Chapter Seven
I should have thought of that?
After that day, Ed didn’t see Don for a while. There was no golf of course and rumours about the affairs were sweeping backwards and forwards across the little community for weeks, but life goes on and other scandals happen and soon it was all largely forgotten.
Then one day there was a knock at the door. Gloria answered, fully dressed, and it was Gerry. He walked up to Ed with his hand out and apologised for punching him; he said it was a stupid thing to do and if Ed was willing he wanted to forget the whole thing. In fact he wanted the four guys to start playing golf again and he would go see everyone and make the peace.
You’re the real man of the piece, Gloria thought, like me you’ve been on a journey and like me you’ve emerged stronger but you don’t bear a grudge and you want to keep your old friends. I like you Gerry, I like your style!
“The last time you were in my house, things were all wrong Gloria. Natalie and I would like you to visit again so we can let you see how much better things are now. Shall we make it Saturday at ten?”
Ed looked uneasy, but it didn’t worry Gloria, nothing did these days and she happily agreed the date.
On Saturday morning Gloria turned up at the appointed hour wearing exactly the same clothes she had been last time. She thought that if Gerry wanted to play a mulligan, the least she could do was try and make as many of the conditions the same for him as she could.
He answered the door, in jeans and t-shirt, and loafers over bare feet. “My God Gerry,” Gloria exclaimed, “You look so relaxed!”
He brought her in smiling broadly and told her that he was grateful to her because everything had changed and it was all because of her. Gloria laughed and said that she realised he had enjoyed their little romp but - But no, it wasn’t that Gerry maintained, it was her attitude and her willingness to face up to life - and her unwillingness to be defeated. He had taken up her code for living and he was going to show her how he had used it to better Natalie’s life too.
Intrigued, Gloria sat in the living room and waited for the woman of the house to appear. She did, eventually, with coffee and responded to Gloria’s, “Hi Natalie!” with a meek smile. Gerry carried on talking as though his wife wasn’t there telling Gloria about Wednesday night at the golf range and how stiff all the guys had been with each other, No change there, Gloria thought smiling. But, Gerry said, they had all parted on good terms and even arranged to play a round next Sunday at the club. Of course Ed had told Gloria about it and she said that she was pleased too and Ed was so relieved to be back at the club.
Gerry looked at his watch and said it was almost eleven and that meant it was time to go through to the bedroom. He stood up and took Gloria’s hand and laughing at her puzzled look led her in and sat her down on the edge of the bed. Gerry pointed to the clock on the bedside cabinet and as Gloria looked the hand touched the spot which marked eleven. The door opened and Natalie came in. She was wearing a plain white gown of some kind with a zip which went from her neck all the way down to the bottom of the garment at her ankles.
“How are things this morning darling? Is there anything I can do for you today?” Gerry inquired pleasantly of his wife.
“I had a few bad thoughts Gerry, you know, some of the old feelings, especially when I saw Gloria this morning. I - I think I could do with some help to make me stronger - and make me feel loved.”
“Well you know that you are loved darling, but I agree a little firm handling should see you all right. Okay baby, just take off your gown and we’ll get started.”
Gloria sat spellbound as Natalie unzipped the gown and stepped out of it naked. She smiled sweetly if a little nervously as Gerry stood up and took her by the elbow. “Let’s keep it simple at first baby. You just bend over and put your hands on your knees, spread your legs a bit, that’s it and keep them good and straight. Great! Tell you what, turn around this way a little so as Gloria can get a better view.” He spoke as though he was helping her change a tyre so Gloria jumped in surprise when he lifted his hand and brought it back down on Natalie’s rump with a resounding slap!
“Okay, that seems about right. No marks from last time, that’s a bit disappointing. We’ll have to see if we can do better this time.” Gerry put his left hand on Natalie’s back and delivered half a dozen hard spanks to Natalie’s left buttock in quick succession. Then he turned his attention to the other buttock and gave it the same treatment. It must have stung like hell for Natalie’s bum was scarlet and although Gloria couldn’t see her face, she knew by the way she was shaking her head that she was fighting the pain.
“You mentioned bad feelings about Gloria, darling. The best way to deal with that is to ask Gloria if she would help you overcome those herself. You want to do that baby?”
“Yes Gerry, if you think that would help. Would you help me Gloria?”
“Gloria jumped up at being addressed so unexpectedly by Natalie, “Oh, I, well, I’ve never - done anything; like that! Maybe I’d just better leave you two to it...”
“Please Gloria, I need to feel that you forgive me too. I want you to chastise me for being such a bitch. I know I deserve it. Smack me, please!”
