Unless otherwise noted, all images are courtesy of the artist(s).
Iterative Pattern
- 1. Todo. Spamghetto. 2010. Wall coverings with computer-generated patterns. https://flickr.com/photos/todotoit/albums/72157616412434905.
- 2. Pólya, Georg. “Über die Analogie der Kristallsymmetrie in der Ebene.” Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 60 (1924): 278–282.
- 3. Alexander, Ian. “Ceramic Tile Tessellations in Marrakech.” 2001. Ceramic tile. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tessellation#/media/File:Ceramic_Tile_Tessellations_in_Marrakech.jpg.
- 4. Reas, Casey. One Non-Narcotic Pill A Day. 2013. Print, 27 x 48”. https://paddle8.com/work/casey-reas/27050-one-non-narcotic-pill-a-day.
- 5. Gondek, Alison. Wallpaper. 2015. Generative wallpaper design. http://cmuems.com/2015c/deliverables/deliverables-03/project-03-staff-picks/.
- 6. Molnár, Vera. Untitled. 1974. Computer drawing, 51.5 x 36 cm. Courtesy of the Mayor Gallery, London. https://www.mayorgallery.com/artists/190-vera-molnar/works/10579. Courtesy of The Mayor Gallery, London.
- 7. Buechley, Leah. Curtain (Computational Design). 2017. Lasercut wool felt. https://handandmachine.cs.unm.edu/index.php/2019/12/02/computational-design/.
Face Generator
- 8. Dörfelt, Matthias. Weird Faces. 2012. Archival digital print on paper. http://www.mokafolio.de/works/Weird-Faces.
- 9. Dewey-Hagborg, Heather. Stranger Visions. 2012. 3D-printed full-color portraits. http://deweyhagborg.com/projects/stranger-visions.
- 10. Chernoff, Herman. “The Use of Faces to Represent Points in K-Dimensional Space Graphically.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 68, no. 342 (June 1973): 361–368. http://doi.org/b42z6k.
- 11. Compton, Kate. Evolving Faces with User Input. 2009. Interactive software. https://vimeo.com/111667058.
- 12. Pelletier, Mike. Parametric Expression. 2013. Video loops. http://mikepelletier.nl/Parametric-Expression.
- 13. Sobecka, Karolina. All the Universe Is Full of the Lives of Perfect Creatures. 2012. Interactive mirror. http://cargocollective.com/karolinasobecka/All-The-Universe-is-Full-of-The-Lives-of-Perfect-Creatures.
- 14. National Safety Council, Energy BBDO, MssngPeces, Tucker Walsh, Hyphen-Labs, RMI, and Rodrigo Aguirre. Prescribed to Death. 2018. Installation wall with machine-carved pills. http://www.hyphen-labs.com/nsc.html. Courtesy of National Safety Council and U.S. Justice Department.
- 15. Byron, Lee. Center Clock. 2007. Abstract generative clock. http://leebyron.com/centerclock.
- 16. Ängeslevä, Jussi, and Ross Cooper. Last Clock. 2002. Interactive slit-scan clock. https://lastclock.net.
- 17. Levin, Golan. Banded Clock. 1999. Abstract clock. http://www.flong.com/projects/clock.
- 18. Puckey, Jonathan, and Studio Moniker. All the Minutes. 2014. Twitter bot. https://twitter.com/alltheminutes.
- 19. Formanek, Mark. Standard Time. 2003. Video, 24:00:00. http://www.standard-time.com/index_en.php.
- 20. Diaz, Oscar. Ink Calendar. 2009. Paper and ink bottle, 420 x 595 mm. http://www.oscar-diaz.net/project/inkcalendar.
Custom Pixel
- 30. Bartholl, Aram. 0,16. 2009. Light installation, 530 x 280 x 35 cm. https://arambartholl.com/016.
- 31. Albers, Anni. South of The Border. 1958. Cotton and wool weaving, 4 1/8 x 15 1/4”. Baltimore Museum of Art. https://albersfoundation.org/art/anni-albers/weavings/#slide15. Image courtesy of Albers Foundation.
