Chapter One

Getting the message

‘Peep!’ The trouble with peeps nowadays, is that every damn thing in and out of the kitchen does it and tracking down a rogue peeper can take up most of your day. It’s the kind of noise you find yourself listening for, not really sure if you’re hearing it at all or making it up, ‘Peep!’ Gloria Wilson shook her pretty head in frustration and tried not to hear it. ‘Peep!’

Her iron could peep and she checked to see that she hadn’t left it plugged in, likewise the washing machine and the dishwasher, even the freezer peeped when it wanted attention, then there was the microwave and her little digital camera, she could have left that on somewhere but, no. It sounded like a phone but she had hers there in her bag and her husband Ed was never without his. One way to find out, she’d give him a ring.

The silly tune he had for an incoming call started up right away, so he had forgotten his phone after all. The music led her to the adjoining garage and Ed’s golf bag and there, in the tee pocket; the phone. She would have switched it off but the message icon was blinking and out of idle curiosity she looked to see who it was from. Natalie. As far as Gloria knew there wasn’t anyone of that name at Ed’s work and the only other Natalie she knew was her friend...Gerry’s wife; one of Ed’s golf partners. She’d never done anything like it before, but she pressed the button and read, “Now that you’ve played 18 holes of golf with my husband, do you want to play a-round in mine?”

Gloria nearly dropped the phone; she staggered back and sat down staring at it as though it were a bloody dagger she’d found in his bag. What did it mean, had she misinterpreted it? She read it again and noticed an attachment, which without worrying about now, she opened. No more doubts, there was her friend Natalie standing naked in Gloria’s own bedroom. It was a complete shock to Gloria; she’d never suspected anything was going on. She’d no reason to, everything was fine between her and Ed, or so she’d always thought. Obviously not though.

Suddenly she was in tears and she ran through to the bedroom and threw herself down sobbing and crying, and breaking her fragile little heart. It was all her fault she knew. She’d just left him to go about his business while she’d got on with her stupid part-time job and running the house. She’d been quite happy and not given enough thought to whether he was. Of course it was sex. She’d thought it was all right. They had sex at least once a week, okay, sometimes it was on a Sunday morning before Ed went to play golf and so it was a bit rushed, but he’d never complained. No, that wasn’t true, he had complained in his own way. More than once he’d tried to get her to watch a porno flick with him, “It’s just fun darling,” he’d said, “Get’s the juices flowing!” but it didn’t get hers flowing. She just thought it was rude and walked away and left him. What a fool! That was the open door that her friend Natalie had slipped through!

Somehow, Gloria fell asleep. Perhaps her mind would not accept any more punishment and just switched off. She slept curled up in a little tragic ball for over an hour and wakened up to the washing machine ‘peeping.’ Dully Gloria dragged herself through and emptied the machine and set about hanging the clothes up. More ironing to do, she thought and immediately felt sick and rushed to the bathroom. Ed would be home in just a couple of hours and she didn’t know what to do.


She couldn’t confront him with it, she knew that. She would just cry and he would be kind and she knew that wasn’t the way these things were meant to go. Why wasn’t she angry, why didn’t she hate him? She just didn’t, that’s all and she didn’t even feel angry...just sad. She needed time. She had to think and she had to stop being so pathetic!

Gloria picked up Ed’s phone again. She would have to delete the message entirely or he would know she had seen it. That way, when Natalie asked about it, they’d think the message had just never arrived somehow. She read it one more time to make sure that the whole thing wasn’t just a nightmare, but there it was, a real nightmare. She opened the photo too and looked at her naked neighbour. Not bad, I suppose, she thought, then she noticed that Natalie had the Brazilian look, if that’s what they call it. Before deleting the message, she copied the text and the picture to the computer and stowed it away in a folder she called, ‘Nattily Presented.’ You can see everything, maybe that’s what they like, she wondered. Gloria had never gone in for anything like that. She had never even liked to look much, down there, perhaps she should. She went into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror and pulled down her pants. She’d always thought it was, natural but now that she’d seen Natalie’s, it just seemed unkempt and unsophisticated. She took scissors from the cabinet and cut a big curl off and dropped it down the toilet, There, that’s a start! and walked out to do that thinking.