Gerry stood watching Gloria’s discomfort with a small smile playing on his lips. “Look,” he said to her, “It’s quite simple, you stand to the side like this,” and he manoeuvred her into position, “And you just spank her bottom. It’s good for her. She really wants you to do it - and I think you’ll get something from it too. Go ahead, give it a try!”
“Since you put it like that. I mean if you really want me to. Okay, I guess!” and Gloria brought her hand down on Natalie’s backside three times; pretty hard she thought. It felt good, Gerry was right; of course Natalie had a nice soft bum for it and the blows made a lovely sharp noise. Natalie didn’t move at all and Gloria realised that the smacks hadn’t been very hard after all. “Can I try that again?” she asked Gerry, “I think I could do it a bit better than that!”
“Sure, you can try it as much as you like!” he replied, his eyes twinkling.
Gloria stepped a little further away and swung her hand back a lot further this time. The result was a much harder smack and made a great noise. Natalie jumped this time and Gloria was really pleased. “Bet you felt that one Natalie!” she grinned, “By the way, you’ve got a lovely bottom! Do you mind if I just...” and Gloria slipped her arms out of her little white jacket. “Just to give me a little more room...”
Gerry laughed, “You go right ahead and take what you want off! Nothing ever leaves this room - and there’s more to it all than just punishment.”
“Yeah, like I didn’t get that right away Gerry!” Gloria said, her turn to laugh ruefully. She bent to her task a bit then and gave both cheeks of Natalie’s bottom a sound thrashing until she was quite out of breath. “My goodness, I need a break! Unless we’re finished?”
“Finished? My dear, we’ve only just begun! Look, you sit down and watch while I warm Natalie up for a bit, then you can take over again. Stand up Natalie and stretch your back, you must be getting cramped being in that position.” Gerry helped Natalie up and he rubbed the small of her back for a bit and kissed her on the lips before laying her down on her back on the bed. “This is a nice way to do it,” he said to Gloria, “It lets Natalie be more involved in the action, since she can see it and as you’ll see, it provides one with a...ring-side seat as it were.”
Gloria wondered what he meant until Natalie lifted her legs up and Gerry put his left arm behind her knees and pushed them back so forcing her feet high above her head. In this new position, Natalie’s bottom was painfully exposed in every detail but Gerry didn’t stop to admire the view. He laid into Natalie with a heavy hand and spanked her till he brought tears to her eyes.
If Gloria had worried about how she would feel witnessing such a beating, she now knew the answer; wonderful! She sat with a big smile on her face as Gerry halted for a rest. “You liked that then?”
“God yes!” Gloria answered quite breathless from excitement and lifted her hand and stroked Natalie’s bottom. “It must be so painful...but I’m glad, she does deserve it...and maybe it will help,” she said. “It’s lovely how opened up everything is - may I?” Gloria continued and was already touching Natalie’s vagina when Gerry answered,
“Anything you do is fine by me and Natalie, Gloria. Just do what you feel and it’ll be the right thing to do!”
Gloria smiled happily and ran her fingers down Natalie’s slit, “Oh it’s lovely!” she squealed. “Why have I never done that before?”
“Because we were too circumspect...we left it to our partners to make the running...and look where that got us!” Gerry replied shaking his head sorrowfully.
“But not anymore!” Gloria cried, not wanting him to become morose. “I can’t can I, I mean I shouldn’t?” she said smiling impishly, holding her middle finger straight and pointing it at Natalie’s pussy.
Gerry laughed, happy again, “Why shouldn’t you? I want you if you want to...go ahead!” and he waited, obviously excited at the prospect.
Gloria smiled too. “I have spanked her...and I’m going to do it again in a I suppose I may as well just do this too!” she said happily and pushed her finger into Natalie’s pussy-hole. “Oh, oh!” she cried, “Why it’s...amazing!” and she half withdrew her finger so that she could insert her forefinger as well which she did as far as she could and turned them about this way and that all the while wearing a big smile and emitting little gasps and saying, “Oh! Oh!” while Gerry got red in the face and developing a distinct bump in his pants. “No wonder men like it!” she said, “It’s so hot! And soft! And interesting! I mean, is this her G-spot?” and her arm moved quite energetically for a minute which brought heavy breathing from Natalie and soon very audible gasps.
“It would appear to be!” Gerry replied and pulled his zip down exposing an erection. “Are you going to make her come?”
“If you like,” Gloria said. “But I don’t know if I can?” she added continuing to rub her two fingers over Natalie’s G-spot.
“Judging by the noise she’s making, you can,” Gerry replied. “But we’ll spank her extra hard if she doesn’t!” he continued.
