Thanks to
My agent, Frances Black, at Literary Counsel.
You told me I could do it, and I did! My heartfelt thanks for your sage advice, professional expertise, and unwavering support.
My editor at Crooked Lane Books, Faith Black Ross.
Thank you for believing in this book from the beginning and for the edits that improved it exponentially.
Everyone at Crooked Lane Books who helped to bring this book to life.
It may not take a village, but it certainly takes a (talented and hardworking) team!
My critique partners, Lindsey Duga and Richard Pearson.
The writing life would be much more difficult, and much less fun, without you.
My immediate and extended family, especially my son, Thomas.
My friends, in real life and online. Special thanks to all my supportive author friends.
And not last, nor least, but best—my husband, Kevin G. Weavil.
Thanks, as always, for being my favorite beta reader and fan. Love you!