Card of the Week: The Wheel of Fortune
Thank you for purchasing the optional Weekly Tarot Card Forecast for an additional $4.99.* You clicked on the Wheel of Fortune card, also known as the Wheel of Karma. It is chosen to remind us that what goes around, comes around. It can also signal a major shift in perspective in the coming week. Alternately, it could mean that some sort of sacrifice may soon be needed. Only time will tell. Drawing the Wheel of Fortune often means you will experience some uncomfortable shifts in the days ahead, but it can lead you to a much-needed release of negative past patterns that are no longer serving you. Ask yourself what have you been holding onto? How have these beliefs held you back? Would you be better off if you were able to just let it all go?
Note: Your Wheel of Fortune card was reversed, which means your luck and fortune may take a turn for the worse. You may experience unexpected change, or negative forces could be at play, leaving you feeling powerless and vulnerable. This tarot card signals that factors outside your control are at play, as though the universe is toying with you. This is one of the challenging aspects of the Wheel of Fortune, since no matter which way the wheel turns, it is impossible to try to change it. It’s critical to remember that you always have choices in life. Some choices will lead you to better days, some will not. The more you trust your intuition and allow the Universe to guide you, the better the outcomes will be.
*Weekly Tarot Card Forecast requires four-week commitment at a rate of $4.99 per forecast, billable to the credit card on file.