
Representing time


15. Lee Byron's Center Clock (2007) displays the time as countable, bouncy circles. After each minute passes, 60 white “second” circles coalesce to form a new violet “minute” circle, and so on.


Design a “visual clock” that displays a novel or unconventional representation of the time. Your clock should appear different at all times of the day, and it should repeat its appearance every 24 hours (or other relevant cycle, if desired). Challenge yourself to convey the time without numerals.

You are encouraged to question basic assumptions about how time is mediated and represented. Ponder concepts like biological time (chronobiology), ultradian and infradian rhythms, solar and lunar cycles, celestial time and sidereal time, decimal time, metric time, geological time, historical time, psychological time, and subjective time. Inform your design by reading about the history of timekeeping systems and devices and their transformative effects on society.

Learning Objectives


Making It Meaningful

Attempts to mark time stretch back many thousands of years, with some of the earliest timekeeping technologies being gnomons, sundials, water clocks, and lunar calendars. Even today's standard representation of time, with hours and minutes divided into 60 parts, is a legacy inherited from the ancient Sumerians, who used a sexagesimal counting system.

The history of timekeeping is a history driven by economic and militaristic desires for greater precision, accuracy, and synchronization. Every increase in our ability to precisely measure time has had a profound impact on science, agriculture, navigation, communications, and, as always, warcraft.

Despite the widespread adoption of machinic standards, there are many other ways to understand time. Psychological time contracts and expands with attention; biological cycles affect our moods and behavior; ecological time is observed in species and resource dynamics; geological or planetary rhythms can span millennia. In the twentieth century, Einstein's theory of relativity further upended our understanding of time, showing that it does not flow in a constant way, but rather in relation to the position from which it is measured—a possibly surprising return to the significance of the observer.


16. Using a slit-scan technique, Jussi Ängeslevä and Ross Cooper's Last Clock (2002) presents activity traces from a live video feed at three different time scales: one minute, one hour, and one day.


17. In Golan Levin's Banded Clock (1999), the seconds, minutes, and hours of the current time are represented as a series of countable stripes.


18. Drawing from a gargantuan database of tweets, All the Minutes by Jonathan Puckey and Studio Moniker (2014) is a Twitter bot that reposts mentions of the current time.


19. Mark Formanek's Standard Time (2003) is a 24-hour performance in which 70 workers constantly construct and deconstruct a large wooden “digital” display of the current time.


20. Ink Calendar by Oscar Diaz (2009) uses the capillary action of ink spreading across paper to display the date.

Additional Projects


  1. Donna Carroll, “It's About Time: A Brief History of the Calendar and Time Keeping” (lecture, University Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, February 23, 2016).
  2. Johanna Drucker, “Timekeeping,” in Graphesis: Visual Forms of Knowledge Production (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2014).
  3. John Durham Peters, “The Times and the Seasons: Sky Media II (Kairos),” in The Marvelous Clouds: Toward a Philosophy of Elemental Media (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015).
  4. Joshua Foer, “A Minor History of Time without Clocks,” Cabinet Magazine, Spring 2008.
  5. Amelia Groom, Time (Documents of Contemporary Art) (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2013).
  6. Golan Levin, “Clocks in New Media,” GitHub, 2016.
  7. Richard Lewis, “How Different Cultures Understand Time,” Business Insider, June 1, 2014.
  8. Leo Padron, “A History of Timekeeping in Six Minutes,” August 29, 2011, video, 6:37.