She wasn’t going to divorce him, that would only please her mother and it would ruin her life. She loved Ed. Sure he was a shit but it was partly her fault. Complacency, that was it, well it was over now and as for Natalie...the bitch!

Gloria switched on the computer and opened Ed’s user account. She started up the internet and looked through his bookmarks. Half of them were porn sites as she’d known they would be and she spent an hour or more browsing through the most explicit sex imaginable. How tame she had been, she thought and how naïve. The more she looked the more she got into it and some of it was really interesting, for example...blowjobs. It had never really been her thing, but some of these girls had turned it into an art form! Wow! She could do that, and she could enjoy it too, especially now! She liked how compliant the men were, if you took charge it seemed they were more than willing to let you...I never knew that, interesting! Oh, look at that one!

When Ed came home she had the meal on the table and although he thought she was a bit distant he never suspected for a minute that his secret was out. “Anything up with you honey?” he asked her.

“Maybe I should ask you that Ed,” she replied.

That night Ed slept soundly as Gloria lay and cried softly but in the morning with the new light she had new thoughts, the beginnings of a plan...and a need for revenge. First thing as soon as Ed was off to work, it was back on those sites, Gloria had things to learn and she had a list! Next it was time to sort out her bush problem and she had learned about that too. She knew what she wanted and shaving wasn’t the answer, it had to be a wax so she left for town and a little beauty salon she had never been to but she knew would do the job. Inside, the women were not in the least surprised by what she wanted and even had an eye-popping album to help her refine her decision.

It stung like hell but when they held the mirror up to her watering eyes, it was worth it. Gone was the wild grass, replaced by a smooth as silk pussy with a short hair, neat brown patch above it. Now for the rest of the treatment and in only another two hours she was back home and turning her bedroom into a photo shoot!

Like her, her little camera had hidden depths and Gloria knew to set it up as far away from herself as possible and use the telephoto to minimise lens distortion, she also knew to turn off the flash and set it to manual operation. She could take over a thousand high resolution pictures on its little card so she felt confident she would get the five or six good ones she needed, but a drink first and Gloria made it a stiff one, “First of many!” she told herself laughing. After she’d pinned a white sheet to the wall and got the camera mounted on the tripod, came the hard bit; the pose. The drink had helped and Gloria tried out everything she’d seen on the internet using the camera’s delay function. Once she got into it, it was fun and amazingly addictive. She found that the tiniest variations in pose and expression could destroy a great picture and it was important that they were all great pictures.

The rest of the day was spent manipulating and cropping the images on the computer then she carefully composed an A4 page and printed three sheets off. Gloria ran three envelopes through the printer too and she was ready for the post but before she did she took a moment to appraise her work. It was a shame that she had had to cut off her head, but that apart, Gloria was pleased beyond measure at how the composition of photos had turned out. Ed had always told her that she was a fantastic looking woman but for some reason she had always thought he was just being nice. Now with her new hair-do and the positions she’d copied from the net even she didn’t recognise herself and she felt a new confidence arising from the day’s endeavours.

She dropped the envelopes in the mail and started making the evening meal just as Ed walked through the door. “You’re running a bit behind schedule tonight honey,” he said to her, good naturedly, “Maybe I’ll make a complaint to the management!”

“Why don’t you make that a lawyer instead?” she replied with a steely look putting an end to the conversation and a worried look on Ed’s face.


When Gloria sent the letters to Ed’s three golfing pals she knew it was a gamble and that several possibilities or even a combination of them could occur. That’s why the next steps in her plan were a little...fluid. In the event, although the letters were addressed to the husbands, one of the three men’s wives found out, and of course, it had to be Natalie! She told everyone that her husband had shown her nude pictures which, “Some slut,” had sent him in the post and that she was thinking of calling the police.

I’ll see you in court bitch! Gloria thought, thinking of the picture she had of Natalie safely encrypted on her hard drive.

