have always been met, and more usually surpassed.
Perlman read the caption for what seemed to him the hundredth time. He was no longer really seeing it. Friends of Nexus Dinner, the Savoy, London, April 1992: Our guests from Glasgow. And a list of the names of this Glasgow contingent was provided in bold font after the caption. Perlman, who felt he’d stumbled into the secret of some ancient freemasonry, remembered his brother saying: Nexus? I have an extremely vague memory of the name.
He scrunched the page from Pax in his hand and stuffed it in his pocket. Oh, brother, you never thought anybody would come across this old article from an obscure magazine neglected for years and left to decay in some dark underpass of the information highway, did you?
He got up from the table, patted Murdoch’s shoulder. ‘Thanks for all your help, son.’ Then he picked up the folder and went quickly out into the night.