- 32. Harmon, Leon, and Ken Knowlton. Studies in Perception #1. 1966. Print. https://www.albrightknox.org/artworks/p20142-computer-nude-studies-perception-i. Image used with permission of Nokia Corporation and AT&T Archives.
- 33. Odell, Jenny. Garbage Selfie. 2014. Collage. http://www.jennyodell.com/garbage.html.
- 34. Gaines, Charles. Numbers and Trees: Central Park Series II: Tree #8, Amelia. 2016. Black and white photograph, acrylic on plexiglass, 95 x 127 x 6”. https://vielmetter.com/exhibitions/2016-10-charles-gaines-numbers-and-trees-central-park-series-ii. Image courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth.
- 35. Koblin, Aaron, and Takashi Kawashima. 10,000 Cents. 2008. Crowdsourced digital artwork. http://www.aaronkoblin.com/project/10000-cents.
- 36. Rozin, Daniel. Peg Mirror. 2007. Interactive sculpture with wood dowels, motors, video camera, and control electronics. https://www.smoothware.com/danny/pegmirror.html. Image courtesy of bitforms gallery, New York.
- 37. Blake, Scott. Self-Portrait Made with Lucas Tiles. 2012. Digital collage. http://freechuckcloseart.com.
Modular Alphabet
- 46. Pashenkov, Nikita. Alphabot. 2000. Interactive typographic system. https://tokyotypedirectorsclub.org/en/award/2001_interactive.
- 47. Huang, Mary. Typeface: A Typographic Photobooth. 2010. Interactive type system that translates facial dimensions into type design. https://mary-huang.com/projects/typeface/typeface.html.
- 48. Lu, David. Letter 3. 2002. Interactive typographic system.
- 49. Cho, Peter. Type Me, Type Me Not. 1997. Interactive typographic system. https://acg.media.mit.edu/people/pcho/typemenot/info.html.
- 50. Katsumoto, Yuichiro. Mojigen & Sujigen. 2016. Robotic typographic system. http://www.katsumotoy.com/mojisuji.
- 51. Munari, Bruno. ABC with Imagination. 1960. Game with plastic letter-composing elements. Corraini Edizioni. https://www.corraini.com/en/catalogo/scheda_libro/336/Abc-con-fantasia. Courtesy of The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA / Art Resource, NY.
- 52. Soennecken, Friedrich. Schriftsystem. 1887. Modular type system. http://luc.devroye.org/fonts-49000.html.
- 53. Devroye, Luc. Fregio Mecano. 1920s. Modular font. http://luc.devroye.org/fonts-58232.html.
- 54. Popp, Julius. bit.fall. 2001–2016. Physical typographic installation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AICq53U3dl8. Photograph: Rosa Menkman.
Data Self-Portrait
- 55. Huang, Shan. Favicon Diary. 2014. Browser extension. http://golancourses.net/2014/shan/03/06/project-3-shan-browser-history-visualization.
- 56. Lupi, Giorgia, and Stephanie Posavec. Dear Data. 2016. Analog data drawing project. http://dear-data.com.
- 57. Viégas, Fernanda. Themail (2006). Email visualization software. https://web.archive.org/web/20111112164734/http://www.fernandaviegas.com/themail/.
- 58. Emin, Tracey. Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963–1995. 1995. Appliquéd tent, mattress, and light, 122 x 245 x 214 cm. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everyone_I_Have_Ever_Slept_With_1963%E2%80%931995. Image courtesy of Artists Rights Society, NY.
- 59. Rapoport, Sonya. Biorhythm. 1981. Interactive computer-mediated participation performance. http://www.sonyarapoport.org/portfolio/biorhythm. Image courtesy of the Estate of Sonya Rapoport.
- 60. Elahi, Hasan. Stay. 2011. C-print, 30 x 40”. https://elahi.gmu.edu/elahi_stay.php.
Augmented Projection
- 61. Wodiczko, Krzysztof. Warsaw Projection. 2005. Public video projection. Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw. http://www.art21.org/artists/krzysztof-wodiczko. © Krzysztof Wodiczko. Photograph: Sebastian Madejski, Zachęta National Gallery of Art. Image courtesy of Galerie Lelong & Co., New York.