Over the next few days, she met the wives of the other men and over coffee or just standing in the street she ascertained that none of their husbands had confessed to receiving any pictures. Both women thought that it was probably a joke being played on Gerry by one of his pals and that Natalie’s reaction was a bit loopy. “I mean,” said Trisha, Don Cheshire’s wife, “Either it was some stupid friend or he downloaded those pictures from the internet himself; I’ve seen thousands just like them...the woman’s a porn star, she isn’t from around here! Lisa and I were wondering if it could have been Ed that sent the pictures, no offence Gloria but we’re pretty sure that it wasn’t any of our two dummies!”

Gloria laughed quite genuinely at the absurdity of the notion, “No, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Ed...Oh he’s dumb enough, believe me but I know him too well, Oh no I fucking don’t! he wouldn’t be able to stop sniggering and he hasn’t said a word about it to me.”

“Well that’s odd, because Don told me that the four of them were talking about it last night at the driving range! You don’t think they’re up to something do you?” Tricia said.

“No I don’t! Nothing more than usual anyway, fantasies and computer porn. How did Natalie find out anyway, do you know?”

“Gerry showed her the letter, ‘Right away’...she told me!”

“And she showed you the pictures. Who else has seen them, have any of the boys seen them, has Lisa?”

“Lisa has, but Natalie told Gerry she had burned them so none of the boys have seen them.”


All day the next day, Gloria worked on her second batch of pictures. These ones were a lot more revealing than the first and showed the delicacies of skin hues and the subtle tonality of intimate places and Gloria thought them quite beautiful! Carefully she arranged them on the page and on each she added a message, “Don, in your dining room window, there is a repulsive orange and blue vase. If you would like me to visit, turn it upside down tomorrow.” And, “Leonard, on your window ledge in the lounge there is a picture frame. If you would like me to visit, turn it outward tomorrow.”

Gloria only knew Ed’s golfing partners to say hello to but they would definitely recognise her when she showed up at their door! She wondered what that moment would be like and what their expectations of her would be. Maybe they would refuse her when they realised she was Ed’s wife. Of course she still had to put herself to the test, what if she lost her nerve at the door and turned and ran, even worse, what if she flunked it in the bedroom? Well, it just wasn’t going to happen, not if she got that far!

She could have driven, but she could easily walk a circuit taking in Don and Leonard’s houses within half an hour and she enjoyed the walk, it gave her time to think and it was a kind of practice run. She did it on three consecutive days turning her coat collar up as she passed by and feeling wonderfully conspiratorial and on the last day just as she was beginning to feel let down, there in the window of Don’s house was that ugly vase, upside down! Yes! Yes! She felt like punching the air but she kept walking, her smile concealed by her collar until she was out of the street and heading for Leonard’s.

As she walked, Gloria reflected on her plan. She only needed one man for revenge on Ed and it was a pity that it hadn’t been Gerry for that would have meant revenge on Natalie too but she was happy with Don and she found herself thinking about having sex with another man for the first time in her married life. He was quite handsome, he was tanned and he had very broad shoulders. She wondered about his penis and if it would be any different from Ed’s, That was exciting! not that she had completely made her mind up to have full sex, all she really needed for revenge on Ed was a photo of a naked man on her phone although Ed had had more than a photo, No it would need to be more than that!

Leonard’s house was on the corner of the street and the lounge was on the other side. Gloria would have to walk all the way round the house with her face stuck down her collar like Inspector Clouseau but it came up smiling when she saw Lisa staring out at her from the picture frame in the window! Her heart hammering in her chest and her knees shaking, Gloria hurried away, her mind ablaze with triumph and possibilities, all of them exciting and some of them just a little bit frightening, but undeniably, her pictures had proved irresistible to two men, now that was a confidence boost!