“And if she does!” Gloria laughed and rearranged her body above the panting Natalie’s behind to get more purchase on the endeavour.
“I’ll help!” Gerry said and went round the other end and knelt on the bed with Natalie’s head in between his knees. He took hold of Natalie’s ankles and pulled them above her head, about her shoulders’ width apart, trapping her completely with nothing to see except his erection waggling just a few inches above her face.
“Oh yeah!” Gloria shouted, “That’s much better!” and she threw her weight into it bringing a lot of gasping and calling from Natalie. “Wait a minute,” Gloria said stopping suddenly making Natalie grunt. “You know there’s loads of room in here...I’m not saying you could have a party or hire a band or anything...but I can certainly...” and she added a third finger. “See, easy!” she smiled and resumed her attack on Natalie’s pussy who was thrashing her head about least until Gerry realised he was in the perfect position to put his cock in her mouth.
“And a fourth!” Gloria shouted above the yelling Natalie who had already come several times and now with Gloria’s entre hand in her felt like the next one was going to blow it right back out.
“F-F-Fuuu! Mm-Whuhh!” she exploded and even constrained as she was by Gerry, she bucked furiously on Gloria’s hand, or arm as it was by now and kept on doing it until she began to cough and then choke because Gerry had come down her throat and she hadn’t been ready for it.
“We’d better let her breathe for a bit Gerry,” Gloria said, “Although I’ve wanted to choke her myself quite a bit these last few weeks.
“Righto!” Gerry concurred letting Natalie’s ankles go and trailing his dripping cock over her face.
She dropped her legs down straight and pressed them together, no doubt still experiencing some straggling aftershocks of orgasm but Gloria slapped her thigh sharply and barked, “Open!” and they sprang apart letting Gloria slide her wet hand into Natalie’s slit where her fingers revolved lazily in Natalie’s labia and around her clitoris. “Sometimes after I’ve come as heavily as your wife did there,” she told Gerry smiling sweetly, “It’s difficult to come anymore.”
“Oh I know that,” Gerry replied, “She used to slap my hand away after she came...quite bad temperedly!” he added thinking back. “Not any more though!”
“Yes...anyway,” Gloria continued, “It’ll be interesting to see if she comes again...a good thrashing as usual if she doesn’t!” she added echoing Gerry’s earlier comment.
“And if she does!” Gerry roared laughing so hard he began to cough, much as Natalie had done.
“Who came in your mouth?” Gloria asked him also laughing.
“You did!” he shouted and the two of them nearly fell off the bed.
It did actually take Natalie quite a long time to come, but Gloria didn’t mind...and certainly Gerry didn’t. Partly it was Gloria’s fault she knew, as any woman would, she kept stopping her ministrations in Natalie’s pussy to push her wet fingers into Natalie’s mouth...and her ears and she pulled and twisted Natalie’s nipples quite hard too, as hard as she could really, she even stopped everything for five minutes to suck Gerry’s cock back up to full strength so that he could fuck her afterwards, so when she got back to Natalie’s pussy, poor Natalie had to start all over again. She came good in the end though, starting her heavy breathing which alerted Gloria to her orgasm’s imminence and gave her time to kneel over Natalie on the bed where she could watch her come at close quarters and give it to her hard.
Gloria gave it to her very hard indeed, rubbing her knuckles over Natalie’s clitoris like a washerwoman scrubbing clothes over a washing board and making Natalie scream with a mixture of sensations which must have extended her knowledge of the female orgasm considerably.
“Right!” Gloria cried when Natalie had finished screaming and was lying flat moaning, her hands covering her face. “I’d like a cup of tea!”
“You certainly deserve it!” Gerry told her. “The effort you’ve put in. Get up Natalie, two teas and quick about it!”
She rolled panting, and wailing a little and staggered to her feet and stumbled from the bedroom holding onto the wall to steady herself. When she came back, Gloria was lying on her back on the bed, her skirt round her waist and her knickers hanging from one ankle. Gerry was between her knees hammering his cock into her pussy. “Just wait there dear!” he shouted. “Hope you’ve put a cosy on the pot!” He came, too quickly for Gloria but she only smiled being too well brought up to make a fuss.
“I’m feeling much better now, can I have another go?” Gloria asked after the tea.
Gerry threw his head back and laughed out loud, “Yes, I knew you would appreciate our little game. How would you like her this time?”
“I think I’ll have her bent over the bed if that’s okay? Do you mind Natalie?” Gloria asked her, not in the least concerned whether she did or not.