- 62. Naimark, Michael. Displacements. 1980. Rotating projector in exhibition space. Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA. http://http://www.naimark.net/projects/displacements.html.
- 63. McKay, Joe. Sunset Solitaire. 2007. Custom software. http://www.joemckaystudio.com/sunset.php.
- 64. HeHe. Nuage Vert. 2008. Laser projection on vapor cloud. Salmisaari power plant, Helsinki. https://vimeo.com/17350218.
- 65. Mayer, Jillian. Scenic Jogging. 2010. Video. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York City. https://youtu.be/uMq9Th3NgGk. Image courtesy of David Castillo Gallery.
- 66. Obermaier, Klaus, and Ars Electronica Futurelab. Apparition. 2004. http://www.exile.at/apparition.
- 67. Peyton, Miles Hiroo. Keyfleas. 2013. Interactive augmented projection. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. https://vimeo.com/151334392.
- 68. Valbuena, Pablo. Augmented Sculpture. 2007. Virtual projection on physical base. Medialab Prado, Madrid. http://www.pablovalbuena.com/augmented. Courtesy of Ars Electronica.
- 69. Sugrue, Christine. Delicate Boundaries. 2006. Interactive projection. Medialab Prado, Madrid. http://csugrue.com/delicateboundaries. Courtesy of the Science Gallery Dublin.
- 70. Sobecka, Karolina. Wildlife. 2006. Public projection from car. ZeroOne ISEA2006, San Jose, CA. http://cargocollective.com/karolinasobecka/filter/interactive-installation/Wildlife.
Collective Memory
- 83. McDonald, Kyle. Exhausting a Crowd. 2015. Video with crowdsourced annotations. https://www.exhaustingacrowd.com.
- 84. Klajban, Michal. Rock Cairn at Cairn Sasunnaich, Scotland. 2019. Photograph. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rock_cairn_at_Cairn_Sasunnaich,_Scotland.jpg.
- 85. Goldberg, Ken, and Santarromana, Joseph. Telegarden. 1995. Collaborative garden with industrial robot arm. Ars Electronica Museum, Linz, Austria. http://ieor.berkeley.edu/~goldberg/garden/Ars.
- 86. Vasudevan, Roopa. Sluts across America. 2012. Digital map with user input. http://www.slutsacrossamerica.org.
- 87. Bartholl, Aram. Dead Drops. 2010. http://deaddrops.com/.
- 88. Studio Moniker. Do Not Touch. 2013. Interactive crowdsourced music video. https://studiomoniker.com/projects/do-not-touch.
- 89. Davis, Kevan. Typophile: The Smaller Picture. 2002. Collaborative pixel art gallery. https://kevan.org/smaller.cgi.
- 90. Reddit. /r/place. 2017. Crowdsourced pixel art. https://reddit.com/r/place.
- 91. Asega, Salome, and Ayodamola Okunseinde. Iyapo Repository. 2015. http://www.salome.zone/iyapo-repository.
Experimental Chat
- 92. Galloway, Kit, and Sherrie Rabinowitz. Hole in Space. 1980. Public communication sculpture. http://y2u.be/SyIJJr6Ldg8. Courtesy of the 18th St Arts Center.
- 93. Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael. The Trace. 1995. Telepresence installation. http://www.lozano-hemmer.com/the_trace.php.
- 94. Horvitz, David. The Space Between Us. 2015. App. https://rhizome.org/editorial/2015/dec/09/space-between-us.
- 95. Snibbe, Scott. Motion Phone. 1995. Interactive software for abstract visual communication. https://www.snibbe.com/projects/interactive/motionphone.
- 96. Varner, Maddy. Poop Chat Pro. 2016. Chatroom. https://cargocollective.com/maddyv/POOPCHAT-PRO. Photograph: Thomas Dunlap.
- 97. Fong-Adwent, Jen, and Soledad Penadés. Meatspace. 2013. Ephemeral chatroom with animated GIFs. https://chat.meatspac.es/.
- 98. Pedercini, Paolo. Online Museum of Multiplayer Art. 2020. Collection of chatrooms with interaction constraints. https://likelike2.glitch.me/?room=firstFloor.
