Ring of rainbow stones surround these sage stone people.
Age and rust amount to the same thing.
The Diné say they’re protected by the Four
Sacred mountains that embrace these
Fruitless soils. To be so close to the land you’re
Enslaved by—they know true religion.
In the sand painting chants and prayer
Meeting smoke inside teepees or hogans
They’re free because they’re not. The
Land, the brush, the dirt and mesas
Say, “you’re home. Don’t ever leave again.”
My bones are made of the same iron/uranium/copper
Faces on these stones. Peabody Co. tears the
Heart out of each mountain from the inside.
They know rape. Cultural make-up. Rape
Is the great metaphor and reality. Tear my
Heart out then. What you sacrifice you
Also give to me. Rust and root in the Chuskas.