Ever since her remark about the lawyer, Ed had been tiptoeing around Gloria, clearly worried that she suspected him, it had been most gratifying but now that the hare was running, it didn’t suit her. For one thing, she needed his phone to get Don and Leonard’s numbers from, as she intended to send the two men messages to set up the meetings and Ed was keeping it out of sight. She was sure it would be in his jacket pocket hanging in the closet, set to silent of course but definitely switched on but when she checked, it wasn’t there and it wasn’t back in the golf bag! At dinner when she was dishing the meal she noticed him fumbling with something under the table and she realised that it must be his phone. The sneak was keeping it in his trouser pocket and that made it difficult if not quite, impossible to get. Natalie must have sent a message for not long after they had finished eating Ed announced that he was, “Meeting the guys at the range.”

“You trying to get your handicap down again, that’s three times this week?” she replied trying to keep the sarcasm from her voice.

“Always doing that honey...Better get ready, don’t want to keep anybody waiting!”

Except me, you shit! Gloria thought as Ed ran upstairs to get changed. He usually came down in about two minutes but when Gloria went upstairs herself for a lie down, she realised he was in the shower. That’s something you do after golf Ed, not before it! but she took the opportunity to grab his phone. It only took a few seconds to copy the numbers to her phone and since Ed was still in the shower, Gloria checked his messages. Yep, there it was, Natalie!

“Gerry’s out for a couple of hours. See photo...then come fill it!” The accompanying picture was of Natalie’s face, with her mouth open.

You look like a fish, a cat fish! Make that a bitchfish! Gloria thought hating her, but spotting an opportunity, so that when Ed appeared, naked from the shower she motioned him over to the bed where she was lying and highly uncharacteristically nuzzled his hanging penis with her nose. “Hmmm I love the smell of a clean man!” she purred, “And the taste!” and she sucked the still hanging but very definitely lengthening penis into her mouth.

“Hey you! What’s this? Jeeze honey, I’d love to play but I’m in a hurry!”

Gloria sat up keeping a tight grip on Ed’s penis, “Let’s make it a quick one then!” she said smiling up into his face lasciviously, and returning his penis to her mouth, started to rub her hand furiously up and down the shaft which responded with due vigour almost immediately, forcing her head into a new position. Gloria sucked harder than she had ever sucked before which to be honest was not that hard, while Ed’s protests died away and were replaced with hard breathing and soft expletives. Her mind was on the lessons she been getting on the internet and this was as good a way to practice as well as a way of dampening her husband’s ardour for Natalie. Gloria knew, only too well, that Ed had never been much of a repeater, far less a six-shooter so as she rolled her tongue round the barrel she wondered where he’d get the ammunition for his meeting with Natalie.

“Just a second ‘honey,’ then I’m gonna sort you out,” she said and slipped off the bed. She sank to her knees in front of him and pulled his erection down so it was sticking straight out, pointing at her face. Carefully, she lined herself up as she had seen the porn stars do on the internet and pushed her face onto it, opening her throat to let the cockhead slide past. Further and further she slid down his pole, feeling like The Great Mimi Garneau, the famous sword swallower...Yeah, now I got you Mimi! her determination amazing her and overcoming the initial gag reflex she encountered, until her face was flat against his body. “Oh fuck, baby!” Ed exclaimed and started to shake and groan that way he did as he came. As delicately as possible Gloria unsucked him and taking hold of his cock at the helmet, rubbed it softly in her fingers as she plunged her other hand between his buttocks and pushed a finger past two knuckles up Ed’s ass.

He must have been very surprised for he stared at her as if she’d shot him, emitted a high pitched squeal and shot a great wad of semen which Gloria caught in her open mouth and continued to catch, like a seagull taking scraps, as Ed continued to pump, wide-eyed, watched his wife’s laughing first facial. With the last spurts, she shut her lips about his knob and began to suck...very deeply, swallowing every drop of her wandering husbands cum, while the finger in his ass worked his prostate like the space bar on a typist’s keyboard, sending his squealing up a further octave.

Like a great pine felled by a master lumberjack, Ed slowly crumpled to the floor and lay there, eyes open staring at the ceiling, as if smitten by holy rapture. “Shit hun, you never done that before,” he gasped. “You never done anything like that!”

“How do you know?” Gloria replied, getting up and walking out, leaving him lying there.