- 99. Artist, American. Sandy Speaks. 2017. Chat platform based on video archive. https://americanartist.us/works/sandy-speaks.
Creative Cryptography
- 105. Wu, Amy Suo. Thunderclap. 2017. Steganographic zine. http://amysuowu.net/content/thunderclap.
- 106. Sherman, William H. “How to Make Anything Signify Anything: William F. Friedman and the Birth of Modern Cryptanalysis.” Cabinet 40 (Winter 2010–2011): n.p. http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/40/sherman.php. Courtesy of New York Public Library.
- 107. Varner, Maddy. KARDASHIAN KRYPT. 2014. Browser extension. https://cargocollective.com/maddyv/KARDASHIAN-KRYPT.
- 108. Dörfelt, Matthias. Block Bills. 2017. Digital print on paper, 5.9 x 3.3”. https://www.mokafolio.de/works/BlockBills.
- 109. Plummer-Fernández, Matthew. Disarming Corruptor. 2013. Encryption software. https://www.plummerfernandez.com/works/disarming-corruptor.
- 110. Tremmel, Georg, and Shiho Fukuhara. Biopresence. 2005. Trees transcoded with human DNA. https://bcl.io/project/biopresence.
- 111. Katchadourian, Nina. Talking Popcorn. 2001. Sound sculpture. http://www.ninakatchadourian.com/languagetranslation/talkingpopcorn.php. Courtesy of the artist, Catharine Clark Gallery, and Pace Gallery.
- 112. Kenyon, Matt, and Douglas Easterly. Notepad. 2007. Microprinted ink on paper. http://www.swamp.nu/projects/notepad.
Voice Machine
- 113. Leeson, Lynn Hershman. DiNA, Artificial Intelligent Agent Installation. 2002–2004. Interactive network-based multimedia installation. Civic Radar, ZKM Museum of Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe. https://www.lynnhershman.com/project/artificial-intelligence. Programming: Lynn Hershman Leeson and Colin Klingman. Courtesy of Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. Photograph: Charlie Villyard.
- 114. Dinkins, Stephanie. Conversations with Bina48. 2014–. Ongoing effort to establish a social relationship with a robot built by Terasem Movement Foundation. https://www.stephaniedinkins.com/conversations-with-bina48.html.
- 115. Everybody House Games. Hey Robot. 2019. A party game involving smart speakers. https://everybodyhousegames.com/heyrobot.html.
- 116. Rokeby, David. The Giver of Names. 1990–. Computer system for naming objects. Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki. http://www.davidrokeby.com/gon.html. Photograph: Tiffany Lam.
- 117. Lev, Roi. When Things Talk Back. An AR Experience. 2018. Mobile augmented reality artificial intelligence app. http://www.roilev.com/when-things-talk-back-an-ar-experience.
- 118. Lublin, David. Game of Phones. 2012–. Social game of telephone transcription. http://www.davidlubl.in/game-of-phones.
- 119. Thapen, Neil. Pink Trombone. 2017. Interactive articulatory speech synthesizer. https://experiments.withgoogle.com/pink-trombone.
- 120. Dobson, Kelly. Blendie. 2003–2004. Interactive voice-controlled blender. https://web.media.mit.edu/~monster/blendie.
- 121. He, Nicole. ENHANCE.COMPUTER. 2018. Interactive speech-driven browser game. https://www.enhance.computer.
Measuring Device
- 122. Jeremijenko, Natalie, and Kate Rich (Bureau of Inverse Technology). Suicide Box. 1996. Camera, video, and custom software. http://www.bureauit.org/sbox.
- 123. Oliver, Julian, Bengt Sjölen, and Danja Vasiliev (Critical Engineering Working Group). The Deep Sweep. 2016. Weather balloon, embedded computer, and RF equipment. https://criticalengineering.org/projects/deep-sweep.
- 124. Varner, Maddy. This or That. 2013. Interactive poster. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDWxq1v6A2k.
- 125. Ma, Michelle. Revolving Games. 2014. Location-based game and public intervention. https://vimeo.com/83068752.