“She doesn’t mind. She only wants you to enjoy yourself, don’t you Natalie?” Gerry interjected denying his wife an opportunity to reply and bent her over in the midst of the No, she mumbled, nevertheless. “Do you want her kneeling on the floor or the bed?”
“On the bed please - Oh yes, just like that! You can stay up on your arms though Natalie just now at least; I like how your tits are hanging.” Gloria stood up and surveyed her target, “Oh that’s super!” she said excitedly to Gerry and then she undid the buttons of her blouse and slipped it from her arms, “More room!” she laughed.
This time Gloria gave Natalie Hell. Half way through, one of her breasts jumped out of her bra such was the effort she was putting into her strokes and she quickly threw the bra off and returned to the fray without losing any of her rhythm. When she finished Natalie’s backside was almost too hot to touch and there was condensation on the windows.
“That was quite magnificent!” Gerry said enthusiastically, “All four breasts were bouncing about like...well, I just don’t know what...spacehoppers, I suppose! How do you feel now Gloria?”
“All done in, but wonderful! It really has been great and it’s giving me some new ideas! I think I’ll just sit here and watch now or are you two finished?”
“Not quite, sometimes we just leave it like that, but after your sterling performance, I think we have to mark it with bit of a finale!” Gerry stood behind his wife and undid his trousers and let them fall to the ground. His cock was very stiff as it had to be after what he had just seen. He took Natalie’s hips in his hands and smiling happily at Gloria he asked her to do the honours.
“Can I? Oh that’s wonderful!” Gloria squeaked, delighted at being asked. She lifted Gerry’s cock and positioned it in Natalie’s harbour and he plunged right in and fucked his wife royally, coming in her quickly and noisily.
Gloria clapped her hands and cheered as Gerry finished and withdrew. She reached for the tissues on the bedside cabinet and taking one caught Gerry’s dripping cock and wiped it clean and couldn’t resist popping it in her mouth to give it a few quick extra sucks. Then they both sat and watched while Gerry’s cum emerged from Natalie’s vagina and ran down her leg, each of them taking a different position on whether or not it would reach the carpet. It didn’t and Gloria won. “I’ll let you know later what the price of losing the bet will cost you...well, Natalie!” she said and they laughed.
In a while, Gerry stood up and told Natalie she could straighten up too. He led Gloria back into the lounge leaving Natalie to clean up and bring some coffee through for them when she had finished. They talked and laughed and when Natalie came in with the coffee they had her stand and she joked about the spanking too and told Gloria that it stung for about a day but it felt wonderful all of the time. She said that although it was Gerry’s idea initially it was really her who kept it going by asking Gerry for it every few days. She confessed that she had really enjoyed Gloria joining in and loved how Gloria had felt her up too and Gloria was to come back and spank her again, just any time really!
Gloria felt very gratified, a bit like the Queen thanking her subjects for the Jubilee. She looked at her watch and jumped up, she really had to go she said, Ed and her were going out but she’d had a wonderful time and if Natalie was serious with her invitation, she’d really like to do that. All the way back to her house, Gloria was lost in thoughts about what had occurred. She hadn’t just enjoyed it, she had loved it and although she would certainly return for more she couldn’t see why she couldn’t have some of that in her own house! After all it was just a matter of how it was put, Ed would love it!
He was standing in the kitchen with his coat on when Gloria returned and quite snippy he was about her late return. “We’ll never make it now! What was going on at Natalie’s?”
“Natalie’s? Funny that, I always think of it as Gerry’s! Do you think that after you destroyed so many marriages it could all just be forgotten so soon? People have things to say about it and they come to terms with what has happened in different ways.” Gloria replied, sharply.
“I’m sorry, I suppose I did think that. So we’re not out of the woods yet?” Ed said, crumbling visibly, his attempt at reasserting himself come to grief so simply.
“Nor the dog-house, Ed! And what is the rush about anyway, if we miss this showing, we can always go to the next! You’re not in charge any more Ed; I don’t do as you say! We both know where that got us! I thought you had learned your lesson - but obviously not!”
“I’m so sorry Gloria! I really have learned my lesson, really I have - I’ll do anything you say!” he promised, miserably.
“That’s just as well Ed because I think you need something to remind you of your responsibilities from time to time, don’t you? Anyway, we’ll talk about that later. In the mean time, something about being over at Gerry’s and hearing them talk has given me this tremendous itch. You can keep your coat on; we’ll only be delayed a few minutes!” Gloria lay down on the kitchen tiles and pulled her skirt up to her waist. “Lick, Rover!” she commanded and lay and let her orgasm build and wash over her calling out as she liked, enjoying her husband’s contribution to her day...much more so as licking and sucking as he was, he was swallowing Gerry’s semen.