
If you've reached this point of the book, you will have designed some cool things using APIs. Well done!

In this chapter, we moved towards consuming ProductsController to display the product list on our client-side app. Product attributes along with their pricing details were shown with a simple UI that was designed using Bootstrap, jQuery, and HTML.

Slightly modified GET requests inside ProductsController with a searchString parameter helped us to retrieve search results from the API. Clients could easily implement the search function by consuming the endpoint with text.

We then looked at our shopping cart. We explored how CartsController actions can be consumed to add, update, and delete cart items while updating the UI. In the process, we implemented security for the controller using authentication.

Finally, we converted the items in our cart into a visualized order. This was done using OrdersController, which can also be used to provide shipping and tracking information to clients.

In the next chapter, we're going to take a look at different techniques for testing the RESTful Web API designed in .NET Core.