- 126. D’Ignazio, Catherine. Babbling Brook. 2014. Water sensor with voice interface. http://www.kanarinka.com/project/the-babbling-brook/.
- 127. Sobecka, Karolina, and Christopher Baker. Picture Sky. 2018. Participatory photography event. http://cargocollective.com/karolinasobecka/Picture-Sky-Zagreb.
- 128. Onuoha, Mimi. Library of Missing Datasets. 2016. Mixed media installation. http://mimionuoha.com/the-library-of-missing-datasets. Photograph: Brandon Schulman Photography.
Personal Prosthetic
- 129. Clark, Lygia. Dialogue Goggles. 1968. Wearable device. http://www.laboralcentrodearte.org/en/recursos/obras/dialogue-goggles-dialogo-oculos-1968. Image courtesy Associação Cultural O Mundo de Lygia Clark.
- 130. Sputniko!. Menstruation Machine – Takashi's Take. 2010. Installation with video and wearable device. Scai the Bathhouse, Tokyo. https://sputniko.com/Menstruation-Machine.
- 131. Dobson, Kelly. ScreamBody. 1998–2004. Wearable device. MIT Media Lab, Cambridge. http://web.media.mit.edu/~monster/screambody. Photograph: Toshihiro Komatsu.
- 132. Ross, Sarah. Archisuits. 2005–2006. Wearable soft sculpture. Los Angeles. https://www.insecurespaces.net/archisuits.html.
- 133. Woebken, Chris, and Kenichi Okada. Animal Superpowers. 2008–2015. Series of wearable devices. https://chriswoebken.com/Animal-Superpowers. Photograph: Haeyoon Yoo.
- 134. Hendren, Sara, and Caitrin Lynch. Engineering at Home. 2016. Documentation and discussion of adapted household implements. Olin College of Engineering, Needham, MA. http://engineeringathome.org.
- 135. Montinar, Steven. 2019. Entry Holes and Exit Wounds. Performance with wearable electronics. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBsTpQgyvhk.
- 136. McDermott, Kathleen. Urban Armor #7: The Social Escape Dress. 2016. Bio-responsive electromechanical garment. http://www.kthartic.com/index.php?/class/urban-armor-7.
- 137. Okunseinde, Ayodamola. The Rift: An Afronaut's Journey. 2015. Afronaut suit. http://www.ayo.io/rift.html.
Parametric Object
- 138. Desbiens Design Research. Fahz. 2015. System for rendering profiles as 3D-printed vases. http://www.fahzface.com/. Photograph: Nicholas Desbiens.
- 139. Nervous System. Kinematic Dress. 2014. System for 3D-printing custom one-piece dresses. https://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/projects/sets/kinematics-dress. Photograph: Steve Marsel Studio.
- 140. Eisenmann, Jonathan A. Interactive Evolutionary Design with Region-of-Interest Selection for Spatiotemporal Ideation & Generation. 2014. Ph.D. defense slides, Ohio State University. https://slides.com/jeisenma/defense# and https://etd.ohiolink.edu/pg_10?0::NO:10:P10_ACCESSION_NUM:osu1405610355.
- 141. Epler, Matthew. Grand Old Party. 2013. Political polling data visualized as silicone butt plugs. https://mepler.com/Grand-Old-Party.
- 142. Lia. Filament Sculptures. 2014. Computational and organically formed filament sculptures. https://www.liaworks.com/theprojects/filament-sculptures.
- 143. Csuri, Charles A. Numeric Milling. 1968. Computational wood sculpture created with punch cards, an IBM 7094, and a 3-axis milling machine. https://csuriproject.osu.edu/index.php/Detail/objects/769.
- 144. Ijeoma, Ekene. Wage Islands. 2015. Interactive installation and data visualization. New York. https://studioijeoma.com/Wage-Islands.
- 145. Segal, Adrien. Wildfire Progression Series, 2017. Data-driven sculpture. https://www.adriensegal.com/wildfire-progression.
- 146. Ghassaei, Amanda. 3D Printed Record. 2012. System for rendering audio files as 3D-printed 33RPM records. https://www.instructables.com/id/3D-Printed-Record.
- 147. Binx, Rachel, and Sha Huang. Meshu. 2012. System for rendering geodata as 3D-printed accessories. http://www.meshu.io/about.
- 148. Chung, Lisa Kori, and Kyle McDonald. Open Fit Lab. 2013. Performance producing custom-tailored pants for audience members. http://openfitlab.com.
- 149. Allahyari, Morehshin. Material Speculation: ISIS; King Uthal. 2015–2016. 3D-printed resin and electronic components. 12 x 4 x 3.5” (30.5 x 10.2 x 8.9 cm). http://www.morehshin.com/material-speculation-isis/.
Virtual Public Sculpture
- 150. Matsuda, Keiichi. HYPER-REALITY. 2016. Augmented reality futuristic cityscape. http://km.cx/projects/hyper-reality.
- 151. Shaw, Jeffrey. Golden Calf. 1994. Augmented reality idol with custom hardware. https://www.jeffreyshawcompendium.com/portfolio/golden-calf. Image: Ars Electronica ‘94, Design Center Linz, Linz, Austria, 1994.
- 152. Bailey, Jeremy. Nail Art Museum. 2014. Augmented reality miniature museum. https://www.jeremybailey.net/products/nail-art-museum.
- 153. Y&R New York. The Whole Story. 2017. Augmented reality public statuary. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ca.currentstudios.thewholestory.
- 154. Skwarek, Mark, and Joseph Hocking. The Leak In Your Hometown. 2010. Augmented reality protest app triggered by BP's logo. https://theleakinyourhometown.wordpress.com.
- 155. Shafer, Nathan, and the Institute for Speculative Media. The Exit Glacier Augmented Reality Terminus Project. 2012. Augmented reality climate data visualization app. Kenai Fjords National Park. http://nshafer.com/exitglacier.
- 156. Raupach, Anna Madeleine. Augmented Nature. 2019. Augmented reality project series using natural objects with data visualization. http://www.annamadeleine.com/augmented-nature.
Extrapolated Body
- 157. Jones, Bill T., and Google Creative Lab. Body, Movement, Language. 2019. Pose model experiments. https://experiments.withgoogle.com/billtjonesai. Image courtesy of Google Creative Lab.
- 158. Akten, Memo, and Davide Quayola. Forms. 2012. Digital renderings. https://vimeo.com/38017188. This project was commissioned by the National Media Museum, with the support of imove, part of the Cultural Olympiad programme. Produced by Nexus Interactive Arts.
- 159. Universal Everything. Walking City. 2014. Video sculpture. https://vimeo.com/85596568.
- 160. Groupierre, Karleen, Adrien Mazaud, and Sophie Daste. Miroir. 2011. Interactive augmented reality installation. http://vimeo.com/20891308.
- 161. YesYesNo. Más Que la Cara. 2016. Interactive installation. https://www.instagram.com/p/BDxsVZ0JNpm/. Discussed in Lieberman, Zach. “Más Que la Cara Overview.” Medium, posted April 3, 2017. https://medium.com/@zachlieberman/m%C3%A1s-que-la-cara-overview-48331a0202c0.
- (p. 239) Stoiber, Robert. Student artwork. In Schneeberger, Reiner. “Computer Graphics at the University of Munich (West Germany),” Computer Graphics and Art 1, no. 4 (November 1976): 28, http://dada.compart-bremen.de/docUploads/COMPUTER_ GRAPHICS_AND_ART_Nov1976.pdf.
- (p. 240) Wilson, Mark. “METAFACE”. Generated face designs. In Drawing with Computers (New York: Perigee Books, 1985), 18. http://mgwilson.com/Drawing%20with%20Computers.pdf.
- (p. 241) Maeda, John. “Problem 2A — Time Display”. Assignment from MAS.961: Organic Form (MIT Media Lab, fall 1999). https://web.archive.org/ web/20000901042632/http://acg.media. mit.edu/courses/organic/, accessed January 18, 2000. Screenshot courtesy Casey Reas.
- (p. 242) Vojir, Lukas. Processing Monsters. 2008. Website with contributed interactive sketches. https://web.archive.org/web/20090304170310/http://rmx.cz/monsters/.